Tag: Sports

Walkabout Tours Proudly Welcomes You To Party Viva Las Vegas Style With The King…

January 16, 2025 ·

Here at Walkabout Tours, we hope everyone has been enjoying their magical getaway as you celebrated the holidays with us. We mentioned shortly after we headed for Venice that we would have some excursions along the way. One of those was one that we previously mentioned of celebrating the King of Rock' n' Roll, the one and only, Elvis Presley. Well, we wanted to make the announcement that for those who signed up for this excursion, could you meet us… Read more.

Our Walkabout Tour Will Have To Make A Detour To Mars…

September 10, 2024 ·

We hope you have been enjoying the destinations on this crazy tour thus far. But it looks like we have a surprise for all you Walkabout fans and it's not what you think. We will all need you to head towards Deck M as you will want to hold on to your belongings. Yes mam, that means that hat, if you must. We have a detour to Mars. Yes, Mars. The planet you have all heard about and dreamed about.… Read more.

When The Thrill Of The Race Gets Heated, Are You Prepared To Take It To The Next Level?

September 8, 2024 ·

There is something about the thrill of the race. The rush of the treacherous terrains, from the dry trails to the ones with where nature will slap you right in the face. With every turn, you will feel the twist of every intensity that comes with the race. You hear those engines coming right behind you with every second counting. To win this race is not just crossing the finish line, it's about how you handle the situation when things… Read more.

Walkabout Tours Welcomes You To The Viva Las Vegas Excursion…

May 22, 2024 ·

Yes, we hear at Walkabout Tours know you are having a blast as you have been touring all that Venice has shown you. You have enjoyed the scenery, the food, and even the culture. Yes, even you in the back who bought that two sizes too small fedora and you mam, who decided to take that triple shot of espresso and who has been bouncing off the courses and causing everyone to have their hole-in-one photo moments of a lifetime.… Read more.

Grab Your Passport, Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You To Walkabout Tours…

April 18, 2024 ·

It's getting to that time of year when soon schools will be out for summer, family vacations start, and when it's all said and done, you will need a vacation from your vacation. Sure, you could rest up, but you deserve more. You deserve the sights, the beauty, and the luxury that only we can provide. That's why our first part of the tour will take you to Venice. Yes, you heard that right, Venice. And the best part is,… Read more.

Racket Club – The Review

April 11, 2024 ·

There is a variety of sports that can be played. From Hockey to Football to Tennis to Cornhole. People love to watch them as well as to play them. Have you ever played a sport and wished that you could combine them in some way? Take, for example, the combination of Baseball and Basketball in BASEketball. Sure, at first, people thought it wouldn't work, but with dedication and allowing anyone to play, it became a new sensation. Nevertheless, certain sports… Read more.

Quest 2/3/Pro Players Get Ready To Do That Crooked Grind & Ride Those Rails…

March 30, 2024 ·

Ever since VR Skater: SL was released on Pico, and VR Skater was released for PlayStation VR2 and Steam VR, Quest players have been asking when they would get their chance to attempt to perform their favorite tricks and skate like there is no tomorrow. Well, the developer has heard you and heard you well, and soon you will get your wish. Designed from the ground up for VR to give you the most authentic, challenging, and immersive skating game… Read more.

SkydiveSim – The Review

March 15, 2024 ·

Skydiving is a sport not for the faint of heart but for those with no regrets, no fear, and the no looking-back attitude. Many people have taken the jump only to show this newfound version of themselves. While those who would think two or ten times before even attempting, the select few will jump like there is no tomorrow. But for those who dare not try it in real life, you can try it at home thanks to Virtual Reality.… Read more.

Racket Club Is Serving That New Spin Update…

February 21, 2024 ·

It's only been a few months since we could step on the court with Racket Club and there have already been 370,000 matches to see who can be the best. But sometimes, it's not always about the competition, sometimes it's about the fun of the game. Playing with both old and new friends has never been easier and now with the new Spin Update, there are some new ways to play from private double matches and leaderboards to take on… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl Wants To See If You Can Bowl The Perfect Game On PlayStation VR2…

December 24, 2023 ·

Bowling is a sport that many love and others may have a holiday tradition of going to the bowling alley with family and friends to have some friendly competition. There is something about the pins being put down, the bowling ball in your hands, and trying to get that strike. Sure, we can blame the alley being too slippery, but there is something about the friendly competition that just keeps us wanting more. Well, ForeVR Games has us all covered… Read more.

ForeVR Pool Wants You To Try To Sink That Corner Pocket On PlayStation VR2…

December 24, 2023 ·

The holidays can be a great time of the year. We have the weather changing, decorations being put up, family time becoming even more special, and the game of Pool can take those we don't even know into the friends we want to know even more. It's a game where skill, attitude, and trick shots can make for an amazing time. And as we approach the end of the holiday season, your Pool greatness does not. And it looks like… Read more.

Just Hoops Wants To Take Your Game To New Realities…

November 12, 2023 ·

It all started at your local arcade with every shot, you were making it In da Hoop! Then your shots were tested in various ways as no one could touch your Just Hoops skills. But as you challenged everyone with the lights of the arcade of the inside, it was when you were challenged to take your game to the outside your element that you realized that not only were you testing everyone else, but yourself as well. Features include:… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You To Alfheim – Land of the Elves…

September 16, 2023 ·

The story of Norse mythology has many roots. From the gods to their adventures. But all the roots come from the mighty tree Igdrasil, or as some may know it as Odin's horse, which is connected to the nine realms. Within those realms is a land of elves that are split between the light and the dark. But what some may not know is that they created a mini golf course so masterful yet untouched from even time itself. Features… Read more.

Tennis On-Court Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

August 12, 2023 ·

Back at the beginning of July, we learned about a Tennis game simulator coming to PlayStation VR2 called Tennis-On-Court. In Tennis On-Court, you will be able to practice your backhand, work on your shots, and even compete against your friends in this fully customizable and fully immersive game of Tennis. But now, it looks like there are some additional details, a new trailer, and a release date to look forward to. Features include: Foundations - Gameplay: Arcade or Realistic, choose… Read more.

Are You Ready To Fight With Your Bare Knuckles?

July 28, 2023 ·

The world can be a dangerous place. Sometimes what we dream of doesn't come true and decisions are made no matter how poorly they may be. Some elect to become what we never dreamed of and the fighters within ourselves will come out swinging when we need it the most. But sometimes, no matter how hard we may try, we may be able to take the streets from the fighter, but you can't take the fighter from the streets. Features… Read more.

VR Skater Just Needs A little More Time, And Now Will Release On…

July 20, 2023 ·

Last month, we learned that VR Skater would be delayed and would be released on July 21st. But now, we will need to wait just a little bit longer as a few changes need to be made, including some trophy support among other minors adjustments and fixes. I believe many of us would want that to make sure all is as perfect as can be. But this will not be a long wait, as VSkater will now be released digitally… Read more.

What Will You Catch In This Galaxy?

July 10, 2023 ·

Fishing can be a great sport. You cast your line and hope that something bites at the other end no matter the size. But, there are times that no matter what you do or the amount of praying to the fish gods doesn't happen as you expect. But what if it's not you, but your fishing spot that needs a change? Maybe it's time to fish somewhere out of this world. Features include: Explore strange and wild new worlds Catch… Read more.

You Are Going To Need The Trifecta Of Sports To Win This Game In Space…

July 3, 2023 ·

Players used to play one sport at a time. Different sports were based on the seasons of the year. As athletes became impatient to play more of the sports that they love whenever they wanted to play, they took it upon themselves to take the game and the sports that they loved and combine them to be played in the only place big enough to contain the excitement that both fans and players to play...Outer Space. With the combination of… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Dominate The Court?

July 1, 2023 ·

Tennis is a game of skill, speed, and mental awareness in order to keep up and win. It's not for the faint of heart. You have to analyze your opponent and strike when the moment is yours. You will need to hit the ball with precise aiming if you want to get the point and be able to return what is hit at you to show that you have no fear. But when the crowd is alive and watching, will… Read more.

ForeVR Cornhole Is Receiving The Freedom To Play ForeVR…

June 26, 2023 ·

It's Summertime and you know what that means? Swimming, fireworks, scary ghost stories by the campfire, and, oh yeah, the heat. Well, with some temperatures already over 100 degrees outside, some of our favorite Summer activities may be a little too hot to enjoy. This is why, one should stay inside, turn on the fan, have an iced coffee, put on that VR headset, and play some virtual Cornhole. With the most recent announcement from ForeVR Games, ForeVR Cornhole is… Read more.

Are You Ready To Join The Racket Club?

June 20, 2023 ·

Back in January, we learned about a Tennis game that was coming that just gave a shed of what to expect, called. Racket Club. We learned that you can play with friends and it was invented exclusively for VR. But now, it looks like even more additional information about the game has come to courtside. Not only will there be Tennis, but Pickleball as well so you can play solo and work on your career or play with anyone in… Read more.

When It Comes Down To The Timing, Will Your Moves Be Spot On, Or Will Things Start To STACK Against You?

June 12, 2023 ·

This life that you chose is not an easy one. Others will do anything to hunt for their target. These sands do more than tell the time, they embrace it for the mere sport of it all. Everyone from the fanatics to the low-life scum of the land welcomes the fight. But these battles do not have to be faced alone as you have friends by your side. The question is do you trust them enough to watch your back… Read more.

VR Skater Did An Alley-Oop Into A Double Set And Then Tried To Pull Off A Tic Tac Only To Now Be Released On…

June 8, 2023 ·

Back in April, we learned that VR Skater would be allowing us to do all the tricks we could think of when it was scheduled to be released on June 9, 2023, for PlayStation VR2. But in order to make sure there are not more virtual trips to the hospital than there are tricks and grinds, there needs just a little more time to make sure all is perfect as can be. But it looks like we will not have… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You On A Journey To The Center Of The Earth & Some Laser Lairs…

June 5, 2023 ·

Now, that Walkabout Mini Golf is out on almost every platform, including the recent and successful PlayStation VR2 release, more players are getting to experience the fun of Mini Golf and some of the best-designed and themed courses around. Part of the two courses that are yet to come are part of the Jules Verne Trilogy. The second course of the trilogy is none other than Journey to the Center of the Earth. By the looks of everything, we will… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 29, 2023 ·

Mini Golf is a game that takes focus and skill. You have to have an eye for the hole and the readiness to take the shot when everything around it is just right. Sometimes, wind, water, and even the height of the course can, with one misaligned putt, cause the ball to be lost and cause your score to keep increasing. But yet, when you play with friends and family, the game can also become this friendly competition that really… Read more.

