Tag: Casual

Walkabout Tours Proudly Welcomes You To Party Viva Las Vegas Style With The King…

January 16, 2025 ·

Here at Walkabout Tours, we hope everyone has been enjoying their magical getaway as you celebrated the holidays with us. We mentioned shortly after we headed for Venice that we would have some excursions along the way. One of those was one that we previously mentioned of celebrating the King of Rock' n' Roll, the one and only, Elvis Presley. Well, we wanted to make the announcement that for those who signed up for this excursion, could you meet us… Read more.

Walkabout Tours Welcomes You To Some Holiday Spirit…

December 4, 2024 ·

We here at Walkabout Tours hope that you have been enjoying your the events thus far. Well, except for that couple who had too much expresso from our stop in Vinice and decided to try and make the water on the way to see the Venezia like it was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory while on the gondola. As we are preparing for our next getaway destination, we do have a treat for you all this holiday season. Because… Read more.

Arcade Paradise VR – The Review

June 30, 2024 ·

(www.pho.to) PhotoEngine::Collage::1

When was the last time you went to an arcade? When you went, was it for a party or to hang out with your friends? For some, going means collecting some tickets to turn in for prizes, for others, it can simply mean trying to get the highest score so they can get their names next to it, and for some it can be merely creating their own arcade experience in their own home. But does the developer, Nosebleed Interactive,… Read more.

Among Us VR Introduces The Vigilante To Get Deez Hands…

June 20, 2024 ·

As many of us have been playing Among Us VR and trying to guess who is out to get us while we point the fingers and blame at anyone and everyone, there is that one question, who can you trust on that ship? Sure you could trust any color as you see fit, but we all know lies are lies until you get caught. Well, just when we think we have everything down, an unexpected disruption will throw a wrench… Read more.

Can You Handle The Challenges Or Will Your Mind, Body, & Soul Say NOPE?

May 21, 2024 ·

You think of your life as a good one. You don't have any unhappiness or uncertainty. But do you think it will always be that way or do you think that those left unchallenged, will always be alright? You see, those who do not test their limits...their phobias, can face a harsh reality that they are not ready for. In order for one to conquer their fears, one has to face them. If you are not ready to meet your… Read more.

When You Gotta Dig, You Gotta Dig…

April 27, 2024 ·

The life of a digger can have its highs and its lows. For one thing, you can dig to help create new and exciting things. Some of the requests that a digger receives are quite unusual. For example, one digger was asked to dig a hole in a parking lot to bury a car. I've been a digger for a long time, and I've seen my share of interesting projects. While it's not always easy, it's always a lot of… Read more.

If Your Memories Were The Journey, What Would You Remember?

April 27, 2024 ·

They say that our memories add to the journies of our lives. Some memories make us happy when we can remember them and those memories we question as to why they need to be remembered. When we recall memories, we are often reminded of the choices we made in the past. These memories can be painful or joyful, but they are always a part of our life's journey. But if you had the chance to remember the journey, would you… Read more.

It’s Time To Make Your Arcade Dreams Come True…

April 7, 2024 ·

My dream was never to continue the family business but to have my own business. One that people would come in to spend their time and a place to play games. But here I am still working at my Father's laundry mat in our town of Grindstone and doing everything from the laundry to throwing out trash, while he is on vacation. But he doesn't know that I am turning this place into a new kind of business, an arcade… Read more.

There’s No Time Like A Mecha Party Time…

April 6, 2024 ·

Ever since we saw how gigantic they were, all we wanted was the chance to have that view and have a great time with our friends. Then, the toy companies figured out a way for us to do just that in a fun way with miniature sizes and VR. But we know we can expand this into something more. Get ready to join the league. Let's see what you can do. Features include: MOBA Madness From long-range shooting to melee… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants You To Go Through The Artic To Stop, Collaborate, And Listen Of A True Vandal Of This Ice Ice Baby…

March 13, 2024 ·

My colleague should have had you in the South Pacific with all those lasers and that killer robot. We had some of you by slowing you down. But no, you had to put yourself through and destroy those evil plans and that robot. Well, part of the plan worked because some of you didn't find all the lost balls that could still be active...I mean lost. But now, the plan I laid out, I mean courses that I designed, you… Read more.

Among Us VR Is Going Lights Out…

February 8, 2024 ·

Among Us VR has been very popular with players having more than 1 million units sold. We have had the new map Polus Point to play on and even had the game released on PlayStation VR2. Well, it looks like the fun is not stopping as it looks like we are about to receive some Limited Time Events to look forward to. With these LTEs, you can expect new gameplay experiences including new tasks, roles, and game modes, all centered… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You Around The World In 80 Puts…

January 12, 2024 ·

You went 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea and put on some intriguing and elegant courses. You went on a Journey To The Center Of The Earth searching dark passageways and through a network of caverns. But you still wanted more. You feel that your adventures are not complete. That you need to travel and travel even more. You want to not only play with other players from around the world, you want to go Around The World and try to… Read more.

If The World Would Be Better Off Connected By Trains, How Far Would Your Imagination Go?

January 7, 2024 ·

I remember growing up, my grandpa would always show me his trains. With each visit, his eyes opened with every new track, building, and our imagination would take us. We would design the tracks our way, add to the trains, and come up with the craziest of stories. It was a time I cherished most as I got older. But all those feelings became alive again as soon as I discovered that dusty suitcase, I was able to go back… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl Wants To See If You Can Bowl The Perfect Game On PlayStation VR2…

December 24, 2023 ·

Bowling is a sport that many love and others may have a holiday tradition of going to the bowling alley with family and friends to have some friendly competition. There is something about the pins being put down, the bowling ball in your hands, and trying to get that strike. Sure, we can blame the alley being too slippery, but there is something about the friendly competition that just keeps us wanting more. Well, ForeVR Games has us all covered… Read more.

ForeVR Pool Wants You To Try To Sink That Corner Pocket On PlayStation VR2…

December 24, 2023 ·

The holidays can be a great time of the year. We have the weather changing, decorations being put up, family time becoming even more special, and the game of Pool can take those we don't even know into the friends we want to know even more. It's a game where skill, attitude, and trick shots can make for an amazing time. And as we approach the end of the holiday season, your Pool greatness does not. And it looks like… Read more.

To Help Celebrate In The Walkabout Mini Golf & Synth Riders Remix, Welcome To The Synthabout Sweepstakes Event…

December 22, 2023 ·

Walkabout Mini Golf is known for its crazy well-themed courses that have players excited every time a new one is released. One of the courses, Shangri-La, is celebrating its anniversary and to help with that, the developers Mighty Coconut and the developers from Synth Riders, Kluge Interactive, have joined forces so that you can enjoy the creativity that has been made to bring these two worlds closer using the original score of the Shagri-La course, from volume 1 of the… Read more.

Kill It With Fire VR – The Review

December 20, 2023 ·

There may have been times when you have experienced unwelcomed visitors such as ants, flies, and other bugs that just added to your day that you did not want. Sure, you spray a can of Raid like there is no tomorrow in hopes that it would end your problem only to have them return. You can call an exterminator that most of the time works. But what if those unwelcomed visitors turn out to be spiders that can crawl anywhere… Read more.

Are You Ready To Be AFFECTED In The Asylum?

December 17, 2023 ·

We understand that your visit to The Manor might have affected you in some capacity. We quite expected it from everything that you have told us. You said things moved, that you heard things calling out to you, and those screams you said were not human. But all that talk doesn't seem something like a sane person would discuss, now does it? It seems you are quite not as well as you think. We think that you need to visit… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor Wants You To Enter Its Doors On PlayStation VR2…

December 17, 2023 ·

Over the years, in fact, since 2019, it seems that the developer, Fallen Planet Studio, has all the good intentions of increasing the scares of the visuals and sounds to new levels. From the original AFFECTED: The Manor that allowed us to enter its doors for the first time to AFFECTED: The Manor Complete Edition with updated visual and aural design along with new features that only the strong-hearted should dare attempt. One thing is for sure, if we are… Read more.

When You Are Told Not To Touch Anything, We All Know What You Are About To Do…

December 7, 2023 ·

You had one job to do, not to touch anything. But you couldn't help it, you had to touch that button. And not only were you not supposed to touch anything, you did so in your own house. Now, it seems that anything and everything that could go wrong, is going wrong. That room you just had replaced for your house, is being ripped apart by some robot peeping in on you like it owns the house looking at you… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes To The Expression That Is Meow World…

December 3, 2023 ·

What if there was a place where you were surrounded by bloom and decay where expression could come alive? If the doors opened, would you enter it? Imagine a place where sets of beings, physics, and spaces to play within can become a new reality where players, like yourself, could come together through those opened doors and experience this world but play mini-golf within it. You don't have to imagine anymore. Features include: 18 easy mode and 18 hard mode… Read more.

When The World Needs A Haircut and A Tattoo Master, You Are The One Everyone Wants…

November 14, 2023 ·

Ever since you grabbed your first pair of scissors or held your first crayon, you had that special gift. You could cut and draw things in such a way that the word spread. As you got older, you honed your craft until it became a natural fit. Now is the time you stop searching for that next client and let the clients come to you. Not everyone wants anyone to just cut their hair or give them a tattoo, but… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Invites You To The Haunted Widow’s Walkabout…

October 18, 2023 ·

Things are starting to get a little spooky with Walkabout Mini Golf. No, I am not talking about going Upside Down while enjoying the Gothic view. There is just something that has been the talk on the courses about a Local legend that says that the spooky old house on the cliff is haunted by a playful spirit who has possessed an eerie mini golf course like no other. You see, mysterious messages started about the glow of the lighthouse...… Read more.

Crossfire: Sierra Squad – The Review

October 6, 2023 ·

Imagine the act of war as it surrounds the grounds you walked on. What would be your thoughts as the world you knew crumbled around you? Would you try to get to a safer place or stay and fight? But what if you were not going to wait for something to happen, but be part of an elite team that could end it? It starts to get really interesting when you start to think about it and how things could… Read more.

PlayStation VR2 Players, Be Prepared For The Betrayal & lies In Among Us VR…

September 28, 2023 ·

There have been many attempts to complete tasks aboard the ship. Everyone knew what to do and how to do it in a timely manner. But there were those who didn't see things the same. They wanted those who tried a little too hard and a little too perfect and placed the blame on others. But there seems to be an issue with some of us crewmates not lasting too long. In fact, there is someone on this ship who… Read more.

Get Ready To Get Angry At Those Greedy Pigs On PlayStation VR2…

September 26, 2023 ·

With many of us playing the Angry Birds games, there is just something that keeps us coming back for more. Well, it looks like, for those wishing they could get their Angry Birds fix on PlayStation VR2, your wish is about to be granted. As you explore the remote island where the greedy green pigs take their vacation, you will make your way up to Party City through the serene “Vacation Levels” of exotic beaches, steep cliffs, and snowy slopes… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You To Alfheim – Land of the Elves…

September 16, 2023 ·

The story of Norse mythology has many roots. From the gods to their adventures. But all the roots come from the mighty tree Igdrasil, or as some may know it as Odin's horse, which is connected to the nine realms. Within those realms is a land of elves that are split between the light and the dark. But what some may not know is that they created a mini golf course so masterful yet untouched from even time itself. Features… Read more.

House Flipper VR – The Review

August 28, 2023 ·

Imagine starting your own business with a passion and drive for success, that no job was too small or too big, would you take the risk for the opportunity of the reward or stay left thinking what could have been? Starting anything new can be frightening and interesting at the same time. But does the developer, Frozen Way, show us the house flipping way? Let's find out with House Flipper VR for PlayStation VR. https://youtu.be/uIwYISY8mQU House Flipper VR is a… Read more.

If You Want To Earn It, You Got To Flip It…

July 30, 2023 ·

You have tried it all before from being the Ice Cream driver to a helicopter tour guide over volcanoes. Everything seemed going alright, except selling ice cream in the winter didn't work out as you planned, and that one incident over the active volcano ended up in the lawsuit of the century. But you still have your passing of seeing the end results when things looked like that one job you had that you won't talk about. You truly can… Read more.

