Tag: Exploration

OVRDARK: a Do Not Open story

May 12, 2024 ·

What would you do if someone you cared about was in trouble? Would you do whatever you could to save them or would you have limitations that could prevent you from doing what needed to be done? What happens when the things you think are true start to be questioned by the ones you trust and become so out of the ordinary that you even start to question your mind? Would anything be believed or would your mind start playing… Read more.

When The World Appears To Be Too Big To Overcome, Sometimes You Have To Become One With The Wilds To Survive It…

May 11, 2024 ·

We used to live under the sun and the moon. The days were long, but adventurous. The nights were peaceful and the stars and moon lit up the sky. We learned every day of our lives and passed on the skills that we gathered down to the next generation. There were stories of the giants which gave us more sense of adventure than we knew what to do with. But as time passed, so did the giants. But to conquer… Read more.

HappyFunland – The Review

April 27, 2024 ·

When it comes to vacations, where do you and your family go? Maybe someplace that is warm or maybe you prefer the cold? Maybe it's a place you go to year after year and yet, it never gets old, but you can still call it your home away from home. Just think of all the memories you have made over the years and can look back at those pictures and videos whenever you feel a little homesick. But what would… Read more.

HappyFunland Opens Its Gates To You On…

March 18, 2024 ·

It's that time of the year when people will start visiting theme parks as the weather starts to warm up. But there has always been one park that has fun in its name. It is A place you may never have heard of, but one where if you stay for a while, things will start to welcome you as their own. There is always a place for you to ride the rides and enjoy the festivities here at HappyFunland. We… Read more.

The Last Worker – The Review

March 17, 2024 ·

When you think about work, what comes to mind? The job that has to be performed? Resources that are needed? Maybe deadlines have to be met to meet the needed goals. Work can mean a lot of different things to different people depending on the job and team needed to make the work-life successful. With work, we all have a role to play, even if we disagree with the task. But do publisher, Wired Productions and developers, Oiffy and Wolf… Read more.

Arashi: Castles of Sin – Final Cut – The PlayStation VR2 Review

February 11, 2024 ·

Stealth, shadows, loyalty, respect, and honor were all important in Feudal Japan. It was a time of being a warrior meant more. It was the life of the warrior that some could look up to and that some would fear. When you look at that life, it became this poetic art in a way that has helped make legends from the stories that have been told. But does developer, Endeavor One and publisher Skydance Interactive along with ForwardXP, bring something… Read more.

When The Flame Is Lit, Will You Have The Courage To Step Into The Void Of Awakening?

February 7, 2024 ·

All I ever wanted to do was get back to my wife with the medication she so desperately needed. But we survived what was meant to destroy. Us survivors have to lay below the subways of what is left of Moscow. It's not easy to breathe at times, but we do come across some gas masks that make it a little easier and provide some type of hope that we have lost, that we can somehow make it. But some… Read more.

Arashi: Castles of Sin – Final Cut Releases On…

December 5, 2023 ·

Back in June, we heard about the respect, honor, and loyalty that resides in the Arashi House. Being the deadly assassin, Kenshiro, you will need everything you have trained for, regain each castle, and defeat the Six Oni of Iga using a variety of weapons, tools, and techniques. But you do have your loyal companion by your side, Haru, who will help you. Features include: Immersive, stealth-action experience – With the innovations of next-gen VR hardware, players can experience the… Read more.

Pixel Ripped 1995 Receives The PlayStation VR2 Treatment…

October 3, 2023 ·

The nostalgia of retro gaming of a game within a game that the Pixel Ripped series has a following that one has to not just play, but experience to fully understand has been gracing players with its presence since 2018 with its entry, Pixel Ripped 1989. Its latest entry, Pixel Ripped 1978 took us back for some gaming fun on PlayStation VR2. But with how good PlayStation VR2 actually is and with the fun of going back in time, there… Read more.

Pixel Ripped 1978 – The Review

September 17, 2023 ·

When you think back to the different eras of gaming, which one sticks out the most? For some, it could be the current generation of consoles that some of our favorites are born from to those that we have played, but this time, for the best version. For some, playing with the variety of handhelds, only to wonder at the time, how they would improve. And for some, it could be from the times when video games were finally able… Read more.

When Your Mind Is Protecting You, You Have To Ask Yourself, What Is It Protecting You From?

July 1, 2023 ·

Ever since she died, things have not been the same. Either they know what has happened, or they are part of this game that someone or something is playing. It seems that there is something about Clover Hill that was not disclosed, but you can see it in their faces. These walls embrace the blood and become one with the terror almost as if they are its eyes. But the memories I have lost will need to be found to… Read more.

HappyFunland Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

June 27, 2023 ·

It's been a dream of many to visit HappyFunland Theme Park. I am not sure why I haven't heard of it, but I am told that it is a place of fun times, great rides, and Randy Rodent. But it's when answered that ad and that stranger, Larry told me more about this "happy place" and the tragic accident. If it wasn't for the need for a job, I might never be in this situation. And by the look and… Read more.

Tomb Explorer Wants You To Demo Its Tombs…

May 30, 2023 ·

In July 2022, we heard about the game where you will explore tombs in search of historical treasures, relics, and artifacts called Tomb Explorer VR. These tombs will not be as easy as you might think as you will have to climb, zip line, and face some possible life-threatening traps. The steps you take to where you may climb could be your last moment. A fully immersive physical Virtual Reality experience Explore vast open worlds such as Petra Tombs, Peruvian… Read more.

A Knight In The Attic – The Interview

May 17, 2023 ·

If you ever visited your Grandparent's home, did you see some interesting things that you have never seen before? Maybe it was an antique, a picture of people you did not know, or maybe the phone they have, had a dial on it. You never know what kind of fun and secretive objects they may have laying around. But what if you entered a room you never saw before and found something so special that you didn't know if you… Read more.

Get Ready To Dig For The Riches In Those PlayStation VR2 Caves On…

May 15, 2023 ·

Those caves are full of mystery, full of depth, and full of treasures. But sometimes going down in those caves require special tools in order to get the job done. I have a feeling that I will strike gold and maybe some oil. No one said it was going to be an easy job, but someone has to score those riches and it might as well be me. Features include: Explore the elevator shaft and the train tracks to four… Read more.

A Knight In The Attic – The Review

May 14, 2023 ·

Think about the times you have visited your grandparents. You had the good times of hearing the stories of how your parents were when they were your age or even what the times were like back then. The memories that you made can last a lifetime and we start to think about those times at different points in our lives. But what if you stumbled into the attic and found something magical? What would you do? Would you tell someone… Read more.

Black Rose Mental Hospital Is Opening Its PlayStation VR2 Doors On…

April 10, 2023 ·

It has almost been a year since I first heard about the secrets that are held within the walls of Black Rose mental hospital. A place not for the sane and faint of heart. But somehow I knew that our paths would cross. All I wanted to do was become a police officer to help serve and protect, to make our streets safer. Officer Bernhard always had a nice ring to it, but after I heard about what goes on… Read more.

If Darkness Falls, How Will One Save The Kingdom?