On This Planet, You Have To Have Rhythm…

May 21, 2023 ·

Sometimes we may not get to experience everything on the planet. Sometimes we may get stuck in a rut of what seems like nothing can go our way no matter how hard it seems we try to change things. But maybe that's what we need. Maybe we need something with a little bounce, a little swing, some interaction, or maybe what we really need is some rhythm to make us feel energized. Features include: Rhythm Activities Super Parties Haptic feedback… Read more.

Creed: Rise to Glory – Championship Edition – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 20, 2023 ·

The sport of boxing is a very interesting one. Two boxers step into the ring hoping one of them will be a winner. The punches are quick and powerful. Sometimes the opponent will dodge what is coming at them and other times, not so much. But if you could step in the ring, how well would you do? Would it be a tie? Would you be able to win by TKO? Maybe, you might become the champion of the world.… Read more.

CREED: Rise to Glory – Championship Edition is Punching Into A New Update…

May 15, 2023 ·

Ever since CREED: Rise to Glory - Championship Edition stepped into the PlayStation VR2 and Quest 2 ring, many have trained, boxed, and faced each other with those beautiful PlayStation VR2 features that include 4K HDR support, haptics, and enjoyed that 3D audio. Now, it looks like there has been more training from Coach Survios, as they have made some updates that should make your time in the boxing ring even more enjoyable. From enhanced impact haptics to tuned punches,… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The PlayStation VR2 Interview

May 7, 2023 ·

Mini Golf is a sport that anybody can pretty much play, regardless of age and height, The concept is simple as you try to ultimately get that hole-in-one, but the execution, depending on the course, maybe more challenging than you might think. But there has always been this social aspect when comes to playing that everyone really enjoys as they have a common interest for fun. But when I heard that developer, Mighty Coconut, was finally bringing not only the… Read more.

VR Skater Will Allow Us To Do All The Tricks on PlayStation VR2 When It Releases On…

April 29, 2023 ·

Ever since we heard about VR Skater released on Early Access for Steam VR and the news that it was coming to PlayStation VR2 and then earlier this month that a physical edition would be released as well, there have been some questions that many players had including how well would skateboarding work in VR, what kind of tricks could be accomplished, and how would the PlayStation VR2 features be used. It looks like the adaptive triggers will be used… Read more.

2MD: VR Football Unleashed ALL☆STAR – The Review

April 22, 2023 ·

Football is a sport enjoyed by many. Fans will live by the team at the highs and stay with them at their lows. Some fans will even switch teams when they felt like their team let them down only to be on the bandwagon when the next season starts. A Quarterback's job is not an easy one with trying to make the plays in hopes that the play gets executed in the right way. But when it comes down to… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You To The Lost Temple…

April 17, 2023 ·

The mystery is all around us. But to truly be mysterious, to be in paradise, one has to simply take a putt to the temple. This temple is like no other, in fact, holds a magical artifact. But this will be no easy task as the dunes are high, the structures are massive, and that throne room has everything a King or Queen could ever desire. But in order for the questions to be answered, one must find the clues,… Read more.

Will Your Arcade Be A Forgotten Past Time Or Will It Be Legendary?

April 16, 2023 ·

If you walked into an empty building, would you think about the run-down state it was in or would you look at it as an empty canvas just waiting for your dreams to become a reality? You have the passion, desire, and love of the arcade you have always dreamed of building. And you know that once it is built, the people will come and play. This isn't just something you pass by, this is where your heart led you… Read more.

Are Your Skills Good Enough On The Court To Make The League?

April 15, 2023 ·

You have looked up to your heroes on the court. This is all you ever wanted to do. You practice every day just to get a chance to prove how good you are not only to those watching but to yourself. Every time you serve that ball, you know exactly where it's going to hit. You see yourself winning that league, but do you believe in yourself enough to make it a reality? Features include: Become a VR Tennis Ace… Read more.

VR Skater Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

April 6, 2023 ·

We have heard about the ride of living the life on our skateboard of tricks called VR Skater that is coming to PlayStation VR2. From the many tricks to the ones where we may get so frustrated and throw our boards, the game will allow us to fly and grind like nothing else without worrying about any injuries. I mean, there still could be a chance that one of us tries to build a half pipe in our house and… Read more.

Get In Your Kart And Race Towards The Finish Line On PlayStation VR2…

March 26, 2023 ·

Back in 2021, we heard about the kart racer that was coming to Steam VR, called Galaxy Kart. An arcade kart racing game that focuses not only on the individual skill of each driver but in combat as well. Each track is a completely different world with a variety of items for the player to experience. Not only that but a crazy cast of characters and karts. Now, it looks like the game has made a pit stop on PlayStation… Read more.

ForeVR Pool Receives The 9-Ball Update…

March 19, 2023 ·

When ForeVR Pool was released, one of the things I said in the review is that I wish there were additional modes such as 9-Ball. Well, the Pool Gods at ForeVR Games heard the cries and have bestowed upon us its newest 1.3 update that not only gives us 9-Ball but also receives some additional improvements. In this update, we get the following: 9 Ball - This new game mode can be chosen once you enter the hall. The mode… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Has Turned The Town Upside uʍoᗡ…

March 18, 2023 ·

Going through the town is supposed to be fun, with laughter to be had, and mini golf played like we know how. But something has turned the town upside down and now gravity has decided to have its own fun as what is supposed to be up, is now down, sideways, and every other way possible. Features include: 36 New Holes - 18 Easy, 18 Hard 18 hidden lost balls Use your investigative skills in the special "Fox Hunt" to… Read more.

When One Wants To Box, One Must Box To The Beat…

March 16, 2023 ·

Boxing can be full of cardio and speed. It is a sport that will fight back if it is not respected. But what does one do when the need for focus needs to be a focal point of the routine? Do you keep fighting the same opponent or do you mix it up to add to the dedication of the mind? You can simply play or you play to win. The choice is yours if you can box to the… Read more.

Gym Class Wants You To Game On Your Favorite NBA Court…

March 16, 2023 ·

Gym Class is a game where you can hoop it up with your friends and play Basketball from anyone across the world. With state-of-the-art physics, you can play as you would on the court, but you have the home court advantage from your own home. But for all those wanting to take the game from the streets and gyms to the NBA courts, your wish is granted as the opportunity to step inside your favorite NBA team's court and even… Read more.

Will You Be Rocking Or Ragnarockin’ Out On PlayStation VR2¿

March 14, 2023 ·

The year was 2021 and the combination of Vikings and rock music was being made with a game called Ragnarock. In the game, you lead your Viking ship to victory as you have to pound your drums to the rhythm of the sound of epic music and try to climb those leaderboards to Viking rock fame. Then, the following year, information about the game coming to PlayStation VR was a possibility. But that all changed with the release of PlayStation… Read more.

PlayStation VR2 Is About To Get Nocked…

March 12, 2023 ·

It's been over a year since we first heard about Nock, the multiplayer VR game that mixes archery and soccer. Playing against teams of up to 3 players each as well as competing against those of the world in both ranked and custom matches. In the game, you will need to block arrows to create obstacles and even use your body for the gaming winning goal or save. Features include: Mixes the best elements of soccer and archery Play against… Read more.

Kayak VR: Mirage – The Review

March 11, 2023 ·

Kayaking can be an amazing time, not only for the sport but just to relax with the environment. It can give you a place to think as you see the night sky or just enjoy nature around you. And as we all seem to get busier with life, any chance to have that moment of escape, we should take it. But does the developer, Better Than Life, really allow us to take a more relaxing journey realistically? Let's find out… Read more.

CREED: Rise To Glory – Championship Edition Will Be Ringing The Bell On…

March 5, 2023 ·

Last month we heard that players will be stepping back into the ring. Not all the details were announced until recently and it looks like we are about to be throwing those punches very soon. In this edition, there will be new modes, brand new in game content, and a more immersive experience as you prepare to reclaim your legacy. Features include: Choose from 22 different boxers drawn from the iconic Creed and Rocky universe and created exclusively for Rise… Read more.

Kayak VR: Mirage – The Interview

February 21, 2023 ·

If you could stop what you were doing right now and just escape for a relaxing time, where would you go and how would you do it? Maybe go somewhere where it's just you and wildlife. What about doing some of your favorite activities? Maybe you just want to be on the water and take everything in. Anything we can do to relax and allow ourselves to refresh is always a benefit. But when I heard that developer Better Than… Read more.

You Have 2 Minutes To Become Unleashed On PlayStation VR2…

February 20, 2023 ·

You practiced the plays over and over. You ran the plays in your head 24/7. But now, it's your turn to step onto the field. When that whistle blows, you will not have all the time in the world, but you have two minutes to make the play. But this isn't going to be some play, this is going to be the play that you drew, that's going to work, that will win the game. You thought it was tough… Read more.

Ready Player PlayStation VR2…

February 16, 2023 ·

Some days you feel like you are in a rut. Like there is just something missing. Maybe you need to improve your vision, your focus, or even your outlook on life. But it's not that easy, but you are not afraid to try. In fact, that's what's been missing...your desire...your drive. The days of providing the reasons why you can't instead of why you will are over. Your reaction time will improve... your coordination will improve...YOU WILL IMPROVE!!! It's time… Read more.

Get Ready To Putt As You Walkabout On The PlayStation VR2…

February 15, 2023 ·

Listen, we get it. It's not that we didn't want to from the start or didn't have plans to, but we had to have you try and find out for yourself what we already knew. We get you like to be social and really want to see some cherry blossoms as you go on your adventure to Arizona Modern, past the Tourist Trap, to Tethys Station through Gothic and Seagulls, and through the valley. We wanted to share with you… Read more.

