Regarding the platformer genre, what do you look for the most? Is it the characters? Maybe it's the level design? Or maybe, it's the entertainment of it all? For me, I consider the above factors, along with the art style, and evaluate if something new is being brought to the table. Since the 80s, platformers have entertained us, progressed, and have become more challenging over the years. So does the developer, Toast Interactive, bring the fun and challenges to the… Read more.
Escape Into Your Reality
Tag: Max Mustard
There was something funny about that man, that businessman. He had a way of deceiving those who trusted him, but now the baby mudpups are missing. But for whatever reason that Stubbins has taken them is not known, but we must get to him and to get to him, we have to go through his minions. This isn't going to be easy. I have called upon you for help. I know you can do this and you won't be alone… Read more.