Tag: Horror

Can You Survive The Fight Or Will You Be Corrupted By The End Of It All?

January 15, 2025 ·

"We were aware of the site, but the directive was clear: non-interference. The place was dubbed 'the black site,' a realm where experiments were conducted without regard for the subjects. They dismissed the warnings, and now those neglected words have returned to haunt them. I hold the key to ending this nightmare and exposing their true nature and heinous deeds. Yet, rescuing those left to fend for themselves won't be a straightforward operation. This mission demands not only skill and… Read more.

Arizona Sunshine Remake – The Review

October 31, 2024 ·

In December 2016, Vertigo Games released a zombie game called Arizona Sunshine for PCVR and PlayStation VR. This game allowed us to have fun killing zombies and enjoying some humor all while trying to survive. With this being part of one of my earlier reviews with The PlayStation Brahs back in 2017, I still found it was worth the time to play. So how does Vertigo Games take what was and make it into an even better experience? You remake it, of… Read more.

Will You Be Scared Or Be The Ones To Do The Scaring?

September 30, 2024 ·

It's that time of the year when those looking for treats will be part of some tricks. But what if you could set the traps for those needing a little more scare in their life? Imagine having your own haunted house where those scary monsters would come alive at just the right moment, where all of you would get a laugh. This season, prepare for some ghoulish delights and bet your friends to see who can scare who. Features include:… Read more.

This October, Get Ready To Relive Where It Started In Style…

August 28, 2024 ·

It's been a little since you met your first. You know that feeling when their breath is right on the back of your neck, the way they made your heartbeat and how they moaned. Yeah, there is nothing like when you met your first zombie in Arizona. You still remember the sun and how it felt out in the desert as you passed all those abandoned cars and buildings. There is something about the smoke from the explosives and the… Read more.

MADiSON VR – The Review

June 23, 2024 ·

The camera can be a powerful tool. One that can take pictures to give us some of our fondest memories. A way to help tell the story is simply by seeing the image produced with a click of a button. But what if a picture could reveal more than possible from something not seen originally by the human eyes? Anything is possible and, if used in the right setting, could help with not only your survival but your sanity as… Read more.

Survios Shows Off The New Trailer For Alien: Rogue Incursion…

June 4, 2024 ·

Back in May of this year, we received a glimpse of Survios' new Alien game titled, Alien: Rogue Incursion. Even though we did some details, such as the game being a new story set in the Alien universe, this was also going to be the first Alien game in Virtual Reality. Now, we receive a little bit more of what to expect. From the trailer, things as you would expect with the darkness and the smoke, but as the trailer… Read more.

Can You Handle The Challenges Or Will Your Mind, Body, & Soul Say NOPE?

May 21, 2024 ·

You think of your life as a good one. You don't have any unhappiness or uncertainty. But do you think it will always be that way or do you think that those left unchallenged, will always be alright? You see, those who do not test their limits...their phobias, can face a harsh reality that they are not ready for. In order for one to conquer their fears, one has to face them. If you are not ready to meet your… Read more.

Silent Slayer Welcomes You Into Its Vault Of Jumpscares On…

May 19, 2024 ·

It's been almost a year since we heard about the vampire destroying jumpscare enjoying tension building of Silent Slayer: Vault of the Vampire. In the game, players assume the mantle of a persistent vampire hunter with a mission: eliminate a dormant evil residing in a grand castle. As slayers navigate treacherous traps and perilous puzzles, they must carefully dismantle devious defenses and strike precisely to defeat undead adversaries. Then in February of this year, we received a new trailer that… Read more.

You Have All Been Warned, Legion Is Coming For You…

May 18, 2024 ·

You think you know what's coming, but do you really? When things start to move and you can't see what's causing it, what will you do? Will you run and hide? Or will you try to maintain some semblance of control by asserting your first rites? When you're skin-deep in fear, will it be too much to even move a muscle? But when you're faced with the unknown, will you be able to keep your idle hands from shaking long… Read more.

OVRDARK: a Do Not Open story

May 12, 2024 ·

What would you do if someone you cared about was in trouble? Would you do whatever you could to save them or would you have limitations that could prevent you from doing what needed to be done? What happens when the things you think are true start to be questioned by the ones you trust and become so out of the ordinary that you even start to question your mind? Would anything be believed or would your mind start playing… Read more.

When No One Can Hear You Scream In Space, Will You Truly Be Prepared For The Nightmares Or Will You Go Rogue While Trying To Stay Alive?

May 1, 2024 ·

What happened in space was not part of the calculations. It wasn't part of the plan. The ones that were lost shall not be forgotten. But for those who fought for the right for others to go on, is what inspires. The word itself sends shivers down the spine, conjuring images of those Xenomorphs who invaded and killed them. It's never really been over. That feeling is starting to grow once again. If you close your eyes, you can hear… Read more.

HappyFunland – The Review

April 27, 2024 ·

When it comes to vacations, where do you and your family go? Maybe someplace that is warm or maybe you prefer the cold? Maybe it's a place you go to year after year and yet, it never gets old, but you can still call it your home away from home. Just think of all the memories you have made over the years and can look back at those pictures and videos whenever you feel a little homesick. But what would… Read more.

Hunt Together – The Review

April 26, 2024 ·

Have you ever seen a ghost? What about being asked if you believe in them? What would you say? Some feel that seeing is believing, while some believe in seeing. The paranormal, for many, is something worth believing, as there are more questions than answers about what happens in the afterlife. But let me ask you this: What would you do if you saw the very thing that you have been looking for? Would you believe your eyes, or would… Read more.

MADiSON VR Needs To Wait A Little Bit Longer Before You Attempt To Meet Her…

March 30, 2024 ·

Ever since those who have met MADiSON will probably say that they still have nightmares. But when the talks started about bringing you to meet MADiSON ever so more personally, players have been waiting for the chance nonetheless. What was supposed to be a release week for the experience, has turned into a delay. Not that everything was not ready, but it turns out that it will be a good thing. Per a tweet from Perp Games, it looks like… Read more.

HappyFunland Opens Its Gates To You On…

March 18, 2024 ·

It's that time of the year when people will start visiting theme parks as the weather starts to warm up. But there has always been one park that has fun in its name. It is A place you may never have heard of, but one where if you stay for a while, things will start to welcome you as their own. There is always a place for you to ride the rides and enjoy the festivities here at HappyFunland. We… Read more.

MADiSON VR Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 18, 2024 ·

Players who have experienced MADiSON say almost the same thing and how it is one of the scariest games ever made. In fact, the Science of Scare Project has scientifically stated that MADiSON is the scariest game ever made. There is just something about that camera in the game and when the outer noise of the real world begins to become silent and the noises and the screams, including your own, become so scary, your mind can start to play… Read more.

On Friday The 13th, Things Are About To Get A Little More Slender…

March 15, 2024 ·

It was never supposed to get out. It was only meant for fun...to scare those few who needed to be taught a lesson. But it's not what you think. The rumors are true...so very true. There is something about the face, the stare that looks into your soul. It's when you look into the eyes that you find how truly alone you may be. It won't help to scream as that feeds the fear. It won't help to run, because… Read more.

The Door You Opened, Will Show You The Fears On…

February 28, 2024 ·

What happened was never in the plans. With Mike being my former lab partner, we had been working on the cure. Mike talked about his family and how much he cared for them. He mentioned an inheritance and that mansion. But I haven't heard from him and something tells me things are not right. And add to the problem of still trying to find the cure of the pandemic with humanity and things are becoming overwhelming. I have to continue… Read more.

MADiSON Wants To Be Your Valentine And Will Sure To Show You What VR Horror Is Really About On…

February 14, 2024 ·

Back in June, a new trailer was released for one of, if not, the scariest games to ever be experienced, called MADiSON. But this was not some ordinary trailer for the game, but for what would be coming to those who dare try to face the psychological horrors that the game possesses. This will not be an experience that you simply can turn off the TV. No, this experience is not going to be for the weak. Not only will… Read more.

Silent Slayer Releases A New Developer Commentary Trailer From The Vaults…

February 8, 2024 ·

Back in June of 2023, we learned about a new Vampire game that is coming called, Silent Slayer: Vault of the Vampire for the Quest platform. In the game, players take on the role of an intrepid vampire hunter who must enter a foreboding castle and eliminate a council of evil slumbering vampires. The castle is vast, dark, and gloomy, filled with dangerous foes asleep in coffins. To reach the sleeping vampires, hunters must carefully disarm various traps, find the… Read more.

When The Flame Is Lit, Will You Have The Courage To Step Into The Void Of Awakening?

February 7, 2024 ·

All I ever wanted to do was get back to my wife with the medication she so desperately needed. But we survived what was meant to destroy. Us survivors have to lay below the subways of what is left of Moscow. It's not easy to breathe at times, but we do come across some gas masks that make it a little easier and provide some type of hope that we have lost, that we can somehow make it. But some… Read more.

What If You Could Go Back In Time Before The Titanic Sank?

January 28, 2024 ·

We last heard about returning to the Titanic in November 2023, which was supposed to come out in the Q4 of 2023. But there is a funny thing about time travel, it never forgets and if the calculations are not correct, you very well may be stuck in time. But what if, all the calculations were run over and over with the same result of being safe, would you still take the journey knowing that at any time in any… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Wants To Take You On An Updated Quest³…

January 16, 2024 ·

You may have embraced its world and what lurks inside. You may think you know what is inside those buildings. You may even have a sense of who you could trust. But something tells me that you have not truly walked with them...that you talk yourself out of the presence of those walkers when given the chance. You see, Tourist, this world may not be for everyone, but the journey will truly show what you are made of. You just… Read more.

If One Ghost Hunts, Will One Be Able To Face What Is Encountered, or Will What Is Being Hunted Be Able To Eliminate The Hunt?

January 8, 2024 ·

Ghost hunting is a somewhat special thing. You hear the sounds, things move, the EVPs that say your name, and what you see with your eyes, you have to ask yourself, was that real, or is the mind playing tricks? Even though some may think that seeing is believing, I believe in seeing what may not be there. As a paranormal hunter, if you will, I do say that I often try to catch what I hunt. But sometimes, what… Read more.