Can You Master The Block Stacking Art Across The Different Worlds?

July 28, 2023 ·

You have the skills. You know the game. You have made it an art. But now, it's time to show the world your passion, your skills, and what it takes to become a champion. The only real question is are ready...are you truly ready to face whomever you may face? This is your time and your time is now. Features include: Campaign mode - Become the Vetrix Worlds champion by completing many challenges all across the world Competitive Multiplayer -… Read more.

What Will You Catch In This Galaxy?

July 10, 2023 ·

Fishing can be a great sport. You cast your line and hope that something bites at the other end no matter the size. But, there are times that no matter what you do or the amount of praying to the fish gods doesn't happen as you expect. But what if it's not you, but your fishing spot that needs a change? Maybe it's time to fish somewhere out of this world. Features include: Explore strange and wild new worlds Catch… Read more.

How Deep Into Your Mind Would You Go To Unlock The Mystery Of Your Past?

July 7, 2023 ·

The mind has a tendency to still go on even if one could not. It holds all of our memories including the ones that we lock up from our past. But if the subconscious could be explored, what would be said? Would we travel to the most important part of our lives and if so, what would be shown? If you could have a chance to come back, would you or would you stay? Features include: Intricate mechanisms and triggers… Read more.

Among US VR Unleashes Polus Point On…

July 5, 2023 ·

Back in April, the announcement was that Among US VR would be releasing a new map. Now, not only do we have a release date, but a new trailer that looks even more fun to be had including building sand art, rooms, activities, and let's not forget the ever importance of pushing those into burning lava. It looks like we can all enjoy Polus Point on July 27, 2023. Among Us VR is out now for Oculus Rift/S and Quest… Read more.

Can You Unleash The Legend From Within To Become The Only True Masternoid?

July 2, 2023 ·

There are some that become great through the skills that they studied and applying what they learned. There are some that have no direction and simply just stumble upon it without the realization of it. And then there are those that were born not to be great, but to become the legend they were destined to be. The only problem is if they don't know how to unleash it from within and become a master of their art. If you… Read more.

Seeker: My Shadow – The Review

July 2, 2023 ·

If you had a spirit friend, would you tell anyone or keep it to yourself? If you needed help, would you be afraid to ask for it and could you offer help to those in need? When you think about it, friendship can mean more than you know and without hesitation, become one of our strongest values. But does the developer Jestercraft, give us the story and puzzles? Let's find out with Seeker: My Shadow for PlayStation VR2. https://youtu.be/iYRns8mCrfQ Seeker:… Read more.

ForeVR Cornhole Is Receiving The Freedom To Play ForeVR…

June 26, 2023 ·

It's Summertime and you know what that means? Swimming, fireworks, scary ghost stories by the campfire, and, oh yeah, the heat. Well, with some temperatures already over 100 degrees outside, some of our favorite Summer activities may be a little too hot to enjoy. This is why, one should stay inside, turn on the fan, have an iced coffee, put on that VR headset, and play some virtual Cornhole. With the most recent announcement from ForeVR Games, ForeVR Cornhole is… Read more.

Across The Valley – The Review

June 22, 2023 ·

If you could have your own land with the bluest skies and no next-door neighbors, what would you do? Would you build upon the land? Maybe you would start to farm and harvest crops? Who knows, maybe your animals would be the greatest ones around and your crops would be the talk of the local market? Having your own farm would pay off, but it would be a lot of work. But does the developer, FusionPlay, show us farming life?… Read more.

Tentacular – The PlayStation VR2 Review

June 19, 2023 ·

Was there ever a time in your life when it just seemed like things were different or maybe you didn't fit in? It could be that you felt like you were from a different place or maybe there just wasn't this connection with everything around you. But regardless of where you are, do you ever feel like you could help out a lot more than what others will allow you to do? Trying to find a place where we belong… Read more.

Arcade Legend – The Interview

June 14, 2023 ·

If you could own your own arcade, what type of games would you have in it? Would it be the latest and greatest or would it be a mix of the reliable classics? How would you attract your customers and what would your arcade look like once they stepped inside? Arcades have always been an important part of the gaming culture as players try to get their name on the leaderboards and try to win as many tickets as they… Read more.

Seeker: My Shadow Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

June 8, 2023 ·

Back in March, we learned about the "dark-themed" single-player and local co-op where two characters try and solve puzzles that require working together, called Seeker: My Shadow would be coming out for both PlayStation VR2 and Steam VR. In the game, you will explore the diverse set of compelling levels and discover the story by overcoming casual yet demanding puzzles as a single player, or as an asymmetric cooperative with your mate. Locate and retrieve the lost Seeker Eggs and… Read more.

Place Your Bets On PlayStation VR2…

May 28, 2023 ·

Back in February of 2021, it was on the table to have PokerStars VR come to PlayStation VR. With PlayStation VR2 continuing to roll the dice, it was just a matter of time before we could step into the game of some fun times with others while we place our bets and try to win as much as we can all while being in a safe environment for everyone. What has been a positive experience for many, known as PokerStars… Read more.

When Yourself Is The Only One That You Can Count On, What Will You Do To Save Yourself In The Future?

May 6, 2023 ·

If you could see yourself now, what would you do? Would you keep staring and yelling at yourself to do something against those machines or would you help yourself fight against them? Those robots want to destroy the plant, but you have a plan. They won't expect that you have the ability to help yourself and so many more of you. The way that time loops and cloning work is beyond words, but when you see yourself, you must do… Read more.

2MD: VR Football Unleashed ALL☆STAR – The Review

April 22, 2023 ·

Football is a sport enjoyed by many. Fans will live by the team at the highs and stay with them at their lows. Some fans will even switch teams when they felt like their team let them down only to be on the bandwagon when the next season starts. A Quarterback's job is not an easy one with trying to make the plays in hopes that the play gets executed in the right way. But when it comes down to… Read more.

Will Climb Up The Corporate Ladder Be Rewarding Or Will Be An Epic Fail?

April 17, 2023 ·

We all want to move up that ladder of success, but sometimes no matter how hard we try, we may fail. Every day is going to be a new opportunity to become better and I know today will be my day to...well, that didn't work. Today is going to be the day that I...well, there went that idea. I am starting to think something in this factory doesn't want me to move up. It may take some time, but I… Read more.

Townsmen VR – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 16, 2023 ·

The settlement life had to be a tough life as well as a rewarding one. From building to farming, everyone had their part to play. Not only did the people have to worry about their own people, but from the outsiders that wanted to take what they thought was theirs without any repercussions of their unwelcome visit. But as time passed, people learned new skills, and resources became manageable, settlements became bigger and more popular. But does developer Handy Games… Read more.

Unplugged: Air Guitar – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 15, 2023 ·

We all have our favorite genre of music from the Blues to Rock. We all have our favorite bands and artists that we enjoy. Some of us sing out loud while others pretend to be holding our favorite instrument whether it be the cowbell or the guitar as we are just enjoying the moment. Music can help bring out the emotion in all of us to enhance our mood. But does publisher, Vertigo Games, and developer, Anotherway help to bring… Read more.

Are Your Skills Good Enough On The Court To Make The League?

April 15, 2023 ·

You have looked up to your heroes on the court. This is all you ever wanted to do. You practice every day just to get a chance to prove how good you are not only to those watching but to yourself. Every time you serve that ball, you know exactly where it's going to hit. You see yourself winning that league, but do you believe in yourself enough to make it a reality? Features include: Become a VR Tennis Ace… Read more.

Fruit Ninja Part Duex Wants To Take You On A Quest…

April 9, 2023 ·

We understand that ever since you grabbed those swords you have had fruit issues. There is just something about fruit falling that you feel the need to slice and dice them without hesitation and guilt. Yes, the fruit may be coming at you at times and you can claim self-defense, but other times they could be sitting on top of water sprouts and you feel the need to attack them. Then there are the times when you decide to grab… Read more.

Puzzling Places – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 8, 2023 ·

We are all familiar with puzzles and the pieces it takes to put them together. From the original flat version to even more intriguing 3D versions. Puzzles have developed over time to where we can even have them as a centerpiece of our collection to share with friends and family. Puzzles and the pieces that come with them can help us relax and allow our minds to refresh. But does developer realities.io add new pieces to the puzzle? Let's find… Read more.

Among Us VR Is Recveing A New Map…

April 7, 2023 ·

Ever since Among Us VR from Innersloth, Robot Teddy, and Schell Games launched for Quest/2/Pro and Oculus Rift/S on the Oculus Store and Steam VR, players have been non-stop blaming each other and trying to figure out who the imposter or imposters might be all while trying not to get themselves killed. Trust me when I say, blaming others in this game is a blast. But it looks like some exciting news has been announced. Something that may get things… Read more.

Even When Darkness Is Coming, A Spirit Needs A Kippo…

March 27, 2023 ·

The one thing we hoped that we would never have to face, has started. The Pillar of Darkness is being reopened for the invasion. We don't know why, but if I am to seal the gates, I cannot do this alone. I am going to need a friend and that friend has to be someone who I know can help and someone I know who is not afraid of asking for help themselves. I need Spirit in order to allow… Read more.

When You Come Face To Face With The Eight-Legged Freaks, Will You Kill Them With Fire?

March 24, 2023 ·

Imagine being in your house and sensing them. You turn on the light or open a door and your worst fear has come to life, you have some visitors you did not invite and do not want to stay. You do what anyone else would do, you try to smack them with a frying pan. But that doesn't work. You try to get some spray and they laugh at you. But what will happen when you get one of the… Read more.

ForeVR Pool Receives The 9-Ball Update…

March 19, 2023 ·

When ForeVR Pool was released, one of the things I said in the review is that I wish there were additional modes such as 9-Ball. Well, the Pool Gods at ForeVR Games heard the cries and have bestowed upon us its newest 1.3 update that not only gives us 9-Ball but also receives some additional improvements. In this update, we get the following: 9 Ball - This new game mode can be chosen once you enter the hall. The mode… Read more.

Tetris Effect: Connected – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 19, 2023 ·

Tetris. The name that everyone knows and may be one of the games that more people have played has been around for decades that had spanned books, video documentaries, and films. As Tetris became ever so popular, so did the versions. Probably the best version that we have come to love was when Tetris Effect came to PlayStation VR in 2018. So do developers, Monstars Inc., Resonair, and Stage Games, along with publisher Enhance bring us all connected? Let's find… Read more.

Rez Infinite – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 18, 2023 ·

What would you do if the world around you became hacked and your sensory pathways became a triggered reaction? But imagine the reimagined, where the world you thought you knew allowed you to experience it in new ways. Would you try to find out everything you could or try to embrace your new reality? I for one would embrace it all and experience all that was waiting for me. When you think about it, it would be an interesting choice… Read more.

Will You Be Rocking Or Ragnarockin’ Out On PlayStation VR2¿

March 14, 2023 ·

The year was 2021 and the combination of Vikings and rock music was being made with a game called Ragnarock. In the game, you lead your Viking ship to victory as you have to pound your drums to the rhythm of the sound of epic music and try to climb those leaderboards to Viking rock fame. Then, the following year, information about the game coming to PlayStation VR was a possibility. But that all changed with the release of PlayStation… Read more.

Tentacular – The Interview

March 5, 2023 ·

Imagine the world around you and no matter how hard you tried, you just didn't seem to fit in. It could be with being clumsy, maybe you have a distinct look about you, or maybe it's the eagerness of wanting to help. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we just don't seem like we fit into the world around us. But sometimes the world around us may not fit in. But when you really think about it, we all… Read more.

Get Ready To Become Unplugged On PlayStation VR2…

February 21, 2023 ·

Work has been hard. Your free time feels like it is no longer free. The only time that you feel the ounce of energy to make it through the day is when that song comes on, and for a moment, you feel like a rock star. But before you know it, reality sets in. It wasn't enough, you need more...to be fed more. You need the energy that only the music...and your air guitar, can bring out. The stage is… Read more.

