Get Ready For The New Module And Body Trackers From HTC…

March 10, 2021 ·

I love it when new VR tech gets announced and HTC has announced some additions for their Vive Pro headset. We have a new facial tracker that will capture facial expressions and mouth movements. This attachment will have two cameras along with an infrared illuminator so it can record and read cheek, lip, and jaw movements in real-time to translate it into the Virtual world. The new attachment is coming soon and will cost $129.99.

Then we also have the new generation 3 tracker that will literally fit in the size of your palm as they are about 33% smaller and even HTC is stating that there will be a 75% increase in the battery life. The coming soon tracker will also cost $129.99.

But of course with new technology comes at a price and in order to get both, that is going to cost. But with that cost, you are getting more accuracy for tracking that is not normally found in consumer VR. So, I get that if you are already going for the Vive PRO, you want to have the best overall experience, but when you add everything up including these attachments, the headset, and pc/laptop that it is needed, it can get up there. But this is for the more pro scene and not the everybody’s consumer HTC headset like the Vive Cosmos.

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