Arizona Sunshine 2 – The Review

December 31, 2023 ·

Zombies have a way of peaking the interest of many people. From those who love to watch movies about them to those who play games about getting rid of them, there is something about the undead and feasting on the living that has many rooting for them to those who secretly watch with their hands over their eyes with just enough room to peek to see what happens that make us fans of the zombie genre. Love them or hate… Read more.

Are You Ready To Be AFFECTED In The Asylum?

December 17, 2023 ·

We understand that your visit to The Manor might have affected you in some capacity. We quite expected it from everything that you have told us. You said things moved, that you heard things calling out to you, and those screams you said were not human. But all that talk doesn't seem something like a sane person would discuss, now does it? It seems you are quite not as well as you think. We think that you need to visit… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor Wants You To Enter Its Doors On PlayStation VR2…

December 17, 2023 ·

Over the years, in fact, since 2019, it seems that the developer, Fallen Planet Studio, has all the good intentions of increasing the scares of the visuals and sounds to new levels. From the original AFFECTED: The Manor that allowed us to enter its doors for the first time to AFFECTED: The Manor Complete Edition with updated visual and aural design along with new features that only the strong-hearted should dare attempt. One thing is for sure, if we are… Read more.

Propagation: Paradise Hotel – The Review

December 10, 2023 ·

What would you do if you found yourself in different surroundings than what you might be used to only for those surroundings to become a life and death matter? Do you think you could be prepared for what you saw your possible future to become or could you overcome the outcome by any means necessary? Situations that are out of our control can be a scary situation. But does the developer, WanadevStudio, show us how to make the best out… Read more.

If Time Was Against You, Do You Think You Could Escape Before Everything Sank?

November 11, 2023 ·

The program always has its challenges. Sometimes it's out of our hands, but sometimes those hands don't realize that there will be more harm than good. I get it. Some of our past travels may have not had the results that everyone had hoped for and some of them did change the outlook of time, but in order to perfect something, we have to test it. My name is Dr. Hendrick Plackett and my mission is to rescue Diana before… Read more.

When The Calls Of The Night Become The Frequency Of The Killer…

November 6, 2023 ·

I knew this gig would have its moments, especially working nights, but when I heard the tales of the Whistling Man, a killer in a mask from the 1950s, things got even stranger. The calls from the locals seem to be coming in more frequently ever since the death of the Police Chief with the clues they think they found. But what they don't know is that I, Forrest Nash, control who lives and who becomes the screaming next victim.… Read more.

When The Mind Becomes Fractured, Will You Be Able To Face Your Fears Or Let The Pain Consume You?

October 12, 2023 ·

I have tried to do the right things. To do what society expects of me. But no matter what I do, no matter what choices I have made, the results are the same. My soul and mind are reaching the boiling point that no one should ever face, but it is the love of video games that somehow is keeping me from that point, at least for now. But then it showed up and once I inserted that disk, my… Read more.

The PlayStation VR2 Doors To The Paradise Hotel Opens To All On…

October 9, 2023 ·

At the end of 2021, the word of the Paradise Hotel, was not at all what it seemed. When the event happened, some guests ventured out, while others stayed. For those who left, I am not sure how far that made it, but for those of us who stayed I am not sure how much time has passed or how much longer we can last. We wonder if this will ever blow over or if the new guests will be… Read more.

Among US VR Unleashes Polus Point On…

July 5, 2023 ·

Back in April, the announcement was that Among US VR would be releasing a new map. Now, not only do we have a release date, but a new trailer that looks even more fun to be had including building sand art, rooms, activities, and let's not forget the ever importance of pushing those into burning lava. It looks like we can all enjoy Polus Point on July 27, 2023. Among Us VR is out now for Oculus Rift/S and Quest… Read more.

When Your Mind Is Protecting You, You Have To Ask Yourself, What Is It Protecting You From?

July 1, 2023 ·

Ever since she died, things have not been the same. Either they know what has happened, or they are part of this game that someone or something is playing. It seems that there is something about Clover Hill that was not disclosed, but you can see it in their faces. These walls embrace the blood and become one with the terror almost as if they are its eyes. But the memories I have lost will need to be found to… Read more.

MADiSON VR Welcomes You To The Graphical Enhancement Of Your Nightmares This Halloween…

June 27, 2023 ·

Ever since MADiSON was released, many have claimed that they thought they could brave the psychological horrors where not only the sounds start to get in your head, but the overall fear that starts to come over you. But one thing was missing and that was the VR mode. In January 2023, we heard the news that MADiSON was being remade for VR. But it looks like a new trailer has launched that shows the graphical enhancements and all I… Read more.

HappyFunland Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

June 27, 2023 ·

It's been a dream of many to visit HappyFunland Theme Park. I am not sure why I haven't heard of it, but I am told that it is a place of fun times, great rides, and Randy Rodent. But it's when answered that ad and that stranger, Larry told me more about this "happy place" and the tragic accident. If it wasn't for the need for a job, I might never be in this situation. And by the look and… Read more.

If The Dreams Are Real, How Strange Will Things Become¿

June 23, 2023 ·

Ever since Eleven and Hawkins entered, I could not let it be. What they did, I will never forgive. The dreams I will invade, the creatures, I will possess. The realities that they thought they knew, will now become their worst nightmares. My potential will be at the highest it will ever be. My form as they know it, will be no more. Corruption is the key. If they have anything to fear, it is I, Vecna. Features include: Explore… Read more.

When There Is No Good, Will You Be Able To Serve Justice Of This Masquerade In This World Of Darkness?

June 20, 2023 ·

When the moon glows in the night, evil will walk, and the mirror will have cracks. Bloodstains are left as only a mark of my victims from the beds of the streets. Down by the river, where it's warm and green, is where my prey lies and they are not even aware of what is about to take place. For I am a Vampire and now that I am hiding in the night, it's time to go down and have… Read more.

If One Hunts To Slay Them, What Will One Do When The Slayers Become The Slayed?

June 14, 2023 ·

Some say they are only a myth. A way of spooking the children from doing wrong. But when curiosity turns from myth to reality, what will do when they see the eyes looking through their soul? Vampires are not for the faint of heart. They hunt in the night and drink the blood of the victims they seek. But we the slayers of the Vampires have found a way to stop them, and it must be on the grounds upon… Read more.

When Hunting Ghosts Starts To Become Too Real For To Investigate, Will You Run Or Will You Embrace The Fears From The Other Side?

June 13, 2023 ·

You have known something was always there. You have seen things that others have described in their nightmares. You hear voices and footsteps when no one is there. You start to ask questions only to feel the cold spots and receive answers that you cannot explain while all trying to investigate the paranormal. But what will happen when the question that you ask is answered by hearing your own name and feeling like you are being touched? Do you think… Read more.

Afterlife VR – The Review

June 4, 2023 ·

Imagine if you had a family member who, due to some unfortunate times, had to be admitted to a mental facility. What would you feel? How would you handle everyday life with the knowledge that they are in the same place where it has been known that patients were missing? Would you question the reasons why? Would you go and try to set them free? It's interesting to think what some of us would do in that situation. But does… Read more.

If You Could Have Anything, Would You Risk Part Of Your Body To Do So?

June 4, 2023 ·

We all try to play by the rules so we can make it. Sometimes the game that we play can take longer to win. But what if there was a way to get ahead of the line in order to achieve what you most wanted out of life? Would you take it knowing that there would be a consequence of no return, but the reward could be the biggest payoff? There is a way to win, but you will need… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution – The PlayStation VR2 Review

June 3, 2023 ·

What if you woke up from a nightmare only to realize it was the norm of the world? Do you think you would become a stronger individual both physically and mentally? Maybe the word has another test for you and don't even realize it or maybe this is how you will be judged when it's time. Hopefully, we never get to this point in our lives as many try and make the right choices in life. But does the developer,… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – The PlayStation VR2 Review

June 3, 2023 ·

If there was an outbreak of the zombie apocalypse, how well would you do? Would you become one of the survivors or be destined to become one of the infected? For any of the survivors, who could you trust and who do you think you would have to fear? These questions and more have been thought about many times more than you might expect from people worldwide. Hopefully, we will never have to experience such an outbreak. But does the… Read more.

Resident Evil 4 Wants To Infect You On PlayStation VR2…

May 30, 2023 ·

Ever since Resident Evil launched, there has been a cult following. With every game that has been released to the remasters on PlayStation 5 to even those that received the VR treatment, it seems that the following keeps increasing like those infected in the game and that's a fantastic thing to see. When Resident Evil 7 Biohazard launched and was playable on PlayStation VR, it was an instant favorite, then, even back in 2020, there were rumors of Resident Evil… Read more.

Hello Neighbor: Search & Rescue Releases On…

May 13, 2023 ·

Back in November 2022, we heard about the game, Hello Neighbor: Search and Rescue which includes switchable characters to sneak into your neighbor's house to save your friend. A game that will also include environmental puzzles for creative solutions. Now, it looks like the gameplay trailer has been released and by the looks of everything from doors that shut to being surprised when your neighbor is right behind you to even interactive activities such as hitting a baseball along with… Read more.

Toy Monsters – The Review

May 13, 2023 ·

If you could play a game within the tower-defense genre, what would be your ideal setting? Animals? Miniature toy figures? What about monsters? I think mine would be a combination as there could be so many possibilities. But what if you could play it anywhere from the park to your house? How much more immersive would that be? When you think about the possibilities, the game could be endless. So does the developer, YetUnkown Games show us the fun the… Read more.

Paradise Hotel Will Allow Bookings On…

May 1, 2023 ·

Back at the end of 2021, we heard about the experience that may be everything but paradise, called Propagation: Paradise Hotel where you play as Emily Diaz, who is trapped inside the hotel trying to find your sister. You will need to explore the dark surroundings, gather resources, and try to survive terrifying encounters. But it now looks like there is some additional information as well as a release date. This will be a solo VR adventure where the atmosphere… Read more.

