Tag: Walkabout Mini Golf

Walkabout Tours Proudly Welcomes You To Party Viva Las Vegas Style With The King…

January 16, 2025 ·

Here at Walkabout Tours, we hope everyone has been enjoying their magical getaway as you celebrated the holidays with us. We mentioned shortly after we headed for Venice that we would have some excursions along the way. One of those was one that we previously mentioned of celebrating the King of Rock' n' Roll, the one and only, Elvis Presley. Well, we wanted to make the announcement that for those who signed up for this excursion, could you meet us… Read more.

Walkabout Tours Welcomes You To Some Holiday Spirit…

December 4, 2024 ·

We here at Walkabout Tours hope that you have been enjoying your the events thus far. Well, except for that couple who had too much expresso from our stop in Vinice and decided to try and make the water on the way to see the Venezia like it was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory while on the gondola. As we are preparing for our next getaway destination, we do have a treat for you all this holiday season. Because… Read more.

Our Walkabout Tour Will Have To Make A Detour To Mars…

September 10, 2024 ·

We hope you have been enjoying the destinations on this crazy tour thus far. But it looks like we have a surprise for all you Walkabout fans and it's not what you think. We will all need you to head towards Deck M as you will want to hold on to your belongings. Yes mam, that means that hat, if you must. We have a detour to Mars. Yes, Mars. The planet you have all heard about and dreamed about.… Read more.

Walkabout Tours Welcomes You To The Viva Las Vegas Excursion…

May 22, 2024 ·

Yes, we hear at Walkabout Tours know you are having a blast as you have been touring all that Venice has shown you. You have enjoyed the scenery, the food, and even the culture. Yes, even you in the back who bought that two sizes too small fedora and you mam, who decided to take that triple shot of espresso and who has been bouncing off the courses and causing everyone to have their hole-in-one photo moments of a lifetime.… Read more.

Grab Your Passport, Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You To Walkabout Tours…

April 18, 2024 ·

It's getting to that time of year when soon schools will be out for summer, family vacations start, and when it's all said and done, you will need a vacation from your vacation. Sure, you could rest up, but you deserve more. You deserve the sights, the beauty, and the luxury that only we can provide. That's why our first part of the tour will take you to Venice. Yes, you heard that right, Venice. And the best part is,… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants You To Go Through The Artic To Stop, Collaborate, And Listen Of A True Vandal Of This Ice Ice Baby…

March 13, 2024 ·

My colleague should have had you in the South Pacific with all those lasers and that killer robot. We had some of you by slowing you down. But no, you had to put yourself through and destroy those evil plans and that robot. Well, part of the plan worked because some of you didn't find all the lost balls that could still be active...I mean lost. But now, the plan I laid out, I mean courses that I designed, you… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You Around The World In 80 Puts…

January 12, 2024 ·

You went 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea and put on some intriguing and elegant courses. You went on a Journey To The Center Of The Earth searching dark passageways and through a network of caverns. But you still wanted more. You feel that your adventures are not complete. That you need to travel and travel even more. You want to not only play with other players from around the world, you want to go Around The World and try to… Read more.

To Help Celebrate In The Walkabout Mini Golf & Synth Riders Remix, Welcome To The Synthabout Sweepstakes Event…

December 22, 2023 ·

Walkabout Mini Golf is known for its crazy well-themed courses that have players excited every time a new one is released. One of the courses, Shangri-La, is celebrating its anniversary and to help with that, the developers Mighty Coconut and the developers from Synth Riders, Kluge Interactive, have joined forces so that you can enjoy the creativity that has been made to bring these two worlds closer using the original score of the Shagri-La course, from volume 1 of the… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes To The Expression That Is Meow World…