Are You Ready To Become A PRO On The PlayStation VR2?

February 14, 2023 ·

The Super Bowl just passed. You played every game like it was your last. But did you actually try your best? Did you do the drills and the time, and did you have the heart to have what it takes to be a pro in the NFL? Every pass you threw was a catch in your head. Every play was one for the books. But you have to refocus when the opportunity presents itself again. You don't have to wait… Read more.

It’s Time To Step Back In The Ring And Rise To Glory For The Championship…

February 12, 2023 ·

You may have stepped into the ring and were hoping to go all the way. You faced some of the most experienced boxers that the sport had to offer. Every time you ducked, you got hit. Every time you jabbed, your opponent moved. The bell rang, but all you saw were the lights. You trained and trained, you got back in, and you had the match one, but then the test results came back, the news got out, and you… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants You To Search For Sunken Treasures In Atlantis…

January 26, 2023 ·

Atlantis is one of those tales we have heard about and many have searched for deep in the ocean. The lost city is full of treasures and mythical creatures. But for those who claim to know where the location of Atlantis may be, only one scientific facility found it. That facility is known as Mighty Coconut Labs. They have not only found the real location but made it one of the wildest places under the sea to play mini golf.… Read more.

It’s Time To Step On The Court, Smash That Ace, And Join The Club…

January 26, 2023 ·

Can you smell that fresh air? You know who the competition is even before you step foot on the court. There is something about when it's your turn to serve. You look across at your opponents and instantly know where their weak spots are just by the way they are standing. You throw the ball up and smash it will your might and hear that whistle blow because you scored that ace of a point. This is just any game,… Read more.

Where Will You Paddle Yourself Through The Journey?

January 19, 2023 ·

Life can sometimes get in the way of work, family, and just the overall time of the day. We all get distracted with everyday things without taking the time out for ourselves. But if we don't take the time for our own selves, then we may lose the most precious thing in life, our mental well-being. But what if you could take the time to visit locations that you never thought were possible just to escape? What if that journey… Read more.

Gran Turismo 7 Is Bringing The New Reality To PlayStation VR2…

January 19, 2023 ·

Earlier this month, the news that Gran Turismo 7 would be racing onto PlayStation VR2 had many players talking about the game being a launch title for the new platform. If you remember, Gran Turismo Sport did release for PlayStation VR but it was limited in what you could do in VR. But, with Gran Turismo 7, it looks like players have a few things to be excited about. Kazunori Yamauchi, President of Polyphony Digital via PlayStation Blog, had this… Read more.

Get Ready To Race Your Way Onto The PlayStation VR2 with Gran Turismo 7…

January 5, 2023 ·

Almost a year ago, Gran Turismo continued racing with its newest entry, Gran Turismo 7. And as we start a new year and with the PlayStation VR2 getting ready to launch next month, some news came out of Sony's CES 2023 with some exciting news. During the presentation, CEO, Jim Ryan announced that Gran Turismo 7 would be coming to PlayStation VR2 at launch, that players will "be able to experience the game like never before", and that would be… Read more.

ForeVR Pool – The Review

December 12, 2022 ·

The game of pool is all about the style, the ability to line up the shot, and calculation. It's a game that many try to master and many enjoy. There are different Pool games, from the traditional 8-Ball to Snooker to Billards. Games can be of a serious nature where bets can either make or break someone to others where it is just the fun of hitting that cue ball in hopes of knocking the final ball in the pocket.… Read more.

ForeVR Pool Wants You To Make That Corner Pocket On…

November 13, 2022 ·

Ever since it was first announced about jumping out of the kiddie pool back to the more recent information about the game becoming more of a reality, ForeVR Pool is going to bring the tables, the pool balls, and the unforgettable social experience, plus so much more. Take a look at what is in store for us all... Features include: 50 custom cues and 5 immersive halls Optional aim assist target lines and match settings 1v1 Public & Private Multiplayer… Read more.

It’s Time To Sink That 8 Ball…

October 18, 2022 ·

As the weather starts to change, the days begin to get shorter and the nights are around for a little bit longer, there are a few things that can keep the laughs and entertainment going and that is to be surrounded by friends both old and new while everyone listens to some music and play some Pool. A game of skill, a game of trick shots, and a game that even at the time, Tom Cruise and Paul Newman would… Read more.

NFL PRO ERA Brought The Experience To The London Games…

October 18, 2022 ·

The game of Football has fans from all over the world with each one having their favorite team and players. And with the recent release of the first NFL and NFLPA-licensed VR game from developer SatusPRO, NFL PRO ERA, many of those same fans can practice being the Quarterback for their favorite team against other NFL teams and even have some multiplayer fun. And that fun continued this past October 13, 2022, in Miami, FL as some fans got to… Read more.

NFL PRO ERA – The Review

October 11, 2022 ·

American Football brings out the emotions of people. It can be played at any age and by anyone. No matter who you may ask, everyone has their favorite teams from the Dallas Cowboys to the Tennessee Titans to the Miami Dolphins to the Baltimore Ravens. But have you ever watched a game and seen your favorite players go for the touchdown or miss that one catch because of the play that was called? Have you ever thought that you could… Read more.

STRIDE Invites You To The Run & Gun Update…

October 9, 2022 ·

Ever since STRIDE has made its way onto VR headsets, players have been wanting more and that's exactly what STRIDE has given players. From getting players into the Christmas spirit to playing with others. But with all the fun, there is a lot more to be had including new maps and modes. So let's look at the newest Run & Gun update... New Social Features - Personal Bubble - feature for social distancing in the Lobby. This bubble creates a safe… Read more.

ForeVR Cornhole – The Review

September 23, 2022 ·

The game of Cornhole has been played with family and friends for many decades. It has been known by many names ranging from sack toss to bean bag toss. The idea is simple and can be played in quick sessions of throwing a bag at a board and trying to score points against the other player. But does developer ForeVR Games bring the game that is enjoyed by many and allow us to score that Cornhole with anyone? Let's find… Read more.

Olly Power Play – The Review

September 14, 2022 ·

When life gets busy, we all could use some time to just sit back and relax. Some people enjoy reading, being outside, or even just being around family. Being able to take some time for yourself or engaging with those around you is all that is needed. We all have our ways to have that feeling of calmness in our lives, even if it might be in short bursts. So does developer Waysun provide such an opportunity to relax in… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Become King Of The Court?

August 30, 2022 ·

Ever since I can remember, I have had a basketball in my hands. I dribble like there is no tomorrow, shoot for the stars, and can move like the wind. The ones I play against are no longer a challenge. I need that competitive edge. I hear the next level of competition is not that far from here. But once I step onto that court, something happens, something overcomes me. These players don't know who they are up against. I… Read more.

Ultimechs Launches On And Will Go…

August 20, 2022 ·

Back in December of 2021, we got wind of a game coming that has the thrill of professional athletics that meets the precision of purpose-built machines called Ultimechs. In the game, you get to remotely pilot high-performance mechs and compete in the future sport of Superball. You will need to block, zoom, punch, and try to score your way to victory. It looks like not only will the competition be there, but when you add seasons to the mix, things… Read more.

Get Ready To Toss Those Bean Bags…

August 3, 2022 ·

As Summertime is getting ready to say so long and as school is going to start soon for many, there are times when you just want to get outside and play a game with some friends. But with the Summer heat still lingering for many, that wish of being outside playing that lawn game that so many players wish that they could play doesn't have to be just a wish, in fact, turn up the air conditioning, get in your… Read more.

STRIDE Invites You To The Multiplayer Update…

June 22, 2022 ·

Ever since STRIDE has unleashed the Parkour action, there has been that want of multiplayer fun to be thrown into the mix. And now, it looks like that want has become a reality with different modes of play, new maps, social features, and more. So let's look at what is new with the newest update... Features include: 2 game modes - The two game modes are Horde and King of the Hill. In Horde, players take on the role of… Read more.

Olly Wants To Help You Get The High Score…

June 17, 2022 ·

Whenever there is a competition, we always try and do our best. Sometimes it may not be our day and we start to feel down. But sometimes, we find a way to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and try again. Even when it seems that we try our hardest, things may still not go our way. That's what I thought until I met my new friend Olly, who gave me the encouragement to take my time, grab that fruit,… Read more.

Crazy Kung Fu – The Interview

June 8, 2022 ·

When you hear the words, Kung Fu, what comes to mind? Would it be the training one must go through? What about the fighting skills one would earn? What about the focus of the mind someone would have throughout their journey? The art of Kung Fun takes dedication, training, and the mindset to truly become successful. But when I heard that the developer, Field Of Vision, had made something that allows you to do all of this while improving your… Read more.

The Game Is Yours, You Just Need To Enter The Arena To Try And Win It…

May 11, 2022 ·

When we first heard about ULTIMECHS, it gave us a glimpse of professional athletics that meet the precision of well-built machines. The chance to enter the arena and test our precise punches with impeccable reaction times with machines designed for power, force, and speed. Now, there is even more information about what to expect. In order to win this game, it will be you and a teammate where you must use quick movements to stay on top of the massive… Read more.

For One To Become The Master, One Must Have Patience On The Journey Young Grasshopper…

May 8, 2022 ·

The journey to becoming the master is long and exhausting. One must have the skill, the focus, the dedication, and above all, the patience. It's a life of being tested to see how long you can last and to see if the soul will break. But above all, you will need to train, and train you will. The dojo is waiting for you to enter, all you need is the will. Features include: Train mode - Train against a static… Read more.

Are You Ready To Become A Pro?

April 21, 2022 ·

Many people enjoy the sport of American Football. They look forward to the next season all the way to the Super Bowl commercials. Some even have the dream of being the Quarterback of their favorite team while some will actually get to live out the dream. But what if you could step inside the shoes of your favorite team, pick the plays, and even win the game. Everyone in life may not be able to make it as an NFL… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants You To Find Your Place And Hang Out On Welcome Island…

April 21, 2022 ·

Playing Walkabout Mini Golf is not only a blast, but it's a lot of hard work. Sure you got your favorite course as you try and make a hole-in-one or maybe you enjoy the scenery in the Gardens of Babylon or taking in the mazes of bridges in Shangri-La. Perhaps you have a bit of a sweet tooth as you discover the mouth-watering courses of Sweetopia. Not only can you just have some fun while playing some mini-golf with others… Read more.