Toy Monsters – The Interview

April 10, 2023 ·

If there was an invasion of monsters, how do you think you would protect your home? Would there be a use of weapons? Maybe the safer route might be escaping. Would you try and reason with them in some way? An invasion can be a scary thing and when you add an invasion of monsters, that can be another level of scary. But when I heard that developer YetUnknown Games was making a tower defense game where your only defense… Read more.

Black Rose Mental Hospital Is Opening Its PlayStation VR2 Doors On…

April 10, 2023 ·

It has almost been a year since I first heard about the secrets that are held within the walls of Black Rose mental hospital. A place not for the sane and faint of heart. But somehow I knew that our paths would cross. All I wanted to do was become a police officer to help serve and protect, to make our streets safer. Officer Bernhard always had a nice ring to it, but after I heard about what goes on… Read more.

The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR – The Review

April 1, 2023 ·

If you could experience the world of a nightmare, how would you go about it? Would you face the fears? Maybe you would try to find different paths in hopes the outcome may be different. Perhaps you would try to have something close to your heart that you knew could help you through whatever the tale may be. All I know is that nightmares can be a scary situation if we let them take over. But does developer Supermassive Games… Read more.

When The Monsters Attack, It’s Time To Take Out The Toys…

March 25, 2023 ·

Your home is supposed to be your place of safety, a place to be calm, and a place of protection. But what if your home became invaded, not by the people you may hear about on the news, but by monsters? Would you run away or stay and protect your home? Sure monsters can be scary, but when you have an arsenal of toys that will help you, anything may be possible. This is not the time to be afraid,… Read more.

The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR – The Interview

March 14, 2023 ·

When you think about horror, what comes to mind? It could be something from your favorite movie, book, or game. But when you add Virtual Reality into the mix, that horror can go to another level of fright due to the immersion. From the sounds that can be heard all around you to the jump scares that can be right in your face when you least expect it, horror and VR go together better than you might think. So when… Read more.

When Life Depends On The Person Next To You, How Will You Survive?

March 5, 2023 ·

Ever since those cases have been reported, no one has felt safe. Over a billion people died from that virus that we know as V1V3. We hoped that the ones that were supposed to find the cure did. We know of one man who may have the answers...the cure. But in order to get our answers, we must face what is out there. We have to make it...we have to survive. Features include: UP TO 4 ONLINE PLAYERS COOP -… Read more.

Drop Dead: The Cabin – The Review

February 20, 2023 ·

What would you do if you were stuck in the woods and found a cabin? Would you see if anyone was home? Maybe you would try to keep searching until you knew where you were. But what would you do if there were zombies? Would you try and barricade yourself in the cabin and try to survive as long as possible? From everything we know, we think we might be prepared like nothing other. That is until we were actually… Read more.

When The Horde Comes, Will You Be Able To Survive In The Cabin Or Will You Drop Dead Trying To?

February 4, 2023 ·

We sent out the communication, but we are not sure if they received it or not. They are coming and no matter what defenses we put up, no matter what we throw at them, they somehow become stronger with every step. We have the weapons, we have the intensity, and we have the will to fight. But, if they think for a second that we will not fight to the end, they have another thing coming. Features include: Gather supplies… Read more.

MADiSON Is Going To Possess The PlayStation VR2…

January 30, 2023 ·

Back in January 2022, we learned about something so disturbing that it took a camera to face the fears. The events that are randomly activated to the physiological horror that many still have nightmares to this day. Then in April 2022, we learned the importance that your camera would actually play in your survival as you are forced to continue that gory ritual that was started decades ago. The sounds that are heard, the torture that is witnessed is something… Read more.

Something Opened The Door That Was Not Supposed To Be Opened…

January 26, 2023 ·

Back in September 2021, we first heard the news of a new survival horror game that was supposedly based on real events. One where the puzzles, events, and riddles change with each playthrough along with no save points. Do Not Open was supposed to have a PlayStation VR and PlayStation VR2 version and we all know how terrifying it can be when you mix horror with Virtual Reality. Then the following month, we received even more news that the developer… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Wants You To Join In Its 3rd Anniversary Fun…

January 24, 2023 ·

It's been a great three years. Stepping foot as a tourist in New Orleans. From that moment were you felt alone to the moment you knew you were not alone, all gave and continues to give us a wild time. We spent years scavenging, crafting, making allies and enemies, and the choices we made...it truly has been a life. But as these 3 years have passed, it's time to celebrate the accomplishments and the achievements that we as tourists have… Read more.

The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR Has A Slight Delay Due To Skulls Found On The Track…

January 24, 2023 ·

Earlier in January, we had some information regarding one game that has been on many PlayStation VR2 gamer's radars, The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR, as it was part of the day one lineup. But it looks like there is a slight delay in the release. In case you were not aware, the game uses PlayStation VR2's newest features such as eye-tracking 4K HDR, and 3D audio. But due to some unlucky souls who did not watch out for the falling… Read more.

How Far Are You Willing To Ride Through Hell Before Insanity Blinks Before Your Eyes?

January 7, 2023 ·

Imagine the world as you see it now. Think of everything that could possibly be good for you. But what if that were all to change in a blink of an eye? The happiness you had is now part of the darkness, the horror, and would put you on the ride of your life. Every turn becomes a choice of life and death. And with that ride comes the fear you never expected, every blink you make, they will appear.… Read more.

Resident Evil Invites You To The VR Village On…

December 21, 2022 ·

Back in April 2020, there was a rumor of how there might be a VR mode for Resident Evil Village, now, two years later, the official word is that there will be a VR mode with a caveat. The VR mode will not just have an "experience" in VR, but the main story will be able to be played on PlayStation VR2. Now, if you have played Resident Evil 7 biohazard and played that on PlayStation VR, you know how… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Wants You To Indulge In Its Bundle Of Greatness…

December 4, 2022 ·

In January 2022, we learned that The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners would bring a new chapter for the second anniversary called Retribution. With this being a new story you will continue playing as the tourist as the choices you make, the people you meet, and the new threats that you will encounter. Then on October 31, 2022, we found out when we could have some Retribution for Oculus and Steam VR, but no set date for PlayStation VR/2. Well,… Read more.

After The Fall Wants To Complete You On The PlayStation VR2…

November 9, 2022 ·

Ever since After The Fall launched for the Quest 2, Steam VR, Viveport, and PlayStation VR, many runs have been made against the cross-platform co-op action as you fight against the Snowbreed and even against each other. And well after the launch, the game has not slowed down with all the updates that have come from holidays to horror. Now, it looks like After The Fall is going to take advantage of the power of PlayStation VR2... Features include: 3… Read more.

When You Fear The Neighbor, Do You Have What It Takes To Confront That Fear?

November 7, 2022 ·

Every time we see that house, there is something inside that brings out our inner fear. Every time we see him, Mr. Peterson, we do whatever we can to hide from him. But this time our friend is in there and it's going to take some skill, some courage, and most importantly, a team of friends that can face their fears if we are going to make it to avoid the neighbor and get out alive. Features include: Master unique… Read more.

Retribution Will Be Had On…

October 31, 2022 ·

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is a title many VR players have a fond place in their hearts. From the choices that you make to the people that you meet, there is something for everyone. But after the two-year anniversary, the announcement was made that Chapter 2: Retribution would be coming along with new characters, threats, and choices from within the world. Then in June, we learned that Chapter 2 would, in fact, be a stand-alone title along with… Read more.

STRANGER – The Review

October 27, 2022 ·

The fear when we are alone can play tricks not only on the eyes but the mind as well. From the darkness of the night to just enough light to let someone know you are home. But it's the noises that you hear, the senses letting you know something may not be right, and even your heart pounding louder and louder. What would you do if you found yourself in a situation where you were alone at night and someone… Read more.

Into The Radius Wants You To Blink & Shoot…

October 17, 2022 ·

Ever since it was announced that Into the Radius would be coming to the Quest 2 and released, many players have been trying to survive while fighting enemies as they try and explore the radius. But it looks like the newest update has brought some important features that you have been wanting that include: Highly requested new locomotion mode - blink (teleport) A number of new guns (FAL, Desert Eagle, M14, and Glock 18c) Additional points of interest, covers, and places to loot… Read more.

Twilight Zone VR Wants You To Enter The Door Into Something Scary…

October 12, 2022 ·

Twilight Zone VR brought the atmosphere, homage, and reality of the core that is The Twilight Zone. And once you enter into The Twilight Zone, you know things are not going to be the same nor possibly safe and that includes Virtual Reality. With the success of the launch of the game, Let's see what has been decided to add to the spooky season with the first seasonal update for the month of October... Not only can you jump back… Read more.

Do Not Open Has A VR Surprise For You…

October 12, 2022 ·

It is that time of the year when the days are getting shorter, nights are longer, and the haunts are spookier than ever. And to keep up with the Halloween season, it looks like we have even more detail about what is to come. Back in September 2021, we were introduced to the game called Do Not Open which is going to bring us survival horror based on real events and best of all, no save points. Then just a… Read more.

How Far Are You Willing To Go For The Hunt?

October 2, 2022 ·

The darkness can play tricks on the mind and the eyes. Some will put what is heard or what might be seen as something simple and not think about it again until it is too late. But for the others, the sights and sounds that the darkness provides are a warning of what is coming. They pray and they hope that there is a sign of protection that can help them from whatever comes from out there. That's where I… Read more.

Stranger – The Interview

September 4, 2022 ·

Imagine being in your home when you get that feeling that someone is watching you. Every step you turn and every minute passing, you feel them get closer and closer. How do you think you would handle the situation if all you had was a flashlight and the light of the moon to see that could also give whatever was out there to know where you are? Do you think mentally you could survive until help arrived or do you… Read more.

The Twilight Zone VR – The Review

August 21, 2022 ·

There was a show from the creator Rod Sterling called The Twilight Zone. And even though the opening words changed a little each season, the world of The Twilight Zone can be best summed up best with the last two seasons which say, "You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance,… Read more.

