Tag: Online PvP

Walkabout Tours Proudly Welcomes You To Party Viva Las Vegas Style With The King…

January 16, 2025 ·

Here at Walkabout Tours, we hope everyone has been enjoying their magical getaway as you celebrated the holidays with us. We mentioned shortly after we headed for Venice that we would have some excursions along the way. One of those was one that we previously mentioned of celebrating the King of Rock' n' Roll, the one and only, Elvis Presley. Well, we wanted to make the announcement that for those who signed up for this excursion, could you meet us… Read more.

Our Walkabout Tour Will Have To Make A Detour To Mars…

September 10, 2024 ·

We hope you have been enjoying the destinations on this crazy tour thus far. But it looks like we have a surprise for all you Walkabout fans and it's not what you think. We will all need you to head towards Deck M as you will want to hold on to your belongings. Yes mam, that means that hat, if you must. We have a detour to Mars. Yes, Mars. The planet you have all heard about and dreamed about.… Read more.

When The Thrill Of The Race Gets Heated, Are You Prepared To Take It To The Next Level?

September 8, 2024 ·

There is something about the thrill of the race. The rush of the treacherous terrains, from the dry trails to the ones with where nature will slap you right in the face. With every turn, you will feel the twist of every intensity that comes with the race. You hear those engines coming right behind you with every second counting. To win this race is not just crossing the finish line, it's about how you handle the situation when things… Read more.

Walkabout Tours Welcomes You To The Viva Las Vegas Excursion…

May 22, 2024 ·

Yes, we hear at Walkabout Tours know you are having a blast as you have been touring all that Venice has shown you. You have enjoyed the scenery, the food, and even the culture. Yes, even you in the back who bought that two sizes too small fedora and you mam, who decided to take that triple shot of espresso and who has been bouncing off the courses and causing everyone to have their hole-in-one photo moments of a lifetime.… Read more.

Hunt Together – The Review

April 26, 2024 ·

Have you ever seen a ghost? What about being asked if you believe in them? What would you say? Some feel that seeing is believing, while some believe in seeing. The paranormal, for many, is something worth believing, as there are more questions than answers about what happens in the afterlife. But let me ask you this: What would you do if you saw the very thing that you have been looking for? Would you believe your eyes, or would… Read more.

Grab Your Passport, Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You To Walkabout Tours…

April 18, 2024 ·

It's getting to that time of year when soon schools will be out for summer, family vacations start, and when it's all said and done, you will need a vacation from your vacation. Sure, you could rest up, but you deserve more. You deserve the sights, the beauty, and the luxury that only we can provide. That's why our first part of the tour will take you to Venice. Yes, you heard that right, Venice. And the best part is,… Read more.

There’s No Time Like A Mecha Party Time…

April 6, 2024 ·

Ever since we saw how gigantic they were, all we wanted was the chance to have that view and have a great time with our friends. Then, the toy companies figured out a way for us to do just that in a fun way with miniature sizes and VR. But we know we can expand this into something more. Get ready to join the league. Let's see what you can do. Features include: MOBA Madness From long-range shooting to melee… Read more.

Are You Ready To Reach As High As You Can?

February 22, 2024 ·

The world of a furball is never easy. You are just trying to do what furballs do and then something has to happen and it wasn't even your fault. All you were doing was trying to deliver packages and then some giant egotistical octopus decided to steal your spaceship. At least they could have asked first, but no, they took it upon themselves to take it. Well, there is no need to get too upset as we furballs have a… Read more.

Racket Club Is Serving That New Spin Update…

February 21, 2024 ·

It's only been a few months since we could step on the court with Racket Club and there have already been 370,000 matches to see who can be the best. But sometimes, it's not always about the competition, sometimes it's about the fun of the game. Playing with both old and new friends has never been easier and now with the new Spin Update, there are some new ways to play from private double matches and leaderboards to take on… Read more.

Sometimes In War, The Battles Can Become Enhanced…

January 15, 2024 ·

Back in 2019, developer, Strange Game Studios, gave us the battlefield to go up against other players in different modes either while on foot in all the chaos in the game Honor and Duty: D-Day on PlayStation VR and Steam VR. Now, it looks like, for those who may have missed out, the war is about to begin again, while being enhanced for the PlayStation VR2 that not only brings the visuals but the audio as well. Features include: True… Read more.

If One Ghost Hunts, Will One Be Able To Face What Is Encountered, or Will What Is Being Hunted Be Able To Eliminate The Hunt?

January 8, 2024 ·

Ghost hunting is a somewhat special thing. You hear the sounds, things move, the EVPs that say your name, and what you see with your eyes, you have to ask yourself, was that real, or is the mind playing tricks? Even though some may think that seeing is believing, I believe in seeing what may not be there. As a paranormal hunter, if you will, I do say that I often try to catch what I hunt. But sometimes, what… Read more.

ForeVR Pool Wants You To Try To Sink That Corner Pocket On PlayStation VR2…

December 24, 2023 ·

The holidays can be a great time of the year. We have the weather changing, decorations being put up, family time becoming even more special, and the game of Pool can take those we don't even know into the friends we want to know even more. It's a game where skill, attitude, and trick shots can make for an amazing time. And as we approach the end of the holiday season, your Pool greatness does not. And it looks like… Read more.

To Help Celebrate In The Walkabout Mini Golf & Synth Riders Remix, Welcome To The Synthabout Sweepstakes Event…

December 22, 2023 ·

Walkabout Mini Golf is known for its crazy well-themed courses that have players excited every time a new one is released. One of the courses, Shangri-La, is celebrating its anniversary and to help with that, the developers Mighty Coconut and the developers from Synth Riders, Kluge Interactive, have joined forces so that you can enjoy the creativity that has been made to bring these two worlds closer using the original score of the Shagri-La course, from volume 1 of the… Read more.

Demeo Is Set To Unleash Its Battles Of The Players On…

September 27, 2023 ·

Back in June, we learned that the ones we called friends, those who had been allies, and those who had been part of the family, would become our opponents. The world of Demeo has always prepared us for the battles that we have all encountered, but now, the tables will be turned so that the players will be battling not only the evil that surrounds us but each other. Now, new information about what and when to expect has been… Read more.

Tennis On-Court Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

August 12, 2023 ·

Back at the beginning of July, we learned about a Tennis game simulator coming to PlayStation VR2 called Tennis-On-Court. In Tennis On-Court, you will be able to practice your backhand, work on your shots, and even compete against your friends in this fully customizable and fully immersive game of Tennis. But now, it looks like there are some additional details, a new trailer, and a release date to look forward to. Features include: Foundations - Gameplay: Arcade or Realistic, choose… Read more.

You Are Going To Need The Trifecta Of Sports To Win This Game In Space…

July 3, 2023 ·

Players used to play one sport at a time. Different sports were based on the seasons of the year. As athletes became impatient to play more of the sports that they love whenever they wanted to play, they took it upon themselves to take the game and the sports that they loved and combine them to be played in the only place big enough to contain the excitement that both fans and players to play...Outer Space. With the combination of… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Dominate The Court?

