Sometimes we may not get to experience everything on the planet. Sometimes we may get stuck in a rut of what seems like nothing can go our way no matter how hard it seems we try to change things. But maybe that's what we need. Maybe we need something with a little bounce, a little swing, some interaction, or maybe what we really need is some rhythm to make us feel energized. Features include: Rhythm Activities Super Parties Haptic feedback… Read more.
Escape Into Your Reality
Tag: Gamepoch
The one thing that almost seems perfect for Virtual Reality is art. Whether it be in the form of creating it or performing it. But when you add music and the drumming to it, you can actually have a lot of fun with it. So when I got the chance to try out Audio Beats that was developed by Famiku and published by Gamepoch for the PlayStation VR, I was very intrigued and excited for what the possibilities I could have here. Now Audio… Read more.