Stranger Danger…

August 6, 2022 ·

I had a bad feeling when I stepped into the house as if something or someone was watching me. The darkness that surrounds me and my heartbeat become louder with each passing minute. I can hear it outside, that stranger looking to find a way in. If I can just find the locks, restore the power, and see the sun come up, I just may make it out of this alive, but one false move, and it's game over. Features… Read more.

DO NOT OPEN To Be at Gamepolis…

July 23, 2022 ·

When we first heard about DO NOT OPEN back in September of 2021, there was something terrifying about it. From the survival horror to the puzzles, events, and riddles that change with every playthrough to no save points. Even watching the trailer there is something about this horror and maybe because it can be played in VR that is both intriguing and scary at the same time. Then in November of 2021, we got the news that not only did… Read more.

PlayStation VR2 Welcomes You To The Village…

June 3, 2022 ·

Just over a year ago, many were introduced to Resident Evil Village, Ethan Winters, Lady Dumitrescu, and other characters in the follow-up to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, which for many, was an amazing experience on PlayStation VR. When Resident Evil Village was announced, there was a rumor that there might be a VR mode. The game has since been released and the idea that we might experience the Village in VR was becoming more of a hope than a reality.… Read more.

Resident Evil 4 Looks To Leave Its Presence On PlayStation VR2…

June 3, 2022 ·

Ever since Resident Evil 4 was released, we have seen different variations of it with updated graphics to being playing in 3D to even the VR version for the Quest 2. And with the VR version of the game (which should not be missed), many were wondering if the game would make its presence on the upcoming PlayStation VR2. Well, it looks like at Sony's State of Play, we got our answer. Not only do we see the game we… Read more.

Agony VR – The Interview

April 28, 2022 ·

If you ended up in a terrible place such as Hell, how do you think you would be judged? What pain would you feel and would you have any memories to remember? If the pain and agony became so bad, do you think you would have the strength to survive? Pain and suffering can take a toll on the soul and too much pain and our minds will begin to wonder to help try and offset some of the pain.… Read more.

Black Rose Hospital Will Show You To Your Room…

April 27, 2022 ·

I became a police officer to become one of the good ones. To serve and protect no matter the cause. I may be a rookie on the force, but I am still for the people with this badge on. It wasn't until that night as I was patroling that I received the call. That call said my sister Allison was sent there. To The Black Rose Hospital. But from the rumors in town is that this hospital is for mental… Read more.

Resident Evil 4 Welcomes You To The Mercenaries…

April 24, 2022 ·

Resident Evil 4 is not only a fan favorite, but some may claim that it's one of the best in the series. Back in April of 2021, the news that the game would be receiving the VR treatment for the Quest 2 was nothing short of hopeful and welcoming for many, myself included. Then in time for Halloween of that same year, we finally got a chance to play it and a lot of players were pleased with how everything… Read more.

Retribution Will Be Had…

April 21, 2022 ·

Back in January, we received a slight taste of the next chapter in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners called Chapter 2: Retribution to help celebrate the second anniversary. All we really knew was that it was coming and which platforms it would be released on. But now, we have more information that was presented at the Meta Quest Gaming Showcase 2022. From what we can see there will be new characters to meet, new threats, and of course the… Read more.

Into The Radius Wants To Take You On A Quest…

April 13, 2022 ·

Back in February 2020, we learned about the single-player survival shooter called Into the Radius. In the game, you are sent stalking through the surreal post-apocalyptic Pechorsk Radius Zone where physics-based interaction, realistic weapon handling, and a moody atmosphere where you get immersed in the adrenaline-pumping action as you try and survive. The game has been out for the Oculus Rift/S on the Oculus Store, Steam VR, and Viveport. In a recent tweet from the official account, it looks like… Read more.

Alien Dawn – The Interview

April 12, 2022 ·

What if there was an alien invasion, how well do you think you would do? Would you be able to fight against them if needed? Would you be able to do it by yourself? If you had the right people, how well do you think the outcome would be in your favor? Aliens and the thoughts of invasions have been part of our culture through books we read to movies we watch to even the games we play. But when… Read more.

The Shore VR – The Review

April 10, 2022 ·

If you ended up on a mysterious island, how would you react? Do you think you could survive the elements from the weather to whatever may be on that island? Do you think you would ever find your way home? Hopefully, none of us will end up in some strange place trying to figure out these questions for ourselves, but it really is quite interesting how we think we would handle these types of situations. But does developer Ares Dragonis… Read more.

Deadness – The Review

April 9, 2022 ·

Horror and VR are something that usually goes hand in hand. There is just something about the atmosphere that the sound can also play an important part of it all. From the screams to the sounds to the gore to the jumpscares, with the right combination VR horror can become a terrifying experience for one to be a part of. So does developer Alien Studio give us something new when it comes to the VR horror genre? Yes, they do.… Read more.

Thou Shall Not SIN…

April 9, 2022 ·

Some say that leave well enough alone. Others may want to test that saying. The darkness is something that should not be teased with, messed with, or even played with. Those cries that you hear are not so much for the pain of the soul as it is your warning. If you are going to find out what lies on the other side, you might as well not go at it alone as there is safety in numbers, but you… Read more.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife Receives A New Price…

April 5, 2022 ·

When Wraith: The Oblivion Afterlife was reviewed, there was something about it welcoming us all with open arms and giving us the horror twist we should all appreciate as we enter the Barclay Mansion. Playing as someone who has died in a mysterious seance, you become a Wraith, one of the restless undead where you must use your supernatural abilities to solve the mystery behind your death. Well, it looks like the game has received a new price of $19.99… Read more.

When The Soul Is Trapped, Will It find A Way To Escape Or Live Forever In Agony?

March 27, 2022 ·

Some say when you die, the soul can wander looking for the answers so it can rest in peace. Others say when the soul has not been forgiven it can have an unruly eternity. But what if your final destination is all dependent on the test of your judgment regardless of what you encounter or possess. Our pasts lay the groundwork for our present on our way to our future. But sometimes the world as we know it is not… Read more.

Deadness – The Interview

March 18, 2022 ·

When you truly think of horror and Virtual Reality what comes to mind? Is it the screams that you hear or possibly make? What about the jumpscares when you least expect them? Maybe it is is being in the atmosphere of it all. There truly is something about horror in VR that is truly intriguing and can become even more surreal than you may have ever thought possible. So when I learned that developer, Alien studio was making a horror… Read more.

When Death Enters Your Mind, Will Even Your Sanity Be Able To Save You?

February 1, 2022 ·

Those flashing lights, the sound of the screams within those halls trapped within these walls as much as the smell of blood and death that came before it. But something about this place keeps me thinking about my life before. I don't remember what happened or why, but all that I know is the voices within my head are becoming more and more real. Almost as if death itself wants to play a game. But if we cannot kill what… Read more.

It’s Time For Some Retribution…

January 25, 2022 ·

Playing The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners from developer Skydance Interactive brought the choices, the immersion, and the horror that we all loved to be a part of. But I have always wondered how many stories could be told in this universe, how many different characters one could meet at any time, and how even new choices that were presented could make the outcome of the story even more worthwhile. Well, it looks like for the 2nd anniversary, there will… Read more.

When It Becomes Dark, Can You Survive Those Who Are Hunting You?

January 23, 2022 ·

We were just trying to get away for the weekend. Our favorite bands were playing at the nearby music festival. All four of us even rented a house so we would have a place to crash. We heard about what has happened in the neighborhood with the killer on the run. We are trying to escape, but all the power to exit has been turned off. We have to turn the power back on if we are going to escape.… Read more.

Do Not Open Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

January 23, 2022 ·

I hear you, but you need to get out. Please get out of my head. I cannot stand those voices and I am afraid that my battle within my head...with those voices may not end well. It wasn't supposed to happen. Not like that, in that way. But something about this house is almost like it too has the power. I am not sure what or where, but my wife and daughter, are in danger. My occupation as a zoologist… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition – The Review

December 30, 2021 ·

In 2019, I, along with many others, was invited into AFFECTED: The Manor for a tour, if you will. A tour that even back then played on your emotional strings of both expected and the many not-so-expected jump scares throughout. It invited all in, with some not lasting the entire experience to those who were brave enough to try to make it all the way through. So does developer Fallen Planet Studios improve the experience in any way? Yes...yes, they… Read more.

Resident Evil 4 – The Review

December 4, 2021 ·

Probably one of my and many others' favorite entries into the Resident Evil Universe is Resident Evil 4. But it's not just any port of Resident Evil 4 I am talking about, but the one made for the Nintendo Wii. There was just something about using the motion controls that were ahead of the time and I knew that someday that the controls and our view would become the best version imaginable. So has developer Armature Studio brought us the… Read more.

When The Things That Are Most Beloved, Will We Still Lust For Them In Darkness?

November 23, 2021 ·

I used to have everything that anyone could ever ask for. A life, hopes, dreams, and a wife. But that all changed a year ago when she went missing. I never stopped looking and my heart tells me she is still out there...somewhere. But it's the day I received a letter from her where she wanted me to go to that place, the Yelverton's Victorian Mansion. But it's not until I saw what I saw that made me question if… Read more.

Get Ready For The Mercenaries In Resident Evil 4…

November 23, 2021 ·

One of the games for the Quest 2 that had a lot of people talking when it was first announced and even after they played it was Resident Evil 4. And one of the unlockable content, once the game was completed, was the mini-game called The Mercenaries. The premise was simple, kill any enemy to earn points before the evacuation chipper arrives in the allotted time given. But this mini-game has been missing from the Oculus Quest 2 version and… Read more.

Do Not Open Welcomes You Within A Warped, Terrifying, and Oppressive Environment…

November 18, 2021 ·

Back at the end of September, we got a taste of Do Not Open when it comes to PlayStation VR. But it looks like there is some news regarding this title. The goal was to have Do Not Open releasing hopefully in time for this past Halloween, it looks like the developers want some more time in order to make it the best experience possible and it looks like the new targeted goal of mid-2022. This is not a bad… Read more.

Get Ready To Feel The Horror In Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife…

November 2, 2021 ·

There is one thing if you enter the doors of the Barclay Mansion in Virtual Reality to get a sense that something is not right. Maybe it's the voices you may hear or the things that you may see, but it's another if you can feel what you have been sensing. Imagine feeling the impact when taking damage from an enemy or maybe having your heartbeat harder with every step you might take. You don't have to wonder anymore, get… Read more.