July 1, 2023 ·

Tennis is a game of skill, speed, and mental awareness in order to keep up and win. It's not for the faint of heart. You have to analyze your opponent and strike when the moment is yours. You will need to hit the ball with precise aiming if you want to get the point and be able to return what is hit at you to show that you have no fear. But when the crowd is alive and watching, will… Read more.

You Battled With Your Friends, Now, It’s Time To Battle Against Them…

June 5, 2023 ·

You entered The Black Sarcophagus, faced the Rat King, took on the Roots of Evil, broke the curse of the Serpent Lord, and took hold of the Reigns of Madness. But you didn't do it alone, you did it with your friends. Together everyone conquered it all. But we know what you are secretly thinking. Your "friends", if you still want to call them that, think that they are better, play better, and smell better thank you. But this is… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You On A Journey To The Center Of The Earth & Some Laser Lairs…

June 5, 2023 ·

Now, that Walkabout Mini Golf is out on almost every platform, including the recent and successful PlayStation VR2 release, more players are getting to experience the fun of Mini Golf and some of the best-designed and themed courses around. Part of the two courses that are yet to come are part of the Jules Verne Trilogy. The second course of the trilogy is none other than Journey to the Center of the Earth. By the looks of everything, we will… Read more.

If You Could Have Anything, Would You Risk Part Of Your Body To Do So?

June 4, 2023 ·

We all try to play by the rules so we can make it. Sometimes the game that we play can take longer to win. But what if there was a way to get ahead of the line in order to achieve what you most wanted out of life? Would you take it knowing that there would be a consequence of no return, but the reward could be the biggest payoff? There is a way to win, but you will need… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 29, 2023 ·

Mini Golf is a game that takes focus and skill. You have to have an eye for the hole and the readiness to take the shot when everything around it is just right. Sometimes, wind, water, and even the height of the course can, with one misaligned putt, cause the ball to be lost and cause your score to keep increasing. But yet, when you play with friends and family, the game can also become this friendly competition that really… Read more.

Place Your Bets On PlayStation VR2…

May 28, 2023 ·

Back in February of 2021, it was on the table to have PokerStars VR come to PlayStation VR. With PlayStation VR2 continuing to roll the dice, it was just a matter of time before we could step into the game of some fun times with others while we place our bets and try to win as much as we can all while being in a safe environment for everyone. What has been a positive experience for many, known as PokerStars… Read more.

Creed: Rise to Glory – Championship Edition – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 20, 2023 ·

The sport of boxing is a very interesting one. Two boxers step into the ring hoping one of them will be a winner. The punches are quick and powerful. Sometimes the opponent will dodge what is coming at them and other times, not so much. But if you could step in the ring, how well would you do? Would it be a tie? Would you be able to win by TKO? Maybe, you might become the champion of the world.… Read more.

CREED: Rise to Glory – Championship Edition is Punching Into A New Update…

May 15, 2023 ·

Ever since CREED: Rise to Glory - Championship Edition stepped into the PlayStation VR2 and Quest 2 ring, many have trained, boxed, and faced each other with those beautiful PlayStation VR2 features that include 4K HDR support, haptics, and enjoyed that 3D audio. Now, it looks like there has been more training from Coach Survios, as they have made some updates that should make your time in the boxing ring even more enjoyable. From enhanced impact haptics to tuned punches,… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The PlayStation VR2 Interview

May 7, 2023 ·

Mini Golf is a sport that anybody can pretty much play, regardless of age and height, The concept is simple as you try to ultimately get that hole-in-one, but the execution, depending on the course, maybe more challenging than you might think. But there has always been this social aspect when comes to playing that everyone really enjoys as they have a common interest for fun. But when I heard that developer, Mighty Coconut, was finally bringing not only the… Read more.

Synth Riders – Remastered Edition – The Review

April 29, 2023 ·

Music has a way to the soul. A way of calming it or moving it. When the soul moves, the body is sure to follow. What type of music moves you? It could be Rock, Rap, Metal, Bluegrass, or even Electric. With the right type of music, atmosphere, and letting go, you might be surprised at what you can do. But does developer Kluge Interactive bring the note-catching, physical dancing to a better-remastered experience? Let's find out with Synth Riders… Read more.

When Your Home Becomes A World Of Rainbows, It’s Time To Reclaim What Is Yours…

April 26, 2023 ·

Everything was perfect. Full of gloom, full of lava floors, and full of fear that many tried to stay away from. That is until the day it happened. This happiness of smiles where it feels like anything is about to sing at any given moment. Those beings took what was once pure and infected this land. I can't stand the happiness any longer. I must awaken the beast from within and these rainbows will be no more. Features include: Run… Read more.

Will Your Arcade Be A Forgotten Past Time Or Will It Be Legendary?

April 16, 2023 ·

If you walked into an empty building, would you think about the run-down state it was in or would you look at it as an empty canvas just waiting for your dreams to become a reality? You have the passion, desire, and love of the arcade you have always dreamed of building. And you know that once it is built, the people will come and play. This isn't just something you pass by, this is where your heart led you… Read more.

Will You Succeed In Your Mission Or Will Everything Become Breached?

April 15, 2023 ·

The plan was simple. Go in, take out any enemy, and succeed in our mission. But things changed. The wrong wall was blown up and they saw us coming a mile away. We sent Sam in only to never hear from him again. Sam had one job...ONE JOB. I am not sure if it was a miscommunication with our team or if it was Sam's fault. But after Sam went missing, we started to listen to our instincts, started to… Read more.

After the Fall – Complete Edition – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 13, 2023 ·

If humanity as you know it changed, how easily could you adapt to it if it was like nothing you were prepared for? Would you adjust and exceed where it counts or would you fall victim to it and become its prey? Change can be a difficult and challenging thing when it interrupts the flow of humanity. But does developer Vertigo Games bring us the fear of change and allow those to help make it adaptable? Let's find out with… Read more.

Pavlov – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 9, 2023 ·

When you think of multiplayer shooters, what comes to mind? A particular name, a map design, or maybe it's the way weapons reacted that holds a place in your memory. But when it comes to multiplayer games and everything it incorporates into their world, the design can either break or make the experience with players coming back for more. So does developer Vankrupt Games give the game to keep us coming back for more? Let's find out with Pavlov for… Read more.

When The Mission Goes Wrong, How Will You Handle The Repercussions?

April 9, 2023 ·

We were the best, I mean, we still are. We had that one job to do and something, probably one of us, as it was not me, but probably Frank, may have blown the mission, and our client isn't all that pleased. But we will do whatever we need to do to make things right. Even if we leave all the destruction in our dust. We have the weapons and skills, plus, we are mercenaries with nothing to lose. We… Read more.