Traveling Through The Multiverse All Comes Down To Checkers…

February 20, 2023 ·

Time is a funny thing. One moment you are doing something and then before you know it, you might be in a different place at a different time doing something completely different. But if you could travel through time, how would you spend your time? Sure, you could explore the environment around you trying to grasp what is going on or you could sit down and play the game while time moved around you. All you need is a place… Read more.

You Have 2 Minutes To Become Unleashed On PlayStation VR2…

February 20, 2023 ·

You practiced the plays over and over. You ran the plays in your head 24/7. But now, it's your turn to step onto the field. When that whistle blows, you will not have all the time in the world, but you have two minutes to make the play. But this isn't going to be some play, this is going to be the play that you drew, that's going to work, that will win the game. You thought it was tough… Read more.

PathCraft – The Review

February 15, 2023 ·

When you look at blocks, do you see think about what you would build? Maybe you would build a fort, a scene from your favorite movie or game, or possibly something no one has even thought of before. Do you ever find yourself getting a little frustrated because you know the block that is supposed to fit to add to your creation is just enough to not make things fall over, but no matter how many times you try, something… Read more.

When The World Gives You Balls, You Hit It Back With The Bats Of Your Soul…

February 12, 2023 ·

The world has given us many things of different shapes and sizes, from the life of animals to the gentleness of humans. We all come from other parts of the world. We all have hopes and dreams as we try to reach the stars. We are all born with special abilities and have a purpose in this life. Some become the greatest of things and some help improve upon the greatest of ideas. Take me for example, I was born… Read more.

It’s Time To Get Connected On The PlayStation VR2…

February 6, 2023 ·

When Tetris Effect launched on PlayStation VR, it took the game to the next level in ways that many of us couldn't have imagined. The game has evolved since then and it looks like we are about to embrace the competitive, the modes, and the cross-platform playing in new and exciting ways from the music to the backgrounds to the special effects to the PlayStation VR2 features, get ready to be introduced to the game you thought you knew like… Read more.

Color Connect – The Review

January 29, 2023 ·

If you had the opportunity to take a break from your busy life, would you take it? What if the opportunity allowed you to lose yourself in space with the simplicity of colors? And if those colors could connect and form different objects, how far would you be willing to get lost? We all get busy with many things either by design or the test of time. But does developer Sanford Tech Limited give us that opportunity to escape into… Read more.

Among Us VR Reaches Past That 1 Million Units Sold Milestone…

January 24, 2023 ·

It's always good to see a game that we enjoy and those that helped bring the idea to the creation to life succeed and reach certain milestones during its journey. The game in question is Among Us VR and the teams that helped make this happen are Innersloth, Schell Games, and Robot Teddy. Together they helped bring a game that was non-VR into what many feel just very well may be the greatest form that one could experience it in.… Read more.

Your Tentacles Will Become Enhanced On PlayStation VR2…

January 10, 2023 ·

Ever since our town on the Island of Lakalma has been thriving thanks to the help of our resident giant squid that just wants to help in every way possible. Just the other day, he helped with the rebuild of our local GameStomp. Just watch out for when he uses the electric wires as a slingshot...do those items go far. Yes, he is a big squid, but he is one of us and we can't wait to see what he… Read more.

ForeVR Pool – The Review

December 12, 2022 ·

The game of pool is all about the style, the ability to line up the shot, and calculation. It's a game that many try to master and many enjoy. There are different Pool games, from the traditional 8-Ball to Snooker to Billards. Games can be of a serious nature where bets can either make or break someone to others where it is just the fun of hitting that cue ball in hopes of knocking the final ball in the pocket.… Read more.

Become The Pigeon You Were Always Meant To Be…

December 4, 2022 ·

The pigeon life can be a hard one. You have to move around bobbing your head and protecting your bread. Not only that, but just like any other species, we have our own enemies to deal with and try to take what is not theirs. We are just trying to make it through the day like anyone else. Yep, the pigeon life may not be right for everyone, but it is sure the life for me. Features include: Channel to… Read more.

ForeVR Pool Wants You To Make That Corner Pocket On…

November 13, 2022 ·

Ever since it was first announced about jumping out of the kiddie pool back to the more recent information about the game becoming more of a reality, ForeVR Pool is going to bring the tables, the pool balls, and the unforgettable social experience, plus so much more. Take a look at what is in store for us all... Features include: 50 custom cues and 5 immersive halls Optional aim assist target lines and match settings 1v1 Public & Private Multiplayer… Read more.

Among Us VR – The Review

November 12, 2022 ·

If you had a set of tasks to complete, for the most part, you should be able to complete them without any issues. But imagine trying to complete those tasks with others with the thought that someone could be among you whose only purpose was to betray any trust anyone might have and use that trust to kill you. How would you go about your time? Would you always be trying to look over your shoulder? Would everyone you see… Read more.

Get Ready For The Betrayal In Among Us VR On…

October 27, 2022 ·

Players have experienced the relationship of teamwork and the heart-ripping betrayals that is a part of Among Us. But back in December of 2021, we received the news that Among Us was receiving the Virtual Reality treatment. In this multiplayer game, 4-10 players will try and complete tasks to hold your ship together, however, one or more of those players turn out to be imposters as they try to sabatoge the ship and end the lives of the other players.… Read more.

Are You Ready To Build A Town You Can Scape To?

October 9, 2022 ·

When you look at your town, what do you see? Do you see it as a place of amusement or a business that could be better? Imagine going on a road trip as you stare out the window and wonder, how you could build upon that, how you would improve upon the idea. But sometimes we see a town and wish we could escape to it, but how would you like to scape a town to your liking and let… Read more.

Squingle – The Interview

October 2, 2022 ·

Imagine what life was like before now. In fact, what do you think the universe looked like before it all began? Would it have been this empty canvas just waiting for it to be formed or was it always the plan? But what if you had a chance to help create the universe? What would you create in it or how would you change it for the better? It's always great to think about the possibilities and to imagine how,… Read more.

If You Had The Zoo All To Yourself, What Would You Do?

September 25, 2022 ·

Going to a zoo can be a lot of fun. Being in the outside air, walking around in hopes to see your favorite animal, to even catching some of the newest shows. While this is a great family time activity, most of the time, the zoo can be crowded and depending on the weather, can be really hot outside. But imagine being able to go to the zoo where you are the only one there and even the animals can… Read more.

ForeVR Cornhole – The Review

September 23, 2022 ·

The game of Cornhole has been played with family and friends for many decades. It has been known by many names ranging from sack toss to bean bag toss. The idea is simple and can be played in quick sessions of throwing a bag at a board and trying to score points against the other player. But does developer ForeVR Games bring the game that is enjoyed by many and allow us to score that Cornhole with anyone? Let's find… Read more.

Will You Make A Mistake Or Will You Find The Meaning?

September 22, 2022 ·

If you entered the world of psychedelics, what do you think you would feel? What about what you might hear? Would you even question what you might see? What if the world around allowed for a message that deep down inside you have always wanted to find out the answer for? Would you continue until you found the answer or would you take the experience in short bursts? The questions of the mind when one enters the world are something… Read more.

Olly Power Play – The Review

September 14, 2022 ·

When life gets busy, we all could use some time to just sit back and relax. Some people enjoy reading, being outside, or even just being around family. Being able to take some time for yourself or engaging with those around you is all that is needed. We all have our ways to have that feeling of calmness in our lives, even if it might be in short bursts. So does developer Waysun provide such an opportunity to relax in… Read more.

Do You Have The Skills To Become The Timeberman?

August 20, 2022 ·

Life in the woods can be a relaxing one. Hearing the birds, the wind blowing, and trees all around you. You are not there to just enjoy the view, but you have a job to do. Your job is to cut down as many trees as you can with whatever tools you have. But remember to pay attention to what you are doing as you don't want to be hit by any branches or be caught off guard with things… Read more.

Detour Bus – The Interview

June 20, 2022 ·

Road Trips can be a lot of fun. Time with friends and family as you travel to new places and make new memories. But what if you could build your own roads the way you wanted. How do you think it would turn out and what do you think would be the responses from your passengers? Would there be determination or would it be a comedy showcase just waiting to happen? Either way, road trips can be a lot of… Read more.

Townsmen VR – The Review

May 1, 2022 ·

If you were part of a settlement, do you know what everyone's job would be? How would one keep up with what needed to be built and where? Would there be someone to make the food? What about protection or even being there for religious beliefs? But what if the help you needed was right above you giving you guidance every step of the way? Being part of something new can be scary and interesting at the same time. So… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Go Toe To Toe?

April 27, 2022 ·

Sometimes in the Old West, differences will be made that will need to be settled. Sometimes it's words and other times its violence. But here in this town, we do things a little differently. Sure, there may still be words and a little violence, but we settle our disagreements with the code, honor, and games. Features include: Unique minigames set in various styles in which you can go toe to toe against others or challenge yourself. Single-player - Here you can test… Read more.

Cosmonious High – The Review

April 23, 2022 ·

If you were a new student, how well do you think you would do overall? Would the classes be super hard or do you think you could pass them with flying colors? Do you think you would fit in or would you stand back some just to get a feel of everything? Being a new student can be tough. New people you meet, the interactions with them, and even how you present yourself can be a real test of character.… Read more.

Virtuoso – The Interview

April 22, 2022 ·

If you could have a musical sandbox to create in and share with the world, what do you think you would create? Do you think interacting with an instrument would be too difficult or something that would only take just a few seconds to get the hang of where you could make a masterpiece that you have always heard in your head? Music can really help set us free. So when I heard that publisher Fast Travel Games and developer… Read more.

Virtuoso – The Review

April 20, 2022 ·

There is something about being in the Virtual Reality space where it is yours to be creative, to be who you want to be, and as artistic as one sees fit to be. But if you had the space to create the music, what do you think you would create? What do you see that music being as a representation of who you are? So do publisher Fast Travel Games and developer Really Interactive give us the tools for creating… Read more.

Are You Ready To Not Just See The Stars, But Interact With Them?

April 18, 2022 ·

The sky during the day can look just like any other day without much thought. But it's when the light turns to dark can you truly have an open view of the vast galaxy. From the stars to the planets to even the moon, there is something about the night sky where you can sit for hours and just look up and imagine. But we can only see so much with our own eyes and certain telescopes. What do you… Read more.

Virtuoso Brings Some New Features With The First Content Update…

April 13, 2022 ·

Back in February, we heard about Virtuoso and how we could mix, create, and set the music free. From using the drum pads to sharing the songs with the community to even being able to sing, beat-box, or rap to your own music so you really can use your made-for-VR instruments and create your own music. Now, just shortly after a month after release, the first that I am sure will be many updates has just been released. Check out… Read more.

When The Towns Need To Be Built, Not Any Normal Townsmen Will Do…

April 11, 2022 ·

I could tell that the people of these towns needed some help, some guidance to make sure their daily lives could be the most productive of them all. From the structures to the everyday tasks so that everyone has a purpose and there is a purpose for everyone. It may look like an easy task helping the fishermen fish, the food is cooked for the feast, and gardening that has to be done. But like everything that seems to be… Read more.

It’s Time For Some VR Karaoke…

April 10, 2022 ·

You know you can't help it. You hear that song and you start singing. You go to your favorite place to hang out only to realize that it's Karaoke night and you know you have the talent to be the next idol. But with the way the world is right now, being in a crowded place may not be the best choice. But you don't have to be left out and neither does anyone else as you can now sing… Read more.

Anyone Up For A Game Of Cricket?

April 10, 2022 ·

There is something about when you enter a stadium filled with fans cheering their favorite team. The batsman steps up and has the bowler throw the ball hoping that a boundary six is made. The game of Cricket can be an exciting one. But for many who may have never seen the game or even played, what if you could learn in just 10 minutes and take on your friends across multiple stadiums? You don't have to think about playing,… Read more.

Tentacular – The Review

March 26, 2022 ·

Have you ever thought that maybe something just wasn't right your whole life? Maybe you felt like you didn't belong like you should or maybe when you are in a different location surrounded by others that there is just this connection of how it should be? But regardless of where you are, do you ever feel like you could help out a lot more than what some will allow? When you think about it, finding the place where we should… Read more.