Anyone Up For A Game Of Cricket?

April 10, 2022 ·

There is something about when you enter a stadium filled with fans cheering their favorite team. The batsman steps up and has the bowler throw the ball hoping that a boundary six is made. The game of Cricket can be an exciting one. But for many who may have never seen the game or even played, what if you could learn in just 10 minutes and take on your friends across multiple stadiums? You don't have to think about playing,… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf And Cyan Team Up To Bring The Island Of Myst To You…

April 6, 2022 ·

There is something when you hear the word MYST that instantly brings joy. It could be the puzzles, the red and blue book, or maybe the different ages of the island that can get one excited about the journey. Well, it looks like the team behind Walkabout Mini Golf have teamed up with the team behind MYST to bring new 18 holes of mini golf with both easy and hard modes along with all the objects, settings, and puzzles that… Read more.

Get Ready To Spike The Ball For The Winning Point…

March 21, 2022 ·

As we start to approach the warmer months, there are a few things we can look forward to enjoying. We have the weather, we have the fresh air, and we have the Volleyball instinct to take our game to the next level. Sometimes it is the people watching to get us hyped and other times it is just being on the court to really get us in the game, but there is one thing for sure, when it comes to… Read more.

Sometimes You And Your Crew Need To Rule The Streets…

March 9, 2022 ·

The streets can be hard on you as you try to make it. What some people do as a normal routine, we Outbreakers see it as a necessity, a way to make money, a different view on life. It may not be the safest thing in the world, but the rewards could mean the difference between payout and burnout. In this life, we will do whatever it takes to make sure we win and survive, no matter who we have… Read more.

Ragnarock Could Be Coming To PlayStation VR…

March 5, 2022 ·

Last year, PCVR and Quest players were welcomed the Viking rhythm game Ragnarock. A game that not only brought the music of the Vikings and the support for custom songs as you hit the drums as you rocked out Viking style. Well, it looks like developer WanadevStudio is looking to bring Ragnarock to the PlayStation VR platform. In an official tweet from them, they are looking not only to bring the game to PlayStation VR, but also to do their… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl Wants You To Have The Blacklight Bowling Experience…

February 16, 2022 ·

ForeVR Bowl allows you to bowl from the comfort of your own home. In fact, it shows that being in the alley can be as much fun as it is to bowl with friends. Have you ever been to a bowling alley and played when they had a blacklight game and seeing the lights of the indoors just get dimmed down and see the area come alive? Well, ForeVR Games has brought the experience to you with its newest update… Read more.

Are You Ready To Join The Fight And See A New You?

February 5, 2022 ·

We are in a new year, and that means one thing...a new you. No more excuses of sitting around putting it off, thinking about it, or dreaming about it. You don't even need to leave your home to sweat those calories off. The time for a new you is right in front of you and all you have to do is embrace it. Features include: BODYCOMBAT STYLE - The world famous martial arts inspired workout featured in 1000s of gyms… Read more.

GOLF+ – The Review

January 29, 2022 ·

When you think about the game of Golf, what comes to mind? Could it be players like Arnold Palmer, Karrie Webb, Walter Hagen, Tiger Woods, or even Jack Nicklaus? Maybe it's the different courses around the world such as Pebble Beach Golf Links, Friar's Head, or even the Golf de Morfontaine in Senlis Oise, France? Maybe it could be just being outside riding in the golf cart while you were young and watching your Grandfather or Grandmother play. Anything can… Read more.

ForeVR Darts Invites You To The Lunar Year Celebration Update…

January 27, 2022 ·

One thing that I love is when there is an update and when it has to do with a celebration. It looks like ForeVR Games is doing exactly that with the successful launch of ForeVR Darts. Maybe you have been interested in the game or maybe you have played and received the best score or maybe you were just having a blast sitting back with some old and new friends while listening to your favorite music and wondering what could… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The Review

January 18, 2022 ·

Mini Golf is a game that takes skill. You have to have the eye for the hole and the readiness to take the shot when everything around it is just right. Sometimes, wind, water, even the height of the course can, with one misaligned putt, cause the ball to be lost and cause your score to keep increasing. But yet, when you play with friends and family, the game can also become this friendly competition that really can leave a… Read more.

Totally Baseball Is Receiving The Multiplayer Update…

January 17, 2022 ·

When Totally Baseball hit the field, it had almost everything that anyone could hope for when it came to Virtual Reality Baseball. It had the hitting, the pitching., and it had the awesome ads. But one thing that was missing was online multiplayer. Yes, the ability to play VR Baseball with your friends was being worked on and it looks like the multiplayer update is coming and there are some things to get excited about including: Bug Fixes: General fixes… Read more.

Will Your Swing Be Enough To Make It In For A Hole In One?

January 16, 2022 ·

It's Winter for most, and you dream of being on the Golf course. You can see the green of your favorite course, you rented your favorite golf cart, and you have your lucky ball. You place your ball on the tee and you line up for that shot and you can see that ball fly. In your mind, you know that shot went in, but out there on the real course, maybe not so much. But what if you could… Read more.

Are You Ready To Get Nocked¿

January 16, 2022 ·

What if the moment you have been waiting for was finally here? Would you choke or take your shot with every opportunity? There comes a time when a player must look at the arena around them, forget about what's on the outside, and just concentrate on getting that score no matter how high you have to jump. Oh, and try not to forget to use your bow while you are at it. Features include: Online MultiplayerMultiple choices for movementMore to… Read more.

Will You Sidespin The Shot Or Smash It?

January 16, 2022 ·

You practice every day. You train like there is no tomorrow. You don't do this for them, you do this for you to show them and the world that this table, this racket, and that ball is yours to rule and that anyone that steps across the table from you is a guest in your house...in your world. But along with that practice...that training, there comes confidence in the Push, the Twirl, and the Kill you will put into every… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The Interview

December 31, 2021 ·

Mini Golf can be a lot of fun. Trying to line up your shot and hoping you can make that hole in one. But it can also be a lot of fun with friends and you can all escape and just let time pass by. Each of you going through each of the 18-hole courses in hopes of not only having the bragging rights but just the opportunity to have some fun. So when I heard that developer, Mighty Coconut… Read more.

Viking Days Remaster – The Review

December 31, 2021 ·

If you were a Viking, what would you imagine your life would be like? Would be sailing the seas looking to conquer whatever was in your way? Would you raid the lands hoping to find the greatest of treasures? Maybe it would just enjoy the local life throughout the rest of your days. Either way, the life of a Viking can be a tough one. But does developer, VRMonkey show us the Viking ways? Let's find out with Viking Days… Read more.

ForeVR Darts – The Interview

December 24, 2021 ·

The game of Darts can be fun as well as having the patience, practice, and mentality to make sure you have what you need to win the game. If you don't have the patience, you could throw it too quickly, or slowly you could miss your mark or the board. If you don't practice, chances are that you may never be on the top of the leaderboards. And you have to have the mentality to know to aim for that… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You Shangri-La…

December 21, 2021 ·

Playing the courses of the Walkabout can be tough and challenging. Sometimes the downright feeling of uncertainty as you try to put your way into that top spot. But no matter the courses you played on or the Northern Lights you played under, it was all test to get you to Shagri-La and experience the beauty of the ancient Tibetan way. Features include: Achieve pure putting perfection surrounded by calming temples, clouds, and the snowy peaks of the Himalayan mountainsMeditate… Read more.

ForeVR Darts – The Review

December 19, 2021 ·

The game of Darts can be fun to play either alone or with other people. It's a game that can be quick but at the same time, take the skill of precision to try and get your darts on the board. Sometimes it's the environment that you are in that can help bring the mood all together or simply just a way to escape and just have some fun. But does developer, ForeVR Games bring new life into the sport… Read more.

In da Hoop! Gets Rebranded & Updated…

December 18, 2021 ·

In da Hoop!, the game based on pure basketball shot sensation that allowed not only for you to use Touch controllers for both the Quest and Quest 2, but also hand-tracking where you can shoot against the clock as well trying to get your name as close to the top of the leaderboards. Well, it looks like developer, Realcast has decided to rebrand the game to Just Hoops. Besides the rebranding, there is also a pretty big update to the… Read more.

STRIDE Is Getting Into The Christmas Spirit…

December 15, 2021 ·

It's that time of year. Time for the snow, for presents under the tree, and parkour. That's right, STRIDE, the parkour racing, enemy battling, and vertigo feeling experience is getting into the Christmas spirit and it wants you to experience the holiday festivities with things like snow and some music to get you in the mood for this time of year. Update includes: Decorated game modes for the holidaysWinter effects (snow, music, enemy models, etc.)Bug fixes Are you ready to… Read more.

When You Are Welcomed To The Arena, It’s Not Time For Beast Mode, It’s Time For ULTIMECHS Mode…

December 12, 2021 ·

We all have that moment when the atmosphere seems bigger than we are. We hear the beat of our own heart, that silence, and we think to ourselves if we are truly prepared for it all. But then something strange happens when that door opens, hear the roar of the crowd, and the music sounds that we have always had the speed, the precision, the rocketry, and that you have always been ready for this moment. It's not time to… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Viking?

December 8, 2021 ·

The days are good. You wake up, you face dragons, you drink, you burn ships, you sleep, and, of course, you repeat. But in order to be a true Viking, you have a number of skills that you must learn, that you must follow, that you must master in order to be a true Viking. The question is, are you ready to embark on the life of a Viking? Defend against arrows – True Vikings do not get hit by… Read more.

Dash Dash World Is Racing You Into Update 4.0…

December 7, 2021 ·

Dash Dash World, the kart racing, drift turning, and special power-up racer has not stopped...will not stop the races. It wants to prepare you even more for those tracks, turns, and spinouts so you can race towards being #1 across the finish line. So while you can still customize your racer and vehicle to your liking, you need to be prepared for what's in store with the new update 4.0. And this update just may be the best thus far… Read more.