Get In Your Kart And Race Towards The Finish Line On PlayStation VR2…

March 26, 2023 ·

Back in 2021, we heard about the kart racer that was coming to Steam VR, called Galaxy Kart. An arcade kart racing game that focuses not only on the individual skill of each driver but in combat as well. Each track is a completely different world with a variety of items for the player to experience. Not only that but a crazy cast of characters and karts. Now, it looks like the game has made a pit stop on PlayStation… Read more.

Tetris Effect: Connected – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 19, 2023 ·

Tetris. The name that everyone knows and may be one of the games that more people have played has been around for decades that had spanned books, video documentaries, and films. As Tetris became ever so popular, so did the versions. Probably the best version that we have come to love was when Tetris Effect came to PlayStation VR in 2018. So do developers, Monstars Inc., Resonair, and Stage Games, along with publisher Enhance bring us all connected? Let's find… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Has Turned The Town Upside uʍoᗡ…

March 18, 2023 ·

Going through the town is supposed to be fun, with laughter to be had, and mini golf played like we know how. But something has turned the town upside down and now gravity has decided to have its own fun as what is supposed to be up, is now down, sideways, and every other way possible. Features include: 36 New Holes - 18 Easy, 18 Hard 18 hidden lost balls Use your investigative skills in the special "Fox Hunt" to… Read more.

Population: One Goes FREE for Quest Players…

March 18, 2023 ·

It's been over two years since the Battle Royale game known as Population: One has been released. Over the years, millions of friends have been made, billions of loot have been picked up, and the players that have flown, climbed, and squads have been populated. The decision has been made to make the game free, well at least for Quest players that is. Features include: Battle Royale Sandbox: UGC Games (Custom maps and rules) Team Deathmatch with customizable load-outs War… Read more.

Will You Be Rocking Or Ragnarockin’ Out On PlayStation VR2¿

March 14, 2023 ·

The year was 2021 and the combination of Vikings and rock music was being made with a game called Ragnarock. In the game, you lead your Viking ship to victory as you have to pound your drums to the rhythm of the sound of epic music and try to climb those leaderboards to Viking rock fame. Then, the following year, information about the game coming to PlayStation VR was a possibility. But that all changed with the release of PlayStation… Read more.

Synth Riders Wants You To Feel Good On Melancholy Hill…

February 15, 2023 ·

With the news earlier this month of not only that Synth Riders is about to get remastered, but also receiving the physical edition treatment for PlayStation VR2. It looks like a new music pack is coming to add to the already impressive arsenal that Synth Riders has. With this new music pack also comes a new themed stage that is sure to be a hit as we are about to be moving to the music and the rhythm of the… Read more.

It’s Time To Step Back In The Ring And Rise To Glory For The Championship…

February 12, 2023 ·

You may have stepped into the ring and were hoping to go all the way. You faced some of the most experienced boxers that the sport had to offer. Every time you ducked, you got hit. Every time you jabbed, your opponent moved. The bell rang, but all you saw were the lights. You trained and trained, you got back in, and you had the match one, but then the test results came back, the news got out, and you… Read more.


February 9, 2023 ·

If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would you do to ensure you could survive to the fullest of your abilities? Would you be running away to go to some new place? Would you try to protect what is yours? Maybe your plan would be to get with other survivors to band together in hopes that you would not become one of them. It's fun to think about what we would do if an emergency situation like that would ever… Read more.

It’s Time To Get Connected On The PlayStation VR2…

February 6, 2023 ·

When Tetris Effect launched on PlayStation VR, it took the game to the next level in ways that many of us couldn't have imagined. The game has evolved since then and it looks like we are about to embrace the competitive, the modes, and the cross-platform playing in new and exciting ways from the music to the backgrounds to the special effects to the PlayStation VR2 features, get ready to be introduced to the game you thought you knew like… Read more.

When Time Is Ticking Away, Will You Fall Under The Pressure Or Embrace It?

February 4, 2023 ·

We knew it would happen before they did. We warned them that they should not try and play Gods. The experiment failed and it escaped. Anyone we see, anyone we come across could have it. We have an arsenal of weapons at our disposal, and we are training daily, but when those doors are open, we will not hesitate to ask questions second. There will be others trying to stop us that look like our brothers or really anything, but… Read more.

Can Ghosts Even Survive Tabor When Scaveging Becomes The Way Of Life?

January 31, 2023 ·

They talked about the war for years. But many of us knew the real plan, but the powers that be did not want to listen. Probably because they were in on it. Every time someone spoke, they found a way to silence the voices. We warned them of the experiments they were making on those citizens. But then that nuke hit and what could have possibly helped with survival was damaged due to the radiation. Even then, the fighting and… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants You To Search For Sunken Treasures In Atlantis…

January 26, 2023 ·

Atlantis is one of those tales we have heard about and many have searched for deep in the ocean. The lost city is full of treasures and mythical creatures. But for those who claim to know where the location of Atlantis may be, only one scientific facility found it. That facility is known as Mighty Coconut Labs. They have not only found the real location but made it one of the wildest places under the sea to play mini golf.… Read more.

REQUISITION VR – The Interview

December 31, 2022 ·

Think about where you live and how normal things appear and every day there was this calmness which you felt safe about. Now, what if, one day that all changed, and the place that was all calm and peaceful turned out to be anything but that due to a zombie outbreak? Do you think you would be able to survive? Would the neighbors that you have known suddenly start to turn against you? If you could use anything that you… Read more.

Synth Riders Wants To Wish You A Very Merry Synthmas…

December 25, 2022 ·

It's that time of year again when Christmas and the holidays are in full festivities mode and when it comes to Synth Riders, that can only mean one thing...time again for the Merry Synthmas update. What is the Merry Synthmas update you might be wondering? Well, it's the time when the Synth Riders developers want to give you all, the fans, a special gift to you for the holidays. So what could be the gift for all of us? Check… Read more.

Synth Riders Wants You To Get Your Funk On And Grove To The Music…

December 19, 2022 ·

Synth Riders is still keeping the music going, but with Christmas and New Year coming, it's time to change things up, get the funk on, and get the party started. The newest music pack looks to bring the 24K magic, the supersymmetry, the manuals, and the skate to the runway all into that funkiness of the liquid disco. Let's take a look at what's included in this all-new music pack... Features include: “24K Magic” - Bruno Mars “Runaway Baby” -… Read more.

When The Calm Before The Storm Ends, Will You Be Able To Craft Your Way To Survival?

November 29, 2022 ·

Our city was something that brochures were made for. There was calmness, the community, and most importantly, peacefulness. But all that changed on that day when they, those monsters came into our city. But we survivors weren't sure we were going to make it and still don't as we don't have any guns to help but had to be a little more creative with our traps and crafting abilities as we try to find food and supplies. And when I… Read more.