April 8, 2023 ·

What if every time you visited your grandmother, you had a feeling that something or someone needed help? What if you started to hear the voices that were trying to lead you, would you follow them? These are the questions I kept asking myself every time I got close to the attic. There was something strange, but I knew I had to open it. But as soon as I opened the latch, that's when I met her, Guinevere. She told… Read more.

When You Come Face To Face With The Eight-Legged Freaks, Will You Kill Them With Fire?

March 24, 2023 ·

Imagine being in your house and sensing them. You turn on the light or open a door and your worst fear has come to life, you have some visitors you did not invite and do not want to stay. You do what anyone else would do, you try to smack them with a frying pan. But that doesn't work. You try to get some spray and they laugh at you. But what will happen when you get one of the… Read more.

When The Soldiers Go Marching, Will You Still Have The Heart For The Composure?

March 11, 2023 ·

Inventions can be a wonderful thing. From the planning to the execution, everyone and everything has its place in the process. But this invention has the size, the determination, and most importantly the heart to accomplish the goal. But for you to understand the story to be told, you will need to be on the lookout for the clues I have left you. John, it wouldn't be one of my inventions if I didn't make you think, now would it?… Read more.

You Will Need To Dig Harder And Be A Little More Physical On The PlayStation VR2…

February 2, 2023 ·

Ever since I got my hands on those richest, I wanted more. So I had to set out to the wildland valleys to explore those old mines, the nautical caves, and the ruins of ancient civilizations. I heard the rumors that there were things that should not be messed with, but when digging in your blood, you will not stop no matter the reflection that is in the mirror. When the clock is ticking and there is a treasure to… Read more.

Isle Of Pan – The Review

February 2, 2023 ·

When you finally get to escape from your daily routine and get to go on vacation, what are some of the things that are on your list to do? It could be checking out the local businesses, relaxing, or maybe even sightseeing. For me, it's always been sightseeing and taking pictures of anything and everything as you never know what random object you may have taken with a click of a button while going from place to place as it's… Read more.

Can Ghosts Even Survive Tabor When Scaveging Becomes The Way Of Life?

January 31, 2023 ·

They talked about the war for years. But many of us knew the real plan, but the powers that be did not want to listen. Probably because they were in on it. Every time someone spoke, they found a way to silence the voices. We warned them of the experiments they were making on those citizens. But then that nuke hit and what could have possibly helped with survival was damaged due to the radiation. Even then, the fighting and… Read more.

Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder – The Review

January 23, 2023 ·

If you could go on an adventure that could bring you all the riches you can imagine, would you go? What if that adventure had uncertainties from the possible to the unimaginable, would you still go? One would need to weigh the pros vs the cons to see if would all be worth it. It's easy to think about what we would do just by thinking vs what we would do if the opportunity presented itself. So does developer VRKiwi… Read more.

Isle Of Pan – The Interview

January 10, 2023 ·

When you take a picture using your camera or phone, do you just snap the picture or do you try to use the best setting to have the best outcome possible? What are some of your favorite subjects when taking photos? Families, pets, and the city around us all have a story to tell and just waiting to be captured. Every moment can be a photographic opportunity if we allow for it. But when I heard that developer, Dogu, was… Read more.

Jüngle Bells Will Be Had On PlayStation VR2…

December 8, 2022 ·

It's almost been a year since we first heard about The Last Worker coming to Quest 2 and Steam VR. In this first-person narrative adventure, the question of how the world around us has become more of an automatic place to live and how we would handle it when the changes are too much. With the art style combined with immersive gameplay, there is much to look forward to including those players of PS5 and PlayStation VR2. Features include: A… Read more.

If You Could Explore The Mysteries, Would You Take Every Opportunity To Capture The Moment?

November 16, 2022 ·

I knew that once I stepped foot on this island that my life would never be the same. I wasn't sure what it was, but I knew that if take my time, the mysteries of this island just might be revealed. The things that I have seen would not be believed unless there was proof of my adventures. If it is proof that is needed then these pictures will satisfy even the most skeptic to make them into believers. I… Read more.

When A Signal Is Received, Will You Be Prepared For What Sent It?

September 25, 2022 ·

My ship is prepared for almost any situation, or so I thought. What was supposed to be a routine type of exploration turned out to be anything but. We noticed that a signal was being sent, however, we do not know by whom or what. But as we search for this ghost signal of sorts, the aliens and their worlds are as much a mystery as it is that signal. And we are not alone in the search for that… Read more.

In This Mission, There Is Only You, Your ship, & Space…Surely, Nothing Could Go Wrong…

September 3, 2022 ·

Space...just miles above Earth, I have been assigned for this mission inside this space capsule. Everything was going well until the woman over the transmission disturbed me from my perfect state of mind and now for some reason or possibility I hit a switch or something when I was scared, so yeah, it's that person's fault. Now, everything is going haywire with systems on the fritz, they are expecting me to use whatever skills I may or may not have… Read more.

Into The Radius Is Wanting You To Try To Survive The Journey Very Soon…

August 20, 2022 ·

Since Into the Radius entered into the PCVR elements, many have wondered if and when it would make its way to the Quest 2. Then in April of 2022, it was announced that the game would be coming to Quest 2. As time went by, we got a new trailer to give us some hope, and the time to experience it all in September 2022. But now it looks like the time has come to wishlist it as the time… Read more.

Frigid VR Welcomes You To The Steam Survival Fest…

August 3, 2022 ·

Back in August of 2021, we learned something about the game Frigid VR, which even today is still talked about, and that is the warning of climate change. The year is 2030, and the outbreak of the known Specimen Apocalypse has infected all of the wildlife. The unknown of what can be infected by this outbreak is still unclear, but it's the unknown that has to be faced. But for myself and others wondering if there would be any new… Read more.

How Far Are You Willing To Explore To Fulfill The Adventure In Your Soul?

July 22, 2022 ·

There has always been something about Archaeology that I have been drawn to. Maybe it's the history, the surroundings, or the adventure. I knew as I finished school, that there would be a calling. One that would fill the void that has been missing from my soul. But this is not going to be easy not by a long shot. The place where I am going, the people did whatever they could to protect it. But, this is what I… Read more.

When The World Falls, Can The Fate Of It All Be Seen From Different Perspectives?

July 17, 2022 ·

The world around us can be a beautiful thing. From the skies above to the waters below. But what if the world had fallen, would the beauty still be there or be in the eye of the beholder? Imagine a world where there is no mankind, but instead, the animals that are left behind are the ones that can truly show us what it means to be a part of it all. Imagine being able to leap, fly, or even… Read more.

Into The Radius Releases New Quest 2 Trailer…

June 21, 2022 ·

Back in April, we learned that Into The Radius is coming to the Quest 2. In this survival-shooter game, you will explore Pechorsk zone filled with surreal landscapes and dangerous anomalies. You will need to defend yourself with realistic firearms, recover strange artifacts, scavenge for loot, and uncover the mysteries of this unforgiving dystopian environment. Now, it looks like the newest Quest 2 trailer has been released. But check out some of the images and features of what to expect… Read more.

