Back on April 16, 2019, developer, Tin Man Games released the game Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown that was a mix of Jumanji and Dungeons and Dragons and the idea of what would happen if it was brought into Virtual Reality. It allowed a game master and really had the story unfolding on the table right before your eyes. It really is quite an enjoyable experience that should not be missed and has plenty of features to keep you… Read more.
Escape Into Your Reality
Tag: Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown
In this issue of Mr. PSVR's Interview Corner, we talk with Neil Rennison of Tin Man Games and get into some of the games that they have been responsible for and learn more about their newest game, Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown. A game that brings to life the tabletop game genre, a narrative-driven campaign, and how being a scoundrel can sometimes lead to being a hero in ways that only Virtual Reality can. We also find out what… Read more.
The role-playing element has been out for ages. From the times you gathered with your friends to roll the dice and play the cards to the cartoons and movies being watched to even the controller in your hand. For some, it may be a way to live another life in order to escape our own or it may be a way to have our character increase in power or the decision to end that character’s life. The imagination, the situations… Read more.