After The Fall Wants To Complete You On The PlayStation VR2…

November 9, 2022 ·

Ever since After The Fall launched for the Quest 2, Steam VR, Viveport, and PlayStation VR, many runs have been made against the cross-platform co-op action as you fight against the Snowbreed and even against each other. And well after the launch, the game has not slowed down with all the updates that have come from holidays to horror. Now, it looks like After The Fall is going to take advantage of the power of PlayStation VR2... Features include: 3… Read more.

Synth Riders Welcomes You To Dance With The Dead…

October 29, 2022 ·

We are in the full bloom of the Halloween season with costumes, candy, and music that even the dead will want to dance to. And with the spirit of the Halloween season, it looks like Synth Riders want everyone to dance and move with the fun in the new update. But it's not going to be just the music, but the challenges as well. Take a look at what is in store with this free update... A New FREE song, “Riot” by… Read more.

Broken Edge Welcomes You To The Melee On…

October 29, 2022 ·

Back in June the multiplayer fantasy dueling game, Broken Edge, was announced. The game will have different characters to battle your friends and foes with unique melee weapons and fighting patterns. But it's not just the unique weapons and fighting patterns that will let you win here, it will also be the way you move and swing your weapon so that you can block and break your opponent's weapon before that final strike. But it looks like we now have… Read more.

Get Ready For The Betrayal In Among Us VR On…

October 27, 2022 ·

Players have experienced the relationship of teamwork and the heart-ripping betrayals that is a part of Among Us. But back in December of 2021, we received the news that Among Us was receiving the Virtual Reality treatment. In this multiplayer game, 4-10 players will try and complete tasks to hold your ship together, however, one or more of those players turn out to be imposters as they try to sabatoge the ship and end the lives of the other players.… Read more.

The Battle Of The Wielders Will Cause An Uprising…

October 9, 2022 ·

The battles of the streets of London can take a toll on the soul. Trying to cast the correct spell amongst those that challenge you can be a complicated calculation, but if successful, the payout of victory is worth it. But sometimes no matter how many spells you cast and how many foes you try to defeat, the outcome is not what we have hoped. But sometimes a spell is cast that spawns new spells that can be used and… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You Under The Sea…

September 30, 2022 ·

If you have ever seen the movie or read the novel, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, then you know that there was something majestic about the ship, the Nautilus, Captain Nemo, and that giant squid that wanted to, in my opinion, just to say hi. Well, it looks like the minds at MightyCoconut have decided what better way to embrace it than making it into one of its infamous courses as part of a trilogy. With the newest course, you… Read more.

Wands Alliances – The Review

September 27, 2022 ·

Magic has always been essential in storytelling from the movies to games. There is just something about being able to have the ability to cast spells for protection as well as trying to battle against enemies. There is something about dueling against others with this sense of power and satisfaction that draws towards it all. But do developer Cortopia Studios and publisher Beyond Frames Entertainment bring the magic and fun of casting spells in battle? Let's find out with Wands… Read more.

When Your Life Is On The Frontline, Will You Fall By The Enemy Or Become A Guardian Legend?

September 22, 2022 ·

When a fight for control turns into a war, what would you do? Would you go in with guns blazing hoping that you could help win it or would you be part of a team that would do anything to protect what was right? Some were born to become a soldier while others were born to be a commander. War can be a tricky thing when you are trying to fight for the good against those that are the enemy.… Read more.

Synth Riders Wants You To Show That Legends Never Die…

September 16, 2022 ·

Every time a new music pack comes out for Synth Riders, it is always interesting to see what the theme will be as it can be something totally unexpected and this new music pack is bringing you into League of Legends with music that is inspired by the gameplay and characters in a truly unique and immersive way including the newest experience with visuals synchronized to the music that will allow you to re-live the song's performance inspired by the… Read more.

After The Fall Brings The Reclamation Update…

September 15, 2022 ·

There is one thing we can say about After the Fall and that the action does not stop coming. From the hordes to the boulevards to the shocks and to the horror, each update brings something interesting and it looks like this one is bringing some damage along the way for you and others to reclaim what is rightfully yours. So let's check out what is in the newest update... Maps - Harvest Run - Downtown - Zipline between the… Read more.

Ultimechs Launches On And Will Go…

August 20, 2022 ·

Back in December of 2021, we got wind of a game coming that has the thrill of professional athletics that meets the precision of purpose-built machines called Ultimechs. In the game, you get to remotely pilot high-performance mechs and compete in the future sport of Superball. You will need to block, zoom, punch, and try to score your way to victory. It looks like not only will the competition be there, but when you add seasons to the mix, things… Read more.

It’s Time To Go Into OVERDRIVE…

July 27, 2022 ·

The 21st century was a crazy time for humanity. The pandemics, the food shortages, and even the inflation with supply and demand. The economy as we knew it felt the blow. Even decades later, we still remember and for those that don't, the tales are there to be told. But ever since that invention of the energy field generating technology, we have found a way to new things including the new vehicles that have a new gyro-stabilized system where the… Read more.

After The Fall Wants You To Face The Horror With The Latest Update…

July 19, 2022 ·

Ever since After the Fall has released, the updates have been coming. From events to seasons and everything in between with new maps and weapons. With no signs of stopping, it looks like this latest update has some things in store for you, that is if you think you can face the horror of it all. Let's take a look at what is included with the new update... Persistence Rework: Fixed the issue(s) where weapons would be stripped of their… Read more.

Happy Four-Year Anniversary Synth Riders…

July 17, 2022 ·

It's been four years since we were introduced to riding the rails, feeling the music, and dancing within the retro-futuristic world known as Synth Riders. But it wouldn't be a celebration without you, the players, to help make this a special anniversary. And as a special gift and thank you, there are now two free songs, along with the base game now has 12 environments, and if you need even more songs and environments, there are those amazing DLC packs… Read more.

When You Need An Alliance, What Spells Will You Choose?

June 23, 2022 ·

The streets of London can be a magical place. Full of mystery, but also full of mayhem. But what we discovered in these streets is something very magical that takes those that have kindness in their hearts and makes them good, while others that are tempted by the darkness, into evil. For those who are divided, it will take strength, faith, and the power of the spells to overcome those that are evil. The alliances that are made must be… Read more.

Competitiveness Can Be Challenging When You Are On A Team Of One, But Being Part Of A Team Can Have An Advantage…

June 13, 2022 ·

A battle can be a tough thing to enter. If you go at it alone, your chances of survival may become non-existant no matter how good you think you are. But it is when you are part of a team, that feeling of uncertainty can greatly vanish when you know that you have someone watching your back. We all have choices to make, let's just hope the ones that are on our team are the ones that we can truly… Read more.

If One Plays By The Sword, One Will Be Defeated By The Broken Edge Of The Sword…

June 10, 2022 ·

The battle is not going to be easy. Each warrior that has decided to enter the fight is fast and strong. Each one has their own skills and style that they bring to this battle that you may not be prepared for. Striking will not be enough. You will have to have the determination to block and dodge and when the opportunity opens up, then and only then will you truly know that they are not prepared for you. This… Read more.

