Synth Riders Is About To Take You On A Spiral Ride…

October 26, 2021 ·

There is something about the joy and fun that comes with Synth Riders. Maybe some feel it’s the music or maybe the way it makes you move. But there is one thing for sure that we can all mostly agree upon and that is the fun that can be had when playing. But it looks like the fun is in no way stopping any time soon and it looks like we will not have to wait for very long to get to experience the spiral of a ride we are about to experience. A new mode called the Spiral Mode is about to be unleashed that will debut a new stage and a new song.

Features include:

  • A new cylindrical stage along
  • A new song called “Go” by the synthwave duo, Dance With The Dead
  • Available for use in every song and difficulty, with most modifiers and in all alreas including multiplayer
  • Free to all players on all platforms

You don’t have to wait long as the free update comes to Synth Riders for players on the Oculus Quest/Quest 2 and Oculus Rift/Rift S, PlayStation VR, Steam, and Viveport on October 28th, 2021.

Until then…please enjoy…

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