AFFECTED: The Manor Welcomes You This Halloween…

October 21, 2021 ·

Some of you may have had the courage to enter the doors of the manor as anything could happen around any corner and it seems it’s about time for a revisit through its doors. Fallen Planet Studios has been working on some new tweaks, some new scares, and some new enhancements for you this Halloween if you dare.

Features include:

  • PlayStation VR fans are in for a whole new series of chills and thrills with innumerable updates and improvements. From a visual makeover featuring higher polygon models to a completely redesigned path system, AFFECTED: The Manor will feel like a brand-new experience even for those who have already dared to enter
  • The Gauntlet, a new spooky speedrun mode which challenges the player to make their way through a randomised obstacle course in the fastest time possible, makes its debut on PlayStation VR. Don’t forget to scream as you attempt to set a new high score as all of your shrieks will be recorded for a unique rating at the end of each run
  • For the first time on PlayStation VR is the The DARKNESS. This new addition brings an unprecedented layer of terror to the AFFECTED experience as the player is now challenged to find a new path through previously unseen areas of The Manor with only a candle to light their way
  • Both The Gauntlet and The DARKNESS will be included within the upcoming AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition, as well as a series of inclusivity features, support for over 10 languages, single-handed gameplay and a skin tone shader. Furthermore, AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition will feature a brand new series of Achievements/Trophies for players brave enough to attempt all of the challenges within
  • The PCVR and Quest editions of AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition will also receive a brand new hidden secret: the Architect’s Room. Inside will be all manner of secrets – both here in the present and for the future – but only for those who are observant enough to find it
  • Free to all exisiting owners of AFFECTED: The Manor on PCVR, Oculus Quest, and PlayStation VR

Will you be prepared? What will you find inside? Can you escape? Find out when AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition releases this Halloween for the Oculus Rift/Rifts and the Oculus Quest/Quest 2 on the Oculus Store, PlayStation VR, Steam, and Viveport.

Until then…please enjoy…

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