Will You Be The One To NERF or Get NERF’d?

December 2, 2021 ·

You know the blasters, you know how to try and dodge, and you even know what it feels like to be hit by that one NERF shot. But do you really know what it's like to be on a team, part of the play, to be in the game? The action is going to be wild, the wall jumps will be done, and champions will be made. The question is, will be the one the shot to make the other… Read more.

Tis The Season To Get Into The Holiday Bowling Spirits & Deck Some Halls…

November 26, 2021 ·

Now, that Thanksgiving is officially over, it's the time of the year when people start to get into the holiday spirit by decorating their homes and working on their own lists while hoping that they are on the good list for Santa. Yes, you could spend hours getting everything just right for putting the lights outside on outside of your to play with your favorite holiday music... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGNQ0TWknBo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bua18A09xfQ But ForeVR Games knows...I know...and you all know that you would… Read more.

It’s Time To Aim For The Bullseye…

November 19, 2021 ·

Twas the weeks before the big game, and all through the halls I thought it was just me here all alone The boards were hung in perfect placement with care In preparation for the huge turnout with darts being thrown in the air As they started to enter the room With our favorite songs playing on the jukebox We kept practicing our throws and our aims without any doubt So that we could go pro with some competition in Double… Read more.

VIRO MOVE – The Review

October 20, 2021 ·

Fitness is something we all hear about, but do we do enough of it ourselves to warrant the better health we all deserve and need? From anything from running to sports to just any type of movement, the things our bodies can put up with when you think about it is a great deal and most of us just need to find the time and mindset to get into it. But does developer FIT REALITY show us how to move… Read more.

Rezzil: Player 22 Adds Its First Free Expansion…

October 14, 2021 ·

Getting in shape can be hard for many. The time, dedication, and work can be a lot with things like work, life at home, and just even personal time for yourself. That is why Rezzil wants to make sure you get all that you can by giving everyone who owns the game, its first free expansion. Sure, you may have tried everything that Rezzil: Player 22 had to offer, but you haven't tried American Football drills. With skills aiming for… Read more.

Disc Ninja – The Interview

October 9, 2021 ·

The game of Disc Golf can be a fun one. Something about throwing a disc and hope that you can hit the target in as few throws as possible. Sometimes, distractions can come into play like wind or the weather, and sometimes you could be having the best game of your life. But when I heard that developer Immersion Games was taking the sport of Disc Golf and making it where you were playing as a ninja, I had to… Read more.

In da Hoop! – The Interview

September 28, 2021 ·

Whenever you step foot into an arcade, either one that is tied to places like miniature golf to even one that is alone, what type of games are you drawn to? Is it the latest or greatest arcade game experience or maybe the ones where you can win tickets to get those big prizes like basketball or skeeball? For me, I have been drawn to the fast action of Air Hockey. But I would always find a way to try… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl Wants To Make Sure There Is No Sleep Until Brooklyn…

September 19, 2021 ·

Bowling is a sport where you can hang out, where you can grab your favorite ball, and try to get those strikes. We have bowled in the classics, in the Studio, enjoyed the view of the Private Palms, enjoyed some refreshments with a Tikie, tried our luck at becoming world champion from here to the moon, and even went to Atlantis. Now, it seems that there is a new party lane happening and it's happening in the Brooklyn Hall along… Read more.

RC Rush – Early Access Review

September 9, 2021 ·

There is something about having a controller in your hands as you drive your favorite RC vehicle around. Maybe it's the speed or the quick turns. But have you ever raced them on a track? Trying to make those turns in hopes that you either don't crash your vehicle and something break, crash into other vehicles, or possibly hit that jump and land in such as awesome way that there is no stopping you towards the finish line. Anything can… Read more.

Totally Baseball – The Review

September 6, 2021 ·

Baseball. They say it's America's National Pastime. The batter vs the pitcher and the rest of the outfield just waiting to catch the ball that comes near their direction. Everyone who likes and loves Baseball has their favorite team for different reasons. Some love just being in the atmosphere at the moment and some could love eating their favorite food while watching the game when it's that perfect day or night. But does developer Viewer Ready show what it's like… Read more.

Grab Your Paddle…It’s Time To Play Some Air Hockey…

August 31, 2021 ·

You think you have what it takes to be the champion. The ruler of all when it comes to Air Hockey. You have the power, you have the eye of the tiger, you have the moves, but can you score and do it with such speed that it will cause such confusion on the other player's face? It's time to step up and do what you do best. Features include: Online, for 2, 3 and 4 players Various arena skins… Read more.

Step Up, Mix It Up, & Move…

August 31, 2021 ·

You have been sitting at home doing your favorite activities and thinking how can you work harder and play harder to embrace the you that you see and wanting others to see as well. How do you make your everyday movement into the adrenaline, heart-pumping motivation you need and want? You just want the results for your hard work and you want it to show what you are capable of. Your want is no longer a need, it is the… Read more.

Disc Ninja – The Review

August 21, 2021 ·

Disc Golf and Ninja. When you hear these words, what immediately comes to mind? A new ninja skill? A new sport? A new special menu item at Starbucks? If you guess any of these, well, except for Starbucks, you would be on the right path. Words that I, you, or anyone else may have never thought to put together. But what if you did put them together and combined forces? Could it possibly be a new Olympic sport that we… Read more.

Rezzil Player 22 – The Review

August 17, 2021 ·

Do you have the mindset of wanting to get into better shape? Maybe you would love to go out and run or go to a gym. But then maybe it's too hot outside due to the Summer heat or maybe being around others during a pandemic may not be the best thing for you. Either way, one should not be counted out for having a healthier lifestyle. It's about choice and dedication. But does the developer, Rezzil, bring the workout… Read more.

Get Ready To Take Your Shot…

August 14, 2021 ·

Golf...the game of masters. The game where every shot counts. Sure you could hit the ball with such power that it flies through the sky, hits a tree, and then bounces in the water. Or you can take the time to aim down your shot and with such finesse, it could fly through the sky and maybe not hit a tree or a golf cart and hopefully make it in that hole in one. You could either go out there… Read more.

NeonHat – The Review

August 13, 2021 ·

Have you ever wanted to race in the first-person view? What about wanting to race the depths of the 80s Internet? What type of tracks would you see yourself racing on? Would there be music that would add that next level of realism? For me, if being able to race in the depths of the Internet would be an option in the 80s, I think I would have to go with some of the classics from that time or even… Read more.

Rezzil Player 22 – The Interview

August 9, 2021 ·

During times of the pandemic, there are many of us who want to get into shape, keep up the heart rate, and just overall improve our reaction times. We want to be able to train like there is no tomorrow all why trying to have some fun while doing it. If you train from the world's best sports professionals, what would stop you from stepping up to become a better you...from training like a pro? Honestly, there may not be… Read more.

To Become A Ninja, One Must Throw A Disc Like A Ninja…

August 8, 2021 ·

The way of a ninja is a path that is full of dedication, patience, and the mindset to accomplish the goals that are presented. Sometimes obstacles may get in the way such as the weather, while others, maybe more skilled in the ways. It will take focus to active the goals of the disc ninja, but with focus comes hope, and with hope comes the ways of a ninja. I shall reach the dragon or I shall not be known… Read more.

What A Rush!!!

August 1, 2021 ·

The race is on. Your time is now. You trained, you know the course like the back of your hand, you have got what it takes to be champion. But it's going to take a little more than turning that wheel on that controller, it's going to take timing, to take that turn, and beyond all else, make sure no other cars get in your way. So make sure the batteries are charged, make sure those wheels are not too… Read more.

Bodies of Water – The Review

August 1, 2021 ·

Have you ever thought about going into the ocean to look around? Maybe you wanted to find some buried treasure? Possibly you have gone scuba diving where you enter another world to see life, big and small, in its own habitat? For some they may never get that chance to get into the depths of the oceans or maybe for those that have, wish that they could escape every day into those waters in some manner from hours to even… Read more.

New Players Enter The Game To Back The Next Evolution In VR Training…

July 23, 2021 ·

Developer Rezzil is working hard to bring Player 22 to the Oculus Quest/Quest 2 platform as it is looking to improve cognitive performance, concentration, reaction times, coordination, and control. But it looks like some of the world's biggest names in Football (Soccer) are backing what names such as Thierry Henry, Gary Neville, Vincent Kompany, Michail Antonio, Tyrone Mings, and Anthony Watson are claiming is the next evolution in athletic training. Being able to have that democratizes access to the top-level… Read more.

Get Ready To Bowl In Atlantis…

July 23, 2021 ·

Bowling is always a fun time and even better with friends and family. Sometimes we may not get a chance to bowl due to schedules, locations, or even pandemics. But with ForeVR Bowl, you never have an excuse to grab your favorite bowling ball, play your favorite music, meet up with old and new friends, and try for that 7/10 split combo. But when ForeVR Bowl was released, there were a gracious, but a limited amount of alleys to bowl… Read more.

Bodies of Water – The Interview

July 22, 2021 ·

Think about some of your favorite outdoor activities that you wish you could do right now. What would they be? Maybe going to the beach? Maybe playing your favorite sport? Maybe it's just being in your favorite vacation spot? For some, being in the water being able to scuba dive, and going into a different world where they are the visitor is the best activity. All of these and more are well respected and should be explored as we never… Read more.

Ready Player 22…

July 10, 2021 ·

Imagine being able to help improve things like your hoop vision, reaction time, and be able to train in the drills that were developed with the world's best sports professionals. What if you become better at heading those balls for the big game, improving your vision and timing, and even take on bots that will help you train and improve? Now, you don't have to, because it's time to step up and play the game. Features include: Headers - Improve… Read more.

Sometimes Collaborations Can Bring Better Experiences…

July 10, 2021 ·

It's always good when you have one studio that has a great product and you have another studio that has a great product. Each with their own unique style added while each sharing the familiarity that so many people enjoy. Well, it looks like Odders Lab, the creators of OhShape and Kluge Interactive, the creators of Synth Riders have joined forces for the anniversary of their first collaboration to brings us the electronic sounds DLC of Caravan Palace. There will… Read more.

