Tag: Windlands 2

Windlands 2 – The Review

January 13, 2022 ·

There is something about being in Virtual Reality and doing different things. From the ability to walk, to jump, to even swing in different and unique ways. But to make those abilities work, there has to be some dedication and hard work put into it along with giving the player some fun. So does developer Psytec Games bring what was loved about the first Windlands and improve on it the ways we could have hoped for? Let's find out with… Read more.

Windlands 2 – The Interview

November 30, 2021 ·

When you are able to explore in a game, finding hidden things is part of the fun, but when you can soar through the world, seeing everything from a different view can add a new appreciation to things. Sometimes it's just seeing how big everything is to just see the overall beauty that can be presented. But when Psytec Games made a sequel to Windlands, I wanted to know more. So I reached out and the CEO of Psytec Games,… Read more.

Windlands 2 Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

June 16, 2021 ·

Those lands. The perfect place to think, to share with some friends, and to swing like there is no tomorrow. But with beauty can come the dangers of those that seek it. Those gigantic titans, those creatures will let nothing get in their way. But sometimes the beauty is in the eye of the beholder...or when you have the people that you can call your true friends by your side to not let you face the danger alone. Features include:… Read more.

Sometimes Entering The Windlands With Friends Is All That You Need…

February 23, 2021 ·

We know, that first time you entered the lands and being able to swing seemed unreal. It was like this experience that you couldn't wait to share. But you made it to tell the tales of this world and its dangers. But something is calling you back. Maybe it's the new dangers or gigantic titans, but whatever it is, it must be stopped or the danger will continue to destroy this fallen world. But you don't have to go at… Read more.

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