SUPERHOT VR Holiday DLC Is Alive…

December 13, 2020 ·

Oh, the holidays. The time for togetherness, the time for celebration, and the time slow motion VR chaos. That's right, SUPERHOT VR has just received pushed out the Holiday DLC and it's going to bring the Boxing into your day. The DLC is called the Boxing DXay update and with that comes a new scoring system, a new "suitably festive soundtrack", and a new endless level. But in order to gain access to this new DLC, you will need to… Read more.

SUPERHOT VR – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

Time only moves when you do. These words could not be more true with SUPERHOT VR from The SUPERHOT team has finally come to PlayStation VR and this is a very good thing. Since this is a PSVR game, clear some space, grab your headset and the two Move controllers, because you will be shooting guns, punching, using swords, and throwing ninja stars all around you. One of the many things that I appreciate about this game is it doesn’t play the… Read more.

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