Sometimes When The Fight Needs To Be Won, We Just Have To Unleash The Fury From Within…

June 10, 2022 ·

We are all destined to be something in life. Sometimes, it's an easy path to get to where we need to go. Other times, we need to train to get there. Within that training, some will run like there is no tomorrow, while some will be cautious of their surroundings. But for me, I trained not only my body, but my mind to know the moves of others so I can block, dodge, and counter their attacks until I have… Read more.

When There Are Unruly Passengers At The Airport, A Fight Just May Break Out…

May 22, 2022 ·

Traveling is supposed to be a fun time. Getting to the airport and boarding your flight are all part of the fun. But sometimes, the people at the airport may not be in the best of moods. Sure, they may have had a delay or even missed their flight, or even decided to overstay their welcome altogether. But sometimes, it's how you deal with them that can be the most rewarding of them all. Features include: New level: Airport with… Read more.

The Game Is Yours, You Just Need To Enter The Arena To Try And Win It…

May 11, 2022 ·

When we first heard about ULTIMECHS, it gave us a glimpse of professional athletics that meet the precision of well-built machines. The chance to enter the arena and test our precise punches with impeccable reaction times with machines designed for power, force, and speed. Now, there is even more information about what to expect. In order to win this game, it will be you and a teammate where you must use quick movements to stay on top of the massive… Read more.

After The Fall Brings The Shock And Awe With The Latest Update…

April 28, 2022 ·

After the Fall is continuing to bring the action in its Co-op mode. We had the Horde Mode that introduced two new maps and a new weapon. Then just last month we received the Boulevard Update that introduced another new map, new difficulties, and the new LMG weapon. Now, it seems the Frontrunner season is continuing the goods with the newest update that bring even new weapons, a new mode, and even a new map. Let's take a look at… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants You To Find Your Place And Hang Out On Welcome Island…

April 21, 2022 ·

Playing Walkabout Mini Golf is not only a blast, but it's a lot of hard work. Sure you got your favorite course as you try and make a hole-in-one or maybe you enjoy the scenery in the Gardens of Babylon or taking in the mazes of bridges in Shangri-La. Perhaps you have a bit of a sweet tooth as you discover the mouth-watering courses of Sweetopia. Not only can you just have some fun while playing some mini-golf with others… Read more.

Alien Dawn – The Interview

April 12, 2022 ·

What if there was an alien invasion, how well do you think you would do? Would you be able to fight against them if needed? Would you be able to do it by yourself? If you had the right people, how well do you think the outcome would be in your favor? Aliens and the thoughts of invasions have been part of our culture through books we read to movies we watch to even the games we play. But when… Read more.

Synth Riders Brings The Music To Explore The Underground…

April 12, 2022 ·

Synth Riders still continues to bring the music, the rhythm, and the moves to you in VR. But there is a need for something just a little bit more energetic, something just a little bit more expressive, and something just a little more freedom to the mix. Synth Riders and multi-talented, songwriter, dancer, and artist, Lindsey Stirling are ready to blend the diversity and versatility in the only way that one could truly feel the explosive energy. The Music Pack… Read more.

Anyone Up For A Game Of Cricket?

April 10, 2022 ·

There is something about when you enter a stadium filled with fans cheering their favorite team. The batsman steps up and has the bowler throw the ball hoping that a boundary six is made. The game of Cricket can be an exciting one. But for many who may have never seen the game or even played, what if you could learn in just 10 minutes and take on your friends across multiple stadiums? You don't have to think about playing,… Read more.

Puzzle Bobble 3D: Vacation Odyssey Is Receiving A Collector’s Edition…

April 6, 2022 ·

Puzzle Bobble is a game that many people have played. Some may remember Bust-A-Move while those may know the series as Puzzle Bobble, but either way, Bub and Bob have been giving us years of entertainment. Back in 2021, Puzzle Bobble 3D: Vacation Odyssey came out for PlayStation VR for both PS4 and PS5 and it looks like a new collectors edition will be coming soon. In case you may not be aware, Bubble dragon brothers Bub and Bob are… Read more.

After The Fall Welcomes You To The Boulevard Of Broken Dreams With Its Newest Update…

March 29, 2022 ·

There are a lot of things going on in the world of After the Fall, especially after the latest Horde Update, but it seems that this world is not even done by a long shot. With this newest Boulevard Update, get ready for new content that includes a new map called Boulevard Harvest Run, where you and up to 3 other players take on the frozen streets of Hollywood and try to defeat the Snowbreed with new difficulty levels. And… Read more.

After the Fall Receives The Horde Mode…

March 24, 2022 ·

With a lot of players making those runs, making some new friends along the way, and wishing that there was, even more, to get excited about, developer Vertigo Games wants to welcome you to the season with its newest update that includes some new maps and more. With the new Frontrunner Season, let's check out what's all included? Two new Horde Mode maps called the Junction and HighwayNew revolver weapon And if you thought that was going to be it,… Read more.

Sometimes You And Your Crew Need To Rule The Streets…

March 9, 2022 ·

The streets can be hard on you as you try to make it. What some people do as a normal routine, we Outbreakers see it as a necessity, a way to make money, a different view on life. It may not be the safest thing in the world, but the rewards could mean the difference between payout and burnout. In this life, we will do whatever it takes to make sure we win and survive, no matter who we have… Read more.

When Sorcerers Need To Prove That The Undead Can Dance, They Battle It Out…

March 9, 2022 ·

There are a few things that we can say about the undead. They like to eat, they like to make some noise, and they like to dance. It's true, there is nothing like a rave undead dance party. But in order to make this party go from the dead to the undead, you are going to need the rhythm, the power, and the accuracy in order to be sweating to the oldies of that high score in the sky. Features… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Is Wanting You To Take On The Labyrinth…

March 1, 2022 ·

There are certain things in Vritual Reality that can bring happiness to someone. Maybe it's being right in the adventure, maybe it's the music that makes you move, or maybe it's playing mini golf through one of Jim Henson's classic fantasy films. That's right, to help celebrate a partnership of sorts, the deal has been made between the Henson Company and Mighty Coconut (and probably the Goblin King, Jareth as well) to bring the world of Labyrinth to Walkabout Mini… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To You Take Have a Sweet Tooth On Its Newest Course…

February 16, 2022 ·

We know that sometimes trying to make a hole-in-one can be difficult. One can find it challenging that they have to go to Shangri-La or even the Gardens of Baylon to get a different view of the scenery in hopes of having their best game ever. But sometimes it's not about the view of it all, but the taste of the course, the sweet candies in our thoughts, or even the smell of the chocolate river that even Willy Wonka… Read more.

