Kitten'd – The Review

December 1, 2019 ·

Kittens can be cuddly, they can be cute, and they can be the perfect pet for some people. But what would happen if you had multiple kittens of different breeds with different needs and if you gave them too much catnip? Either it would be pretty fun and amusing or there would be some chaos to be had. So does Developer Star Vault AB show us the fun with kitten ownership? Let’s find out with Kitten’d for the PlayStation VR.

I know what you might be thinking, multiple kittens in Virtual Reality,

Image result for but why gif

Now hear me out, when you first look at Kitten’d you may be the type of person that would automatically laugh it off or discourage it in any way. But I am going to say this now, Kitten’d is nothing quite like you think. What if I told you there were kittens in space with gravity or if the army had to be sent in to stop the kittens from destruction with explosions and the chaos you would want? Sounds interesting right? Well, that’s what you are getting, so let’s continue.

Kitten’d give you two options of play. You have the Story Mode and My Room Mode. In Story Mode, it is your job to keep the kittens (yes more than one) happy so you can earn points for new items so that you can advance through the meowesome catventrure. Once you start Story Mode, you are giving some options os to start the game, level select, visit My Room Mode, and even credits. As tempting as some might be to visit anything other than to select the first option, don’t. These things you can get to later. You will want to jump right in. What is interesting is the story is told through texts that seem to be from your significant other that have left you a present and this is where the fun begins as you start to question what you’re supposed to do with these new kittens.

So with both Move controllers (which there is an option to make them appear as hands that I didn’t even discover until later in the game) and very simple controls, you will need to do what you can to keep these kittens happy which could mean that you have to pet them, clean up after them, play with them, and pretty much make sure they don’t destroy the place. Sure this is easily done with two kittens, but it is when you start adding many more where the chaotic fun comes into play.

But it wouldn’t be any fun just taking care of the same two kittens with the same objects, would it? Yes, you have the food that you will have to refill in the bowl and the litter box that will need to be refilled, but depending on how well you do, you will earn coins that you can then use to purchase new items as well as upgrade those items. But in order to get that far, you will need to pay attention to the clock on the wall as you try to survive kitten ownership until the time runs out. If the kittens do too much damage, then you do not get to move on to the next round. So a tip I will share is to keep the food and litter near you so you can refill when needed. Oh, and feel free to grab two kittens and rub them against each other if you find that more kittens are a bit too much to handle. But with everything going on, be on the lookout for some surprises from certain breeds (such as Siamese, Sphynx and more) to even hats and items that the kittens can wear. Godzilla hat for the win!

Just when you think you may have it all, new situations appear. Ran out of food, grab some chicken from the fridge to cook it on the stove while trying to not catch that on fire and make sure the kittens don’t go to the bathroom all over the place that you then hope you can get the stains out on your white couch with cleaner that has limited use and to throw even more fuel to the fire, make sure the kittens don’t jump out the window and do this all while trying to keep them happy as well as your sanity.

But it’s when you start to get into the later levels is when you didn’t think it was possible, becomes just that. I don’t want to spoil how you get into space, but yes, you do end up in space while trying to take care of the kittens. Then being introduced to no gravity as well as lasers that may start fires or trying to keep the kittens from getting into the escape pods and being sent out into space, that you realize not “but why”, but why not?

When you need to take a break and ponder if owning a kitten or kittens is the right thing to do or if you are a new kitten owner and want to make sure you made the right decision, (don’t worry, you probably have and will) you can enter My Room Mode where you can just chill out and relax, adopt and sell kittens, buy and sell items, upgrade your tools and room or even the mysterious wait one hour where you need to let one hour pass, Kitten’d has something for everyone.

If there is anything I would like to see is the continuation of the pet genre. We have Kitten’d, so now we need Puppy’d and then why not follow that up with some multiplayer Kitten’d vs Puppy’d for even more fun.

Kitten’d shows us that sometimes not everything is what it seems and that we should judge a book by its cover and if we give that judgment a chance, we might just find out how much we could enjoy things a little bit more.

Kitten’d is out now for PlayStation VR and is also available on the Oculus Store, Steam, and Viveport. A review code was provided.

To learn more about Kitten’d, please visit the site, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, follow them on Instagram, and subscribe to their YouTube channel. To learn more about Star Vault AB, please visit their site.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy. Until next time, I am going to go see what else I can go and upgrade.

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