When Your Family Is Dysfunctional, Sometimes You Just Need To Snap The Pieces Together To Enjoy A Roadtrip Of A Lifetime…

March 21, 2022 ·

Roadtrips can be a lot of fun. You get to get out of town, see the sites, and asked if you are there yet over and over again. Of course, not all the memories may be the happiest of ones such as when you can sense anger from the other backseat drivers including the passenger, but hey, driving through that volcano might not have been the safest route, but it might have been the quickest one. But regardless, the memories… Read more.

When You Have The Music Within You, Sometimes You Just Need The Stage To Unleash It All…

February 21, 2022 ·

You can hear it in your head. The beats, the drums, and even the vocals. It's all coming together with the more you think about it, and you don't have to wait for just any stage. You have the instruments, you have the scales, and you have what it takes. The question is, on this stage with these instruments, are you ready to put it all together and show the world your place in it? Features include: Six made-for-VR instruments… Read more.

Are You Ready To Join The Fight And See A New You?

February 5, 2022 ·

We are in a new year, and that means one thing...a new you. No more excuses of sitting around putting it off, thinking about it, or dreaming about it. You don't even need to leave your home to sweat those calories off. The time for a new you is right in front of you and all you have to do is embrace it. Features include: BODYCOMBAT STYLE - The world famous martial arts inspired workout featured in 1000s of gyms… Read more.

Ever Wonder About Learning A New Language?

January 20, 2022 ·

Some of us have our primary language while others know more than one. There are times when we all would like to have learned a new language, even if that means a few nouns. But it's about having the time and sometimes the patience to learn. But what if you could learn multiple languages in a world where we are already spending a lot of our time in Virtual Reality? What if you wished you could just have that one… Read more.

When The World Is Out To Throw Tomatoes, Will You Be Able To Slice The Negativity Away?

January 18, 2022 ·

We get it. Not everyone may be fortunate to have a life where everyone sees you as you hope they would. Sometimes, people are just angry and show their dissatisfaction in life against others by saying things or even throwing things like cats or even tomatoes. But you are better and stronger than that. Plus, it helps if you have a sword to slice everything that is thrown at you. Features include: Slice oncoming food and objects being thrown at… Read more.

Will You Sidespin The Shot Or Smash It?

January 16, 2022 ·

You practice every day. You train like there is no tomorrow. You don't do this for them, you do this for you to show them and the world that this table, this racket, and that ball is yours to rule and that anyone that steps across the table from you is a guest in your house...in your world. But along with that practice...that training, there comes confidence in the Push, the Twirl, and the Kill you will put into every… Read more.

Skybinder – The Interview

January 15, 2022 ·

Some of the most memorable moments I have would be at night time and just looking up at the stars either right next to a campfire and trying to find all the constellations. And even when I could not find them all for that time of year. Even when the nighttime was over, it was even looking into the clouds and seeing what could possibly appear. All I had to do was open my mind, my imagination, and just see… Read more.

Wouldn’t It Be Nice To Relax And Get Connected?

January 15, 2022 ·

We are all busy with many things in life. Sometimes we wish things could be a little bit more simple, a little bit more time for ourselves, and a little bit of time to relax. But why do we have to wish, when we have the time to relax, to lose ourselves, and to connect is now? Features include: Color Connect - Lose yourself in space with over 50+ challenging puzzles, putting your gray matter to the test - Sit, Solve… Read more.

Skybinder – The Review

January 6, 2022 ·

Have you ever just looked up in the sky and saw the clouds and started to see things appear, but the person right next to you could see something else? What about looking up at the night sky and thinking to yourself, what could possibly be up there? For me, it's always been about the stars in the sky where there are no other lights around and trying to find all the constellations I could while also trying to see… Read more.

Viking Days Remaster – The Review

December 31, 2021 ·

If you were a Viking, what would you imagine your life would be like? Would be sailing the seas looking to conquer whatever was in your way? Would you raid the lands hoping to find the greatest of treasures? Maybe it would just enjoy the local life throughout the rest of your days. Either way, the life of a Viking can be a tough one. But does developer, VRMonkey show us the Viking ways? Let's find out with Viking Days… Read more.

Pirate Flight Is Currently Free On PlayStation VR…

December 30, 2021 ·

When you think of casual games, there was one game back in 2018 that gave us a casual flying experience where you race, shoot across worlds, and just fly and that game is called Pirate Flight. A game with no landings, no complex controls, but just simply an arcade flying experience with dragons. With 90 FPS and a default comfort mode, your time flying becomes a happy one and is also 3dRudder compatible. But to help end 2021 and start… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition – The Review

December 30, 2021 ·

Back in 2019, I along with many were invited into AFFECTED: The Manor for a tour if you will. A tour that even back then, played on your emotional strings of both expected and the many not-so-expected jumpscares throughout. It invited all in with some not lasting the entire experience to those who were brave enough to try and make it all the way through. So does developer Fallen Planet Studios improve the experience in any way? Yes...yes they do.… Read more.

On The Battlefield, There Is No Time For Panic…

December 28, 2021 ·

To some, the battlefield just seems as empty as can be. For me, I see what could be. But there are others who wish to make this their field and think that it's their time to conquer. But they are wrong. It's not their time, it's our time to protect this field...this land. We tried to reason with them, but they want to play on a different level...on a different playing field. What they don't know is in order to… Read more.

When The Need For The Best Forklift Operator Around Is Calling, Will Answer The Call?

December 22, 2021 ·

Some say it's a gift to do what I do moving, loading, and unloading everything that comes in. I never miss my mark and I can tell just the wind in the air how much to the left or right I need to go to make the perfect alignment. I have yet to have anything fall off my lift, well, except for that one time when we thought the tornado was going to hit, but other than that, my record… Read more.

What If The Things We Wanted to See Were There All This Time, We Just Needed To Connect The Dots To Unlock Them?

December 21, 2021 ·

Imagine being able to look around and see things that you knew were there, but just needed a way to connect them to unlock them. From shapes that could fly to the ones that could come to life all with some imagination the dots to connect. You don't have to imagine anymore, you just need to open your eyes to the world to see it all. Features include: Connect dots to solve increasingly detailed 3D puzzles Create an enormous whale… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You Shangri-La…

December 21, 2021 ·

Playing the courses of the Walkabout can be tough and challenging. Sometimes the downright feeling of uncertainty as you try to put your way into that top spot. But no matter the courses you played on or the Northern Lights you played under, it was all test to get you to Shagri-La and experience the beauty of the ancient Tibetan way. Features include: Achieve pure putting perfection surrounded by calming temples, clouds, and the snowy peaks of the Himalayan mountainsMeditate… Read more.

Can You Blast Into Battle With The Beat?

December 20, 2021 ·

The world can be a cold and dark place. But what happens when the line of reality and fantasy are crossed? A line where the world becomes full of color, full of wonder, and a world full of battle? But for every step that you take in the journey will be one that will be challenged. There are mighty guardians within this land and in order for me to make sure it is safe, my attacks must counter those of… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Viking?

December 8, 2021 ·

The days are good. You wake up, you face dragons, you drink, you burn ships, you sleep, and, of course, you repeat. But in order to be a true Viking, you have a number of skills that you must learn, that you must follow, that you must master in order to be a true Viking. The question is, are you ready to embark on the life of a Viking? Defend against arrows – True Vikings do not get hit by… Read more.

How Would You Explore A World Full Of Creativity And Wonder?

December 7, 2021 ·

Think about your everyday life. What would you change if you could? How would you approach things differently? What if after all that wondering your wish for something new and different was finally answered but in a way, you never thought possible? Imagine waking up one day only to wake up on a small island in what seems like a different world than you are used to. But this world is full of magic, creatures, and all for you to… Read more.

Dash Dash World Is Racing You Into Update 4.0…

December 7, 2021 ·

Dash Dash World, the kart racing, drift turning, and special power-up racer has not stopped...will not stop the races. It wants to prepare you even more for those tracks, turns, and spinouts so you can race towards being #1 across the finish line. So while you can still customize your racer and vehicle to your liking, you need to be prepared for what's in store with the new update 4.0. And this update just may be the best thus far… Read more.

Sometimes The World Around Us Just Needs Some Baby Hands To Play With It…

November 10, 2021 ·

The world is a big place, but to a baby, the living quarters alone can seem like a playground just waiting to be explored. Sometimes the littlest of things can become a different world for the imagination. The toys can come to life, objects that might be one out in the open can be lost and become hidden just waiting for you to discover them, and then sometimes, you might be left alone to defend yourself in different ways. In… Read more.

When Time Matters The Most, Can You Escape No Matter The Altitude?

October 23, 2021 ·

I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning. Something told me it was not going to be a good day. I finally interfered with the plans of my rival and somehow I think they got the best of me. I got on this plane knowing I could outsmart them, but somehow they left me here to die and all I can hear is that ticking like a bomb is about to go off. But I am the… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor Welcomes You This Halloween…

October 21, 2021 ·

Some of you may have had the courage to enter the doors of the manor as anything could happen around any corner and it seems it's about time for a revisit through its doors. Fallen Planet Studios has been working on some new tweaks, some new scares, and some new enhancements for you this Halloween if you dare. Features include: PlayStation VR fans are in for a whole new series of chills and thrills with innumerable updates and improvements. From… Read more.

Rezzil: Player 22 Adds Its First Free Expansion…

October 14, 2021 ·

Getting in shape can be hard for many. The time, dedication, and work can be a lot with things like work, life at home, and just even personal time for yourself. That is why Rezzil wants to make sure you get all that you can by giving everyone who owns the game, its first free expansion. Sure, you may have tried everything that Rezzil: Player 22 had to offer, but you haven't tried American Football drills. With skills aiming for… Read more.

Rhythm of the Universe: Ionia – The Review

September 26, 2021 ·

If your home was full of magic, musically-filled creatures, that somehow, had a balance with nature, would you do anything to protect it? What if, the one thing that helped keep the balance somehow became unbalanced, what would you do and how would you do it? Would you make sure that the ecosystem thrived at the most crucial part when it surely seemed to be breaking around you? When you think about it, I think if given the chance, we… Read more.

Rhythm of the Universe: Ionia – The Interview

September 22, 2021 ·

Music, rhythm, mythology are interesting words. You can have the mythology of the story and it will help tell the story. But when you bring in other aspects of the story such as the music and the rhythm into the mix, it can really add the impact of the mission of the statement that is trying to get across to so many. I really love a good story that is being told, but when you can have the hero with… Read more.

Come Celebrate Puzzle Bobble’s Bub’s Birthday Vacation Celebration…

September 21, 2021 ·

35 years is a long time for anything, but when it comes to Bub from Puzzle Bobble, it's just a continuation of the legacy that Bub and Bob have had over the years and now, not only is it Bub's birthday, but the puzzle bobbling duo is going on vacation and they want you to come along for the fun. But it's not going to be all fun in the sun as it seems that they have brought their girlfriends… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl Wants To Make Sure There Is No Sleep Until Brooklyn…

September 19, 2021 ·

Bowling is a sport where you can hang out, where you can grab your favorite ball, and try to get those strikes. We have bowled in the classics, in the Studio, enjoyed the view of the Private Palms, enjoyed some refreshments with a Tikie, tried our luck at becoming world champion from here to the moon, and even went to Atlantis. Now, it seems that there is a new party lane happening and it's happening in the Brooklyn Hall along… Read more.

Wind Wind – The Interview

September 12, 2021 ·

We are full of life with the strengths and weaknesses to define who we are. The body over time goes through many changes. But when that body can go no more, what happens to it or even the soul? Do we stay around or do we move on? What if, in some form, our soul could become one of the stars in the night sky as we look up and wonder? It really is interesting when you think about it.… Read more.

Paper Jam! – The Review

September 5, 2021 ·

The dictionary has a lot of words in it. Words you may have not heard of before to those that you have. But when is the last time you actually opened up a dictionary or took the time to learn a new word or two? For some, this may be a daily or weekly thing. But for many others, the thought may have never crossed their minds. It's a good thing to get in the habit of because you never… Read more.