EOLIA Gets Delayed…

June 9, 2022 ·

Last month, we heard the news that the next part of the story in the Rhythm of the Universe, called EOLIA would be coming to the Quest 2 on June 9, 2022. Well, it looks like there has been a slight delay to make sure things are as perfect as can be. In EOLIA, help protect against violent weather patterns and devastating drought spells tarnishing the beauty of the historic ruins. Grip the saddle of Lhargo, a great beastly companion,… Read more.

When Harmony Loses Its Way, Will The Rhythm Be Strong Enough To Face The Storm?

May 18, 2022 ·

They say that harmony keeps everything in balance, but what if the world you know starts to lose its rhythm and everything you know starts to change. There have been more questions than answers. The Great Sand Storm known as Nargus Mohre faced those once Crystal born, the harmony...the balance had lost its way and the storm never turned away. But in order to help correct things, we must make the Stormwatch Towers shine. We must do what needs to… Read more.

PlayStation VR Players, Welcome To Green Hell VR…

May 12, 2022 ·

Back in 2021, it was announced that Green Hell would be receiving the VR treatment. A game following the story of Jake Higgins and being thrown into the deep depths of the Amazonian rainforest called the green hell. Not only would walking in the rainforest require you to be cautious with every step but the predators who inhabit it. Already been released for Quest 2, and it has been announced that the game will be coming to PlayStation VR as… Read more.

Eye Of The Temple Wants To Test Your Speed…

April 30, 2022 ·

When Eye of the Temple was announced it showed us what Indiana Jones could be like in Virtual Reality. Exploring a vast and treacherous temple using your own feet where not only balance would be an important factor, but being able to move around to dodge attacks and solve puzzles would also be key. But in order to be in this world, you needed the space of at least 2m x 2m. But that added to the fun of actually… Read more.

Black Rose Hospital Will Show You To Your Room…

April 27, 2022 ·

I became a police officer to become one of the good ones. To serve and protect no matter the cause. I may be a rookie on the force, but I am still for the people with this badge on. It wasn't until that night as I was patroling that I received the call. That call said my sister Allison was sent there. To The Black Rose Hospital. But from the rumors in town is that this hospital is for mental… Read more.

Green Hell VR – The Review

April 24, 2022 ·

What would you do if you were thrown into a situation where you had anyone and anything possibly wanting to attack you or worse? Do you think you could handle the situation alone based on instinct or would certain skills need to be crafted in order to help with your chances of surviving? Hopefully, we will never have to encounter where we are totally out of our elements in a strange place. But does developer Incuvo show us the art… Read more.

When The Signal Is Sent For Help, What Will You Find Out There When We Try To Answer It?

April 23, 2022 ·

Something happened with the Atlantic Union. The secrets I found out in that simulation or was it? But something happened when we switched. I remember the doctor and Nikolai. But then that voice seemed that is so familiar called out. The signal for help was made. It's my time to go out again and try to reach my crewmate and try and bring him home before it's too late. But if there is anything I learned, time is of the… Read more.

Are You Ready To Not Just See The Stars, But Interact With Them?

April 18, 2022 ·

The sky during the day can look just like any other day without much thought. But it's when the light turns to dark can you truly have an open view of the vast galaxy. From the stars to the planets to even the moon, there is something about the night sky where you can sit for hours and just look up and imagine. But we can only see so much with our own eyes and certain telescopes. What do you… Read more.

Into The Radius Wants To Take You On A Quest…

April 13, 2022 ·

Back in February 2020, we learned about the single-player survival shooter called Into the Radius. In the game, you are sent stalking through the surreal post-apocalyptic Pechorsk Radius Zone where physics-based interaction, realistic weapon handling, and a moody atmosphere where you get immersed in the adrenaline-pumping action as you try and survive. The game has been out for the Oculus Rift/S on the Oculus Store, Steam VR, and Viveport. In a recent tweet from the official account, it looks like… Read more.

The Shore VR – The Review

April 10, 2022 ·

If you ended up on a mysterious island, how would you react? Do you think you could survive the elements from the weather to whatever may be on that island? Do you think you would ever find your way home? Hopefully, none of us will end up in some strange place trying to figure out these questions for ourselves, but it really is quite interesting how we think we would handle these types of situations. But does developer Ares Dragonis… Read more.

When Someone Goes Missing, Into What Realms Will Go To Discover The Answers?

March 9, 2022 ·

I knew as soon as I got off that cable car that something special would happen. It wasn't until I found that journal written by one Edgar Mansfield that I knew that just by reading it, my life would change forever. You see, 12 years ago, Lorna McCabe went missing from this old Observatory. But it's what was found that allowed Edgar to go to the ends of the world and if I didn't see it for myself, I would… Read more.

When The Ocean Is Ready To Be Explored, What Will You Discover?

March 6, 2022 ·

The ocean can be a fantastic place to explore with the life that inhabits it to the world in which you are the visitor. But sometimes the world we visit can be scary with the size of it all and the unknown that surrounds it. But imagine if there was a way for you to discover the beauty, the life, and the world of the ocean? All you need is the craft to allow you to explore it all and… Read more.

Can One Fly In One’s Dreams?

March 6, 2022 ·

Think about when you dream, what do you dream about? Your favorite vacation spot, your family, or maybe you dream of something in the future. Dreams are a powerful journey that can take us places, remind us of things once forgotten, and even ways of protection. But what if your dreams could take you to another world where the shapes around you, could even be transformed? Features include: Explore the world around youCountless detailsLose yourself in the landscapesPeaceful and relaxing… Read more.

Morels: Homestead – The Review

February 19, 2022 ·

Have you ever had the thought about how life has changed in such ways that you didn't think you would be where you would be today? Maybe it's the city life, maybe your family grew in some sort of way, or maybe you can look back and think about that one point in your life where if you would maybe have answered a different way or did something different, that your life would be either more challenging or little more… Read more.

Here At Startenders, Everyone Knows Your Name…

February 15, 2022 ·

Trying to make your way in this galaxy takes everything you've got. With all your worries, you need to take a break as it sure would help a lot. Wouldn't you like to get away as sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came? You dream about going to a place where you can go and the troubles are all the same. You don't have to think about it anymore, the place… Read more.

What Will You Do When The Virtual Virtual Metaverse Shuts Down?

February 3, 2022 ·

What was supposed to be a day like any other, changed. The social metaverse in Scottsdale was supposed to be it, the king of the crop. It is where everyone would go. Well, until the disaster happened. They started to attack and those screams...those helpless screams that still can be heard. But there is hope...well, at least we hope there is hope. At least Gavin makes it sound like there is some left in Scottsdale. And I should know, we… Read more.

Morels: Homestead – The Interview

February 2, 2022 ·

Think about where you live and what would you change about it. Would it be something as simple as a fresh coat of paint or maybe it would be a new and interesting renovation? What if you woke up and were introduced to an empty canvas where you could grow and harvest your own crops to trading and selling to make your life and those around you become the idea, the dream you have been thinking of? What do you… Read more.

7VR Wonders – The Review

January 26, 2022 ·

We can learn a lot from history. We can learn where we have come from to the techniques that have been used to make the most well-known places still relevant today. It gives us a chance to learn and build upon that knowledge to make a better place for all to live not only for today but for tomorrow as well. But does developer, VRMonkey show us the 7 wonders of the world in a new way? Let's find out… Read more.

