A Closer Look Into Arizona Sunshine For The Oculus Quest 2…

October 8, 2020 ·

Arizona Sunshine has been loved by many including myself. Many PCVR and PSVR players have enjoy their time killing zombies, trying to not become one of the damned or even a dead man in the adventure. Then Oculus Quest players got to taste what everyone else has already known and how fun it is to kill those zombies. But with the Oculus Quest 2 releasing just on October 13, 2020, Vertigo Games have been hard at work to make sure that the ultimate experience happens on the Oculus Quest 2. But for those that have played Arizona Sunshine on the Quest 1 or for those that their first experience with VR is going to be the Oculus Quest 2, there have been some impressive visual upgrades that you may not be aware of.

The visual upgrades for Arizona Sunshine on Oculus Quest 2 include:

  • HD zombies with full physics: Even uglier zombies 😉
  • Enriched world: Blood spatter, foliage, birds, destructible glass & environment zombies
  • Real-time sniper scopes
  • Dynamic lighting and shaders (specular and normal maps)
  • Overall visual enhancement (Also applies to Oculus Quest 1)
  • Supports cross-platform multiplayer within the Oculus Quest ecosystem
  • The ultimate way to experience the untethered VR zombie apocalypse!

But sometimes seeing is believing…

Here is a comparison between the original and the newly enhanced version of a zombie on the Oculus Quest 2…

Here is another comparison of a sniper rifle from the original vs enhanced. Notice the amount of detail…

And one with a vehicle…

For those that are getting the Oculus Quest 2, Vertigo Games is showing just how powerful the headset is. Arizona Sunshine out now for the Oculus Quest and is enhanced for the Oculus Quest 2.

Until then…please enjoy…

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