Tag: Cactus Cowboy – Desert Warfare

Cactus Cowboy – Desert Warfare – The Review

November 11, 2023 ·

Greed can be a dangerous trait to have. You keep wanting and wanting, trying to feel a void that for some, can never be filled. But when that greed becomes greater than we ever imagined that even wars would start, then it's time to stop wanting and start trying to do what is right. But does developer Cactus VR Studio continue to allow our inner Cacti out, or do we become part of the crossfire? Let's find out with Cactus… Read more.

The War Will Never Be The Same In This Desert Warfare…

August 20, 2023 ·

War is always a risk, no matter the side. But sometimes you must fight for your beliefs even if you are unsure of your surroundings. The desert can be a tricky place, but we Cacti were built for this. But there was one Cacti Carl that had an idea that led us into something deep, something interesting, something worth fighting for. Once we found that tomb, the bug army wanted what was inside and would not stop until they got… Read more.

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