What If Instead Of Just Travelling To A Place, You Could Walk And Interact With It?

January 25, 2022 ·

Virtual Reality allows us to do many things. Things that we may not have the chance to do. From going to the moon to visiting a far-off place on Earth. But there is something about just being in a spot and looking around, but it's another to be able to walk through it, to interact with it, and to be immersed by it. Visiting a place doesn't have to have you just being in a spot, it now can allow… Read more.

Sometimes Our Home Is Where Our Heart Is…

January 14, 2022 ·

Some of us require a big city for everything we need. But for myself and others, it's not the number of people that may be around, but the area around us that has all of our needs. All we really need is a place to harvest our food and commodities to trade. Sometimes we just need to let our inner nature paint that outer picture for us to truly show us that our home is where our heart is. Features… Read more.

When The World Keeps Changing Around You, How Will You Handle The Struggle?

December 31, 2021 ·

Think about the world around you and how convenient things have become. Things have changed not only to make life appear to be easier but with the reality for some, to handle that change. We sometimes take the hard work for granted only to substitute it for the easier way. But for some, trying to cope with all the changes can be hard, sometimes it can make life hard...a struggle. The question you have to ask yourself is how would… Read more.

Can You Save The Clocktower?

December 31, 2021 ·

Every day we look at it and wonder how our ancestors made it. What it must have been like during that time. The ancient tower was built into a trunk of a colossal tree. But something is not right, something is wrong with the clocktower. But wondering what was wrong, I stepped inside and that's when I found them...the gloves. These gloves are truly magical as they allow me to turn anything I do into this automation that continues on… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition – The Review

December 30, 2021 ·

In 2019, I, along with many others, was invited into AFFECTED: The Manor for a tour, if you will. A tour that even back then played on your emotional strings of both expected and the many not-so-expected jump scares throughout. It invited all in, with some not lasting the entire experience to those who were brave enough to try to make it all the way through. So does developer Fallen Planet Studios improve the experience in any way? Yes...yes, they… Read more.

Can You Conquer The Beanstalk?

December 5, 2021 ·

It seems that as I continue to climb these vines that head towards the Earth and the Upper World, there is always something me...preventing me from my destination...to the answers to my questions. It changes as soon as I have an answer in a magical way. It sends creatures to stop me from the sky and from the depths of who knows where. I use my Blade Slammer to fight the endless and just when I make what I think… Read more.

When The Things That Are Most Beloved, Will We Still Lust For Them In Darkness?

November 23, 2021 ·

I used to have everything that anyone could ever ask for. A life, hopes, dreams, and a wife. But that all changed a year ago when she went missing. I never stopped looking and my heart tells me she is still out there...somewhere. But it's the day I received a letter from her where she wanted me to go to that place, the Yelverton's Victorian Mansion. But it's not until I saw what I saw that made me question if… Read more.

Jurassic World Aftermath: Part 1 & 2 – The Review

November 6, 2021 ·

The first time we saw Jurassic Park and witnessed seeing the dinosaurs come to life left a memorable impression on many of us still to this day. Even with its two sequels, The Lost World and Jurassic Park III, it along with the new step in the series with Jurassic World and its series of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous and Battle at Big Rock, and the sequel, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, many of us have had the thought if we… Read more.

Song in the Smoke Releases An Update…

October 28, 2021 ·

Song in the Smoke has received very high praise and with that praise, there were some things that some players would hope would be addressed in the future. Things like having multiple fires in the Hunting Ground, some crashes, among a few other things. Well, the developer, 17-Bit has heard you and it looks like the most recent patch has addressed the following: Bloodbeaks appearing on Plateau The icon on bow strings being fixed Hunting Grounds now supports multiple fires… Read more.

Eye of the Temple – The Review

October 24, 2021 ·

Think about some of your favorite adventure entertainment. It could be your favorite movie, game, series, or even stories that you have read or have been told to you. For me, it has always been visual entertainment when it came to adventure. Movies like Indiana Jones to The Goonies to Willow to even series like Hercules to Alcatraz to LOST. Sure, we have all played games with an adventure that we could have some sort of connection with and it's… Read more.

Song In The Smoke – The Review

October 16, 2021 ·

Survival. When you hear the word, what comes to mind? Would it be just seeing how well you could last out in the wilderness, or maybe if there was a natural disaster? What precautions would you take to make sure you could last as long as possible? Some would try to plan, while others may do whatever they could at the spur of the moment to make sure that survival was the number one priority. But does developer 17-Bit show… Read more.

What Would You Do If You Could Not Leave?

October 13, 2021 ·

Something told me I should not have taken this case. But when I heard that there was a missing person, I had to. However, all the clues that I found led me to that forest. That place where they say no one returns. But I am not just anyone, I know I can gather what I need and escape what might be in there. I am not sure what I have gotten myself into, but I need to make sure… Read more.

Winds & Leaves Receives New Updates…

September 27, 2021 ·

Back when I reviewed Winds & Leaves it was an overall enjoyable experience and really nothing like it on PlayStation VR. But there were some minor issues that I would hope would be addressed such as additional control options, removing the VR guardian grid, and I did experience a few crashes. Well, developer TREBUCHET has been hard at work to make sure these issues and a few more have been addressed with the new 1.06 patch for the game and… Read more.

Rhythm of the Universe: Ionia – The Review

September 26, 2021 ·

If your home was full of magic, musically filled creatures that somehow had a balance with nature, would you do anything to protect it? What if, the one thing that helped keep the balance somehow became unbalanced? What would you do and how would you do it? Would you make sure that the ecosystem thrived at the most crucial part when it surely seemed to be breaking around you? When you think about it, I think if given the chance,… Read more.

Rhythm of the Universe: Ionia – The Interview

September 22, 2021 ·

Music, rhythm, mythology are interesting words. You can have the mythology of the story and it will help tell the story. But when you bring in other aspects of the story such as the music and the rhythm into the mix, it can really add the impact of the mission of the statement that is trying to get across to so many. I really love a good story that is being told, but when you can have the hero with… Read more.

Paranormal Activity: The Last Soul Wants To Take You On A Quest…

September 12, 2021 ·

There is something about once we get into September, there is something in the air. It could be that the air is getting a little cooler, the days are getting shorter, or maybe it's that there is that smell of horror brisking through the air. Sometimes we may see things that we don't see could actually be there. Sometimes things may move or turn on when we know, or at least, we think is not possible. In any case, we… Read more.

Can You Reach The Eye Of The Temple?

September 12, 2021 ·

I heard the stories about the temple. Some say it has the finest of all the riches. Some say the danger is too much. But something is calling me towards it. I know there will be traps before me hoping my feet slip. But the one thing it is not expecting is how good I am with my whip and I have my torch to light my way. I will have to watch everything around me as any step I… Read more.

MYST – The Review

September 12, 2021 ·

If there was ever a game that set the term of classic, adventure, puzzle-solving, many of us would have our own favorites as to why we think set the standard for the genre. But there is one name that has been on pretty much every platform from the PC PlayStation to Atari Jaguar, to Android to the Oculus Quest even back on to PC and that is MYST. Even though there may have been remakes of the game from realMyst… Read more.

