Ultrawings 2 Is Taking Flight On…

February 1, 2022 ·

Back in October of 2019, developer Bit Planet Games allowed us to take flight with Ultrawings and fly in the skies above. Then in December, we got some news on Ultrawings 2 with a lot of information other than it would be an open-world adventure made for VR, motion controls including HOTAS support, improved aircraft physics, and tons of gameplay. Well, it looks like there is even more exciting news to look forward to including the following:

  • The Quest 2 version and PCVR version will be identical, except the PCVR version is receiving HOTAS support and reduction in asset quality.
  • 5 very unique aircraft
  • Nearly 300 various missions
  • 4 hand-built islands where you will get to land, pop baloons, dogfight, fly through score rings, compete in stunt courses, launch grenades, and much more.

In the future, there will be many updates including:

  • Competitive multiplayer (dogfighting)
  • A wanted-type system
  • Oil rig and aircraft carrier where you can land on and explore as well as complete missions from
  • A new racing airplane
  • Single player air races as paid DLC
  • And possibly, depending if you want it, a team-based mode and competetive balloon popping action

But it looks like we won’t have to wait long for the Quest 2 version as Ultrawings 2 releases on the Oculus Store on February 3, 2022, and coming soon to Steam VR in March 2022.

Until then…please enjoy…

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