Hell Road VR – The Review

October 23, 2021 ·

If there was an apocalypse and the world that you knew was now infested with zombies, how well do you think you could survive? Do you think that you would be better on foot or out on the road? Would the roads be any safer than on foot? Anything could happen on the outside at any time, but if there was any chance for safety, it might be a risk worth taking if would mean a chance for survival. But… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor Welcomes You This Halloween…

October 21, 2021 ·

Some of you may have had the courage to enter the doors of the manor as anything could happen around any corner and it seems it's about time for a revisit through its doors. Fallen Planet Studios has been working on some new tweaks, some new scares, and some new enhancements for you this Halloween if you dare. Features include: PlayStation VR fans are in for a whole new series of chills and thrills with innumerable updates and improvements. From… Read more.

What Would You Do If You Could Not Leave?

October 13, 2021 ·

Something told me I should not have taken this case. But when I heard that there was a missing person, I had to. However, all the clues that I found led me to that forest. That place where they say no one returns. But I am not just anyone, I know I can gather what I need and escape what might be in there. I am not sure what I have gotten myself into, but I need to make sure… Read more.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife Needs Just A Little Extra Time To Open The Doors To Barclay Mansion On PlayStation VR…

October 8, 2021 ·

Being part of the afterlife must be a tricky one. You are no longer living even though the spirit is strong. Last month it was reported that PlayStation VR fans would finally get a chance to enter the doors into Barclay Mansion on October 7, 2021, but it looks like the spirits are getting a little restless as they await your arrival. But as the day was coming, it has been announced, that there would be a slight delay, not… Read more.

On The Road To Hell, There Is Only One Way To Survive…

October 4, 2021 ·

It happened. I am not sure how, but it did. I haven't seen a living soul in I don't know how long. But that doesn't mean I'm alone as I do have a friend and the people calling me on the radio are about to be saved. But they are out there. The dead men and women walking just looking for a bite. I am not one for staying in one spot too long as I have a plan of… Read more.

The Curse Of The Night Just Might Be Your Last…

October 4, 2021 ·

The year is 1972. This night was like any other or at least I thought it was. Driving on that road in Texas and minding my business. I was enjoying the night, but those clouds almost appeared out of nowhere, and then it happened. That crash...I am not sure if it was an accident or on purpose. I was out in the middle of fields close to the Stafford Farm. I have never met them, but I heard the stories,… Read more.

Would You Open The Door If Everything Around You Told You Not To?

September 29, 2021 ·

That sound...the creaking of the door opening like it hasn't opened for some time. But this is my house and I can hear them shut, but I have to keep going for any chance of finding my family and escaping whatever this place now is. It seems that every time I think I have a way to escape, something changes...it changes. Things are not the same and I have seen the end even change. But I can hear their screams… Read more.

Resident Evil 4 VR Invites You To Go On A Quest On…

September 27, 2021 ·

Back in April, it was announced that Resident Evil 4 would be receiving the VR treatment and coming to the Oculus Quest platform. We received the announcement trailer, but we wanted to know more. https://youtu.be/Q68H2Kg3Qbc Well, it looks like today is a good day for all you Resident Evil and VR fans out there. Some of you may know that Resident Evil 4 is a game that has a place in the hearts of many and some would call it… Read more.

PlayStation VR…Welcome To The Afterlife…

September 16, 2021 ·

They say the place where monsters roam can be terrifying. They say that fear can be our own worst enemy. They even say that once you enter, there may never be a return to the reality of which you knew. All the courage that you may have will not even match the violence that this place once knew. You can still hear the heartbeats in each of the many rooms of the Barclay Mansion, but one has to wonder if… Read more.

Paranormal Activity: The Last Soul Wants To Take You On A Quest…

September 12, 2021 ·

There is something about once we get into September, there is something in the air. It could be that the air is getting a little cooler, the days are getting shorter, or maybe it's that there is that smell of horror brisking through the air. Sometimes we may see things that we don't see could actually be there. Sometimes things may move or turn on when we know, or at least, we think is not possible. In any case, we… Read more.

Plush Madness – The Interview

September 1, 2021 ·

Have you ever seen horror movies where there is a scene involving a summoning and sometimes it may go right, but there are times when you knew the characters should have not gotten involved. Then later on in the movie, we were right and chaos and horror start to unfold. But when I heard that developer Rhine Games was making a game about a summoning gone wrong that involves plush animals, I wanted to know more. So I reached out… Read more.

Blair Witch VR Edition – The Review

August 31, 2021 ·

The words Blair Witch have a special meaning for a lot of people. From the Movies, the mockumentaries, to even the games, Blair Witch Volume I: Rustin Parr, Volume II: The Legend of Coffin Rock, and Volume III: The Elly Kedward Tale, and even Blair Witch: Oculus Quest Edition. There is just something about the Blair Witch universe that is intriguing and mysterious about it that keeps drawing us towards it. So does developer Bloober Team show us any improvements… Read more.

DMN7 – The Interview

August 29, 2021 ·

If people started to disappear around you, how would you feel? Would you start to worry that you were next or worry more about possibly who could be next? Would you try and find out what has happened, no matter what would be the outcome? Being brave is a very honorable trait to have as we always need to be careful with what we do and how we do things. So when I heard that that developer John Coday made… Read more.

You Have 45 Minutes To Escape…

August 22, 2021 ·

They say there is something strange going on at the old asylum. The crazy doctor who we thought learned their lesson from the previous failed experiments didn't listen. The stores of screams, horror, and sounds that are not human can be heard. That's when I went to go see for myself if it was true. I should have listened to myself. Because now, I am in this place and I have to get out. I was given a choice. I… Read more.

Ailana – The Interview

August 21, 2021 ·

If there was a missing person that was locked up, what would you do to help? Would you break in knowing that the wrong move could be the last one? What about calling for help? What if the only way to help would be by just the guidance of your voice? Hopefully, none of us ever have been faced with that situation, as for me personally, I am not sure what I would do without being in that moment. But… Read more.

Are You Truly Safe In The Psychological Horror Of Escape?

August 19, 2021 ·

That message was meant for any of us that could hear, that was somehow still alive. The other zones that were supposed to be safe, seem as they start to dwindle. But hope is not far, as some of us have discovered new zones in hopes of keeping humanity alive. But these new zones are unfamiliar ones. We have to keep our lights on as it may be the last time any of us will be able to come out… Read more.

Can You Escape The KRAMPUS KILLER?

August 15, 2021 ·

I am not sure where I am...why I am here. But the stories are true. He got me and now I have to get out of here. I have to escape as my life depends on it. This cabin holds the clues to my escape, but these riddles are not from a sane mind, but that of a killer. I am not sure why or what games this freak is trying to play. But in order to beat the criminal,… Read more.

Wardwell House – The Review

August 15, 2021 ·

What if you went on a trip where the majority of your time would be on the water, but somehow got lost, how well do you think the sanity of your mind would stay in place? If you came across an island, without food or water for days or weeks, would you even think about what dangers could lie ahead or would you be happy to just get off the boat and step foot onto land? It may start to… Read more.

The Plush Have Gone Mad…

August 4, 2021 ·

I meant no harm that night. I didn't think what I was doing was wrong. But somehow...some way, I must have angered something. That summoning was supposed to be something fun, innocent, and out of curiosity. But something went wrong and now they keep coming for me. They are...alive. My plush toys are now possessed by some type of demon. I have to be able to defeat them and get out of this maze of madness. Features include: Play alone… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Is About To Send Us Into Aftershocks On…

August 3, 2021 ·

Back in April, it was announced that The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners was supposed to release their new content the following month in May. As Summer approached, the 4th of July passed, and as we enter the month of August with school starting, many wondered when this content would becoming. Now, it looks like we have some news and an official date. So let's see what to expect with the new missions, new mystery, and threats to encounter: This… Read more.

Will You Use Your Voice To Save Ailana?

July 31, 2021 ·

I don't know who would do that to her...to Ailana. Who would think kidnapping her would be the thing to do. But whoever it was, locked her up in that mansion. But this is not going to be easy as I can not get in. The only way for me to help is to use my voice to lead her out of that place. But this is not going to be easy. There looks to be some type of traps… Read more.

Wardwell House – The Interview

July 30, 2021 ·

If you were to take a trip on the water, where would you go? Would you plan for every scenario possible that you could think of? What about food, water, or even shelter from the weather? I am sure we can all agree that we would do whatever we could to prepare for whatever situation may come our way. But what if that one thought didn't cross our minds, the act of being lost on the water without any way… Read more.

Do You Dare Enter The Wardwell House?

July 19, 2021 ·

It was only supposed to be a trip. One that was supposed to allow me to think on the water. But something happened and the days turned into nights and into weeks. Just when I thought all was lost, I found this island. I have been on the water so long things that I see, I am not sure what to believe. I am so tired that I just want to rest, but I may not make it if I… Read more.

Can You Escape DMN7?

July 15, 2021 ·

All these disappearances have gotten me to question things. Why is it happening? Who is doing this? Why below the ground? I had to check to see what was going on as it seems there were not many left who I could call out for help. But these noises down here underground have me checking every turn and corner. I have seen the beast of metal looking to feed in these sewers. Just when I thought I was all alone,… Read more.

Bad Dreams – The Interview

July 10, 2021 ·

Have you ever had a bad dream so bad that you thought you were awake and the nightmares were so bad that they seemed so real that you woke up in a sweat of your own fears? Were you able to go back to sleep afterward or did you have to stay awake only to fear what would happen if you did enter your dreams again? Horror and Virtual Reality can play tricks on the mind as you enter the… Read more.

When Bad Dreams Become All Too Real, Will You Be Able To Wake Safely Into Reality?

June 22, 2021 ·

What just happened? What...where am I? One moment I was in my room and then I am on this beach. This cannot be happening. This place is changing to something else. The water I see is this dark red and it smells like blood. But as I think I might be going in the right direction, something is pulling me further into what feels like could be a dream, but it is all too real. There is something lurking these… Read more.