Dark Threads – The Review

September 7, 2021 ·

If you had the ability to transfer your conscience into an AI, would you do it? Would you trust that everything you have worked for, lived for, and loved for would truly be safe? Do you think that the decisions you make would have a positive effect on the world as you know it? Or would it be possible that the decision you make would continue on a destructive path you were hoping to avoid? It really is interesting when… Read more.

Sometimes We Just Want To Visit The Location That Is In The Postcard In Our Hands…

September 2, 2021 ·

Many of us have traveled to someplace in the world. It could have been Horseshoe Bend, Death Valley National Park, or even Antelope Canyon. We took the pictures at the spur of the moment or even went into a local store to buy a souvenir or that one postcard that captured the moment perfectly. As time goes by, we may look at those souvenirs or that postcard that was put away in a box somewhere only to remember the good… Read more.

Blair Witch VR Edition – The Review

August 31, 2021 ·

The words Blair Witch have a special meaning for a lot of people. From the Movies, the mockumentaries, to even the games, Blair Witch Volume I: Rustin Parr, Volume II: The Legend of Coffin Rock, and Volume III: The Elly Kedward Tale, and even Blair Witch: Oculus Quest Edition. There is just something about the Blair Witch universe that is intriguing and mysterious about it that keeps drawing us towards it. So does developer Bloober Team show us any improvements… Read more.

Get Ready To explore Ionia and Save The Harpa On…

August 29, 2021 ·

IONIA is still my home...our home. It is what is more important other than living inside of it. The creatures that roam its living majestic of beauty to the music and the glow that comes from it. Harmony is as important as the rhythm of the soul. But sometimes the balance can become unbalanced and things change the heart and the soul. But it's the Harpa that we should pay the most important at this time of struggle. Life as… Read more.

It’s Time To Return To The Aftermath…

August 28, 2021 ·

Maybe we shouldn't have tried to go back. After what happened, some may have called this a one-way ticket of no return. We did it for science. For the understanding of the past so it can be part of the present. What we didn't think about is if we should. But we needed that information, but something happened as soon as we got close. We crash-landed on Isla Nublar with the smell of smoke, destruction, and fear. We are being… Read more.

Windlands Wants You To Take You On A Quest…

August 23, 2021 ·

Those of you who have wanted to swing using grappling hooks as you explore, but wanting to do so with the cable-free headset of the Oculus Quest and Quest 2 have something to cheer about. It looks like developer Psytec Games has recently released the game for the Oculus Quest and Quest 2 via App Lab on the Oculus Store looking for you to relax as you explore breathtaking vistas. Features include: Designed and built for Virtual Reality First. Grappling… Read more.


August 17, 2021 ·

For many MYST holds a special place in many hearts of gamers. It has been played on various platforms since 1993 with the most recent MYST for the Oculus Quest/Quest 2. But now, it looks like that vision of MYST for VR is expanding to PCVR and with that, comes some additional details about the upcoming release. Fully redesigned and created from the ground up using Unreal Engine. Many puzzles were reimagined and engineered to include both enhanced accessibility and optional… Read more.

Get Ready To Be Limitless…

August 14, 2021 ·

Have you ever wanted to use space to explore, walk, and just move. What about a place with new experiences added on a regular basis? Ever wanted to build your own VR gallery? Or maybe just create a world all your own. You don't have to have those questions anymore because the answers to those questions and more are right inside, all you have to do is enter it. Features include: Constant growing collection of games that explore limitless movementMagical… Read more.

Blair Witch VR Edition Has Unleashed The Horror…

August 13, 2021 ·

The story-driven psychological horror game, Blair Witch, which has been rebuilt for VR is offering you the opportunity to become immersed and horrified in Virtual Reality. Along with this new way to experience the game, there are also new mechanics for your companion dog, additional creature encounters, and fears. And with this, comes new features and gameplay including: Features: Improved Dog commands for Bullet: Pet Bullet to make sure he knows he's a good boyChange up his look with a… Read more.

Bodies of Water – The Review

August 1, 2021 ·

Have you ever thought about going into the ocean to look around? Maybe you wanted to find some buried treasure? Possibly you have gone scuba diving where you enter another world to see life, big and small, in its own habitat? For some they may never get that chance to get into the depths of the oceans or maybe for those that have, wish that they could escape every day into those waters in some manner from hours to even… Read more.

Get Lone Echo For Only…

July 26, 2021 ·

With Lone Echo 2 coming very soon, there may be some who have not played the original, highly rated games, Lone Echo, and the single-player story which has you being transported to an advanced mining facility within the rings of Saturn. You play as Jack, an advanced A.I. that will help Captain Olivia Rhodes to help solve the mystery. Well, it looks like the game has been discounted for the time being from $39.99 to just $9.99, which if you… Read more.

Bodies of Water – The Interview

July 22, 2021 ·

Think about some of your favorite outdoor activities that you wish you could do right now. What would they be? Maybe going to the beach? Maybe playing your favorite sport? Maybe it's just being in your favorite vacation spot? For some, being in the water being able to scuba dive, and going into a different world where they are the visitor is the best activity. All of these and more are well respected and should be explored as we never… Read more.

When Threading The Dark, How Far Are You Willing To Go Down The Rabbit Hole?

July 15, 2021 ·

There has always been something wrong with the world. The people...the inhuman ways of treating others...the greed. But I have a plan. I have scientifically found a way to transfer my consciousness into the one that helps me understand, my trusty Ai, Rhea. But something happened when I conducted that experiment...something but I can't remember. All I know is part of me, the part that can remember is still part of me. But my AI...part of me feels more connected.… Read more.

Welcome To Sunrise Resort…

June 27, 2021 ·

You work hard. You help everyone first before you even think about yourself. But the stress of it all is getting to you and you need to get a way. You need to be able to regroup, rethink, and just have time to yourself. That's why it's time to go to a place where you can do your favorite things in life that you just don't have time to do, but deep down, you can feel this call to get… Read more.

Enter The MYST Dimension…

June 27, 2021 ·

MYST has been a game and a franchise that has been around for many years. Last year, MYST came to the Oculus Quest/Quest 2 in became the game I have always envisioned for MYST and hopes that we would get to see the sequels get the VR treatment they deserve. Well, it looks like the next step is bringing MYST to PCVR for new players to play in a whole new dimension in both VR and non-VR. If you have… Read more.

Sometimes It Takes A Partnership To Show The Importance…

June 16, 2021 ·

Back in December of 2020, ROTU Entertainment gave us a glimpse of IONIA and how change to not only the heart and soul can break and disturb the balance. We were introduced to Allegra who is out to help save The Harpa, the would of IONIA. We were introduced to this world full of magic, beauty, life, and the dangers that are set to make things once remembered, be lost. But sometimes it's the ones that we make a partnership… Read more.

When Magic Is At Your Fingertips, Does One Be Cautious Or Does One Become Natural With It?