When Chefs Clash…

September 2, 2021 ·

You thought that this town would be big enough to live out your dream. Your dream of becoming the best chef in the business. But it seems that others had the same thought, the same passion, and the same dream. But they thought they were better than you, they thought that they could push you around. But you will not stand for it. You have the speed to succeed You will show everyone in this town and the world why… Read more.

Get Ready To explore Ionia and Save The Harpa On…

August 29, 2021 ·

IONIA is still my home...our home. It is what is more important other than living inside of it. The creatures that roam its living majestic of beauty to the music and the glow that comes from it. Harmony is as important as the rhythm of the soul. But sometimes the balance can become unbalanced and things change the heart and the soul. But it's the Harpa that we should pay the most important at this time of struggle. Life as… Read more.

Wind Wind – The Review

August 28, 2021 ·

What do you think happens when the body dies? What happens to the soul? Maybe it goes on to the next life or a place where all other souls can be in pure happiness and joy. But what if the souls go as high as they can and become stars of their own for everyone to see shining bright in the night sky? But maybe not all souls can escape to their place as there can be the bad ones… Read more.

Paper Jam! – The Interview

August 24, 2021 ·

Putting words together to tell a story can be crucial to the way the story is told. Sometimes it's finding the right letters for the words of the right context that can either be the fun part of the challenging part depending on the person and the situation. If you had a time limit to spell as many words as you could, how well do you think you would do? Would the pressure of coming up with a new word… Read more.

Sometimes You Just Need To Smash…

August 21, 2021 ·

You are about to lose control. Things are getting to you and you really need to let off some steam. But where does one go to let off some steam? Do you want to throw some things and break stuff? Maybe go to the local museum and just torch whatever you can or maybe redecorate a desk or two? No one is saying to go out in the real world and do anything like this, but in the Virtual World,… Read more.

Rezzil Player 22 – The Review

August 17, 2021 ·

Do you have the mindset of wanting to get into better shape? Maybe you would love to go out and run or go to a gym. But then maybe it's too hot outside due to the Summer heat or maybe being around others during a pandemic may not be the best thing for you. Either way, one should not be counted out for having a healthier lifestyle. It's about choice and dedication. But does the developer, Rezzil, bring the workout… Read more.

Tetris Effect: Connected Is Releasing For Steam VR On…

August 17, 2021 ·

One of the best-selling PlayStation VR games is making the rounds so that everyone on pretty much your platform of choice can play. Sure you may have played a variation of Tetris, but you have never really seen or heard Tetris in Virtual Reality. From the music, the backgrounds, and even the special effects, it's all here waiting for you to experience Tetris as it was meant to be experienced. Features include: Includes Cross-Platform Multiplayer! Players on different platforms can… Read more.

Throw Anything Has Been Thrown Onto The Oculus Store…

August 17, 2021 ·

When you have a scientist that likes to play God by conducting experiments throughout the world. A few things will happen. Either they will succeed causing a time ripple effect or you do what any Sci-Fi movie and show has taught us, you stand up, and throw whatever you can at whatever you can in hopes that this will end the world domination dream. But it looks like the evil scientist did not learn their lesson as they are trying… Read more.

What Will You Play With In The Toy Box?

August 10, 2021 ·

Do you remember when you were a child and all your toys would become something bigger than life? The way you could open up the toy box and your imagination would just flow? Buttons on those toys could do anything that you hoped they would and all you had to do was press them. Everything that added to the more simple times in life is right there at your disposal. But if you had the chance to experience that joy,… Read more.

Rezzil Player 22 – The Interview

August 9, 2021 ·

During times of the pandemic, there are many of us who want to get into shape, keep up the heart rate, and just overall improve our reaction times. We want to be able to train like there is no tomorrow all why trying to have some fun while doing it. If you train from the world's best sports professionals, what would stop you from stepping up to become a better you...from training like a pro? Honestly, there may not be… Read more.

Who’s Ready For A Jetpack Vacation?

August 7, 2021 ·

It's Summer and that usually means a few things. Being outside, activities, and vacations. Sometimes you just need to get away, but sometimes getting there may be hard to do with obstacles in our way such as canceled flights, trains may not be operational, or it may be just too far to get to. But what if there was a way to still have that vacation, do the activities, and still have some fun? Wonder no more, because now you… Read more.

Get Ready To Ride Into Your Final Destination…

August 1, 2021 ·

What do you do when hinges creak in doorless chambers? What about if there are strange and frightening sounds that echo through the halls? Welcome, foolish riders to Creep Rides. I am your host of a ghost. The tour begins, here, where you enter the doors. Things may not be as you like if you have not been a good soul as the trip to hell can be a little warm. Sometimes searching for gold in the gold mine can… Read more.

Can You Solve The Anagrams¿

July 31, 2021 ·

How the world has changed. Robots are now reading books. They love to read and gain more knowledge. However, all of the printing presses were damaged. Not sure if it was due to a leaky roof that was never repaired and all the water ruined the equipment (that's what my Uncle Bot told me, but not sure it is the truth), it could have been there are no more parts as more and more robots are being created and they… Read more.

When The Earth Is Full Of Trapped Souls, Sometimes The Soul Leader Is Needed…

July 28, 2021 ·

The Earth is full of many things. It is full of life, water, and sometimes souls that become trapped. But it's these souls that must complete the journey in order before they no longer exist. It's a way to make sure life finds a way. But sometimes, when these souls become trapped and unable to complete the journey. But when one soul wanted to do nothing more than help the other spirits escape, became the guide to the soul. The… Read more.

Get Ready To Bowl In Atlantis…

July 23, 2021 ·

Bowling is always a fun time and even better with friends and family. Sometimes we may not get a chance to bowl due to schedules, locations, or even pandemics. But with ForeVR Bowl, you never have an excuse to grab your favorite bowling ball, play your favorite music, meet up with old and new friends, and try for that 7/10 split combo. But when ForeVR Bowl was released, there were a gracious, but a limited amount of alleys to bowl… Read more.

Ready Player 22…

July 10, 2021 ·

Imagine being able to help improve things like your hoop vision, reaction time, and be able to train in the drills that were developed with the world's best sports professionals. What if you become better at heading those balls for the big game, improving your vision and timing, and even take on bots that will help you train and improve? Now, you don't have to, because it's time to step up and play the game. Features include: Headers - Improve… Read more.

Get Ready For The Next Slice And Dice Of Fruit Ninja…

July 10, 2021 ·

The world of Fruitasia is a glorious one. Full of color, peace, and above all else fruit. There is so much fruit here that we use it for training purposes. Not for eating, but for our ninja skills. But now we are taking what we have trained for and well, training some more but with new tactics, new weapons, and new ways to show the world who the top Fruit Ninja really is. Features include: 🥝 Bow gameplay🍓 25 levels… Read more.

When You Want To See Japan In A Hot Air Balloon…

July 4, 2021 ·

Tokyo and Hokkaido are beautiful sites to see. See the natrual scenery of the wooden houses, the rocks that just seem to be placed in a majestic way, to even the sunshine on the snow-capped mountains. Many people dream of seeing and experiencing this culture. Some may be able to fly on a plane and take the tours, but there is only one true way to experience and breathe it all in and that is from a hot air balloon.… Read more.

Spaceteam VR – The Interview

June 20, 2021 ·

Have you ever wanted to travel into space with your friends? What do you think you would do? Land on a planet, the moon, or try and risk it all and land on an asteroid? How well would you be able to handle gravity? But if there were a list of commands that had to be followed, do you think you all could work together to make sure the mission you were on was a complete success, or would you… Read more.

Sometimes It Takes A Partnership To Show The Importance…

June 16, 2021 ·

Back in December of 2020, ROTU Entertainment gave us a glimpse of IONIA and how change to not only the heart and soul can break and disturb the balance. We were introduced to Allegra who is out to help save The Harpa, the would of IONIA. We were introduced to this world full of magic, beauty, life, and the dangers that are set to make things once remembered, be lost. But sometimes it's the ones that we make a partnership… Read more.

Sometimes, Just Being Unplugged And Playing The Air Guitar Is Enough To Make You Feel Like A Rock Star…

June 14, 2021 ·

You had a hard day at work. Your mind cannot take another meeting, question, or even commitment. After a long day, you just need to unwind, play a little guitar, and just become unplugged. But what if you don't have a guitar or really know how to play? This is not the time to let that and you have the rocking session you deserve. It's time for you to hear the cheers of the crowd, play some music, and truly… Read more.

There Are Some Traffic Jams On PlayStation VR…

June 14, 2021 ·

Those morning commutes used to be easier. Follow the signs, obey the laws, respect one another, and remember pedestrians have the right away. But now, due to the pandemic, people are more eagerly wanting to get out on the road and not pay attention to the laws, pedestrians, or even simple signs to make sure everyone is safe and gets to their destinations unharmed. But you with your high spirit and belief that everyone can be good if they just… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl – The Review

June 7, 2021 ·

Bowling is a great game to play. Being in the bowling alley picking out your shoes, feeling the ball, and just being around people. Then when it's your turn to bowl, you have the pins lined up in your sights, you know you cannot miss, you release the ball only to either put too much, not enough or just the right amount of pins and hopefully knock down some pins. Or all of that happened, the alley is too oiled… Read more.

Puzzle Bobble Is Popping Its Way On To PlayStation VR…

June 6, 2021 ·

Bub and Bob have spent many adventures together over the years and they are finally going to take a vacation. Well, it was supposed to be a planned vacation until the unthinkable happened, their girlfriends have been taken away. So it's going to be up to you to burst through new puzzles, new locations, in different game modes as you aim, fire, and pop your way to chase those high scores, play in an infinite mode, and even a Duel… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl – The Interview

June 3, 2021 ·

There is something about the game of bowling that just allows you to take a break for a few games and try to bowl that perfect 300. Maybe it's picking out the right bowling ball, maybe it's the music that is playing, or maybe it's playing with other players that just brings the environment together? So when I heard that developer, ForeVR Games made a VR bowling game where you could bowl, play with others, and even have a variety… Read more.

Is Your Aim On Point To Enter Luna Park?

May 30, 2021 ·

I heard the stories about old Luna Park. I heard that things may not be what they seem. Stories of the carousels that start to spin and music coming from the loudspeakers that would send anyone home. Those laughs some say could haunt you in your dreams and those shots ringing in your ears. But the story that keeps coming to the top of the list is who might be running the show. That's why I am here, to see… Read more.

Puzzle Bobble VR: Vacation Odyssey – The Review

May 27, 2021 ·

When you hear the name dragon, what comes to mind? There's Pet's Dragon, Puff the Magic Dragon, Dungeon, and Dragons. To me, there is a series that featured two dragons named Bub and Bob that have spanned over the years in different variations. From Bubble Bobble to Bust-A-Move to the more recent Puzzle Bobble. Over the years, Bub, the green dragon, and Bob, the blue dragon worked in various ways and went on many adventures. So does developer, Survios, show… Read more.

Boxed In – The Review

May 22, 2021 ·

Do you ever think about games that you used to play when you were younger and how if given a chance to be reborn in a way for a new audience, how well they would do? What changes would you make to some of your favorites? Maybe adding an upgrade in the graphics or new sounds to bring a refreshing take on it would be ideal. Maybe add in a new control scheme that could actually make the gameplay better… Read more.

Sometimes It’s Easier To Blame Each Other In Space…

May 21, 2021 ·

When you are part of a team, anything is possible, even in Space. If you have the right team, you can easily work together to follow commands as you communicate and complete the tasks to make sure your safety, as well as your crew is there to see another day. Sometimes though, you may have an INDIEvidual or two or maybe six, who don't know how to follow instructions and basically ending up blaming each other (but not you, because… Read more.

Get Ready To Draw IT…

May 13, 2021 ·

All this little ball wants to do is get to the other side. However, there seem to be obstacles in the way of the destination. But you can help. You can help the ball get to where it needs to go if you just draw the way around and avoid those obstacles that are in their way. It couldn't be that simple, right? Features include: Drawing a way and avoiding obstaclesCompete in leaderboardsCreative modeAdjusting drawing by changing colors, size, and… Read more.

