It's been over a year since Eye of the Temple, the experience in that you played with your own body as you stepped onto blocks, smashed pots, flicked levers, and dodged obstacles as you tried to use your physically simulated whip all to reach the temple and hopefully survived to tell the story launched on Steam VR. Now, you can take the adventure to new places as you use that space to the fullest and unlock the speed challenges with… Read more.
Escape Into Your Reality
Tag: Roomscale
Football is a sport enjoyed by many. Fans will live by the team at the highs and stay with them at their lows. Some fans will even switch teams when they felt like their team let them down only to be on the bandwagon when the next season starts. A Quarterback's job is not an easy one with trying to make the plays in hopes that the play gets executed in the right way. But when it comes down to… Read more.