It’s Time To Hit That Homerun…

July 8, 2021 ·

It's Summertime and for a lot of people, that means a few things. No school, vacation, the pool, and Baseball. But sometimes the weather may make it too hot to run and hit, but you still want to play. So you have the option of going outside when it's 100+ degrees sweating before you even get up to plate and having to drink water every two minutes to stay dehydrated or stay inside where there is ac, shade, your favorite… Read more.

Welcome To Sunrise Resort…

June 27, 2021 ·

You work hard. You help everyone first before you even think about yourself. But the stress of it all is getting to you and you need to get a way. You need to be able to regroup, rethink, and just have time to yourself. That's why it's time to go to a place where you can do your favorite things in life that you just don't have time to do, but deep down, you can feel this call to get… Read more.

Get Ready To Crackdown With Blaston…

June 21, 2021 ·

Blaston is a game about dueling against an opponent as you move and shoot your way to victory. I have always had a very pleasant experience with everyone I played against with players being friendly and just looking to have some fun and a good time. But it looks like Resolution Games wants to add more to the fun with the new Crackdown Update that has some very good features: Two new arenas - The Warehouse and Scrapper's Market. Single-player… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl Receives Some Much Requested Features With The June Update…

June 17, 2021 ·

ForeVR Bowl is already a fantastic game to play with bowling either alone or with others as you try to get the most strikes to win the game with new features always being worked on. And I am very happy with this new update for June. So let's see what is included: Throw 2.0 - One of the features that were requested was adding smooth locomotion and smooth turning is now added.Jukebox - Another feature requested was the ability to… Read more.

In da Hoop! – The Review

June 17, 2021 ·

Have you ever gone to an arcade to see what the variety of games there is to play? You have the arcade games, the crane ones where you try to win prizes, Skee Ball, and even Pinball. Any time I have gone I always try and play a mix of all the different types of games that are available. Usually, I give Pinball and Skee Ball a second or third attempt until I see the Basketball one. The one where… Read more.

NeonHat – The Interview

June 13, 2021 ·

If you could race anywhere in the world, where would it be? What it be someplace exotic or would it be somewhere close to home? What kind of vehicle do you think you would be racing in? Something familiar or a new design that someone may have not even thought was possible? But what would you do if you could travel within a dimension of sorts? One that has a simple familiar vibe to it, but at the same time… Read more.

Can You Make It In Da Hoop?

June 13, 2021 ·

You can see that shot replay in your head over and over. You can see the ball going in only to hear the silence of the crowd as the ball hits the rim only to miss. That was supposed to be your moment. It was supposed to be the shot the changed your life and propelled you into the star that you were distended to become. But at that moment you choked, you could not handle the pressure. It really… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl – The Review

June 7, 2021 ·

Bowling is a great game to play. Being in the bowling alley picking out your shoes, feeling the ball, and just being around people. Then when it's your turn to bowl, you have the pins lined up in your sights, you know you cannot miss, you release the ball only to either put too much, not enough or just the right amount of pins and hopefully knock down some pins. Or all of that happened, the alley is too oiled… Read more.

Are You Ready To Enter The Island Of Sports Paradise?

June 7, 2021 ·

Sometimes you just need a break from your daily routine. Maybe you just need to go for a drive, a walk, or sometimes you just need to go to an island and relax. But on this island, some say it's paradise, some say will get your heart pumping, and some it's the right medicine the doctor ordered. Features include: Experience a realistic portrayal of three popular sports that are sure to keep all ages activeThere are six total game modes… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl – The Interview

June 3, 2021 ·

There is something about the game of bowling that just allows you to take a break for a few games and try to bowl that perfect 300. Maybe it's picking out the right bowling ball, maybe it's the music that is playing, or maybe it's playing with other players that just brings the environment together? So when I heard that developer, ForeVR Games made a VR bowling game where you could bowl, play with others, and even have a variety… Read more.

Get In Your Kart And Race Towards The Finish Line…

June 2, 2021 ·

Racing can be hard. You need the instinct, you need the speed, and you need the combat? What? In this race it's not all just about the driving, but the strategy of doing what you can to stop the other drivers to make sure they do not cross the finish line. In this race anyone can make the difference as long as they have the skills and the weapons to win the race. Features include: Choose between different characters, each… Read more.

Get Your Broomsticks Ready To Race With This Little Witch Academy…

June 1, 2021 ·

The show Little Witch Academia is allowing us to enroll in the Witchcraft Academy and race with the thrill of the flight as you cast magic to speed up or slow other teams down as you race to the finish line. But along with racing comes shooting as you will need to shoot and purify the Stardust Ghosts as you go against other students at this academy around the skies of Luna Nova Witchcraft Academy as you interact with different… Read more.

Get Ready To Fly, Shoot, and Race Your Way Against Others…

June 1, 2021 ·

You know that voice in your head, the one that makes you have second thoughts before you pull the trigger and put everything else behind? That voice is the one of reason. The one that somehow knows that and reminds us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ones that we may be able to anticipate or ones we didn't see coming. But it's our reactions, our timing that helps us prevail into new heights and… Read more.

It’s Time To Line Dance…

June 1, 2021 ·

We get it. You have been stuck inside for a long time. You want to get out, you want to go to a club, and you want to learn the moves. But it will take some practice, it will take some dedication, and it will take the focus to transform you into the best line dancer that you can possibly be so you can show your family and the rest of the world what you are truly made of. Features… Read more.

Solaris Offworld Combat – The Review

May 31, 2021 ·

When you think about eSports now, what really comes to mind? Would it be the action, the environment, maybe even the thrill of the moment as your favorite team tries to win and hopes that they will become number one? But what if the next phase, the next evolution in eSports allowed to be played in Virtual Holofields where the action took place because of your actions of playing? Seeing how things progress, we may not be too far from… Read more.

It’s Time To Go Bowling…

May 26, 2021 ·

Now that we are at the point of the year where school is getting out for Summer, Memorial Day is fast approaching and before we know it, Fourth of July will be right around the corner. Wouldn't it be great to have a game night, even if it is a virtual one? And not any game night, a game night with you, some friends, and just be able to visit different bowling alleys all to just have a good time.… Read more.

Enter The Goalie…

May 13, 2021 ·

You want to make the hockey team and play goalie. You want to show everyone what you can do. But the question the rest of the team has is if you are any good? So before you get to start the game, you will have to prove that you have the skills, the agility, and the focus to be the goalie. Features include: Game modes similar to hockey and other casual sport-like activities Keep track of your goaltender progress (shots against,… Read more.

It’s Time To Take Snowboarding To New Heights…

April 24, 2021 ·

The snow needs to be perfect if you want to make an impact. Your skills that come so naturally, will be tested with every jump, turn, and obstacle that comes your way. And if at first, you don't succeed, try and try again. If that doesn't work, then maybe you need to change your look or even your board. But no matter what, those slopes are yours for the taking. So get ready to show everyone who the best in… Read more.

It’s Time To Shoot Some Hoops In Gym Class…

March 27, 2021 ·

Look, we get it. The pandemic, the staying at home, the need for that social interaction. Trust us, we get it. But there is a way for you to get out, play some basketball with others, and have that void filled...just virtually. But before you go in and think like your Michael Jordan, you will want to practice your shooting, your passing, and dunking before playing on line with up to 8 others. But you will need to work together… Read more.

Hyper Dash – The Interview

March 5, 2021 ·

There is something about entering an arena where it is you placed on a team with strangers that you don't even know each other's names, but yet work together for the common goal. It really shows you what the world should really be like. Maybe it's the ability to have that distance between each other, but yet have that common passion that brings us all together as we try to forget our daily lives just to embark on a wild… Read more.

CanopySim – The Review

February 6, 2021 ·

When you think about Virtual Reality and all the things you can do, who you can become, and even the places you can visit, there is something about the immersion it brings. But there has been something that hasn't been able to experience in Virtual Reality and that is skydiving. Sure, being able to fly or be at certain heights can give you a sense of the scope of things, but being able to be in the air as you… Read more.

How Far Can You Make It To Become The Best?

February 2, 2021 ·

There is just something about the speed of it all. This city...my city is just a playground of a metropolis. Here, I am free and nothing can stop me. I can roll with the best of them, swing like nothing else, and I am pretty handy with a weapon if I do say so myself. But, of course, there are those who want to stop me, but they can't catch me. But I have to keep moving, I have to… Read more.

It’s Time To Become The Bow Man…

January 31, 2021 ·

The bow can be a mighty weapon. With hardwork, dedication, and spiritual focus, you can be the most fierce bow warrior of the land. But it's going to take that special someone and that someone is you. But not any ordinary bow will do, but you must wield the yumi and master the targets and any enemies with the perciese accuracy and timing, but just as you will be shooting the arrows, you must also be able to dodge the… Read more.

Sometimes You Just Need To Beat Our Stress…

January 21, 2021 ·

The world is still a crazy place and when you are just trying to keep your head above water, sometimes your state of mind may not always be where it needs to be. Sometimes stress can overcome you in ways where you thought you could handle things. Sometimes we may get worked up and that adrenaline starts to pump through our veins. Sometimes we just need to get our energy levels going. But other times, we may need time to… Read more.

Are You Ready To Get Fit?

January 17, 2021 ·

During these times with a pandemic, motivation sometimes can be hard. There are days where you may feel that you are not ready for the day or times when you could be doing some type of fitness to not only give your mind a chance to do something new, but give you the opportunity to get up and move. Welcome to the world where you have no excuses, where you can make the best out of the situation, and where… Read more.

CanopySim – The Interview

December 28, 2020 ·

One thing about Virtual Reality is how it can take you places you may never have the courage to bring yourself to try. Things like skiing and going full down the hill or even enter a severe situation where every movement counts. Experiences such as these and really bring everything to a new level. But when I heard that movie director Amir Valinia, was involved with a skydiving game for Virtual Reality, I had to know more. So I reached… Read more.

Are You Ready To Take That Dive?

