Tag: Castlesteps Games

The Bellows – The Interview

October 8, 2019 ·

Horror and VR are a combination of both frightening and magical. The ability to have you immersed into a world that very well could be as real as yours and flip that to allow your inner fears to come alive in similar ways as visiting a haunted house is truly remarkable. I reached out to the team at CastleSteps Gaming for some of their thoughts and what makes The Bellows stand out. What were some of the major influences for The Bellows? "The… Read more.

The Bellows – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

When I first wrote about The Bellows I quoted a saying by John Irving. "Of all the things that you choose in life, you don't get to choose what your nightmares are. You don't pick them, they pick you." And this is how good it can be when you mix VR with horror or in this case The Bellows from Castle Steps with PlayStation VR. In The Bellows, you play as a man in his house trying to evade the storm.… Read more.

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