Yes, we hear at Walkabout Tours know you are having a blast as you have been touring all that Venice has shown you. You have enjoyed the scenery, the food, and even the culture. Yes, even you in the back who bought that two sizes too small fedora and you mam, who decided to take that triple shot of espresso and who has been bouncing off the courses and causing everyone to have their hole-in-one photo moments of a lifetime. Now, some of you paid for the excursion of seeing the King of Rock’ n’ Roll, Elvis Presley in Viva Las Elvis. Well, you will need to enjoy your stay in Venice for a little while longer as the ummm posters for the excursion did not come out as planned and we need to order more neon as it seems someone brought some birds from our Tourist Trap destination and they seem to have broken the neon. So be patient, your excursion will happen, just not right this minute. We will have more information soon and enjoy this announcement from management…
Walkabout Tours Welcomes You To The Viva Las Vegas Excursion…