Operation Warcade – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

When I played Operation Warcade by Ivanovich Games for the PlayStation VR, I felt the smiles suddenly come over me. There was something all too familiar, but also new at the same time. Something about playing this game in Virtual Reality that added just the right ingredient of fun to an already course of entertainment. So I reached out to Ivanovich Games to learn more about their thoughts on Virtual Reality, adding Aim controller support and the overall fun in gaming.

Ivanovich Games

Welcome to The PlayStation Brahs. Please tell us your name and please tell us about Ivanovich Games. What do you like most about gaming and working for Ivanovich Games?

“I’m Ivan Cascales, CEO and founder of a small indie studio of Barcelona focused in VR. What I like most about my job is that if you do what you like, you’ll never work again.”

What other games have Ivanovich Games been part of that some of the gamers out there might not be aware of?

“We’ve been playing games for 9 years. We used to make mobile games first. We publish many, some of them quite well-known like Final Kick or Letris. But 2 or 3 years ago we were 100% focused on virtual reality games. Operation Warcade is the first one we released for PSVR. But not the last one. We hope to be able to give news in the coming months”

Operation Warcade just came out on April 11th, 2018. How has the overall reception been?

“It’s a blast! It has been very nice to read the comments of the people enjoying the game.”

Where did the idea come from of taking the arcade and allowing us to be within the game?

“I don’t remember exactly how the idea came out, but it came out of my head :-). I have a lot of crazy ideas. A lot more than I have time to do.”

When you enter Operation Warcade, you see some other arcade games that I and I am sure others wanted to try out and play. Is there a possibility of those games coming to PlayStation VR as well?

“All the games you see in the arcade are from Ivanovich Games. As I already mentioned, Operation Warcade is the first one we released for PSVR but in Steam, we have several titles for VR. The best known would be Final Soccer VR. And soon we will be able to add one more, which I think we will also like very much. We can already say that it will be present in the PSVR catalog soon.”

Part of the fun in Operation Warcade is where you are able to actually get inside the vehicles and control them in like a free-form type of way so you can steer with one hand and fire with the next, but it leaves you wanting more of that. Any chance that we may get more of that with maybe some DLC or maybe something else in the future that will incorporate that more into the game?

“Yes… A lot of people liked this part: Driving while shooting is fun. Personally, I don’t like DLC’s. But I think this mechanics is very promising. And I can’t go much further. Shsssss ;)”

Adding Aim controller support was a very nice touch and just adds to the experience. Was the Aim controller always going to be supported?

“Yeah. Yeah. I was very clear that a PSVR game like Operation Warcade that aims to relive the experience of the classic arcade games where you wield a weapon should be compatible with the Aim-Controller because the immersive feel this controller offers is really incredible. It gets much better traveling yourself to this decade.”

Virtual Reality is really amazing. Have there been some roadblocks you were not thinking about or didn’t realize when you were starting to make Operation Warcade?

“I don’t remember any specific problems with Operation Warcade. But this is our 5th game and I think that helps too. Virtual reality is a totally new genre for everyone and it is hard to get used to because there are no standards. But it’s really amazing and it’s worth all our effort.”

Did you find it easy working with PlayStation VR and Sony?

“The approval process has been much more difficult than I expected. A real five-month nightmare of making changes. In our next game, which is already on its way, we hope we have learned a lot from our mistakes and that this process will be much lighter.”

With the library of PlayStation VR growing, what would you say to the gamer out there who might be looking for something new to play and why they should pick up Operation Warcade?

“Do you really think they can find any better? 🙂 Seriously, everybody can enjoy Operation Warcade. But I would especially recommend it to those who are over 30 years old and therefore living that time. I think I’m pretty much in that group.”

Are there any other games or projects Ivanovich Games are working on or that can be discussed at this time? Anything PlayStation VR related?

“Yes! We have 2 new games for PSVR coming out this year. We’re a bit like Apple in that we never go into too much detail about our projects. But let’s hope to come back very soon with some fresh news.”

I really want to thank Ivan for taking the time to answer some questions. Operation Warcade is a blast to play and is out now.

Operation Warcade is out now on PlayStation VR and is also available on the Oculus Store, Steam, and Viveport.  

Also, check out the review

To learn more about Ivanovich Games please visit their sitelike them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy.

Mr. PSVR, April 23, 2018, theplaystationbrahs.com
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