December 23, 2020 ·

When you imagine that feel of the wind in your face before you jump, you wish and pray for certain things such as safety, the winning percentage of your life in order to see another day, and the feeling that you did something that you normally may not do. But what if you needed just some practice to get a feel of what it might be like? What if you could could sky dive onto a beach, a stadium or… Read more.

Race Into The Dash Dash World 2.0 Update Finish Line…

December 17, 2020 ·

You have raced. You have battled your way only to see that finish line in your sites only to be hit with a frying pan that ends up knocking you into the last place. You want that revenge, you want to hear the crowd cheer for you and see your name in lights, but you just want a little more. Maybe some new tracks, or some new campaigns, or possibly a new weapon to gain that advantage. Well, want no… Read more.

Blaston Is Bringing The Holly And Jolly This December…

December 15, 2020 ·

One of the best one vs one dueling games that were released for the Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2, was Blaston. A way for dueling to the end with just some fun as you and the other player try and win the best 2 out of 3 rounds and trying to climb those ranks. But as we are getting ready to close 2020 and I think I can say that many people are wanting to put this year behind… Read more.

It’s Time That Dance Collider Went Hardcore On PlayStation VR…

November 12, 2020 ·

So you think you have the moves like Jagger huh? You think that no matter how dedicated you are that you got this. Well, that just tells me that you are not challenged enough and it's time to take things to the extreme. Features include: An all-new extreme mode for super-talented players.The 45 songs are remapped and very hard to get to the end. A new precision mechanic to measure the accuracy of strikes that will add to your score.A new… Read more.

Terje Haakonsen’s Powder VR – The Review

November 11, 2020 ·

With winter coming there are a couple of things to get excited for. We have the holidays, we have colder weather, and for some parts of the world, we have snow. And during this time a lot of people go on Winter Breaks to get away from it all. It could be to someplace warmer or it could be hitting the slopes on some fresh powder as you ski or snowboard your way to let you inner Terje Haaksonsn come… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Master The Mountain?

November 6, 2020 ·

It's that time of year when the winter starts to call, the sweaters and hoodies come out, and that freedom you have to get on that mountain and feel that powder in your face. But when that snow starts to fall hard and that ice starts to hit, do you still have the courage to hit that mountain like there is no tomorrow? Early Access Features include: Hit the slopes and choose between skiing, snowboarding, and wingsuiting your way to… Read more.

OhShape – The Review

October 29, 2020 ·

Think about the rhythm genre for Virtual Reality. There is movement, there can be sweat, but there is one thing this genre has in common is exercise. The ability to move and position yourself in order to keep going for that high score or target those calories. It's something that I quite enjoy because it works extremely well in VR. But does Developer Odders bring the fun, fitness, and rhythm into an experience we should play? Let's find out with… Read more.

Smashing Healthy VR – The Review

October 7, 2020 ·

Being in quarantine during the pandemic can mean a lot of things to many people. Some may worry and that is understandable, others may try to continue on to make normalcy, and others may choose to stand up and smash their way to a new person. But does Developer Daruma The Factory,Inc. allow us a way to smash away some frustration? Let's find out with Smashing Healthy VR for PCVR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUSNlE28Y5E&feature=youtu.be What you are going to find with Smashing Healthy… Read more.

Get Ready To Dash To The Finish Line By Any Means Necessary…

October 5, 2020 ·

Kart-racing is what you have trained for. It's what you do. It's what you are known for. But it seems that others don't want you to get first place and will pull out any trick in their book to make sure that doesn't happen even if that means blasting you in the face. Features include: Wide Range of Control Options - Don't want to be limited to just one option, then you don't have to be. One hand on the… Read more.

Dance Collider – The Review

September 23, 2020 ·

Think about the last sport you played or maybe it was a game that allowed you to move around. Was it something that got your heart rate up or something that made you sweat. Did you think about after you stopped that this could be a work out you could get into and possibly get you motivated to do more? It's kind of amazing what experiences in Virtual Reality can give us. So does Developer emergeWorlds give us that heart… Read more.

Get Ready To Get Your Body Into Shape…

September 20, 2020 ·

It's been a crazy year and secretly you have been thinking that it might be time to not just sit and wonder, but to actually get up and move. But not just any movement, you want movement to music. You want to be able to move through, punch or dodge walls following the beat of the music. You don't have to wonder no longer, so get ready to get into shape...OhShape. Features include: 2 awesome environments.27 handcrafted maps with 4… Read more.

Get Ready To Climb New Heights

September 18, 2020 ·

What if what you saw was the human population, not the smog or the complaints, but what you saw was the beauty of nature? Imagine the land, the birds, and even the water flowing down below as the sun rises to give over the darkness of the previous night. What about if you had a chance to get up close to a volcano as snow and ice surrounds it? But with this beauty can come the fear and the danger… Read more.

Dance Collider – The Interview

September 13, 2020 ·

When you hear the word dance, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Maybe it's a school activity, maybe it's people dancing out in the streets or competitions or maybe in the clubs as a way for people to escape. But there is one thing that dancing has is movement and exercise and the creativity for you to make it your own. So when emergeWorlds released their newest title Dance Collider towards the end of 2019 on PCVR… Read more.

Get Ready For The Collision…

August 23, 2020 ·

The future. It could be a place of something spectacular or it could be a place of survival. But that in order to survive, you had to dance? Set in a futuristic world, and an AI known only as Uriel is going to be the one that can set your fate. You will need to dance and move in order to be the survivor and not just another casualty. Features include: 45 original songs by F-777.9 Characters from around the… Read more.

Smashing Healthy VR – The Interview

April 18, 2020 ·

Working out can be hard sometimes. It can be difficult when you may see other people who might be in better shape and you start to become self-conscious about how you look. But you know deep down inside, that the person you want to become just needs a little help so that not only the world can see, but the person you always wanted to become when looking in the mirror. Sometimes it just takes that little self-motivation to become… Read more.

It’s Time To Smash That Poor Health Habits Away…

April 12, 2020 ·

Ok, you have been sitting around for what seems like weeks or possibly months now. Not really doing anything for a lot of people has its rewards. But it is that one day when you look in the mirror and see the reality. The reality of someone you become that deep down is not you nor are you happy with. You want that change. You want to smash those poor health habits you have become accustomed to get who you… Read more.

Your Cardio Is About To Get A Workout…

April 12, 2020 ·

So your stuck inside and want to get out and be active. You can't get the gym and use the treadmill or any other cardio machines. You start to feel down. You just want to get your cardio workout in. You miss that connection with trainers and coaches Well, get ready as your wish is about to be granted. Features include: Full body, personalized workouts.Expert coaching from real fitness trainers.Workouts mapped to music from the world's most popular artists.Incredible photoreal… Read more.

Headmaster Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 30, 2020 ·

Have you wished that some of the day one PlayStation VR games would be in that physical category? Have you been begging and pleading with Perp Games and Frames Interactive to somehow in someway come together in a time in need? Well, your prayers have been answered with some extra time to spare. Features include: More than 40 levels in the single player story-driven campaign.Extensive multiplayer party mode.New Lost Lessons DLC . So will you dodge what is being launched… Read more.

It’s Time For You To Get Lost In These Lessons…

March 30, 2020 ·

So you think you really graduated and you thought your time at the Football Improvement Centre was finished as you were lead to believe you completed all the lessons that were to give. What if there were some lost lessons left to be learned? Then get ready to discover what Carl has been working on in his workshop. Features include... 10 brand new single player levelsBonus party mode level to enjoy with friendsEnter Carl’s workshop for the first timeTrampolines!All the… Read more.

Mini Motor Racing X Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 12, 2020 ·

That's right you racing fans who have been looking to add to your physical collection of PlayStation VR games, it looks like some of your hopes of adding some adrenaline to your stash is about to come true. So get ready to race and grab that first place in some high-octane frenzy that will have you wanting to keep playing. Features include... MULTIPLAYER - Full online multiplayer with up to four friends, and local career mode co-op. MASSIVE CAREER MODE… Read more.

It Looks Like You Will Need Some Dash In Your Racing…

March 4, 2020 ·

Racing can be a hard thing no matter the skill level. You can be in the first place up until the end and be knocked out of it all. Sometimes it's not even humans that could be the cause of it all. Welcome to the world of VR combat kart racing. Features include: Racing against others in multiplayer.Customizing your ride and outfits.Zapping your friends with ELECTROKILL.Game cartridges that can spawn new weapons.Freeze opponents with the slushy gloveWant to knock your… Read more.

Get Ready To Get Your OhShape On Quest Style…

February 16, 2020 ·

There are some things in life that motivate us. For many it is music. But what if that music could make something come out in you to help you get into shape? But it's not going to be easy as you will have to dodge, punch your way through or see if you can just go through the walls to the beat of the music. Features include: Great immersion feeling: You will feel like you are in the TV show… Read more.

Get Your Survios Greatest Hits PlayStation VR Bundles…

January 14, 2020 ·

We all know you like games and we know you want the best bang for your buck. That is why Survios has listened to their fans. They heard the screams of "we want the bundles" and "bundles for all" battle cries. That is why it's time for you to step up and take advantage of these amazing PlayStation VR bundles now. First we have the CREED: Rise to Glory and Raw Data Survios Bundle. Do you want to become Rocky?… Read more.

Creed: Rise To Glory Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

January 10, 2020 ·

Listen up all you Virtual Reality boxers out there, Creed: Rise to Glory is receiving the physical edition for a wider range of markets. This means that N. America is not going to be the only region who will have a chance to own the physical edition, but this will be the first physical title that Perp Games along with Survios will be releasing for 2020. So if you have been waiting for this to come in physical form or… Read more.

Get Ready To Unleash Your QB Dreams Quest Style…

December 25, 2019 ·

Everything you have been training for from making the right plays to throwing that pass that will have your team scoring that touchdown. But the pressure is on as you only have two minutes to make that play count. Features include: Throw like a pro with realistic motion controls in a room-scale quarterback experience. Draw plays and hone your strategy: customize up to 8 offensive plays in VR before taking the field. Featuring 8 unique teams. Customize colors, QB voice,… Read more.

