Creed: Rise to Glory – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

You have thought about this moment. You have the eye of the tiger within you. You are destined to be the champion. But have you put in the training needed to win? When you think about these sayings, what comes to mind? Sports…Motivation…Determination…Pain…Competition? If you answered yes to any of these then you would be correct. But does Developer Survios and Publishers Survios and MGM Interactive allow you to do all of these things in Virtual Reality? The answer is yes, but how well does it execute the total knock out? Let’s find out with Creed: Rise to Glory for the PlayStation VR.

When you see the name Survios you know you are in for a good time, but adding that music builds up only intensifies that time you will be having. I also want to point out that when you have a game/experience like Creed: Rise to Glory that allows your virtual hands to move as freely as the way it does in reality that is very important. It’s these small details that for some who may not pay attention to that really shows the amount of work Survios puts in.

Creed: Rise to Glory has you playing as Adonis Creed and you are here to become what you were destined to be…a legend. But before you can become the champion of the ring, you must become the champion of yourself and that will require hard work, determination, and if anything else the sweat to make it all work. So you will not be starting at the top level in front of…

fans…no no…this is not how a legend becomes a legend. So it’s time for your training and it’s time for your sweat to increase. Yes, you will be sweating as you will be moving and ducking and punching your way to victory. So make sure you have fans on, make sure you have a towel nearby and make sure you have some water because you will need them all.

So make sure both of your Move controllers are fully charged because of the amount of time you will be playing, you will need it. You might want to pay attention to each of the training so you can figure out how to move, punch and block because you will need it. I appreciate how you are able to just go in and box with some training or jump right into a fight to even changing the location as it is good to have options.

Before I go any further, I mentioned making sure you have the fan on, a towel, and water around you (well maybe not the water as you may knock it over and then you will need the towel to clean up the water that I just spilled…I mean you spilled and then you will need new water and a new towel depending on how much water you spilled and had to clean up), but you will want to stretch. Remember this is boxing, this is a workout, and you will feel it the next day or so. At the time of writing this my shoulders and back are feeling what Survios brought to the table with Creed: Rise to Glory. So thank you Survios…thank you for making me want to continue with the pain and wanting to get into better shape.

Training is in the form of anywhere punching bags to dummies to even running on a treadmill. You can tell a lot of thought was put into what type of training exercises you would be doing and it really shows. I love how you have someone helping you train to get you ready for the fights. It just adds to the heart and soul of the experience you will have here.

Everything you thought you knew…everything you have trained for doesn’t compare to the actual fights. When you see the other fighter in front of you and how intimidating some of them look in Virtual Reality from the way they move to even touch gloves and them looking into your eyes at your soul and have already figured out how they are about to go into boxing beast mode on you without hesitation, it truly is remarkable and immersive it all really is.

Of course in Boxing, you are going to get hit. I mean it is boxing after all. But here, you will need to make sure you put in your punches and give it what you have or it may not seem like your punches have any impact. This may raise a question or two but think about it. What is going to be more effective, a light jab or furious punch? So whatever you do, make your punches count. When you get hit so many times and you start to fall back, the slow-motion dramatic begins and you will need to move your gloves to match your fighter. Keep getting hit, and you just might find your soul leaving your body (not really) in this out of body experience that you then have to move the Move controllers to run to get back to your fighter and you have until the count of 10 to do so. This may seem easy, but depending on how bad you are injured, you may need to move your arms very fast like you were trying to run a marathon only to get back within a second or two and having to fight again, but then if your arms are tired from that running and the previous fighting, you will need to find it within you to earn that victory.

When you are in the ring and you need to move, there is no easy turning as you will be clicking to turn. At first, I wanted to question this as I was hoping for a more smooth turning in the ring, but after getting used to it and actually learning how to move in the ring, it started to make more sense on why this type of movement was used.

But to be able to fight as Rocky Balboa is something that has this refreshing feel and if you can score a victory, it just makes it that much better. And yes every time the other fighter hit the mat and tried to get up, I threw in a punch just to see if it works and yes…yes it does.

To add the icing on top of the cake, there is online crossplay, PVP online fights with other people. Now at the time, I decided to get try that, no one was on but there will be and I plan on being there every step of the way because Creed: Rise to Glory is that much fun and is that good and when you add leaderboards to the mix, it gives you even more of a reason to raise your hand after a victory.

Graphically speaking everything looked good. To some, there may be some a little low resolution, but when you are moving, swinging, boxing, sweating and having a work out like this, your focus is going to be on the movement and fighting with your opponent. I am more than happy to have the immersive action over high-graphics when it comes to this environment.

Sound-wise from the punches to the grunts to the music is top-notch from coming to an almost knock out and trying to get back to my body and hearing the music to motivate me was really inspiring and shows a job well done.

If anything, there is a learning curve and like anything that we have to learn, it may take a little longer to get used to it. You will have to learn how to block, you will learn how to duck, and you will have to learn how to combine them all. Have the patience…the determination…the will, and you will be in for an awesome time.

If one trains, one will succeed. If anything, we learn what works and what does not work when it comes to succeeding. Sometimes we have to look within and bring that out in order to become victorious. Creed: Rise to Glory shows us with the right amount of motivation…determination…pain…competition…blood, sweat, and tears, we can learn from our trials and errors to release that fighter from within.

Creed: Rise to Glory is out now on PlayStation VR and is also available on the Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift/S on the Oculus Store and Steam. A review code was provided.

Also, check out the interview with Eugene Elkin of Survios.

To learn more about Electronauts, please visit the site. To learn more about Survios, please visit their site, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, follow them on Instagram, and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy. Until next time, I have more training to do.

Mr. PSVR, October 3, 2018,
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