After The Fall Is Bringing The Co-Op Cross-Play Replayability VR Action To You…

June 14, 2021 ·

After The Fall is foremost about the co-op action in a hostile VR world full of undead, mutated, and twisted enemies while putting you into the action. But now more detail has been unearthed to get us even more excited about the action that is going to be coming our way. The place of the setting is 20 years after the apocalypse in the ice-covered ruins of Los Angeles in the 1980s. But this action is not to be taken… Read more.

Can You Survive The Winter?

June 2, 2021 ·

These woods are my home. I made peace with my decisions in life. But I have everything I could possibly need right here. Wood for a fire and cooking to keep warm. The sun to keep me warm. I even built a bridge to make traveling across the ridges easier. Even the light of the moon helps me see, but sometimes they can see too. Something about when the sun goes down and the sounds and movements start. I may… Read more.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife Out Now On Steam With The Collectibles Update…

May 26, 2021 ·

For those that have not entered into the Barclay Mansion to try to unravel the mystery of one Ed Miller as well as the secrets that wait to be discovered inside, you should not wait another moment and for those that have, you may just want to head back inside the mansion. Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife just released on Steam and with that comes some new content as well as some fixes for both Oculus and Steam that include… Read more.

Zombies – The Interview

May 17, 2021 ·

If there was a zombie outbreak, do you think you could survive long enough or do you think your time being alive would be short-lived? Would you gather whatever weapon you could in hopes that it just may buy you a little more time or would you have a more strategic outlook on things? I am sure many of us think that we could be alright for the most part, but then other things you have to start to think… Read more.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife – The Review

May 6, 2021 ·

What would you do if one day you became part of the undead and did not know what happened to you? What would your initial thoughts be? Would you think about your past and see if there was a crossroads moment in which things could have been different? What about any loved one and seeing the impact it would have on them? There would be so many questions I would have that, honestly, I don't know where I would start… Read more.

Slay The Zombies…

April 29, 2021 ·

What is going on with the world today? All I wanted to do was sleep, just a little nap. Then it seems like when I woke up, that's when the call happened. The call that changed not only this town forever, but my life as well. All I heard was zombies have taken over. But this is my town and I will defend it. I have to find out where they came from, I cannot fail. Features include: Features melee… Read more.

Layers of Fear VR – The Interview

April 27, 2021 ·

When you step into Virtual Reality, what are some of your favorite places to go? Maybe it's a distant planet where you can be a hero, maybe it's a museum in a different country, or maybe it's getting closer to animals. All those are exceptional choices when you want to escape. But has your mind ever wandered into the screams and scares of horror? A genre that when combined with Virtual Reality, can take things to another level and playing… Read more.

Can You Handle The Aftershocks Of The Walking Dead?

April 27, 2021 ·

You thought it couldn't get any worse. You thought you had this. You actually thought it was going to be safe after what you went through? Well think again, because it's not over, not even by a long shot. Your attitude through the city of New Orleans became unsafe, cost us more then we ever thought. Your actions have caused aftershocks throughout the city. Features include: New content to explore in the form of new missionsNew collectibles and survival tools… Read more.

Are You Ready To Join The Last Bastion?

April 22, 2021 ·

It looks like Warhammer 40,000 just brought the update that a lot of fans have been asking for, multiplayer co-op along with many fantastic looking and includes the following: Team up with another player in the Last Bastion mode and see how well you both do against the hordes of Chaos. Use either quick play to look for a game or create a private lobby.Use the in game VOIP system for communication.Updated leaderboards to reflect the new maps & co-op… Read more.

Cosmodread – The Interview

April 13, 2021 ·

The words survival-horror alone can automatically bring some of the best memories from movies and games for many. Trying to survive with what you have while the horror seems to be closing in on what may be your last breath. It can be fun to watch on your favorite screen or even when playing your favorite character in a game. But the moment you step into the genre in VR, the fun can easily be twisted to take you on… Read more.

The Shore – The Interview

April 8, 2021 ·

Have you ever read a story or saw a movie where the narration just pulled you in? What about a narrative game where you just couldn't stop trying to reveal the details of the story? Narration can add a lot to what is being told if done right. But what if you could visit a place where mysterious creatures could roam and in this place a secret so big where the sanity you trusted, may not be what you thought… Read more.

How Far Into The Forest Are You Willing To Go To Know The Truth?

April 7, 2021 ·

The forest is dark, full of the unknown. But there are the stories that have been told, but no one has found the truth. Maybe you can change all of that, but you will have to look at things not in the same way, but maybe from a different perspective in order to get the answers that you seek. But you will need to meet the one called Baba Yaga. The tale that is told is that Baba Yaga can… Read more.

CRASHLAND – The Interview

April 3, 2021 ·

Being an intergalactic gladiator would be an interesting profession. Traveling through space and being able to do the job most would not even think about or possibly want to even try. There is something about that freedom of sorts that can really help clear your head. There are pros and cons to everything, but what if you were on the ship and you crash-landed on a planet. Do you think you would be able to survive the elements or worse,… Read more.

Crashland – The Review

March 20, 2021 ·

Imagine having a reputation as an intergalactic gladiator. Space and all that is around it is yours for the taking. The battles you would have, the flights that those young gladiators in training can only dream of, and the ability to come back and to tell the tales as only you can. It would be a glorious life to live that is for sure. But does Developer Llyr ap Cenydd show us what it's like to crashland on an alien… Read more.

The Barclay Mansion Is Opening Its Doors To Let You Enter The Afterlife On…

March 7, 2021 ·

You have heard the tales, the story of life after death. But what really happens. What happened at that place, to him...to they might be a great mystery. But it's that place has a presence about it. One that you should not enter...that you cannot enter. It's a place full of evil and full of spirits that you know that you shouldn't have entered. I have to wonder why I didn't listen. Why I did what I had to do.… Read more.

When The Strings Are Pulled, Will You Continue To Be The Puppet Or Become The Master?

March 6, 2021 ·

That voice. I can't see it, but I can hear him, one Dr. Finnegan who owns the estate. The one that conducts all the experiments. But something happened...something that I am not sure who I am supposed to help. I awoke in this body fit for a doll constrained to this wheel chair machine.But I don't think I am alone in this place...this abandoned place. I don't know how I got here, why I am here, or even who I… Read more.

Are You Truly Ready For The Calm Before The Storm?

February 22, 2021 ·

This island feels like nothing else I have seen. Like it's been preserved. Almos in a way that it was meant to be seen from afar to give the illusion that it was abandoned. But I can tell from the air, from the way the waves crash against the rocks that there is something special about this island. Something that doesn't want to be disturbed, something that wants to be forgotten. But for whatever reason, it is alive, this island… Read more.

When The Nightmares Surround You, Will You Be Able To Escape?

February 19, 2021 ·

The mission was calculated to be a success, but something happened. Something on this spaceship is not right. It's like something is inhabiting this ship as if the worst nightmares possible are coming alive? There is not much light other than a few electronic components and my flashlight. I must try to explore this ship as there has to be a way to survive. But it's almost like every turn is changing and not like how it should be. They… Read more.

Are You Ready For Some Insanity And Try To Scoop Out The True Meaning?

February 6, 2021 ·

My life, at least to me, is filled with this vision of beauty. One that I have crafted to perfection some would say. My house here, the one that you are visiting has this sort of inspirational value to it. But you just might want to be careful where you point your camera as what you thought you were taking a picture of may not be the result you would have hoped for. Sure, others may know only part of… Read more.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife – The Interview

January 19, 2021 ·

When you think about the words such as Vampire, Werewolf, or even World of Darkness, what comes to mind? Maybe it's the horror aspect of it all. maybe it could mean a different life waiting for you to make it yours, or maybe it's the pure fantasy of it all. Entering a world where things may not be as they seem is something that has always intrigued me in a way that Virtual Reality opens its doors and invites us… Read more.

Get Ready For The Trial In The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners For The Oculus Quest Version…

January 4, 2021 ·

One of Skydance Interactive's best titles is about to receive a new mode for the Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2 version called The Trial. The mode that has already come out for PlayStation VR and PCVR that is known as the Meatgrinder Update is making its way to the Oculus Quest platform. In this mode, waves of walkers will be coming at you and rewarding you points based after each round depending on how well you did, the attacks,… Read more.

5 Reasons Why You Will Want To Enter The Afterlife…

December 16, 2020 ·

When one enters the afterlife, one will have many questions. But if you are the spirit of the dead, can you even be terrified? Get ready to take on the role as that spirit where you get to hold specific Wraith powers at you disposal that will only grow as long as you are not afraid to keep going and progress through the horror. But it's within these doors, the doors of one Barclay Mansion where you are the one… Read more.

It’s Time To Visit The Trailer Park…

December 14, 2020 ·

You thought you new this town. You thought you had it all figured out in the sunshine of Arizona. But area of Grungy, the one full of old trailers is about to become the spot that you might just wish of being surrounded in, but it just might be the one place where you and your friends can have that hope of survival for just a little bit longer. So when it's you and up to four others, will you… Read more.

Will You Escape The Trap?

November 12, 2020 ·

Imagine being in a building that usually would be full of calm, normalcy, and work. But what if it was all a trap. What if the more you tried to survive, the environment around you toys with your emotions and well being? The time is the early 20th century, just after the Spanish Flu epidemic. The building that you are in, just happens to be built by the head of a mysterious cult? But the day everyone was looking forward… Read more.

Blair Witch Oculus Quest Edition – The Review

November 7, 2020 ·

Think about the name Blair Witch for a moment. What comes to mind? The woods, the year 1994, what about the footage found on the camcorder or even the fear of the unknown? To me, it's all of those along with the mythology of Ely Kedward and how she was accused of luring children into her home to draw blood and then found guilty of witchcraft. Then, towards the end of 2019, the game Blair Witch came out which many… Read more.

