When You Come Face To Face With The Eight-Legged Freaks, Will You Kill Them With Fire?

March 24, 2023 ·

Imagine being in your house and sensing them. You turn on the light or open a door and your worst fear has come to life, you have some visitors you did not invite and do not want to stay. You do what anyone else would do, you try to smack them with a frying pan. But that doesn’t work. You try to get some spray and they laugh at you. But what will happen when you get one of the things they cannot stand, fire? Forget about your residence, forget about any belongings, and forget about life as you know it. There are spiders in your house and you must get rid of them all.

Features include:

  • Tons of unique weapons and equipment
  • Eight different spider species
  • “Realistic” fire simulation system
  • Gratuitous chaos and destruction
  • Dozens of optional objectives
  • Loads of hidden upgrades
  • Battle in the Arachno-Gauntlet
  • A secret ending?!?! (…shh!)

What weapons will you use? What objectives will you face? Will you kill it with fire? Find out when Kill It With Fire VR comes to Quest 2, PlayStation VR, PlayStation VR2, and Steam VR on April 13, 2023.

Until then…please enjoy…

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