Tag: Typing

Paper Jam! – The Review

September 5, 2021 ·

The dictionary has a lot of words in it. Words you may have not heard of before to those that you have. But when is the last time you actually opened up a dictionary or took the time to learn a new word or two? For some, this may be a daily or weekly thing. But for many others, the thought may have never crossed their minds. It's a good thing to get in the habit of because you never… Read more.

Paper Jam! – The Interview

August 24, 2021 ·

Putting words together to tell a story can be crucial to the way the story is told. Sometimes it's finding the right letters for the words of the right context that can either be the fun part of the challenging part depending on the person and the situation. If you had a time limit to spell as many words as you could, how well do you think you would do? Would the pressure of coming up with a new word… Read more.

Can You Solve The Anagrams¿

July 31, 2021 ·

How the world has changed. Robots are now reading books. They love to read and gain more knowledge. However, all of the printing presses were damaged. Not sure if it was due to a leaky roof that was never repaired and all the water ruined the equipment (that's what my Uncle Bot told me, but not sure it is the truth), it could have been there are no more parts as more and more robots are being created and they… Read more.

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