The Walking Dead Saints & Sinners Complete Edition Physical Edition Has Been Unleashed…

November 3, 2020 ·

One of Virtual Reality's horror games from The Walking Dead has been unleashed. Get ready to face the horrors as you travel through the walker-infested New Orleans. You will need to fight your way through, make decisions, and survive each day that you can. Features include: Explore New Orleans in a free roam survival horror adventure.Battle against hordes of undead for the highest score in The Trial.Scavenge for anything that you can including weapons, food, tools, and clues.Be wary of… Read more.

Pancake House – The Review

October 27, 2020 ·

Think about the Earth and as many resources it provides for everyday life. The water, the plant life, and even the animals all provide resources. But imagine if all of it was gone and the mission was to fund a new source, but in doing so, things turn out worse than possibly thought. Would you be able to handle the outcome no matter who may become a victim in its wake? So does Developer ELIOT show what's it's like to… Read more.

Blair Witch Oculus Quest Edtion – The Interview

October 21, 2020 ·

Halloween is shortly upon us and when you think about your Halloween traditions, what comes to mind? Haunted houses, trick or treating or what about scary movies. Some may say pumpkin patches or Halloween parties. All of those are great traditions for so many reasons for so many people. But because of the pandemic, some of our traditions might have to be altered in one way or another. But what if the horror was just a door away? What if… Read more.

The Walking Dead Onslaught Has Just Been Updated…

October 19, 2020 ·

Since the launch of Survios' The Walking Dead Onslaught, the feedback was received, calculated, and answered with the most recent Combat Rebalance patch. So what does this patch do and how will it help your experience? Check out the features: 1) Significant Ranged Weapon Combat Overhaul All ranged weapons have been tuned to allow for one-hit kills to the brain at close range; less damage is dealt to the jaw and significantly less damage is dealt to the neck and… Read more.

Do You Have The Courage for This Ghost Hunt?

October 18, 2020 ·

The paranormal is an interesting by itself. The thought of ghosts and spirits haunting a place that they are tied to. Many will just mark it as crazy and they do not believe. But what if what you and your team knew all along and in fact, that they are real. But this is just not some friendly ghost(s) that you will encounter. This is something that maybe should have been left alone. Features include: Procedural Ghosts - Each game… Read more.

A Closer Look Into Arizona Sunshine For The Oculus Quest 2…

October 8, 2020 ·

Arizona Sunshine has been loved by many including myself. Many PCVR and PSVR players have enjoy their time killing zombies, trying to not become one of the damned or even a dead man in the adventure. Then Oculus Quest players got to taste what everyone else has already known and how fun it is to kill those zombies. But with the Oculus Quest 2 releasing just on October 13, 2020, Vertigo Games have been hard at work to make sure… Read more.

Pancake House – The Interview

October 6, 2020 ·

When you enter into Virtual Reality it can deliver many experiences. And some of those experiences can be calm ones and some can be full of zombies. There is something about the thrill of having zombies come after you and it's up to you to be good with the way that you move to the way you handle weapons. So when I heard of Developer's Eliot released a game with a unique title, Pancake House, I had to know more.… Read more.

If It Wants You, Are You Willing To Play?

October 6, 2020 ·

1996 was not supposed to turn out like this. I was retired, but I had to help. The search for that child, that young boy Peter Shanning who disappeared out in those woods near Burkittsville, the Black Hills Forest just had something wrong with it from the beginning. I know I haven't been perfect in my life, but there is something about those woods, something terrifying as if a mysterious haunting force lives within them. If you are reading this,… Read more.

The Walking Dead Onslaught – The Review

October 4, 2020 ·

When you have a show as iconic as AMCs The Walking Dead, there are some things that you expect. You expect the walkers, you expect the episodes to bring the stories, and you expect the characters to help bring the emotion and action to bring everything together. So does Developer Survios open the doors and allow you to become part of The Walking Dead? Let's find out with The Walking Dead Onslaught for the PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KKef4wvdjQ&feature=youtu.be Before you begin… Read more.

The Walking Dead Onslaught Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

September 22, 2020 ·

For those physical PlayStation VR gamers and Walking Dead fans out there who just wanted to have their own copy in their hands and to add to their collection, your wish is coming true. Survios along with Perp Games is bringing the physical edition of The Walking Dead Onslaught to you in both the Standard Edition and Deluxe Edition. So get ready when The Walking Dead Onslaught Physical Edition comes to PlayStation VR at a retailer near you and on… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners Is Coming To The Oculus Quest

September 21, 2020 ·

The world around you has changed and New Orleans is at war due to a chance. This change is not one that you asked for, but it will be the one that tests you the fullest. When the people you love have their bodies piled up on the road, will you have any remorse or will you do what is necessary? When humanity you are part of goes from life to death, how will you survive? Who will you be… Read more.

Lies Beneath – The Review

August 25, 2020 ·

Think about your favorite comic book and the story it's trying to tell. Is it one of the superheroes trying to protect their city? Maybe it's one of just classic fun and continuing with their adventure. Perhaps, it could be of science fiction with aliens from outer space or maybe even a horror one and saw the terror that was written. They are all good in their own right. But have you ever read a comic and somehow the words… Read more.

How Will You Handle The Onslaught Of The Dead When It Heads Your Way?

August 13, 2020 ·

The world as you knew it is not the same. What was once considered to be normal has been flipped on its head to give us a new world...our new reality. Life is precious, it has meaning, and it has a purpose. But what if that life we knew, that we loved turned on us? What if that life that we love so much has its soul stripped from what should be and turns on you in what could be… Read more.

How Would You Handle Your Sanity If It Was Being Challenged?

July 21, 2020 ·

Imagine your everyday life, the same one where things had this familiar and safe way about it. From the way you got up in the mornings until the time you went to sleep at night. But what if that life, the one you live decided to change? What if the calmness of the light was to be interrupted by something that hides from the dark, time, even is with you? Imagine the curiosity growing until what was curious, now becomes… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – The Review

June 23, 2020 ·

When you hear the words, The Walking Dead, many things come to mind. The comics, the show, the characters, even dead that walk. The Walking Dead is no stranger to invite you into the world where people are trying to take what once was the normal everyday type of world and flip into a world where you must try to survive within it all without trying to become infected. But does Developer Skydance Interactive allow us to enter the universe… Read more.

On This Quest, Don’t Become One Of The Damned…

April 30, 2020 ·

The journey has been worth it as you fought against them. You entered the land not knowing what was going on or how you would have survived. You went from single handling firing that weapon to using both hands to defend yourself. You entered that Old Mine in hopes that what you were looking for would be there. You traveled in the Undead Valley and tried to not become a Dead Man. But now, it's time to learn where it… Read more.

When You Don’t Know Who You Are, Can You Find It Within To Shine When Needed?

March 31, 2020 ·

What would you do if you woke to no memories? What if the place you awoke from had some secrets of using biochemicals? Imagine being in another body with no idea where these things were made. Of course, with all experiments, everything runs smoothly with no problems, right? Is this why you are here...to correct the mistakes that were made? Features include: Story Mode - Find the answers to the questions in this immersive Sci-Fi adventure.Swarm Mode - Stop the… Read more.

On This Quest, Try Not To Become A Dead Man…

March 26, 2020 ·

Arizona Sunshine has given some life into Virtual Reality. We were welcomed with the two-handed update in December, followed by the Old Mine update in January. We even went into the Undead Valley in February and now it's time for you not to become a dead man in the newest DLC from Vertigo Games. Get ready as you lead a frantic attempt to contain the viral zombie outbreak. You are playing as Dockson, a U.S. Army Special Forces corporal and… Read more.

What Lies Beneath?

March 14, 2020 ·

Imagine a town you grew up in your whole life. A town where it may not be that big to locals and you, Slumber, Alaska is home. But as you grew up, it was time to venture out on your own and go to college. Playing as Mae, you return back to the town that you called home all those years to save your father from the locals and creepy creatures that have infected your hometown. Features include: Full arsenal… Read more.

It’s Time For You To Take A Quest To The Undead Valley…

February 19, 2020 ·

With Arizona Sunshine coming full steam ahead with the Oculus Quest, the roadmap has been laid out it is not going to stop now. Back in December, Arizona Sunshine received the Two-Handed Weapons update, then you were able to visit the Old Mine January update, and because Vertigo Games cares, it's time for the Undead Valley February update. In Undead Valley, you will be playing in a zombie-infested warehouse that has been turned into an underground casino that is close to Las… Read more.

If One Wakes Up To The Unknown, Would One Want To Face The Fears Of It?

February 18, 2020 ·

Imagine waking up in your own home that should be familiar place, but instead of the safe feeling you are used to, is now home to an unfolding mystery. One with such fear that you may not like or want to be a part of. As an Engineer, you are Andy Bishop who wakes to discover this terrifying mystery. And for what seems seems as the perfect setting to the unknown, nothing adds to the feelings of uncertainty at this… Read more.

Welcome To The Darkness World…

February 13, 2020 ·

Get ready to enter the darkness, but not in the way you might think. This world you are about to enter is not one that you will take simply by walking, but riding through this fairytale darkness of a journey as you will need to shoot the enemies as well as to defend against them. Features include: Shoot enemies with the PlayStation Move controllers or DualShock 4 controller.3D Rudder compatible.Special vision that can be activated Slowing down time.Different environments. So… Read more.

It's Time For You To Have Some Arizona Sunshine On Your Quest…

December 5, 2019 ·

Arizona Sunshine has been enjoyed by many on PCVR as well as PSVR. But listen up all you Oculus Quest owners, no longer do you have to wish and hope that your time would come, today is your day and your time is now. Arizona Sunshine for the Oculus Quest is out now and that is not all. Get ready for the updates to keep coming. So not only is Arizona Sunshine for the Oculus Quest built from the ground… Read more.

Arizona Sunshine Is Coming To The Oculus Quest…

December 3, 2019 ·

What happened out there? Did the world end? Are you still alive? Is there anyone out there? When all hope seems to be lost, you should not give up. You should give up as you never know when a friendly voice may appear. The only thing that has kept you somewhat sane is your radio, but what if that hope you have been praying for has finally been answered? Features include: Full-size campaignHandle, fire, and reload over 25 different weapons… Read more.

