Resident Evil 8 Might Have A Mode For PlayStation VR…

April 13, 2020 ·

Rumors…oh how they are fun and exciting. But the real excitement is if the rumor you really want to happen comes true. Resident Evil has been around for a long time. I still remember that scene where the dogs jumping through the window and it made me jump at the time. I can look back on it and laugh at it now. But what Capcom was able to do with Resident Evil 7: Biohazard and take jump scares and the horror genre and intensify it within Virtual Reality really was something special. So with the remakes of some of the recent RE games that truly look incredible, what about the next game in the series, Resident Evil 8? It has been said that there would be a first-person perspective mode. This is very interesting, but not surprising with the success that RE7 has had and all the fun that PlayStation VR players have had and are having with the experience.

But look at everything that has been announced from the DualSense controller to the patents of what is next in line for PlayStation VR. It could very well be an amazing experience on the original PlayStation VR headset with PlayStation 4. But what if, like the PlayStation 4 base model and then the Pro model added to the PlayStation VR and intensified that experience on the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation VR 2? Just something to think about. Now, if we can also get the prequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Walkthrough The Fear to experience at home.

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