Tag: SeaLegacy

Jupiter & Mars – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

Ever since I saw Jupiter & Mars for the PlayStation VR announced at PSX 2017, there was something that drew me in. It is one thing to look at something and see it, but it is another to experience it in Virtual Reality. There is just something about what I saw and what would sure to be a glorious and refreshing experience. So I reached out to Tigerton to get some of their thoughts, some of their inspirations and to learn more… Read more.

Jupiter & Mars – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Our world is full of amazing life. From the creatures that are on land as well as those who have the ocean as their home. But there is something about man and his desire to advance. And a lot of times greed to gain advancements can cause some to have no respect for the planet they live on, much less for the ocean and what they dump into it. But do developers Tigertron and their development partners of Tantalus and… Read more.

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