Tag: Dungeon

Crystal Rift – The Interview

October 8, 2019 ·

Crystal Rift is a grid-based dungeon crawler from a classic first-person perspective. An experiential horror challenge game that takes the player through a series of increasingly mysterious locations. With Crystal Rift out on PlayStation VR, I wanted to delve into the minds behind the game and reached out to Psytec Games about what inspired them and their thoughts on VR. John Hibbins, the founder of Psytec Games.  What were some of the influences for Crystal Rift? “Early Grid-Based dungeon crawlers like Dungeon Master and… Read more.

Crystal Rift – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

Some of the games that help expand what we may know now can be bounced off a certain type of genre of games, dungeon crawlers. You might have to find a key or a potion or fight a monster. All that nostalgia and more are present in Crystal Rift by Psytec Games for PlayStation VR. When I first tried Crystal Rift I was brought back to those games where we must explore and try not to fall in the pits of fire… Read more.

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