Ski Jumping Pro VR – The Review

December 14, 2019 ·

Winter has a few meanings to different people. For some, it would be Christmas, a Winter break from school, even snowball fights. But for some, the sport of skiing down the slopes or even ski jumping to maybe one day have the hopes of becoming good enough to make the Olympic team for their country. I for one would like to ski down the slopes throwing snowballs at the other skiers in a big snowball fight and if you fall… Read more.

You Could Win Up To Two Copies Of Touring Karts On Steam…

December 8, 2019 ·

Yes, you read that right, you have the opportunity to win a copy of the Steam version of Touring Karts and it is yours for the taking. All you have to do is download the Steam Demo of Touring Karts and you can unlock the full game by winning three...yes three races in a row! But that is not all, if you win five races in a row, you will get an extra free Steam key for a friend. Check… Read more.

VR Ping Pong Pro – The Review

November 30, 2019 ·

Ping Pong is a sport that takes hand-eye coordination and gives you the ability to test your opponent and have them test you. The shots can come in hard and they can come in fast and you have to decide if you are going to return the serve with the same force or rethink your strategy in hopes you can score that winning shot. But does Developers One-O-One Games and IV PRODUCTIONS along with Publisher Merge Games give us something… Read more.

Touring Karts – The Review

November 10, 2019 ·

Kart racing can be a blast as you can race against your friends as well as those that you never have met as you try to make the laps in the best time and try to finish in the first place. But with the pressure of racing can come the start of the race all the way to the final seconds of the final lap. But does Developer Ivanovich Games reinvent the kart-type racer by giving us some surprises to… Read more.

BOXVR Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

October 24, 2019 ·

That’s right the high-intensity rhythm routines that are choreographed by professional instructors is getting a physical release. But what makes BOXVR work? Check out the features: Workouts by Fitness Experts – A team of leading fitness instructors are regularly consulted to produce a variety of revolving boxing workouts, specifically designed to destroy calories. From short three-minute warmups to 60+ minute endurance workouts, players will find everything needed to get their heart rates going. Get that push you need.Custom Routines – My Workouts mode allows… Read more.

Headmaster Is Receiving An Update…

October 24, 2019 ·

That’s right after three years since being released on PlayStation VR and two years on PCVR, the game where you use your head to hit balls and other objects that are shot at you is receiving an update with patch 1.08 which is available now and includes the following: Added Practice Mode! This can be accessed from the player’s room in the main story.(PS4 Only) Added the ability to play Party Mode as just one person to compete for your own… Read more.

Do You Have The Thrill For The Fight?

October 18, 2019 ·

Boxing has can get you into shape. It can give you confidence. It can even give you the thrill of competition. In this room-scale, boxing ring, you will have dodge, jab, punch, and sweat your way if you are going to make it. Get ready to go up against a unique set of fighters that have their own style techniques in a virtual gym as you will need to use skill, timing, and have lady luck on your side as… Read more.

Knockout League Has A New Quest…

October 18, 2019 ·

That's right all you boxing fans, it's time to get your fight on...it's time to get your sweat on...it's time to get your Knockout League on. The same fighter that you thought you knew come to you on your turf in your Quest ring. So get ready to listen to Coach Johnson and get ready to train. Do you have what it takes to be the best? Do you have the dedication? It's time for you to give the knockout… Read more.

Creed: Rise To Glory – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

When it comes to Virtual Reality, immersion is key. You are in that world, the sounds, the interactions, the life that Virtual Reality brings is special. But when you can be placed in a ring and able to box that takes the training and dedication, you really can start to appreciate the time and thought that went into it. So when Survios announced that they were making a boxing game based on the Creed movie, I had to know more.… Read more.

2MD VR Football – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

With 2MD VR Football about to be released onto the PlayStation VR. I wanted to get some more information and learn about how the idea of mixing Virtual Reality with Football came to be and how it allows anyone to be that Quarterback they have dreamed of being with only two minutes to make that play. So I reached out to Truant Pixel to get some input and they were happy to help out. Hello and welcome to The PlayStation Brahs. Please… Read more.

Slum Ball – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

What if you attended a party and Kid Rock and Joe Dirt were making up a new game that was combined with a 3D version of Arkanoid and Racket Ball with some music and instead of balls, you had to play with smashed-up cans that they consumed and instead of rackets; you were to hit the cans with a flip-flop that was played in a sewer with rats that were shooting skulls from the day of the dead at you… Read more.

BOXVR – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Boxing can be an amazing workout. From the punches that are thrown to the ducking and moving that you do. It really can be a workout to make you sweat and get your heart pumping. But has Developer FitXR found a way to bring music, working out, and trainers to the mix? I am going to go ahead and answer this now and say that yes, yes they have. Let’s find out more about BOXVR for the PlayStation VR. I am going… Read more.

Kingdom of Blades – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Virtual Reality really does allow you to become anyone and visit any time period. You can become a general to even a warrior on the field to even defending your country through a great battle. But does Developer Chesstar Studios and Publisher DeerVR Games allow us to step back and time, relive a little history, and have some fun? Let’s find out with Kingdom of Blades for the PlayStation VR. Kingdom of Blades has you playing as a front-line warrior in the Three Kingdom Period of… Read more.

Rush VR – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Virtual Reality does some amazing things. We can go anywhere, become anyone, and do things that normally we wouldn’t do. But have you ever thought about putting on a wingsuit, having the wind against your face while out in the open with nothing but you, nature, and the ground below you? Does Developer The Binary Mill allow us to experience terminal velocity? Let’s find out with Rush VR for PlayStation VR.  So what is Rush VR all about? First and foremost, Rush VR is about wingsuit… Read more.

Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Back on July 6, 1994, there was a movie that came out that won many awards from Best Picture and Favorite Drama just to name a few and starred on Tom Hanks. That movie was called Forest Gump. In the movie, Forest Gump learned how to play Ping Pong and he was really good at it. He had the hand-eye coordination down like no one else… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7ay1JdIcuo But after the movie and through the hard times, did Forest give up… Read more.

Creed: Rise to Glory – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

You have thought about this moment. You have the eye of the tiger within you. You are destined to be the champion. But have you put in the training needed to win? When you think about these sayings, what comes to mind? Sports…Motivation…Determination…Pain…Competition? If you answered yes to any of these then you would be correct. But does Developer Survios and Publishers Survios and MGM Interactive allow you to do all of these things in Virtual Reality? The answer is… Read more.

Catch & Release – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

There are some things that just go with VR. Sure you can have horror, you can have space, and you can even have bar fights. But sometimes you just need time to escape. A time where it is just you and nature..time to just relax…time to fish. Yes, believe it or not, fishing and the outdoors is what many people feel is a good time to just gather your thoughts and just think. So does Publisher Advanced Interactive Gaming and… Read more.

Space Junkies – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

If you think about it, a gun of light has been around for a long time. From when people were first introduced to Laser Tag to even bringing that action home, there has always been the urge to take the combat to new levels. From Nintendo to Sega to PlayStation to PlayStation VR, the light gun has always added that extra level of immersion. But even at all the times playing laser tag I have always wanted that feeling of… Read more.

TO THE TOP – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Sometimes something comes along that really surprises me in Virtual Reality. Sometimes it’s not the escape, sometimes it’s just the ability to move and get to the goal that really can draw you in and make you want to stay and before you know it, hours and hours have passed. When you add in a soundtrack to keep you moving and immersive experience and you just might have a winner on your hands. So does To The Top that is developed by… Read more.

2MD: VR Football – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

There is something about being having only two minutes to make that play. Two minutes to get your team on top or it can be the longest two minutes if you crack under the pressure. But can the idea of playing Football in Virtual Reality to become the best two minutes by combining the two actually work. Well, it seems that Truant Pixel may just have the winning play with 2MD: VR Football for the PlayStation VR. 2MD: VR Football allows you to… Read more.

Happy Drummer – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

Tommy Lee of Motley Crue…Dave Grohl of Nirvana…John Densmore of The Doors to name a few are some of the best drummers of all time. Once they start playing, you just know you are in for a good time. So when I got a chance to review Happy Drummer from Lusionsoft for the PlayStation VR, I knew that this was going to be fun and I am glad I was not disappointed. Happy Drummer is what you will be and what you will… Read more.

Football Nation VR Tournament 2018 – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

Football is loved all over. Some parts of the world have such a strong passion, it’s their favorite pastime. But how does one translate the love of the sport into Virtual Reality? You get Cherry Pop Games the makers of Sportsbar VR, ask them to take this idea, to take that penalty kick and score with Football Nation VR Tournament 2018 for the PlayStation VR and I can say Virtual Reality Football (Soccer for the states) works and is fun. One might… Read more.

Knockout League – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

Boxing and Virtual Reality go together more than you might think. To take you into the world of the sport and make you move and punch the way a real boxer would is something we have been waiting for. And I am very happy to say that Vive Studios and Grab Games have come out throwing all the punches with Knockout League for the PlayStation VR. Before I continue, I want to state this warning…stretch. Sure you can go into it thinking… Read more.

Sprint Vector – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

Racing. It has its place. You want to win. You have the drive and the adrenaline to win. But do you have the desire to become a champion? This was all going through my head when I played Sprint Vector from Survios on PlayStation VR. And I have never felt more like an intergalactic champion when playing, which is a very good thing. Sprint Vector is an adrenaline platformer that will take your competitiveness to the next level. I am going to say… Read more.

Fishing Master – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

Fishing games have been around for a while. I remember at the arcade playing what you see above where you actually had the reel and you tried to catch the fish. For its time it was fun and it added to the experience as it was the closest you could get to fishing without actually going out to the lake, putting on the bait and waiting and trying to catch the fish. But what Snowball Games have done is taken… Read more.

Sparc – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

Ever since playing the game Discs of Tron and watching The Lawnmower Man, I had hope…a dream if you will. I knew that one day that we would have the mixture of a new Virtual Reality sport. A sport where anyone could compete on the same level and become who they wanted to be through the design of their own creation. And what CCP Games has done has made good on those hopes and dreams with Sparc for the PlayStation… Read more.

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