Can You Handle The Challenges Or Will Your Mind, Body, & Soul Say NOPE?

May 21, 2024 ·

You think of your life as a good one. You don’t have any unhappiness or uncertainty. But do you think it will always be that way or do you think that those left unchallenged, will always be alright? You see, those who do not test their limits…their phobias, can face a harsh reality that they are not ready for. In order for one to conquer their fears, one has to face them. If you are not ready to meet your phobias, then your phobias are more than happy to meet you.

Features include:

  • Phobias Everywhere: Besides the thrills of Heights, Clowns, and Spiders, there are triggers to 40+ additional phobias
  • The NOPE Button & Breather Space: These unique features ensure a balanced experience, allowing you to rest, relax, recharge, or explore before heading back in or choosing a completely different NOPE CHALLENGE to jump into
  • Advanced Dynamic AI: Experience never-the-same encounters with AI-driven adversaries in MODERATE and EXTREME levels, enhancing the dynamic gameplay and replayability
  • Empower Yourself: Embrace or escape your phobias and fears in NOPE CHALLENGE, where each choice shapes your path, making every scream uniquely yours
  • Share Your Scare: NOPE CHALLENGE promotes screen sharing, so friends and family can watch as you delve into the nightmares

What challenges will you encounter? How long before the panic starts? Are you ready to face your phobias? Find out with NOPE CHALLENGE, out now, for the Quest 2, 3, & Pro on the Meta Store.

Until then…please enjoy…

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