Tag: AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition

AFFECTED: The Manor Wants You To Enter Its Doors On PlayStation VR2…

December 17, 2023 ·

Over the years, in fact, since 2019, it seems that the developer, Fallen Planet Studio, has all the good intentions of increasing the scares of the visuals and sounds to new levels. From the original AFFECTED: The Manor that allowed us to enter its doors for the first time to AFFECTED: The Manor Complete Edition with updated visual and aural design along with new features that only the strong-hearted should dare attempt. One thing is for sure, if we are… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition – The Review

December 30, 2021 ·

In 2019, I, along with many others, was invited into AFFECTED: The Manor for a tour, if you will. A tour that even back then played on your emotional strings of both expected and the many not-so-expected jump scares throughout. It invited all in, with some not lasting the entire experience to those who were brave enough to try to make it all the way through. So does developer Fallen Planet Studios improve the experience in any way? Yes...yes, they… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor Welcomes You This Halloween…

October 21, 2021 ·

Some of you may have had the courage to enter the doors of the manor as anything could happen around any corner and it seems it's about time for a revisit through its doors. Fallen Planet Studios has been working on some new tweaks, some new scares, and some new enhancements for you this Halloween if you dare. Features include: PlayStation VR fans are in for a whole new series of chills and thrills with innumerable updates and improvements. From… Read more.

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