Are You The Next Ubisoft VR Narrative Designer?

February 18, 2020 ·

Ubisoft has been part of some great franchises and some fun VR experiences and it looks like it wants to take one of its existing greatest franchises into Virtual Reality. A recent posting is for a Narrative Designer – VR (Unannounced Project which can be found here.

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But it makes you wonder what franchise that can be. Maybe a Splinter Cell or Watch Dogs or how about Far Cry or Assassin’s Creed? I mean they did announce a return to the Prince of Persia in the form of a VR escape room with The Dagger of Time which would be an awesome experience or it could be something else such as a VR edition of Just Dance. All I know is anything is possible and let’s just hope whatever franchise they decide to go with, we can all get immersed as much as possible.

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