December 3, 2023 ·

What if there was a place where you were surrounded by bloom and decay where expression could come alive? If the doors opened, would you enter it? Imagine a place where sets of beings, physics, and spaces to play within can become a new reality where players, like yourself, could come together through those opened doors and experience this world but play mini-golf within it. You don't have to imagine anymore. Features include: 18 easy mode and 18 hard mode… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Invites You To The Haunted Widow’s Walkabout…

October 18, 2023 ·

Things are starting to get a little spooky with Walkabout Mini Golf. No, I am not talking about going Upside Down while enjoying the Gothic view. There is just something that has been the talk on the courses about a Local legend that says that the spooky old house on the cliff is haunted by a playful spirit who has possessed an eerie mini golf course like no other. You see, mysterious messages started about the glow of the lighthouse...… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You To Alfheim – Land of the Elves…

September 16, 2023 ·

The story of Norse mythology has many roots. From the gods to their adventures. But all the roots come from the mighty tree Igdrasil, or as some may know it as Odin's horse, which is connected to the nine realms. Within those realms is a land of elves that are split between the light and the dark. But what some may not know is that they created a mini golf course so masterful yet untouched from even time itself. Features… Read more.

Get Your Official Walkabout Mini Golf Putter…

July 12, 2023 ·

Walkabout Mini Golf is the name you know and the game you play when it comes to all the crazy Mini Golf courses and social interaction. Sure, we try and get those holes-in-ones, and we even try to find all those lost balls to add to our collection. But with the recent Jules Verne DLC Course: Journey to the Center of the Earth and the upcoming Laser Lair DLC course, you want to make sure your game is on point.… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You On A Journey To The Center Of The Earth & Some Laser Lairs…

June 5, 2023 ·

Now, that Walkabout Mini Golf is out on almost every platform, including the recent and successful PlayStation VR2 release, more players are getting to experience the fun of Mini Golf and some of the best-designed and themed courses around. Part of the two courses that are yet to come are part of the Jules Verne Trilogy. The second course of the trilogy is none other than Journey to the Center of the Earth. By the looks of everything, we will… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The PlayStation VR2 Interview

May 7, 2023 ·

Mini Golf is a sport that anybody can pretty much play, regardless of age and height, The concept is simple as you try to ultimately get that hole-in-one, but the execution, depending on the course, maybe more challenging than you might think. But there has always been this social aspect when comes to playing that everyone really enjoys as they have a common interest for fun. But when I heard that developer, Mighty Coconut, was finally bringing not only the… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You To The Lost Temple…

April 17, 2023 ·

The mystery is all around us. But to truly be mysterious, to be in paradise, one has to simply take a putt to the temple. This temple is like no other, in fact, holds a magical artifact. But this will be no easy task as the dunes are high, the structures are massive, and that throne room has everything a King or Queen could ever desire. But in order for the questions to be answered, one must find the clues,… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Has Turned The Town Upside uʍoᗡ…

March 18, 2023 ·

Going through the town is supposed to be fun, with laughter to be had, and mini golf played like we know how. But something has turned the town upside down and now gravity has decided to have its own fun as what is supposed to be up, is now down, sideways, and every other way possible. Features include: 36 New Holes - 18 Easy, 18 Hard 18 hidden lost balls Use your investigative skills in the special "Fox Hunt" to… Read more.

Get Ready To Putt As You Walkabout On The PlayStation VR2…

February 15, 2023 ·

Listen, we get it. It's not that we didn't want to from the start or didn't have plans to, but we had to have you try and find out for yourself what we already knew. We get you like to be social and really want to see some cherry blossoms as you go on your adventure to Arizona Modern, past the Tourist Trap, to Tethys Station through Gothic and Seagulls, and through the valley. We wanted to share with you… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants You To Search For Sunken Treasures In Atlantis…

January 26, 2023 ·

Atlantis is one of those tales we have heard about and many have searched for deep in the ocean. The lost city is full of treasures and mythical creatures. But for those who claim to know where the location of Atlantis may be, only one scientific facility found it. That facility is known as Mighty Coconut Labs. They have not only found the real location but made it one of the wildest places under the sea to play mini golf.… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You Under The Sea…