To Unlock The Mysteries Of The Sensei Would Truly Make You The Master…

May 9, 2021 ·

Everyone loves your work. In fact, they only want you to do their tattoos. They have come all around and will love what you do no matter how you do it. It is your art and they want it on them. But there is just one problem, everyone that is coming to see you thinks that you are The Sensei just because they cannot see your face. This allows you to do whatever art work you want, no matter how… Read more.

Sometimes You Just Need To Teach A Dolphin Some New Tricks…

May 4, 2021 ·

The life of a dolphin trainer can be fun, educational, and rewarding. To really get up and close with them, you need to learn the skills to be around them, you have to practice being around them, and there has to be a trust between you and them. But it's what your dream has been since you can remember and sometimes teaching them a new trick just might be the best thing you ever did. Features include: Gain the necessary… Read more.

Become The Calligrapher…

May 4, 2021 ·

Writing can be wonderful way to get your words across, but sadly, is becoming a lost art with the technology we have around us. But the Chinese created masterpieces with their poetry and drawings. From the stroke of the brush to the colors that were represented. This art of writing does not have to be lost, but can live on. Features include: Realistic ink brush physicsMultiple colors for painting and writingCaligraphy and Chinese learningTemplates of masterpiecesSave & Share your words,… Read more.

Are You Worthy Of Grand Sensei’s ‘Table of Trials’?

April 29, 2021 ·

Listen young apprentice. Your desire is great, your wisdom is strong, and your willingness to achieve greatness is unmatchable. But there are still lessons that one must learn if they are truly to become the legend. You are the chosen one and well, the three others that showed up as well. It will be up to all of you, well, hopefully you don't fall under the pressure to prove once and for all, that you are truly ready for my… Read more.

When One Steals Your Treasure, Will Ye Be Able To Reclaim Thy Treasure?

April 28, 2021 ·

You are a mighty captain. In fact, you may be the best of in the far lands. But where the stories are told, the stories can be heard and the jealousy turns into greed. You have collected many fine treasures over the years, but one Captain feels that ye treasure should be theirs by any means necessary. But in order to get your treasure back, you must be able to clear the way if you ever want to see that… Read more.

Will You Escape Or Be Boxed In?

April 28, 2021 ·

Puzzles don't seem to bother you. In fact, you thrive on them. No one has seen your puzzle skills and no one ever will witness the greatness that you are. But this is a new type of puzzle, a new way for you to add another notch in your belt, another way for you to escape...if you can. But in this puzzle room of colors, don't let the bright squares fool you as you will need to match three of… Read more.

It’s Time To Whack A Mouse…

April 19, 2021 ·

Ok, we get it, hitting mice is not the best thing to do in real life, but thankfully, this is Virtual Reality. But imagine that you have a cake and in fact, you have been looking forward to this cake all day long. Then without any real warning of what was about to come, mice start taking your cake, the one that you have dreamed of all day, slice by slice. So how does one stop the thievery of the… Read more.

It’s Time For A Vacation Odyssey…

April 18, 2021 ·

Bob and Bub...Bub and Bob. Two friends that just wanted to relax on their vacation and relax, but they for some reason cannot stop bobbling those puzzles. I guess for two friends, the puzzle way of life is the best kind of vacation one can take no matter what it will take to solve those puzzles. Features include: 100 New Puzzles: Brand new, 3D puzzles with special bubbles and brain-teasing challenges Fun for Everyone: Intuitive controls and limited movement offers… Read more.

Traffic Jams – The Review

April 14, 2021 ·

Before the pandemic, I think there is one thing we could all agree on and that is no one likes traffic. The sitting and waiting, the additional frustration, and even possible accidents all because of a traffic jam. It's no fun and it's one thing I can say since the pandemic and most will agree is the lack of traffic. But as things start to ease up some and more people getting out and driving, the traffic is also starting… Read more.

Space Slurpies – The Review

April 7, 2021 ·

There is something about our daily lives that just seem to be busy whether we would like it to be or not. Sometimes it is work, sometimes it is family, and sometimes it's the combination. Sometimes just trying to find some time for yourself and maybe some friends can be difficult when it really shouldn't be. We all try and find ways to deal with our schedules of life and sometimes we manage, but then there are days that we… Read more.

Space Slurpies – The Interview

April 5, 2021 ·

Think about space and how big it is. The stars, the planets, the different galaxies that are all up in space. If given the chance, would you go, would you live, would you party like it was nothing of the world that you knew? I know that many of us will not be going into space any time soon, it is still fun to think about. But what if we could go with others and just forget our troubles? So… Read more.

It’s Time You Used Your Frog Hands For Revenge…

April 4, 2021 ·

He was just known as Steve. Many who thought he had a normal life. Maybe he had a wife no one knew about as no one really knows as he pretty much kept to himself and would never send out any Holiday cards. Maybe he made something in a lab and something went horribly wrong. Or maybe he was a hand model. At this point, the only thing anyone really knows about Steve is his fascination with frogs. But it… Read more.

Shooting Arena VR – The Review

March 27, 2021 ·

Virtual Reality can allow us to do many things that some of us would not have a chance to do or possibly not even thinking about doing. It can range from a variety of things from flying a plane to conquering our fears. VR is a very powerful platform when you think about it. Sometimes it's nice to escape just to try something new even in our own reality, we may not even make the attempt. So does Developer Infinity… Read more.

Can You Become The Starcaller?

March 21, 2021 ·

Our sacred temple. The one that was supposed to be the temple of all temples. What have I returned to? What has become of this once pristine temple? It has become disordered in a way that was never meant to be. Maybe it has something to do with the newly formed life. Maybe something was miscalculated. But I cannot let this be. I must restore this temple to what it once was...what it should be. I must complete the final… Read more.

Welcome To Jam City…

March 19, 2021 ·

Certain things in life are supposed to be simple and reliable. Things such as vehicles, cities full of life, and traffic lights. Yes, all those should be simple and reliable unless you are in a city that is full of life with vehicles and no traffic lights. Then things can get very chaotic here in Jam City. The people can get ran over, and even zombies or natural disasters could be unleashed. But that's where you come in or at… Read more.

Are You Ready To Direct The Rays?

March 7, 2021 ·

The world of humans is a puzzling one, but it's when evil confronts our existence that sometimes we will have to form a unity to destroy it. But there just might be a way to get rid of this evil, these devils of sorts to turn them into stone. We found that by using these tools of magic, we could actually use the light rays to turn them into stone. But it's not easy, as these rays need help with… Read more.

The Force Is Strong With Pinball…

February 25, 2021 ·

We know that you tried out there. We know that the Imperial forces were in strong numbers on that mission. Luckily for you, you didn't end up as a ghost and speaking to others at their most time in need when it appeared they have lost all hope. No, you were one of the lucky ones. Injured pretty bad and recovering, all you can do is think about what if. What if things were different? I mean, it could be… Read more.

The Galaxy Is Yours To Explore…

February 22, 2021 ·

Observing the galaxy can be a very chilled experience. Looking at the stars and wondering. But what if your telescope is not like all the others? What if, you could observe the life and events of the curious planets by physically manipulating your telescope? Find new details that were just a thought and solve that ultimate cosmic mystery. It's all for you to discover if you just take a moment to look to see all your questions be answered? But… Read more.

Ven VR Adventure- The Review

February 19, 2021 ·

Looking at what works well in VR, there is a genre that we don't seem to get a lot of and could benefit from more of. I am talking about platformers. The ability to see the jumps from point A to point B and hoping that you land that jump. Or the ability to dodge in move in ways that Virtual Reality brings a different view compared to non-VR gameplay. There is just something about it that really intrigues me.… Read more.

Get Ready To Take That RC Flight…

February 15, 2021 ·

Sometimes when you are up in the air and seeing the sky as you go at such speeds is a feeling like no other. But sometimes for whatever reason, you can't always be up there flying. Things such as the cost of owning a plane, the actual lessons to fly, or even an actual plane. So the next best and more cost effective way is to grab an rc plane and fly like you have never flown before (plus the… Read more.

Bullet Roulette VR – The Review

February 9, 2021 ·

Think about the last time you sat around playing cards with your friends. Just being able to talk and hope you had the best hand. Or what about the Old West where players would set around and if someone thought someone was cheating, they would either call them out on it or worse, one less player to deal with. Either way, it can be a good time if you have the right mix of people. So does Developer Fibrum bring… Read more.

It’s Time To Take Care Of Some Pets…

February 8, 2021 ·

Pets can be fun, they can be playful, and sometimes they can even learn some tricks. But with all things that we care for, pets will need to interacted with, be taken care of, and even buy accessories for. Yes, caring for pets can be hard work, but it can be very rewarding if you have the right tools for the job. Get ready to become the caretaker you never knew you wanted to be. Features include: Taking good care… Read more.

Grab Your Oculus Quest/Quest 2 And Get Ready To Play Some CATAN VR…

February 7, 2021 ·

For those that may enjoy the tabletop version of the game, but either not everyone wants to play or with there being a pandemic can get everyone to play. I mean, I guess you could set up an online meeting session with everyone having a cam and everyone buying the game to move the pieces, but then you get into who has what cards and it could take a very long time to play. But what is probably the easier… Read more.

Can You Win The Jackpot?

February 1, 2021 ·

We get it. The pandemic has everyone wanting to get out and and for some that means betting it all on the winning had while you play some cards, take some slot action, or just be around people. But it's going to take more than just wanting to be around others, it will take studying them if you want to hit the jackpot. But you also want to make sure you don't over bet and know when to double down.… Read more.

It’s Time To Become The Bow Man…

January 31, 2021 ·

The bow can be a mighty weapon. With hardwork, dedication, and spiritual focus, you can be the most fierce bow warrior of the land. But it's going to take that special someone and that someone is you. But not any ordinary bow will do, but you must wield the yumi and master the targets and any enemies with the perciese accuracy and timing, but just as you will be shooting the arrows, you must also be able to dodge the… Read more.

FORM – The Review

January 30, 2021 ·

If you had the opportunity to work on something spectacular, would you continue with it no matter the costs? The long hours, the dedication, the missed moments of those precious relationships. But if it was all for the greater good, would you continue if you were so close to knowing the answer? It is something to think about if given the chance. But knowing the risks could have its greatest rewards. So does Developer Charm Games give us a chance… Read more.

It’s Time To Join The Bullet Club…

January 26, 2021 ·

You know you are having a bad day when it's just you and three others are sitting around a table in a saloon playing for some high stakes. In fact, those high stakes are your own life. The rules are simple, draw some cards and if you survive, you get paid not only $1.00, but you still have another minute to think about your hopes and dreams as you try and take out the other player. However, if you don't… Read more.

Sometimes You Just Need To Beat Our Stress…

January 21, 2021 ·

The world is still a crazy place and when you are just trying to keep your head above water, sometimes your state of mind may not always be where it needs to be. Sometimes stress can overcome you in ways where you thought you could handle things. Sometimes we may get worked up and that adrenaline starts to pump through our veins. Sometimes we just need to get our energy levels going. But other times, we may need time to… Read more.

1976 – Back To Midway – The Interview

January 16, 2021 ·

Nostalgia can mean different things to different people. For some, it can be T.V. Shows or old movies. Some can be books or plays. But for many, it's the games that we played as we were growing up and watch as it goes through different variations. Sometimes it's that certain new perspective that allows us to really remember the good times and get excited about the things that we have always loved. So when I heard that Developer Ivanovich Games… Read more.

1976 – Back to Midway – The Review

January 13, 2021 ·

One of the games that I really loved playing was the 194X series. There was just something about controlling a plane and shooting and as simple as the controls were, you had to have the hand-eye coordination to make sure that you didn't lose all your lives and it was game over. No matter how much I would get frustrated because I knew I had the pattern down, something would change and the more frustrated I would become. Not in… Read more.

