Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Viking?

December 8, 2021 ·

The days are good. You wake up, you face dragons, you drink, you burn ships, you sleep, and, of course, you repeat. But in order to be a true Viking, you have a number of skills that you must learn, that you must follow, that you must master in order to be a true Viking. The question is, are you ready to embark on the life of a Viking?

  • Defend against arrows – True Vikings do not get hit by a simple arrow.
  • Sharpening an axe – If one’s Viking axe is dull, then one’s Viking axe cannot be worthy to be held by so said Viking.
  • Rhythm – A true Viking does not do anything out of rhythm, so embrace it.
  • Giants – A Viking is powerful, but they are not as big as giants. You can either stay and try and fight or run away to Viking another day. Run Viking Run.
  • Burn the Ships – Since the people will not give up their ship, burn them down.
  • Bridges – Very simple…cross the bridge no matter what or who may come at you.
  • Dragons – Vikings love to brag. But if you want to be a true Viking, you must face the dragons.
  • Practice – A good Viking will just wing it. A great Viking will take pride in the target practice. Do you want to be good or great?
  • Forge the Swords – One is not simply given a sword…one must Forge the Sword.
  • Drinking – You have worked…you have trained…but part of the Viking code is drinking…so drink thy Viking beverage…drink to thy cannot drink no more.
  • Ski down mountains
  • The peace of fishing
  • Practice with bows and arrows
  • Climb your way to obstacles

So do you have what it takes to be a Viking? Do you have the skills to be a Viking? Can you bring back the good old days? Find out with Viking Days Remaster out now for the Quest/Quest 2 via the Oculus App Lab.

Until then…please enjoy…

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