After The Fall Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

February 10, 2022 ·

After the successful release, After the Fall has been in a constant state of listening to its fans and trying to make the best experience possible. Now, it looks to not only invite all players into its Frontrunner season for this February but a special physical edition as well. So what's is the Frontrunner Season all about. Check out the details... The Frontrunner Season content is available to all players as part of the Launch and Deluxe editions of After… Read more.

After The Fall Invites You To The Chinese New Year Event…

February 5, 2022 ·

It looks like all those runs we have been doing in After the Fall are giving us even more reason to continue those runs. The Chinese New Year Event is upon us and with it comes some major updates and a new weapon skin. So what kind of major updates are we talking about? Check them out: Cheat Prevention It should no longer be possible to glitch through doorsEnd of level complete buttons are now disabled until the last wave… Read more.

Ultrawings 2 Is Taking Flight On…

February 1, 2022 ·

Back in October of 2019, developer Bit Planet Games allowed us to take flight with Ultrawings and fly in the skies above. Then in December, we got some news on Ultrawings 2 with a lot of information other than it would be an open-world adventure made for VR, motion controls including HOTAS support, improved aircraft physics, and tons of gameplay. Well, it looks like there is even more exciting news to look forward to including the following: The Quest 2… Read more.

If You Are Going To Get Into A Drunkn Bar Fight, You Just May End Up At The Police Station…

January 27, 2022 ·

Isolation for many has turned out to be a good thing. Not having to deal with traffic or people can sometimes give you that peace of mind that you have always been thinking about. But for those that feel that they just need to go out and hit the local pup, they may have forgotten to act civilized when around others and well, become not so sober. And with that, may come the fights that could end you at the… Read more.

When It Becomes Dark, Can You Survive Those Who Are Hunting You?

January 23, 2022 ·

We were just trying to get away for the weekend. Our favorite bands were playing at the nearby music festival. All four of us even rented a house so we would have a place to crash. We heard about what has happened in the neighborhood with the killer on the run. We are trying to escape, but all the power to exit has been turned off. We have to turn the power back on if we are going to escape.… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The Review

January 18, 2022 ·

Mini Golf is a game that takes skill. You have to have the eye for the hole and the readiness to take the shot when everything around it is just right. Sometimes, wind, water, even the height of the course can, with one misaligned putt, cause the ball to be lost and cause your score to keep increasing. But yet, when you play with friends and family, the game can also become this friendly competition that really can leave a… Read more.

Will You Sidespin The Shot Or Smash It?

January 16, 2022 ·

You practice every day. You train like there is no tomorrow. You don't do this for them, you do this for you to show them and the world that this table, this racket, and that ball is yours to rule and that anyone that steps across the table from you is a guest in your house...in your world. But along with that practice...that training, there comes confidence in the Push, the Twirl, and the Kill you will put into every… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The Interview

December 31, 2021 ·

Mini Golf can be a lot of fun. Trying to line up your shot and hoping you can make that hole in one. But it can also be a lot of fun with friends and you can all escape and just let time pass by. Each of you going through each of the 18-hole courses in hopes of not only having the bragging rights but just the opportunity to have some fun. So when I heard that developer, Mighty Coconut… Read more.

Synth Riders Wants To Wish You A Merry Synthmas…

December 20, 2021 ·

It's the week of Christmas and for many, they are counting the days until presents can be open, to see the smiles, and just have some good food. But what if you eat too much before then or you are just not in that holiday spirit as you wish you could be? Well, there is possibly a solution to all your wonders and all you need to do is to stand up, get into VR, and then move to some… Read more.

After the Fall Receives The Holiday Update…

December 18, 2021 ·

After the Fall has just surpassed in a day vs Arizona Sunshine did in a month. And with that milestone, developer Vertigo Games wants to make sure everything is as perfect as can be. They heard what the fans like you pointed out and have been working as fast as possible to get everything updated to make sure everyone's holidays are the most festive of them all. So with that, let's check out the major and general parts for all… Read more.

After the Fall – The Review

December 16, 2021 ·

Imagine the world we live in changed before our eyes. The world that we knew became frozen and overrun by evil undead monsters. Do you think you would be able to survive what the world has become or would you and many others have to find a different way, a different location, to bring new meaning to the word survival? Would you reach out to be the one that helps or no matter what, accept the hand that reaches out… Read more.

Will You Be Able To Survive The Arctic Blast?

December 12, 2021 ·

You went up against the best. You have dodged the bullets, you have about thought your opponent, and you have even scored that winning shot. You have your favorite weapons to use and when it seems like time stands still, you got this and all of that from the indoors of the arenas that you know and in front of the crowd. But things are about to change. Winter is coming, but will you truly be prepared for the battle,… Read more.

After The Fall – The Interview

December 6, 2021 ·

What if there was a time, much like now, where things as we knew changed? Taking what we would consider a normal life, flipped on its head in ways we possibly could not think about. But what if a pandemic became much worse? What if what we are experiencing now turned out to be the world that we knew, into an ice age where humanity could not live above the ground, but had to be forced below? How long would… Read more.

Synth Riders Is About To Take You On A Spiral Ride…

October 26, 2021 ·

There is something about the joy and fun that comes with Synth Riders. Maybe some feel it's the music or maybe the way it makes you move. But there is one thing for sure that we can all mostly agree upon and that is the fun that can be had when playing. But it looks like the fun is in no way stopping any time soon and it looks like we will not have to wait for very long to… Read more.

A Tale Has Been Told About The Greatest Knight In All The Land…

October 10, 2021 ·

There is a tale of a special someone who is not phased by anything. That their stare can look through the souls of the ones he goes up against. That he has never lost a tournament throughout the kingdom. His jousting skills are the ones where books will be written and others strive to become him. His steed of a horse is like no other. Some may say that there be magic at play while others stand by what they… Read more.

Puzzle Bobble 3D: Vacation Odyssey – The Review

October 5, 2021 ·

Many are familiar with the duo of Bub and Bob from the duo of Bust-A-Move and that evolved into what now is known as Puzzle Bobble. Always doing what they do best as they are trying to get the right amount of matching color order so that the stage can be cleared and on to the next. But over the years and many birthdays and adventures, the duo has done what they could to bring enjoyment to as many players… Read more.

Synth Riders Invites You To Become Interstellar…

September 19, 2021 ·

Synth Riders has already proven to be a hit with its freestyle-dance rhythm and a way to become fit at the same time. But it wants to take you on a journey...one that wants to give you an experience. All you have to do is prepare for the madness, handle the pressure, and become part of the MUSE... Tracklist includes: Starlight + ExperienceUprisingMadnessReapersPressure Are you ready for the ride? What will you experience? Can you get ready for the synthwave?… Read more.

I Will See You At High Noon…

September 7, 2021 ·

The Wild West. Not a lot of folks out here just yet. But they will come. We are building up this town just right. But sometimes we do get the occasional scum that comes in trying to prove that they should rule the town. A few have tried to settle the disagreements by words while others have tried to take matters into their own hands and become law. Some of those folks are now six feet under, but there are… Read more.