Contagion: Outbreak – The Review

November 24, 2019 ·

If the apocalypse were to happen, would you honestly know what to do? If the ones you loved turned into a zombie, what emotional toll would that take on you? How long you think you could survive? These are all valid questions that I hope never come true and hope we never are faced to answer. But does Developer Monochrome Inc. allow us to see the potential answers to different types of apocalyptic scenarios? Let's find out with Contagion VR:… Read more.

Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.

October 22, 2019 ·

Ah, the golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". It's a very nice and simple rule that we should all follow...until your "friends" decide to scare you at their own laughter and enjoyment. Imagine being in a haunted house in Virtual Reality where you have a very simple job...escape. In order to help escape, you will need to find some spiritual items along the way. But there is only one problem, your so-called… Read more.

The Prequel To Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Has…

October 21, 2019 ·

Think back to when you first learned that Resident Evil 7: Biohazard was announced for PlayStation VR. When you first played it, you did not just open the door to the Resident Evil world, but the world knocked on your door and dragged you in it without any hesitation. As time passed, many of us have been hoping that a new Resident Evil would be made with VR in mind. Well, the wish has been granted with the prequel to… Read more.

Rise of Insanity – The Interview

October 10, 2019 ·

In this issue of Mr. PSVR's Interview Corner, we talk with Sabastian of Red Limb Studio and look into the world of Rise of Insanity. A first-person psychological horror game that originally was not built for Virtual Reality, but was later added. Set in America in the 1970s, the story focuses on Dr. Stephen Dowell, a renowned psychologist faced with a difficult patient who shows distinct, yet contradictory symptoms of different medical disorders. But we also get into more of… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Interview

October 10, 2019 ·

Within Virtual Reality, many things can immerse us. Ranging from the most basic of sounds to unfamiliar places. It is amazing. But when you start to get into the horror aspect of it all, something is different. Virtual Reality can take you out of your element and place you in the middle of it all. Your mind can start to have these thoughts, your heart can start beating faster and all this is adding to the experience. So when I… Read more.

Killing Floor: Incursion – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

There is a certain fan base when it comes to Killing Floor that has this passion for the love of not only the enjoy, but for the atmospheric aroma that draws players in. So back in December when I heard that Tripwire Interactive was not only bringing a new game line up in the Killing Floor franchise, but it was going to be in Virtual Reality, I had questions that were piling up in my head that I had to ask. So when I reached… Read more.

Stifled – The Interview

October 8, 2019 ·

In Virtual Reality it is important to be immersed in the world you are in. Not only visually, but the sound also is a big part of it. Ever since Stifled was announced to be coming to PlayStation VR, I was intrigued. Here is a game that is taking a different approach to using your voice as the primary visuals. So when I reached out to Gattai Games, Justin Ng was happy to answer some questions about Stifled, Gattai Games and his… Read more.

Rise of Insanity – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Horror can mean different things depending on what is entailed. It can mean playing on your innocence or your emotions. It can be the internal struggle that one is going through just to keep the sanity. Depending on who you ask, you might receive a different answer. But has developer Red Limb Studio found a way to bring this all together in Virtual Reality? Let’s find out with Rise of Insanity for the PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=h4rKWJXa6D0 Before we begin, I will say… Read more.

Five Nights At Freddy’s VR: Help Wanted – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Jump scares can be a brilliant thing. They keep you on edge as you expect them to happen, but you're not sure when and where they may occur. When you bring this element into Virtual Reality, you no longer have that safety net per se but instead are brought into a world where you must play by its rules. So do developer Steel Wool Studios and publisher Scottgames and Lionsgate take you out of your element and welcome you into… Read more.

A Chair In A Room: Greenwater – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

What would happen if one day all that you knew or thought you knew was not how it was supposed to be? And what if on that day, you were in a place that you did not know? The questions you would need to ask yourself are if this were to happen to you in a place that you did not recognize, would you do what was told for your safety and out of your fears and how far would… Read more.

Dead Land VR – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

Back in 1983, there was a music video called Thriller by Michael Jackson. Watching the video you see the zombies come out and surround their victim and then this sensational flow of this choreography starts to take place as in a celebration of their newest victory. And as it ended, Michael Jackson turns to you and you can still see that evil look. But what happened to the rest of the creatures of the night? Where did they go and… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Imagine for a moment if you were put into a situation where your comfort zone was thrown out. A place where, as soon as you open your eyes, you start to feel this unusual feeling inside, like your heart can already tell that it needs to get ready for something. Imagine not being able to escape unless you press forward. So does the developer, Fallen Planet Studios allow us to experience horror without any interaction, no puzzles to solve, or… Read more.

Paper Dolls – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

I am all about Horror in Virtual Reality and I welcome any twists that may be used with it. From a story based on real events to even from a different culture view. But as important as the story being told is the environment that you are put into with the sounds that you hear to the immersion that surrounds you all make up the experience. So how well does Developer LITCHIGAME and Publisher Winking Entertainment plan on scaring you?… Read more.

Neverout – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

What if you somehow were placed in a room with just four walls with no signs of any doors, how would you feel? Would you scream, would you start placing the blame on others or would you try and escape even if the answer was not as obvious as you would think? These are very real answers given the situation that you are in. Does Developer Gamedust allow us to enter the challenge of trying to escape a cube of… Read more.

Home Sweet Home – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

The Fall brings some fun and amazing things. We have the weather changing, pumpkins, trick or treating, and Halloween. It’s a time where you may want to step out of your element and get scared. It can happen in many ways from dressing up as your favorite character to a horror movie to even games. But, does Developer Yggdrazil Group and Publisher Mastiff show us something new or will you be screaming all the way home? Let’s find out with Home Sweet… Read more.

The Door – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

If you were forced to be in a room locked in with at the time appears to be no escape, would your mind rumble with fear or would it have the determination to allow you to use whatever you could find and try to get out? Imagine surrounded by four walls that seem to have a life of its own or maybe the life you start to fear is in the room with you the whole time. But does Developer… Read more.

Transference – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

What if you could enter a mind? What if once you entered the mind what you knew was generated for you in a reality that is not known, but reimagined of how one reality could become the normality? What if you were the one being tested as the subject? These were some of the questions I had in what I experienced. But do Developers Spectrevision and Ubisoft Montreal and Publisher Ubisoft allow us to enter one’s mind…to become the experiment… Read more.

The Persistence – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Horror and Sci-fi + Space + Stealth + Scares + Virtual Reality = The perfect combination. When it comes to horror games they can be scary. When you add the Sci-fi atmosphere with the horror element, there are certain things we have come to be aware of, enjoy, and our expectations or at least the hope that our expectations will be somewhat met part of the way. So when Developer Firesprite first announced their vision of what we are normally… Read more.

The Exorcist: Legion VR – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

I have said it before and I will say it again, the horror genre and Virtual Reality go together. It can be physical, psychological, or even found footage or a point of view. No matter what the case, something about the unknown, the ability to possess, and even just preying on our darkest fears. As important as immersion and sound are to Virtual Reality, the atmosphere…the lighting…the very basics of sounds from a chair moving to the screams of the… Read more.

Killing Floor: Incursion – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

There is something about horror games that draws us in. You can sit on the couch or your favorite chair. You can play with the lights on so you know everything will be alright. You could take it one step further and turn out all the lights just to add to the atmosphere. All of this is fine as you have that wall of space. What do I mean by that? Well, when we play, you see the T.V. and… Read more.

The Inpatient – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

There was something special when Until Dawn came to PlayStation 4. From the graphics to the story. Something just kept wanting us to be in that world. Then here comes Until Dawn: Rush of Blood for PlayStation VR. A roller coaster shooter of a nightmare that made us jump in Virtual Reality.  So what does Supermassive Games do? They took what works in Until Dawn and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood and made a prequel worth playing in The Inpatient for PlayStation VR. Like I mentioned, The Inpatient is a prequel to Until Dawn that has psychological elements… Read more.

Chainman – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

*Please keep this in mind, this is a Japan-only game so you will need to create a Japenese PSN account to even get access. So with a Japan-only game, there might be a slight disadvantage if you cannot read Japanese. I say slightly only because the Developer has some parts in English including the dialog of the characters. But if there is an option I missed that allows showing how to change the language within the game itself, I will… Read more.

Stifled – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

Your voice. It can sound fearful, it can harness your screams, and sometimes, just sometimes, it allows it to become your eyes. And when you start to think about taking your voice and teaming it up with darkness to then allow your sight that becomes a wonder. Now if you take all of this and add it to Virtual Reality, then you have something that is magically based on a what-if into something special, then you will know exactly what… Read more.

Don’t Knock Twice – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

When you take the horror genre and mix that with Virtual Reality, good things can happen. Don’t Knock Twice from Wales Interactive takes a working formula with some very much appreciative controls and throw that into PlayStation VR, add some creepy sounds and watch as some good things happen. In case you did not know, Don’t Knock Twice is the VR companion to the movie of the same name which is based on a witch of the demonic nature that appears when you guessed… Read more.

Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

I am going to start off by saying this now...if you have a weak heart, a tendency to scream loud because you are scared, easily have nightmares or usually say $&*#@()!~)(@#)$, then be prepared, because you just might experiences all of these and say things far worse then you would have ever thought. Horror games and VR, something about this combination works and it works very well...almost too well here. Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul from VRWREX is a VR… Read more.

The Bellows – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

When I first wrote about The Bellows I quoted a saying by John Irving. "Of all the things that you choose in life, you don't get to choose what your nightmares are. You don't pick them, they pick you." And this is how good it can be when you mix VR with horror or in this case The Bellows from Castle Steps with PlayStation VR. In The Bellows, you play as a man in his house trying to evade the storm.… Read more.

Dying: Reborn – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

Dying: Reborn from the great people over at Oasis Games has come to the PlayStation VR and for one I am glad. In Dying: Reborn you play as a detective who is trying to piece together what is going on. A Clue type of sorts if you will. Mixed with a very immersive feel along with impressive visuals. When I played I did not go in thinking this would be another type of the same game as well as it shouldn't,… Read more.

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