June 13, 2021 ·

If you had the magic to use, would you use it or would you show the world what you are truly capable of? That's the question I keep asking myself ever since learning about the ancient spirit that was trapped in a human skull. There were times where I would get so angry, so frustrated that the magic I caused, cause more harm than good. But there are times when my creative thoughts became something more than one could imagine.… Read more.

Will You Be Able To Traverse The Void?

June 1, 2021 ·

You love climbing and jumping. In fact, the thrill seeker that you are loves to do over bottomless pits with not even a second thought about your life and how with one small miss calculation it could be all over. Not you, because, you have the courage, you have the skills, you have the patience to make it across as you hide from whatever enemies there may be over any created area you find. Features include: Use your unique terrain… Read more.

Get Ready To Experience Pollinator Park…

May 27, 2021 ·

It's the year 2050. Europe as we knew it, has changed. Due to ecological crises, the world is now deprived of our once healthy ecosystems and the wealth of flora. But there is hope thanks to Dr. Beatrice Kukac's Pollinator Park. We now have a chance to see this futuristic farm become a safe haven for pollinating insects and is sure to be a welcome to all those that visit. Call it what you will, a park, a zoo, or… Read more.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife Out Now On Steam With The Collectibles Update…

May 26, 2021 ·

For those that have not entered into the Barclay Mansion to try to unravel the mystery of one Ed Miller as well as the secrets that wait to be discovered inside, you should not wait another moment and for those that have, you may just want to head back inside the mansion. Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife just released on Steam and with that comes some new content as well as some fixes for both Oculus and Steam that include… Read more.

Will You Be Able To Make Your Escape When It Counts The Most?

May 20, 2021 ·

I don't know when...I don't even what really is going on. But these buttons, these levers...these monitors. I am not sure what exactly they do or what will happen if I turn something on that I am not supposed to. But I have to figure out a way. I have to figure out a way to activate this mech as it may be my only way off this planet. I cannot fail, I have to succeed in this mission if… Read more.

Floor Plan 2 – The Review

April 11, 2021 ·

When there is a sequel to a favorite movie, book, or even game, what are your first thoughts? Is it you hope it will be good, maybe it's I hope they don't mess up what worked or possibly even that you have an automatic preconceived notion that you will not like it for whatever reason? All of these are valid thoughts to have and there even could be more such as will it be better than the original. So does… Read more.

Some Times It’s The Size Of Heart That Matters The Most…

April 4, 2021 ·

What was supposed to be a simple balloon ride became an adventure I will never forget. That wind swept me high in the sky and that's when I found or I should say I crashed into that floating cloud island. I know I didn't have a good feeling when I cam across his house, the giant's house, but I didn't know what else to do, where else to go. But that giant is looking for me, and I must not… Read more.

Get Ready To Weave The Flow…

March 8, 2021 ·

This is not what I know. I am used to traveling between the dimensions, but something happened. Someone or something has trapped me. But the reason why they trapped me is not yet known, but I will figure it out. For I know the magic and I am willing to do what it takes, to learn those spells if it means I will no longer be held captive. I have to, for I am a Flow Weaver and I must… Read more.

Are You Truly Ready For The Calm Before The Storm?

February 22, 2021 ·

This island feels like nothing else I have seen. Like it's been preserved. Almos in a way that it was meant to be seen from afar to give the illusion that it was abandoned. But I can tell from the air, from the way the waves crash against the rocks that there is something special about this island. Something that doesn't want to be disturbed, something that wants to be forgotten. But for whatever reason, it is alive, this island… Read more.

Are You Ready For Some Insanity And Try To Scoop Out The True Meaning?

February 6, 2021 ·

My life, at least to me, is filled with this vision of beauty. One that I have crafted to perfection some would say. My house here, the one that you are visiting has this sort of inspirational value to it. But you just might want to be careful where you point your camera as what you thought you were taking a picture of may not be the result you would have hoped for. Sure, others may know only part of… Read more.

MARE – The Review

January 24, 2021 ·

What if you opened the door and walked in not knowing what to expect only to find something unique and charming that you could not stop going forward? Would you keep on not knowing what is out there? Would you take that opportunity and embrace it even though it may be something that you might not have thought about in the past? These are some interesting questions that if presented to you, might make you stop and think for a… Read more.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife – The Interview

January 19, 2021 ·

When you think about the words such as Vampire, Werewolf, or even World of Darkness, what comes to mind? Maybe it's the horror aspect of it all. maybe it could mean a different life waiting for you to make it yours, or maybe it's the pure fantasy of it all. Entering a world where things may not be as they seem is something that has always intrigued me in a way that Virtual Reality opens its doors and invites us… Read more.

Are You Ready To Get Fit?

January 17, 2021 ·

During these times with a pandemic, motivation sometimes can be hard. There are days where you may feel that you are not ready for the day or times when you could be doing some type of fitness to not only give your mind a chance to do something new, but give you the opportunity to get up and move. Welcome to the world where you have no excuses, where you can make the best out of the situation, and where… Read more.

How Far Would You Go To Have A Purpose?

January 7, 2021 ·

What if one day, the expected became the unexpected? When you you wake, it didn't feel the same, in fact, where you find yourself is a new place, a place lands. A place where you are not alone. A place where the mot unlikeliest creature would become your friend you need. But as you cross paths with this creature, this helpless companion, it's where the journey leads you that becomes the mystery of it all to make sure that you… Read more.

MYST – The Review

December 31, 2020 ·

Back in 1993, there was a game that came out on PC that really caught my eye and it was one of the reasons I had to have a PC. That game was MYST and it is a game that still holds sentimental value to me. Over the years we have seen the game and its sequels go from PC to consoles to handhelds to even mobile devices. I knew from the moment I saw the game and later played… Read more.

5 Reasons Why You Will Want To Enter The Afterlife…

December 16, 2020 ·

When one enters the afterlife, one will have many questions. But if you are the spirit of the dead, can you even be terrified? Get ready to take on the role as that spirit where you get to hold specific Wraith powers at you disposal that will only grow as long as you are not afraid to keep going and progress through the horror. But it's within these doors, the doors of one Barclay Mansion where you are the one… Read more.

Explore Ionia…Save The Harpa…

December 3, 2020 ·

IONIA has always been home. It's what I care most about and all that live inside of it. From the creatures that roam to the living wonders of this place, it means more to me than you will ever know. Every day I can hear that music and the glow that comes alive almost with a curiosity of the innocent no matter the size. But the harmony I know seems to be changing and I am not sure if it… Read more.

Blair Witch Oculus Quest Edition – The Review

November 7, 2020 ·

Think about the name Blair Witch for a moment. What comes to mind? The woods, the year 1994, what about the footage found on the camcorder or even the fear of the unknown? To me, it's all of those along with the mythology of Ely Kedward and how she was accused of luring children into her home to draw blood and then found guilty of witchcraft. Then, towards the end of 2019, the game Blair Witch came out which many… Read more.

Blair Witch Oculus Quest Edtion – The Interview

October 21, 2020 ·

Halloween is shortly upon us and when you think about your Halloween traditions, what comes to mind? Haunted houses, trick or treating or what about scary movies. Some may say pumpkin patches or Halloween parties. All of those are great traditions for so many reasons for so many people. But because of the pandemic, some of our traditions might have to be altered in one way or another. But what if the horror was just a door away? What if… Read more.