When Wolfs Attack…

September 6, 2021 ·

Us pigs try and have a simple life. Ever since the big bad wolf blew our houses down we learned and we built a stronger one made out of bricks and he has never stopped trying to attack us. But with time and hard work, we learned that our town needs a little more protection from the wolf pack. We have learned to use a shotgun and a bow to help us prepare for it all. It's time for war… Read more.

When Chefs Clash…

September 2, 2021 ·

You thought that this town would be big enough to live out your dream. Your dream of becoming the best chef in the business. But it seems that others had the same thought, the same passion, and the same dream. But they thought they were better than you, they thought that they could push you around. But you will not stand for it. You have the speed to succeed You will show everyone in this town and the world why… Read more.

Can You Handle The Skies With Flying Colors?

August 31, 2021 ·

The sky is my arena. I don't even have to look to know when the enemy is there. When I am up there, I am in the zone...my zone. No one can touch me. Everyone wants to see who the best of the best is and they all think it's them. But they don't even realize that the best is already up there just waiting for them to make a mistake. They will not expect what I am capable of… Read more.

Just Hit The Beat On That Boombox…

August 23, 2021 ·

You love music. You love to drum to the beat. You love obstacles (well, maybe not obstacles as they can get in your way of drumming to the beat) But have you ever really tried playing the drums to the rhythm while going after a cat named Pupa? I think not. And now you will no longer play within the confines of the game, you will make the game as you drum your way, customize your way, and embrace the… Read more.

Synth Riders – The Review

August 19, 2021 ·

If you are in the zone and hearing the music, keeping high energy for the moment, how does that make you feel? Do you feel like you have all the rhythm in the world, where not even the world could stop you? Do you feel like it is your moment and your time to let loose with the music, giving you that boost? If we have the right kind of music to move us, anything can be possible for many… Read more.

Tetris Effect: Connected Is Releasing For Steam VR On…

August 17, 2021 ·

One of the best-selling PlayStation VR games is making the rounds so that everyone on pretty much your platform of choice can play. Sure you may have played a variation of Tetris, but you have never really seen or heard Tetris in Virtual Reality. From the music, the backgrounds, and even the special effects, it's all here waiting for you to experience Tetris as it was meant to be experienced. Features include: Includes Cross-Platform Multiplayer! Players on different platforms can… Read more.

Grab Some Cards & Some Ale…

August 14, 2021 ·

You have come from afar land and stumbled into the local tavern for some relaxing times. The atmosphere seems up to your speed with the people talking, the music playing, and something special on those tables. So you go up to the bar and that is when you are greeted by the barkeep. You hear the words "Grab some cards, grab a tankard, and show these adventures what you are made of". The rumors were true about this town. The… Read more.

It’s Time To Ragnarock Out…

August 13, 2021 ·

We Vikings live our life in the way that has worked for us for generations. We love to sail, we love to race, and we love to have fun. We are stronger and faster than anyone in the land. But sometimes, we have to challenge ourselves as there is no one else who will step up and to the beating, to the ponding, and to the rocking out that we do day in and day out. But with the right… Read more.

It’s High Noon Somewhere…

August 7, 2021 ·

The life of a gunslinger was never easy. For the most part, it was a short lived career choice. Sure, the rewards could have been high, but the outcome could have put you six feet under. There are some that wanted to test the system and others who bet on the system to win. But those days of actual people getting hurt are all over, well, thanks to there are no more. But us robots, rule the Wild West. Sure,… Read more.

Synth Riders – The Interview

August 6, 2021 ·

If you could take the word rhythm and add freestyle, dancing, and retro into the mix, what do you imagine? Do you imagine something as simple as the space around you or would be on a more massive scale such as a world or worlds? If you could add some music into your experience, what do you envision to sound like or even look like? Would the space or worlds that you imagined be full of colors and just have… Read more.

When There Is A Threat Against Humanity, Can We All Unite To Face A Common Enemy?

August 4, 2021 ·

The world as you know it will never be the same again. What you called normal is now the complete opposite. There were warnings for years of a threat headed our way, but those that should have listened didn't. And those that did, were not believed. When they appeared in the sky, I knew...we knew this was not going to be easy. Humanity as we know it, regardless of our differences, must unite to take on this alien invasion before… Read more.

What A Rush!!!

August 1, 2021 ·

The race is on. Your time is now. You trained, you know the course like the back of your hand, you have got what it takes to be champion. But it's going to take a little more than turning that wheel on that controller, it's going to take timing, to take that turn, and beyond all else, make sure no other cars get in your way. So make sure the batteries are charged, make sure those wheels are not too… Read more.

In War, Planes May Be The Only Fight You Need…

July 25, 2021 ·

The war has been the result of many casualties. Many didn't have a choice or a say if they lived or died. Some just wanted to get home and others tried to fight the good fight. But it's those who gave up their lives, choice or not, that I decided to become not just a pilot, but the pilot of WW1. I know it's not a life for many, but it's a life for me and with this life, I… Read more.

Can You Beat Your Friends At Mini Golf?

June 30, 2021 ·

Being stuck inside during the pandemic, there is a lot of times you just want to get out. Sometimes it's just the fresh air, seeing other people, or even just having some friendly competition. But secretly you have been missing hitting that ball of the course. You know you can have the lowest score and you just need a way to prove it. But these courses will take some skill, some focus, and no distractions from those around you. Well,… Read more.

It’s Time To Freestyle, Dance, & Ride Like There Is No Tomorrow…

June 30, 2021 ·

You hear the music and you start to move. The adrenaline starts to take over. Before you know it, you are moving like there is no tomorrow. But you will need to make sure your whole body is ready and in rhythm as this is not going to be some walk to the beat in the park type of movement. This is going to be the ride that you were not expecting, but the ride you have been waiting for.… Read more.

Get Ready To Enter STRIDE.net…

June 26, 2021 ·

STRIDE, the game of parkour action has just gone to the next phase with their online multiplayer mode STRIDE.net. In this mode, you and others will compete in endless fun in various battles in urban environments that are perfectly tailored for parkour action. Features include: Free add-on to the base game of STRIDEOpen Alpha with 1 map (for now as servers are being tested) including a variation of tag called, Zombie HordeMore modes to be announced Will you become infected?… Read more.

Are You Worthy Of Grand Sensei’s ‘Table of Trials’?

April 29, 2021 ·

Listen young apprentice. Your desire is great, your wisdom is strong, and your willingness to achieve greatness is unmatchable. But there are still lessons that one must learn if they are truly to become the legend. You are the chosen one and well, the three others that showed up as well. It will be up to all of you, well, hopefully you don't fall under the pressure to prove once and for all, that you are truly ready for my… Read more.

