Tag: Story

Metro Awakening – The Review

November 17, 2024 ·

What if the world as you knew it became part of a nuclear blast that wiped out part of the human race? The destruction of the world crumbled as a shell of its former self. Some of your friends and loved ones didn't all make it. How would you survive what happened? Would you be able to make a home for those you found and work together and protect by any means necessary? It's scary to think about what if… Read more.

The Last Taxi – The Review

August 7, 2022 ·

The life of a taxi driver can be very interesting when you think about it. Picking up passengers and listening to the stories that they tell all while engaging in the conversation. What do you think if what you were told was something that could become something very dangerous or possibly the one you heard about on the news, was actually the one sitting right behind you? Do you think you would be nervous, try to help in any way… Read more.


August 17, 2021 ·

For many MYST holds a special place in many hearts of gamers. It has been played on various platforms since 1993 with the most recent MYST for the Oculus Quest/Quest 2. But now, it looks like that vision of MYST for VR is expanding to PCVR and with that, comes some additional details about the upcoming release. Fully redesigned and created from the ground up using Unreal Engine. Many puzzles were reimagined and engineered to include both enhanced accessibility and optional… Read more.

When People Don’t Believe In You, You Must Believe In Yourself…

August 10, 2021 ·

Ever since I can remember, all I have ever wanted to do was to go into space. I just wanted to see the stars...the moon...the Earth from a different perspective. I watched the films and kept my hopes up and my dreams wide open. But all my life I was told that was no place for a girl. I was told to give up my dreams. But I didn't stop. But I made it through training even up to the… Read more.

Enter The MYST Dimension…

June 27, 2021 ·

MYST has been a game and a franchise that has been around for many years. Last year, MYST came to the Oculus Quest/Quest 2 in became the game I have always envisioned for MYST and hopes that we would get to see the sequels get the VR treatment they deserve. Well, it looks like the next step is bringing MYST to PCVR for new players to play in a whole new dimension in both VR and non-VR. If you have… Read more.

The Last Taxi – The Interview

November 20, 2020 ·

When you think about it, people are very fascinating. From where they have been, who they have met, and even their hopes and dreams. No matter what, we all have a story to tell. Sometimes it's those stories that we may realize could be a form of guidance to our own chapters for our own stories just waiting to be told. So when I heard Developer ZenFri Inc. was making a game where you are the last human taxi driver… Read more.

Theseus – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

Theseus from Forge Replay has finally landed its way on the PlayStation VR. When you look at the trailer, you get a sense of adventure that makes you want to crawl your way through and experience this in all it’s VR glory. Theseus is a story of you and your relationship with Ariadne who according to Greek Mythology is the daughter of King Minos of Krete, who assisted Theseus (you) and your quest to slay Minotauros. And that is what Theseus is the story of.… Read more.

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