September 30, 2022 ·

If you have ever seen the movie or read the novel, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, then you know that there was something majestic about the ship, the Nautilus, Captain Nemo, and that giant squid that wanted to, in my opinion, just to say hi. Well, it looks like the minds at MightyCoconut have decided what better way to embrace it than making it into one of its infamous courses as part of a trilogy. With the newest course, you… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants You To Find Your Place And Hang Out On Welcome Island…

April 21, 2022 ·

Playing Walkabout Mini Golf is not only a blast, but it's a lot of hard work. Sure you got your favorite course as you try and make a hole-in-one or maybe you enjoy the scenery in the Gardens of Babylon or taking in the mazes of bridges in Shangri-La. Perhaps you have a bit of a sweet tooth as you discover the mouth-watering courses of Sweetopia. Not only can you just have some fun while playing some mini-golf with others… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf And Cyan Team Up To Bring The Island Of Myst To You…

April 6, 2022 ·

There is something when you hear the word MYST that instantly brings joy. It could be the puzzles, the red and blue book, or maybe the different ages of the island that can get one excited about the journey. Well, it looks like the team behind Walkabout Mini Golf have teamed up with the team behind MYST to bring new 18 holes of mini golf with both easy and hard modes along with all the objects, settings, and puzzles that… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Is Wanting You To Take On The Labyrinth…

March 1, 2022 ·

There are certain things in Vritual Reality that can bring happiness to someone. Maybe it's being right in the adventure, maybe it's the music that makes you move, or maybe it's playing mini golf through one of Jim Henson's classic fantasy films. That's right, to help celebrate a partnership of sorts, the deal has been made between the Henson Company and Mighty Coconut (and probably the Goblin King, Jareth as well) to bring the world of Labyrinth to Walkabout Mini… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To You Take Have a Sweet Tooth On Its Newest Course…

February 16, 2022 ·

We know that sometimes trying to make a hole-in-one can be difficult. One can find it challenging that they have to go to Shangri-La or even the Gardens of Baylon to get a different view of the scenery in hopes of having their best game ever. But sometimes it's not about the view of it all, but the taste of the course, the sweet candies in our thoughts, or even the smell of the chocolate river that even Willy Wonka… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The Review

January 18, 2022 ·

Mini Golf is a game that takes skill. You have to have the eye for the hole and the readiness to take the shot when everything around it is just right. Sometimes, wind, water, even the height of the course can, with one misaligned putt, cause the ball to be lost and cause your score to keep increasing. But yet, when you play with friends and family, the game can also become this friendly competition that really can leave a… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The Interview

December 31, 2021 ·

Mini Golf can be a lot of fun. Trying to line up your shot and hoping you can make that hole in one. But it can also be a lot of fun with friends and you can all escape and just let time pass by. Each of you going through each of the 18-hole courses in hopes of not only having the bragging rights but just the opportunity to have some fun. So when I heard that developer, Mighty Coconut… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You Shangri-La…

December 21, 2021 ·

Playing the courses of the Walkabout can be tough and challenging. Sometimes the downright feeling of uncertainty as you try to put your way into that top spot. But no matter the courses you played on or the Northern Lights you played under, it was all test to get you to Shagri-La and experience the beauty of the ancient Tibetan way. Features include: Achieve pure putting perfection surrounded by calming temples, clouds, and the snowy peaks of the Himalayan mountainsMeditate… Read more.

Can You Beat Your Friends At Mini Golf?

June 30, 2021 ·

Being stuck inside during the pandemic, there is a lot of times you just want to get out. Sometimes it's just the fresh air, seeing other people, or even just having some friendly competition. But secretly you have been missing hitting that ball of the course. You know you can have the lowest score and you just need a way to prove it. But these courses will take some skill, some focus, and no distractions from those around you. Well,… Read more.

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