Tag: Catan

Grab Your Oculus Quest/Quest 2 And Get Ready To Play Some CATAN VR…

February 7, 2021 ·

For those that may enjoy the tabletop version of the game, but either not everyone wants to play or with there being a pandemic can get everyone to play. I mean, I guess you could set up an online meeting session with everyone having a cam and everyone buying the game to move the pieces, but then you get into who has what cards and it could take a very long time to play. But what is probably the easier… Read more.

Catan VR—The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Have you ever wanted to play a tabletop game and either could not get anyone to play or the choice of the game was never agreed on? Tabletop games can bring out the competition in some while bringing fun to others. Does developer Experiment 7 bring the competition and the fun of tabletop games to Virtual Reality? Let’s find out with Catan VR for the PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54-E1XERNGM I will say that I have never played Catan before, not because I didn’t want to.… Read more.

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