Smashing Healthy VR releases on Steam.

April 12, 2020 ·

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Pixel Ripped 1995 releases on Steam and the Oculus Store

Pixel Ripped 1995 has you helping our hero Dot face challenging throwbacks to all your favorite 16-bit and 32-bit classics while surviving the struggles of a typical nine-year-old kid
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Virus Popper releases on PCVR.

Virus Popper is a fast-paced educational game about personal hygiene. We wanted to make a fun and friendly way to share important messages without adding to the fear and panic in the world right now.
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Get Ready To Visit Chernobyl Again...

I don't know how I ended up here or what exactly happened when that button was pushed. Was it a miscalculation or a calculated risk? The event that will happen due to my discovery of time travel will cause the…
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Get Ready To FRACK This End Of The World As We Know it up...

There is something about the winter. Something about the cold air, the snow, and skiing. That is until the world as it was turned into this fracking piece of a place with those fracking pieces of fracking goons. But they…
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Get Ready For the Oculus v32 Update That Is Nearing Impact...

Some may say that if it is not broke don't fix it while others get excited about updates for our favorite headsets that can show what the company has been working on and see how things can even get better.…
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The Atlas Mystery: A VR Puzzle Game - The Review

If you were in charge of a place that was full of mystery, do you think you would be able to solve it or do you think it would go unsolved throughout the test of time? Sometimes, it's the thoughts…
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