Imagine a ship that was made out to be unsinkable and perfect in every way. But it wasn't until that evening, on April 14, 1912, that the unthinkable happened, the Titanic sank in 2 hours and 40 minutes. The 1,496 lives would never have the chance to try and get off the ship as it and the souls sunk. And as tragic as it was, what remains is at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. But if you had… Read more.
Escape Into Your Reality
Tag: Titanic: A Space Betwen
We last heard about returning to the Titanic in November 2023, which was supposed to come out in the Q4 of 2023. But there is a funny thing about time travel, it never forgets and if the calculations are not correct, you very well may be stuck in time. But what if, all the calculations were run over and over with the same result of being safe, would you still take the journey knowing that at any time in any… Read more.
The program always has its challenges. Sometimes it's out of our hands, but sometimes those hands don't realize that there will be more harm than good. I get it. Some of our past travels may have not had the results that everyone had hoped for and some of them did change the outlook of time, but in order to perfect something, we have to test it. My name is Dr. Hendrick Plackett and my mission is to rescue Diana before… Read more.