Get Ready To Climb New Heights

September 18, 2020 ·

What if what you saw was the human population, not the smog or the complaints, but what you saw was the beauty of nature? Imagine the land, the birds, and even the water flowing down below as the sun rises to give over the darkness of the previous night. What about if you had a chance to get up close to a volcano as snow and ice surrounds it? But with this beauty can come the fear and the danger… Read more.

Get Ready To Experience MYST…

September 17, 2020 ·

I knew as soon as I came across that book my life would change, but I couldn't help it. As I read that book, the description of that place seemed almost too good to be true, but when I touched that last page I was on the island. But as I explored, I came across the amazing library and that's when I discovered the red and blue colored books. These books were not normal books, but a way gateway of… Read more.

Paper Beast – The Review

June 3, 2020 ·

What if the ecosystem you thought you were part of was somehow a one that was forgotten. An ecosystem where it was not set in the present day as you might think, but one where deep down, its lost but at the same time a beautiful open one where you wouldn't want to leave, but want to fix? If you had the opportunity would you try and leave it or stay to escape what you thought you knew? So does… Read more.

Separation – The Review

May 1, 2020 ·

Have you ever felt sorrow and even though you had loved ones around you, you still felt alone? But if one of those loved ones that you cared so much about passed away, would emotions such as sadness, sorrow, depression, or even maybe regretfulness be felt? For some, any of these could be a possibility or more. But what happens when you need to have that escape? What if you're in a pandemic like we are now, how do you… Read more.

Your Cardio Is About To Get A Workout…

April 12, 2020 ·

So your stuck inside and want to get out and be active. You can't get the gym and use the treadmill or any other cardio machines. You start to feel down. You just want to get your cardio workout in. You miss that connection with trainers and coaches Well, get ready as your wish is about to be granted. Features include: Full body, personalized workouts.Expert coaching from real fitness trainers.Workouts mapped to music from the world's most popular artists.Incredible photoreal… Read more.

When The Room Becomes A Dark Matter, Will You Be Able To Unravel The Mystery?

March 14, 2020 ·

The date is 1908. The place is The British Institue of Archaelology in Londone. The crime is one missing Egyptologist. It will be up to you to explore cryptic locations, enter the unknown, and enter the blurness between what is reality and what is illusion. But this will not be easy and you may start to question your own sanity of trying to figure out this mystery. Do you have what it takes to unravel the mystery when no one… Read more.

Your Poetic Journey Into Paper Beast Unfolds On…

March 9, 2020 ·

The world you thought you knew changes within. The world you stepped in, hidden from a data server where an ecosystem is born. But this place, this hidden section is full of delicate creatures where the bond that is created is more powerful than anything you imagined. How will you interact with these creatures? What will you find? What will be the reality? Find out when Paper Beast unfolds onto PlayStation VR on March 24, 2020. Until then ...please enjoy...… Read more.

Into The Radius – The Interview

February 20, 2020 ·

Imagine being part of a town where everyone knows everyone and it has this balance that just seems right. Then one day something happened that wiped out the town. As time passed, you would have many questions that all you want were the answers. But if you had a chance to get those answers, how far would you be willing to go to get them? Would you do whatever it took, no matter what would be in the unknown? With… Read more.

Can You Survive The Radius?

February 13, 2020 ·

Our town, it was everything you could have hoped it would be. Sure we had our ups and downs, but they were our ups and downs in our old mining town. But something happened 15 years ago that wiped us out. But as many questions that I have, there is an answer. The only problem with those answers is where to find them and then you have to ask yourself, is going into the radius worth the price? Is it… Read more.

Eclipse: Edge Of Light – The Review

January 14, 2020 ·

What if you suddenly were to crash land on a strange planet full of history, would you search for the answers no matter the sacrifice? Would you start to wonder if everything you worked for was for this moment or would self-awareness of the situation start to come into play? Would the mind be stronger or would the heart lead us on a soulful journey? All of these questions are valid ones that when asked among your peers, may have… Read more.

Eclipse: Edge of Light Is Coming To More VR Platforms…

January 12, 2020 ·

Imagine waking up on a mysterious alien planet that you crash-landed on. What you see intrigues you of this once civilization that seemed full of innocence, but somehow appears to be almost tricked in a way. But when you find a strange artifact that has power to interact with this technology of this planet, do you continue on with your curiosity? Features include: Full locomotion.Original Soundtrack.A truly immersive experience of an alien world.Multiple hours of gameplay. Will you have the… Read more.

Fujii – The Review

December 15, 2019 ·

One of the great things about Virtual Reality is the ability to allow you to escape your troubles. A way to enter a new dimension, a new world that you may all seem so familiar or a place and time you may have not ever thought about. It really is your own time machine to become whoever you want to become and whatever, whenever, or wherever you want it to be. It really is quite fascinating once you think about… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Interview

October 10, 2019 ·

Within Virtual Reality, many things can immerse us. From simplesounds to places we have never been before. It really is amazing. Butwhen you start to get into the horror aspect of it all, something isdifferent. Virtual Reality can take you out of your element and place inthe middle of it all. Your mind can start to have these thoughts, yourheart can start beating faster and all this is adding to the experience. Sowhen I found out that Fallen Planet Studios… Read more.

Detached – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

There is something about the calmness of space. Seeing all the stars, being able to see incredible views and weightlessness. It’s all very beautiful and poetic. But all that beauty could turn into something fearful if something went wrong. What if your time was limited? Who would hear you? What would be some of your possible last thoughts? So when I heard that Anshar Studios was, in fact, coming out with Detached for the PlayStation VR I had to know more. I had… Read more.

Stifled – The Interview

October 8, 2019 ·

In Virtual Reality it is important to be immersed in the world you are in. Not only visually, but the sound also is a big part of it. Ever since Stifled was announced to be coming to PlayStation VR, I was intrigued. Here is a game that is taking a different approach to using your voice as the primary visuals. So when I reached out to Gattai Games, Justin Ng was happy to answer some questions about Stifled, Gattai Games and his… Read more.

Witching Tower VR – The Review

October 7, 2019 ·

What would you do if a war tore the world as you knew it apart? Your worst visions coming true. Sickness becomes the new health and death becomes the new form of life roaming the lands. But after it was all said and done, you were the chosen one. What would you do? What questions would you have? Does Developer Daily Magic Productions show us what it means to be the chosen one? Let’s find out with Witching Tower VR for… Read more.

Mars Alive – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

One of the many things I thoroughly enjoy about Virtual Reality is how it can take you anywhere or make you become anyone, all from the comfort of your home. It takes gaming and experiences to levels that I see keep getting better and better. But have you ever thought about going to Mars and what it would be like? What would you have to do to survive? But do developer Future Tech and publisher Winking Entertainment show us what… Read more.

Luna – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Do you remember when you were younger and when it was story time and as the story was being told, your imagination began to show the story in new ways? Virtual Reality can show these stories in ways we didn’t think possible and can do wonders from the tales being told and make the characters come to life. But does developer Funomena allow us to see the story that is truly being told in a new and exciting way? Let’s… Read more.

