Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You To Alfheim – Land of the Elves…

September 16, 2023 ·

The story of Norse mythology has many roots. From the gods to their adventures. But all the roots come from the mighty tree Igdrasil, or as some may know it as Odin’s horse, which is connected to the nine realms. Within those realms is a land of elves that are split between the light and the dark. But what some may not know is that they created a mini golf course so masterful yet untouched from even time itself.

Features include:

  • New courses with unique curves, secret glens, undiscovered alcoves, graceful arches, and sacred cathedrals of leaves amidst a gleaming, spiritual realm untouched by time
  • New lost balls to be discovered
  • Norse mythology

What secrets will be discovered? Will your shots be able to handle the curves? Are you ready to experience the Land of the Elves? Find out with Walkabout Mini Golf – Alfheim: Land of the Elves DLC out now for PlayStation VR2 on the PlayStation Store, the Quest/2/Pro and Oculus Rift/S on the Oculus Store and Steam VR.

Until then…please enjoy…

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