ALVO – The Review

April 26, 2021 ·

War can be a scary thing when you go at it all alone or with a team. Not knowing who may be around the corner waiting at the right time just as you start to make your move and then it can be all over in a blink of an eye. Everything you were fighting for could either be gone or still that end goal just waiting for you to make your mark. It's one thing to think about how… Read more.

Can You Handle Hyperstacks?

April 13, 2021 ·

So you think you are the master of puzzles, huh? Do you think that you can get past any traps that are put in front of you? Then let's put you to the test with Hyperstacks. Even with the user-created levels, you may not be the same once you get started, but only time will tell by the level of fun you will be having. Features include: Melee and Ranged Combat - Crush your enemies with your own combat styleFull… Read more.

The War Is Coming, Are You Prepared?

April 6, 2021 ·

The mission is simple...get in...get rid of the enemy...survive. But we heard your cries before. You don't need help, you didn't ask for help, and you will not beg for help. But what will happen when the enemy takes that one shot and your body is the stopping point before every ounce of your pulsing heart ends and no one is there to help? Do you really want to try and take all the glory or do you want to… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Race With The Flow?

April 3, 2021 ·

Challenges is what you thrive on. Racing is what you live for. Competition is where you make a name for yourself. The races is what you trained for, what your passion is made for, and where your legacy will be edged in all of time. But the question you have to ask yourself is the hunger still there for you to make a difference? Because it seems that others are going for that top spot and think you don't have… Read more.

Bullet Roulette VR – The Review

February 9, 2021 ·

Think about the last time you sat around playing cards with your friends. Just being able to talk and hope you had the best hand. Or what about the Old West where players would set around and if someone thought someone was cheating, they would either call them out on it or worse, one less player to deal with. Either way, it can be a good time if you have the right mix of people. So does Developer Fibrum bring… Read more.

Grab Your Oculus Quest/Quest 2 And Get Ready To Play Some CATAN VR…

February 7, 2021 ·

For those that may enjoy the tabletop version of the game, but either not everyone wants to play or with there being a pandemic can get everyone to play. I mean, I guess you could set up an online meeting session with everyone having a cam and everyone buying the game to move the pieces, but then you get into who has what cards and it could take a very long time to play. But what is probably the easier… Read more.

It’s Time To Become The Bow Man…

January 31, 2021 ·

The bow can be a mighty weapon. With hardwork, dedication, and spiritual focus, you can be the most fierce bow warrior of the land. But it's going to take that special someone and that someone is you. But not any ordinary bow will do, but you must wield the yumi and master the targets and any enemies with the perciese accuracy and timing, but just as you will be shooting the arrows, you must also be able to dodge the… Read more.

It’s Time To Join The Bullet Club…

January 26, 2021 ·

You know you are having a bad day when it's just you and three others are sitting around a table in a saloon playing for some high stakes. In fact, those high stakes are your own life. The rules are simple, draw some cards and if you survive, you get paid not only $1.00, but you still have another minute to think about your hopes and dreams as you try and take out the other player. However, if you don't… Read more.

New Music Pack For Synth Riders Has Launched…

January 16, 2021 ·

Rhythm freestyle dance game, Synth Riders, has received a new music pack and it seems to be a good one. This music pack will feature the band Muse and has officially launched with the music pack including five paid songs that you can purchase individually for $1.99 or with the cost-saving bundle of $7.96, called the Synthwave Essentials 2 Music Pack. But if you were hoping for at least some free songs, you are in luck, because there will be… Read more.

Blaston Is Bringing The Holly And Jolly This December…

December 15, 2020 ·

One of the best one vs one dueling games that were released for the Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2, was Blaston. A way for dueling to the end with just some fun as you and the other player try and win the best 2 out of 3 rounds and trying to climb those ranks. But as we are getting ready to close 2020 and I think I can say that many people are wanting to put this year behind… Read more.

Star Wars: Squadrons Is Adding…

November 19, 2020 ·

Just when we thought there would not be any more updates and what we received was going to be it, it looks like there is a new update for Star Wars: Squadrons is coming very very soon. On November 25, 2020, a new map called Fostar Haven which was seen in the single-player of the game is receiving the multiplayer treatment for both dogfight and fleet battles along with some team balances and additional fixes such as: Interceptors and Fighters… Read more.

Star Wars Squadrons – The Review

October 14, 2020 ·

Star Wars for many of us have a special place in our hearts. From the movies to the games to the books. We all have our favorite moments and favorite characters that we just have a connection with. But not all the characters move like an alien or a person, but more in the line of spacecraft such as the X-Wing and Tie fighters. But does Developer MOTIVE Studios and Publisher Electronic Arts allow us to live out that Star… Read more.

Get Ready To Get Slurped…

October 4, 2020 ·

The galaxy with it's millions of stars shining bright. But sometimes it can be colorful, full of energy, full of luminescent snakes, and groovy music if you know where to look. But what if this disco of a spot in the galaxy wasn't just a secret, but a meeting ground for others just like you? What if those luminescent snakes like to eat and grow. Do you think you could keep them from colliding with the other snakes? Features include...… Read more.

Virus Popper – The Review

September 8, 2020 ·

Ever since the early part of 2020, the world has been a crazy place with COVID 19. From schools for the most part going to virtual, to even lockdowns, to more and more people working from home, a virus has taken over in ways that we have not seen or been a witness to in our lifetime. So does Developer Starcade Arcade give you the opportunity to learn about hygiene so you can attack the virus head-on and pop it… Read more.

Virus Popper – The Interview

April 29, 2020 ·

When you look at the world that we are in right now with the pandemic going on and having to stay inside with a majority of things around us closed, what do you start to think about? When will it end? When will there be a vaccine for the virus? Maybe even the thought has crossed your mind if you could only destroy something that you can't see? Those are all very good questions and I am sure there are… Read more.

It’s Time To Pop This Virus…

April 12, 2020 ·

I know this is a crazy time we are in. The world seems like it is upside down with the Virus outbreak making us all pretty much staying at home. But I get it. Some of you may feel angry, some may feel a bit unsure of what else you can do besides what is being told, and some wish you could pop that virus out of existence. But what if you could take what you were being told, take… Read more.

Sairento VR – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Ninjas. They are select, dangerous, and they are feared. At any time, they can strike from above and jump out of the way. The way they can defend and attack with their weapons is truly amazing. But what if you could be that ninja right in the center of the action? Would you be so graceful if it were you? Does developer Mixed Realm and publisher Perp Games show us what it’s like to be that ninja you always wanted… Read more.

QuiVR – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

The bow and arrow. It’s been an iconic part of characters from stories to movies. Characters like Hawkeye from The Avengers, Daryl with his crossbow from The Walking Dead, Robin Hood Men in Tights to Topper Harley from Hot Shots all have used a bow and arrow that helps bring that character to life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE6_LBqD7RI But does developer Blueteak show us how important the bow and arrows help bring immersion to our characters in Virtual Reality? Let’s find out with QuiVR for… Read more.

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