Virtual Virtual Reality – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

If one day in the future all the jobs that humans would do were suddenly taken over, what would you do? If the AI started to develop a need for human companionship, would you sign up, or would you even have a choice? It is something to think about as machines and AI are already being used in today’s world, where those same things were once all human-controlled. But does Developer Tender Claws give us a glimpse of the future… Read more.

XING: The Land Beyond – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

When you have a life surrounded by the ones you love, it can be full of joy. When that life is taken away, great sadness can overcome the ones that were touched the most. But when one is reincarnated, the one that mattered the most will know that it will all be OK and yet there is still a purpose for the life that they have. But does Developer White Lotus Interactive show us that pathway from life to the… Read more.

18 Floors – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

If you somehow woke up in a room that seemed to have no escape, would your fears start to automatically kick in or would you be able to take the time to think about how to escape? Just imagine how it would feel like as your heart pounding, your mind starts to play tricks, and wonder who or what was doing this. But think about it, what would your last thoughts truly be or even your last words if you… Read more.

Titanic VR – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

It was supposed to be unsinkable. It was meant to be perfection. It was a ship built like no ever. On the evening of  April 14, 1912, at 11:40 pm, the Titanic hit an iceberg where everything changed forever. 1,496 lives ended that very early morning on April 15, 1912; the Titanic sank in 2 hours and 40 minutes. Their souls never had a chance to get off the Titanic to continue with their dreams as it sunk to the bottom… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Imagine for a moment if you were put into a situation where your comfort zone was thrown out. A place where, as soon as you open your eyes, you start to feel this unusual feeling inside, like your heart can already tell that it needs to get ready for something. Imagine not being able to escape unless you press forward. So does the developer, Fallen Planet Studios allow us to experience horror without any interaction, no puzzles to solve, or… Read more.

Transpose – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

I love sci-fi. I love the way it takes you on the adventure. I love how sometimes you can just see the energy that went from the idea to the visual product kind of like how it is in Virtual Reality. Think about the idea, envision the outcome, and prepare to allow people to experience a whole new world in new ways like never before. But does Developer Secret Location allow us to enter Virtual Reality to manipulate time along… Read more.

The Grand Museum VR – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Some days we may the inspiration to learn about the past and admire at a time where the world was not consumed by electronics and just escape. Thankfully Virtual Reality gives us the gateway to visit places far off, to see different cultures of the world, and appreciate art. But where normally you would have to go and pay admission or even have a membership to enjoy the artifacts, you no longer have to travel out of your home but… Read more.

Blind – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

If you lost your ability to see, what would do? How would you feel? Would you…could you adapt to the world that you have known? But would you let this set back keep you down or would you become stronger and turn it into a positive? But it seems that Developer Tiny Bull Studio and Publisher Fellow Traveller want to give us that experience with Blind for PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOA18Rq-T7Y Before even starting just take a moment to enjoy the beautiful music… Read more.

Detached – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Have you ever wondered what it would be like in space? Maybe working on a space station? The views alone would be so breathtaking that you would just have to stop and admire the beauty from above. I know I have thought about it and dreamed about what it would be like with no gravity and be able to float. It would be truly amazing. But then I cannot help sometimes start to wonder if I was up in space… Read more.

TO THE TOP – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Sometimes something comes along that really surprises me in Virtual Reality. Sometimes it’s not the escape, sometimes it’s just the ability to move and get to the goal that really can draw you in and make you want to stay and before you know it, hours and hours have passed. When you add in a soundtrack to keep you moving and immersive experience and you just might have a winner on your hands. So does To The Top that is developed by… Read more.

Along Together – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

When you have a story that is so heartwarming it's great. When that story can bring you in and bring you down to the level of where the characters bring life to that story, that is something special. But the question then becomes, can you bring that heart to a new level in Virtual Reality? Well, it seems that that is exactly what Turbo-Button has done with Along Together for the PlayStation VR. So what is Along Together really about? Its a story about… Read more.

Black Hat Cooperative – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Games can come in all shapes and sizes. Some have massive worlds while others have you contained in certain rooms. Some games require only for the single-player storytelling, while others require to be online. But sometimes, just sometimes there comes along something that is neither single nor online, but requires you to have someone with you in order to play. But the question is can this type of game be any fun? This is what Team Future Games hopes to… Read more.

Obduction – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

MYST. It was a game that launched back in 1993 and It was one of the best graphic puzzle adventure games at the time. It was one of those games that helped get a PC in your home. But what was so special is how you were just thrown in, with no clue of what was going on. All you had was a book that allowed you to travel to the island of Myst. By solving the puzzles, you could then… Read more.

Preta: Vendetta Rising – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

Back in June of 2017 when I first heard about this action RPG game that would be cross-platform play with Rift and Vive and playable in Virtual Reality, I became very intrigued that a game like this would be hacking and slashing its way to PlayStation VR. This had me very excited. And I am happy to say that Preta: Vendetta Rising developed by Illion Corp and published by YJM Games for PlayStation VR is exactly what I was hoping for and more. Preta:… Read more.

Ark Park – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

Dinosaurs have always been fascinating. The size of them to the sounds they can make. Did some travel in herds? Are some relatives of birds?  So much history we can learn from. Dinosaurs have been in everything from TV shows to movies to toys to games. When we first saw Jurassic Park and saw them out in the open for the first time to going through the gates and seeing that sign. I for one, like many others, have been waiting… Read more.

Rangi – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

When a game has puzzles, it can be fun. When the game has a certain theme to compliment the puzzles, it becomes a real joy to play. And I am happy to say, that if you like your games to be a joy to play, then Rangi from Developer Funsoft and published by Digigo, just might be the joy you have been searching for on the PlayStation VR. One thing you will notice about Rangi is how beautiful the world really is. The African… Read more.

Stifled – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

Your voice. It can sound fearful, it can harness your screams, and sometimes, just sometimes, it allows it to become your eyes. And when you start to think about taking your voice and teaming it up with darkness to then allow your sight that becomes a wonder. Now if you take all of this and add it to Virtual Reality, then you have something that is magically based on a what-if into something special, then you will know exactly what… Read more.

The Solus Project – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

It’s scenes like this from movies like The Martian that I some times pause or just look at the picture.  I wonder not what if, but when we actually start sending astronauts to Mars or other solar systems, if something were to happen, if somehow they become lost, how long would they survive and could they actually make it. Then I start to wonder, what if we could be put in a situation like that now to see how you… Read more.

Manifest 99 – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

"People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right." Truer words have never been spoken in such a transferring experience than with Flight School’s Manifest 99 for the PlayStation VR. I want to say this first before… Read more.

Soul Dimension – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

When you add an episodic tale and add that to Virtual Reality, something magical will happen where you are part of that story in immersive ways that must be experienced and Time of VR and Keen Vision are doing just that with their artistic vision of Soul Dimension for PlayStation VR. Playing as Frank, you have the ability to go across dreams. As you move around the house you start to remember and see what appears to be a vision of someone… Read more.

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