MYST – The Review

December 31, 2020 ·

Back in 1993, there was a game that came out on PC that really caught my eye and it was one of the reasons I had to have a PC. That game was MYST and it is a game that still holds sentimental value to me. Over the years we have seen the game and its sequels go from PC to consoles to handhelds to even mobile devices. I knew from the moment I saw the game and later played… Read more.

Race Into The Dash Dash World 2.0 Update Finish Line…

December 17, 2020 ·

You have raced. You have battled your way only to see that finish line in your sites only to be hit with a frying pan that ends up knocking you into the last place. You want that revenge, you want to hear the crowd cheer for you and see your name in lights, but you just want a little more. Maybe some new tracks, or some new campaigns, or possibly a new weapon to gain that advantage. Well, want no… Read more.

Help Granpa Santa Find His Lost Presents…

December 15, 2020 ·

Over a year ago, a game called The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets showed what fun can be in Virtual Reality. Back in 2019, the Oculus Quest version received a special holiday update where it was up to you to help Granpa Santa find all of his missing toys. And Fast Travel Games is bringing back the fun for all the new players to find those missing toys and in doing so, can claim an in-game reward. So what… Read more.

Explore Ionia…Save The Harpa…

December 3, 2020 ·

IONIA has always been home. It's what I care most about and all that live inside of it. From the creatures that roam to the living wonders of this place, it means more to me than you will ever know. Every day I can hear that music and the glow that comes alive almost with a curiosity of the innocent no matter the size. But the harmony I know seems to be changing and I am not sure if it… Read more.

It’s Time To Go Back To The Midway…

November 26, 2020 ·

They must be stopped. He has to be stopped. They have to be stopped at all costs. This is the message that our brilliant scientist, one Dr. Ivan Ivanovich has sent us. Hitler has declared himself the Supreme World Chancellor and with that comes a reign of terror that must come to an end. But in order to set things right, Dr. Ivanovich and his team have what we knew they were capable of doing and building a time machine,… Read more.

Twilight Path – The Review

November 24, 2020 ·

When you think about life, what comes to mind? The story that is being told? The impact we make on others? What about the journey? When you really think about it, many people may have many ideas and beliefs on what they feel is the right one when it comes to this subject. For me, it's really about the path that we take that leads on that journey in a way that we impact others. It really can become this… Read more.

It’s Time For Some Of That Holiday Cook-Out…

November 24, 2020 ·

With the holidays in full swing, there are a few things that need to be in order. One, decorations, two gifts, and three the holiday feast. That's why Revolution Games has a gift for you this holiday season. It's time to gather all those holiday decorations to prepare for the holiday feast for all those customers that are working hard for that appetite. So check out what's in store for this holiday treat... New Casual Game Mode.New holiday ingredients.New Customers.Hidden… Read more.

Cook-Out: A Sandwich Tale – The Review

November 12, 2020 ·

One type of genre I have enjoyed in both non-VR and in VR is cooking. The ability to get all the ingredients and try to get them in the right order all while trying to please the customer in hopes that you do not end up getting some bad reviews. It really helps build up your hand-eye coordination skills. So does Developer Resolution Games bring fun and chaos into the Virtual Reality recipe? In simple ingredients terms, yes they do.… Read more.

Terje Haakonsen’s Powder VR – The Review

November 11, 2020 ·

With winter coming there are a couple of things to get excited for. We have the holidays, we have colder weather, and for some parts of the world, we have snow. And during this time a lot of people go on Winter Breaks to get away from it all. It could be to someplace warmer or it could be hitting the slopes on some fresh powder as you ski or snowboard your way to let you inner Terje Haaksonsn come… Read more.

Become The Ultimate Chef…

November 7, 2020 ·

Cooking can be hard. You have to have the correct ingredients, you have to measure, and sometimes have to make different dishes depending on the requests. But most importantly, you have to have the mindset to become the ultimate chef, and that all gets tested when real-life physics gets involved. Features include: Career and Sandbox modes.80+ recipes.140+ lifelike ingredients.Perks and skills to unlock.Advanced cooking mechanics.Realistic physics. So will you become the ultimate chef? Will recipes become perfection? Will your kitchen… Read more.

Dash Dash World – The Review

October 26, 2020 ·

One thing that can be really fun in Virtual Reality is racing. Single-player racing against AI can be fun, but then after some time, you almost need to have the multiplayer aspect to keep the fun going. But if there is one thing that really can get the engines going is if you add some drifting, some power-ups, and the ability to customize basically everything. So does Developer MOTIONX Studio bring all the elements of racing in VR? Let's find… Read more.

Get Ready To Get Your Body Into Shape…

September 20, 2020 ·

It's been a crazy year and secretly you have been thinking that it might be time to not just sit and wonder, but to actually get up and move. But not just any movement, you want movement to music. You want to be able to move through, punch or dodge walls following the beat of the music. You don't have to wonder no longer, so get ready to get into shape...OhShape. Features include: 2 awesome environments.27 handcrafted maps with 4… Read more.

Coaster – The Review

September 18, 2020 ·

Rollercoasters are some of the best times when going to theme parks. We all have our favorite be that they are themed after a particular movie or superhero or just the design of the track along with the thrill of the ride. Sometimes we just want to escape for a few without the lines and the crowds and just go on the ride. But does Developer Monster Paw allow us that front row seat? Let's find out with Coaster for… Read more.

It’s Time To Ride On A Coaster…

August 23, 2020 ·

Coasters can be some of the best rides. From sitting in the front row or all the way in the back, for most coasters are a must when visiting any theme park. But sometimes just sitting at home to escape on a coaster can also be rewarding even with all those drops and turns. Features include: Experience the thrill and sensation of unique coaster experiences. Different environments from space to a picnic.An escape of riding without the crowds. Are you… Read more.

Traffic Jams – The Preview

August 17, 2020 ·

The world has many important jobs. Some could be farmers, some could be clerks, and some could be just trying to survive the unknown and hope that when the time comes, that you are truly smarter than a 5th grader. But there is one job that may not get much attention, but one that is important and should not be overlooked, the traffic controller. In this small town, you are not the best at what you may do, and you… Read more.

The Request And Desire For More Spicy Tales Have Been Granted…

July 26, 2020 ·

Last years novel adaption that was being made for VR has received amazing support. The first title introduced us to Kraft Lawrence, a traveling merchant who meets Holo, a beautiful woman who can transform into a wolf. As their time together evolved with you for along for the journey, it looks like this time we will be introduced with Murie (voiced by the one and only Aimi Tanaka), the daughter of Holo and Lawrence. What adventure awaits for you? What… Read more.

ArtPulse – The Review

April 28, 2020 ·

Have you ever thought about if it was just you and your creative mind, how you would fill it? Would you sit back and just embrace what you created or would you just move on to see what all came to mind? I have thought about this on many occasions and just wondered what if...what if I could create with music and somehow bring it together in a unity of wondrous space for movement, shapes, and music. So does Developer… Read more.

Throw Anything – The Review

April 27, 2020 ·

Think about the world that we are in now and that world getting flipped around due to a virus that so happens to be caused by a mad scientist and his experiments that happen to cause a zombie outbreak. Would you do what you could to hopefully be a survivor or sit back and hope that it would all pass by? As the world that we are in does Developer Visual Light give us a way to have some fun… Read more.

It’s Time To Go On A Raid…

April 5, 2020 ·

A war is happening and there is only one person that can win this and that is you. You are the top pilot and you have no fear. Your skills are legendary, but this is not a mission to take likely. You need to get in there, take out the enemy, and survive. When the situation gets critical, will it be enough to get you through it all? Will you simply take out the enemy or use the Magnetic Pulse… Read more.

Your Beat Saber Collection Is About To Get Some Timbaland…

March 21, 2020 ·

If you have been having a blast with Beat Saber and have been hoping some new music would drop, then get ready as Beat Saber releases their newest Music Pack featuring Timbaland and includes the following tracks: Sid Tipton, Timbaland - Has A MeaningKaydence, Timbaland - Dumb ThingzWavezswavesz - While We’re YoungNash Overstreet, Karra & Common Strangers - What I LikeBruno Martini, Timbaland - Famous ft. Jake Davis So get ready to slice and dice your way to the new… Read more.

If The Mind Holds The Key To An Impossible Place, Would You Enter Or Would You Stay Trapped Within?

March 11, 2020 ·

What if a trauma had such an impact that your mind hid what it needed to in order to protect you? Would you let time pass by wondering and passing it off as nothing or would you dive deeper into the cause? Playing as one gifted Dr. Deven Eli, you are on a brink of uncovering the meaning behind the mysterious signal coming from a secret artifact called The Obelisk. But your gift is not what you may expect as… Read more.

Ven VR Adventure – The Interview

February 26, 2020 ·

Many types of genres work when it comes to Virtual Reality. But one in particular that I hope we get to see a lot more of is platformers. The ability to move around in Virtual Reality and get that sense of immersion, really cannot be beaten. It allows you to see things in different ways that you normally would not get to experience when it comes to playing them on T.V. So when I heard that Ven VR Adventure and… Read more.

Throw Anything – The Interview

February 24, 2020 ·

Think about all the things that you are able to do in Virtual Reality based on the experience that you are presented with. From exploring to survival, Virtual Reality gives us a way to interact with different objects in different ways. Even if you are surrounded by zombies, the experience can sometimes be scary and sometimes it is just a matter of having some fun while trying to survive the zombies. So when I heard about Throw Anything and the… Read more.

Get Ready To Get Your OhShape On Quest Style…

February 16, 2020 ·

There are some things in life that motivate us. For many it is music. But what if that music could make something come out in you to help you get into shape? But it's not going to be easy as you will have to dodge, punch your way through or see if you can just go through the walls to the beat of the music. Features include: Great immersion feeling: You will feel like you are in the TV show… Read more.

Are You Ready To Go Down The Rabbit Hole?

February 16, 2020 ·

There is more to the story that was told of a girl named Alice in Wonderland. But what you may not be aware of is the story before the story that needs to be told. Playing as a girl who lost her pet Patches and happens to wander into Wonderland, you will need to guide her as she moves through this mad world, but what you will have to find out is which way will you go and is the… Read more.

A Friend Can Be Any Size…Even If Others May Not Be Able To See Them…

February 6, 2020 ·

What if you were to truly feel like you were alone? How would you feel? Would you feel an emptiness? Would you be sad? But what if at the time when you needed it the most, a friend showed up unexpectedly? And what if that friend was really big and could lift and move things like they were toys in a playground? Meet Lewis. He is young and is just trying to do the right thing. You see Lewis lives… Read more.

Can You Help Save Planet Runnies From Destruction?

February 6, 2020 ·

What would you do if danger came to your planet so it could destroy it? Would you do what you could to save it or would you hide and hopes that the danger would never find you? Meet Ven who happens to love his planet Runnies. Ven has that good spirit about him and would be more than happy to be your friend. But there is a great disturbance on Planet Runnies and that disturbance is none other than the… Read more.

The Curious Tale Of The Stolen Pets Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

January 23, 2020 ·

For those that have yet to play The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets or maybe you were hoping that you would be able to pick this up to add to your physical collection, you are in luck. In The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets, you will need to help your Grandfather solve the mystery of the missing pets. You will need to explore and be on the lookout as the pets could be found anywhere from the highs… Read more.

Get Your Survios Greatest Hits PlayStation VR Bundles…

January 14, 2020 ·

We all know you like games and we know you want the best bang for your buck. That is why Survios has listened to their fans. They heard the screams of "we want the bundles" and "bundles for all" battle cries. That is why it's time for you to step up and take advantage of these amazing PlayStation VR bundles now. First we have the CREED: Rise to Glory and Raw Data Survios Bundle. Do you want to become Rocky?… Read more.

Job Simulator Has Gone Platinum…

January 9, 2020 ·

That's right, the simulator that gave us so much that we didn't even know we wanted to keep working even after actual work has hit a very impressive milestone by going Platinum. That means that over 1 Million units have been sold. That really is a goal everyone can appreciate and applaud the wonderful team for this accomplishment. But I have a strong feeling that we are not done jobbing and cannot wait to see what the future holds. Congrats… Read more.

Get Ready To Open Your Eyes And Feel The Pulse Of The Empty Canvas…

December 19, 2019 ·

The reality that you know, that you are used to is about to change. The world you are about to experience is the darkness of emptiness that is waiting for you to change that. Every move can change with color. Combined shapes to mix the tunes of the sounds. If there is darkness, what will you create to form the light? Features include: 6 base songs (for now!) to create a soundscape on. A toolkit full of unique visuals and… Read more.

You Could Win Up To Two Copies Of Touring Karts On Steam…

December 8, 2019 ·

Yes, you read that right, you have the opportunity to win a copy of the Steam version of Touring Karts and it is yours for the taking. All you have to do is download the Steam Demo of Touring Karts and you can unlock the full game by winning three...yes three races in a row! But that is not all, if you win five races in a row, you will get an extra free Steam key for a friend. Check… Read more.

Kitten'd – The Review

December 1, 2019 ·

Kittens can be cuddly, they can be cute, and they can be the perfect pet for some people. But what would happen if you had multiple kittens of different breeds with different needs and if you gave them too much catnip? Either it would be pretty fun and amusing or there would be some chaos to be had. So does Developer Star Vault AB show us the fun with kitten ownership? Let's find out with Kitten'd for the PlayStation VR.… Read more.

The Curious Tale Of The Stolen Pets – The Review

November 30, 2019 ·

If you saw something without even knowing anything about it, how intrigued would you be? And once you have gotten just a glimpse of what it was about, would you turn or away or would you be willing to step out of the safety of your boundaries in order to fully embrace it? Sometimes when we look into something that we normally might not, it may turn out to be something we enjoy. So does Developer Fast Travel Games give… Read more.

Crazy Machines VR – The Review

November 11, 2019 ·

There is something about being able to see and figure out how things work. From the plan to the execution of that plan, sometimes we may get it right on the first attempt and sometimes it may take many trials to finally get the right chain reaction in order to accomplish the task at hand. But does Developer FAKT Software along with Wild River and Perp Games allow us to have fun with physics in a new way within Virtual… Read more.

Touring Karts – The Review

November 10, 2019 ·

Kart racing can be a blast as you can race against your friends as well as those that you never have met as you try to make the laps in the best time and try to finish in the first place. But with the pressure of racing can come the start of the race all the way to the final seconds of the final lap. But does Developer Ivanovich Games reinvent the kart-type racer by giving us some surprises to… Read more.

Bonfire – The Review

November 2, 2019 ·

Have you ever thought about what would happen if the human race had to set out for a new destination, one that hopefully, could help keep the human race alive and going for generations to come? If you were in a similar situation, what kind of choices would you make and what would your thoughts be? Does Developer Baobab Studios show us what it would be like to be stranded on an alien world wondering what would happen next? Let’s… Read more.

BOXVR Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

October 24, 2019 ·

That’s right the high-intensity rhythm routines that are choreographed by professional instructors is getting a physical release. But what makes BOXVR work? Check out the features: Workouts by Fitness Experts – A team of leading fitness instructors are regularly consulted to produce a variety of revolving boxing workouts, specifically designed to destroy calories. From short three-minute warmups to 60+ minute endurance workouts, players will find everything needed to get their heart rates going. Get that push you need.Custom Routines – My Workouts mode allows… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Interview

October 10, 2019 ·

Within Virtual Reality, many things can immerse us. From simplesounds to places we have never been before. It really is amazing. Butwhen you start to get into the horror aspect of it all, something isdifferent. Virtual Reality can take you out of your element and place inthe middle of it all. Your mind can start to have these thoughts, yourheart can start beating faster and all this is adding to the experience. Sowhen I found out that Fallen Planet Studios… Read more.

Catan VR – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Have you ever wanted to play a tabletop game and either could not get anyone to play or the choice of the game to play was never agreed on? Tabletop games can bring out the competition in some while bringing the fun for others. Do does Developer Experiment 7 bring the competition and the fun of tabletop games to Virtual Reality? Let’s find out with Catan VR for the PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54-E1XERNGM I am going to say that I have never played Catan before,… Read more.

Starship Disco – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Sometimes when you see a picture whether it be from a book, a movie poster or a game, the first glimpse can leave an impression. Sometimes that impression can leave a bad taste while others can put a smile on your face. So does Developer Solus Games give us more of a lasting impression than what we see at first glimpse? Let’s find out with Starship Disco for the PlayStation VR. So what is the premise of Starship Disco and what do you do?… Read more.

Virtual Virtual Reality – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

If one day in the future all the jobs that humans would do was suddenly taking over, what would you do? If the AI started to develop a need for human companionship would you sign up or would you even have a choice? It is something to think about as machines and AI are already being used in today’s world where those same things were once all human controlled. But does Developer Tender Claws give us a glimpse of the… Read more.

Konrad’s Kittens – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Cats! they can be tough, they can be cute, and they can even be heroic, but they can also get into mischief, especially when they are kittens. But are you or someone you know without a cat in their lives? What about the people who may be allergic to cats or ones that just want to prove that they are responsible enough to take care of one? Does Developer FusionPlay show what’s it like to own a cat and kittens… Read more.

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

I am sure at some point in your life you have played Angry Birds on some type of device from mobile to console. There has been everything from toys to movies and really doesn’t seem to be any stopping the craze. So does Developer Resolution Games bring a new perspective angle to the mix? Let’s found out with Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs for the PlayStation VR. Yes, Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs the familiar charm that you know and love, but… Read more.

VERTI-GO HOME! – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

I want you for a moment to sit, relax, and open your mind. Don’t think about any troubles that you may have, don’t think about the frustrations that you have faced. In fact, just think of your mind as a place that can open the door of the journey to the destination. Do you think you could get there without any bumps along the way? It really is interesting how the mind works and what it can really do. But… Read more.

TrainerVR – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

From hobbies to even T.V. shows, model trains can be a very soothing and exciting hobby. You can design them any way you like to be as simple or as crazy as you would want. It’s really up to you how you can create it shape that world. I have always been fascinated with some of the detail that can be put into them. From even the detail of Thomas The Tank Engine to even the world’s largest model train… Read more.

Kingdom of Blades – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Virtual Reality really does allow you to become anyone and visit any time period. You can become a general to even a warrior on the field to even defending your country through a great battle. But does Developer Chesstar Studios and Publisher DeerVR Games allow us to step back and time, relive a little history, and have some fun? Let’s find out with Kingdom of Blades for the PlayStation VR. Kingdom of Blades has you playing as a front-line warrior in the Three Kingdom Period of… Read more.

Arca’s Path VR – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

You know how when you put on the PlayStation VR headset and magically you are in that new world. Your reality doesn’t exist, but this new world, this new place has become your reality. But what if something in this new reality trapped you. Would you know how to get back home? All very good questions to ask. But does Publisher Rebellion and Developer Dream Reality Interactive show us how to escape from reality to the next? Let’s find out… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Imagine for a moment if you were put into a situation where your comfort zone was thrown out. A place where as soon as you open your eyes, you start to feel this unusual feeling inside like your heart can already tell that it needs to get ready for something. Imagine not being able to escape unless you press forward. So does Developer Fallen Planet Studios allow us to experience horror without any interaction, no puzzles to solve or anything… Read more.

Starbear Taxi – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Now this is the tale about howThe myth was formed and my life got turned aroundAs it only took a moment to just wait right thereI’ll let you know about the legend of Starbear In the fast-paced city where I born and bearedWaiting for a taxi is how I spent most of my daysWaiting it out, trying to be all flyWhile traffic was passing me byWhen all of the sudden mean raccoons who wanted not to be goodStarted causing trouble… Read more.

Transpose – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

I love sci-fi. I love the way it takes you on the adventure. I love how sometimes you can just see the energy that went from the idea to the visual product kind of like how it is in Virtual Reality. Think about the idea, envision the outcome, and prepare to allow people to experience a whole new world in new ways like never before. But does Developer Secret Location allow us to enter Virtual Reality to manipulate time along… Read more.

Neverout – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

What if you somehow were placed in a room with just four walls with no signs of any doors, how would you feel? Would you scream, would you start placing the blame on others or would you try and escape even if the answer was not as obvious as you would think? These are very real answers given the situation that you are in. Does Developer Gamedust allow us to enter the challenge of trying to escape a cube of… Read more.

Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Back on July 6, 1994, there was a movie that came out that won many awards from Best Picture and Favorite Drama just to name a few and starred on Tom Hanks. That movie was called Forest Gump. In the movie, Forest Gump learned how to play Ping Pong and he was really good at it. He had the hand-eye coordination down like no one else… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7ay1JdIcuo But after the movie and through the hard times, did Forest give up… Read more.

The Grand Museum VR – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Some days we may the inspiration to learn about the past and admire at a time where the world was not consumed by electronics and just escape. Thankfully Virtual Reality gives us the gateway to visit places far off, to see different cultures of the world, and appreciate art. But where normally you would have to go and pay admission or even have a membership to enjoy the artifacts, you no longer have to travel out of your home but… Read more.

Catch & Release – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

There are some things that just go with VR. Sure you can have horror, you can have space, and you can even have bar fights. But sometimes you just need time to escape. A time where it is just you and nature..time to just relax…time to fish. Yes, believe it or not, fishing and the outdoors is what many people feel is a good time to just gather your thoughts and just think. So does Publisher Advanced Interactive Gaming and… Read more.

Animal Force – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Animals can be great. Animals can have courage. Animals can even fight aliens. Wait…what? No think about it for one minute. If the Earth was being invaded by aliens from outer space and were somehow able to take a stand and fight…to defend, wouldn’t you be happy knowing all would be well protected and would be safe? We all know that is not going to happen, well, the invasion could and if all people were to be destroyed or taken… Read more.

Black Hat Cooperative – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Games can come in all shapes and sizes. Some have massive worlds while others have you contained in certain rooms. Some games require only for the single-player storytelling, while others require to be online. But sometimes, just sometimes there comes along something that is neither single nor online, but requires you to have someone with you in order to play. But the question is can this type of game be any fun? This is what Team Future Games hopes to… Read more.

Island Time VR – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

There used to be a T.V. show called Gilligan’s Island. It was simple as we would sit right back and hear this engaging tale of this trip. And as the tale was told, it all started from this port aboard this tiny ship. The mate named Gilligan and the Skipper was brave for the most part. So when I read the brochure from this company called Flight School Studio who was providing a tour to Island Time VR for the PlayStation VR,… Read more.

Happy Drummer – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

Tommy Lee of Motley Crue…Dave Grohl of Nirvana…John Densmore of The Doors to name a few are some of the best drummers of all time. Once they start playing, you just know you are in for a good time. So when I got a chance to review Happy Drummer from Lusionsoft for the PlayStation VR, I knew that this was going to be fun and I am glad I was not disappointed. Happy Drummer is what you will be and what you will… Read more.

The Pierhead Arcade – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

My own arcade? Yes, please! This is exactly how I felt from the moment I entered and saw all the games. Brought to us by Mechabit and published by Archiact VR, The Pierhead Arcade is allowing us to play the coin-based games and brings something very special to the PlayStation VR and this is a very good thing. When you first start The Pierhead Arcade, you are standing at the pier. The building looks dark like no one is around. But before you do… Read more.

RollerCoaster Legends – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

When you ride a roller coaster in Virtual Reality a couple of things will happen. For one, your brain and eyes start thinking that you are riding it and your stomach gets that feeling and this could be a bad or good thing depending on how you like roller coasters. But I am happy to say that going on Warduck’s RollerCoaster Legends for the PlayStation VR was a treat in itself that I will be happy to ride through again.… Read more.

Snow Fortress – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

I really like this time of year. We have Winter, we have the holidays and sometimes some of us get snow and some of us live where there may not be any snow at all and that can be ok as well. For those of us that may not get snow and have that white snowy Christmas like some of us remember from our childhood, Mythical City Games just may help you relive some of those childhood memories with Snow Fortress for the… Read more.

Manifest 99 – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

"People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right." Truer words have never been spoken in such a transferring experience than with Flight School’s Manifest 99 for the PlayStation VR. I want to say this first before… Read more.

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