BOXVR – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Boxing can be an amazing workout. From the punches that are thrown to the ducking and moving that you do. It really can be a workout to make you sweat and get your heart pumping. But has Developer FitXR found a way to bring music, working out, and trainers to the mix? I am going to go ahead and answer this now and say that yes, yes they have. Let’s find out more about BOXVR for the PlayStation VR.

I am going to stress that before you begin any workout, you will need to stretch, have available water near you, a towel, and please turn on a fan. With that said, make sure you have both Move controllers charged and get ready to sweat.

BOXVR is a rhythm music boxing game where you hit targets along with the music. But there is so much more to in what Developer FitXR is doing here and is something I can really appreciate. You have a choice to either jump right in or what I would recommend and start with the tutorial to at least get to used to how things will be working. For those that might be just starting out to get to a better you, BOXVR does not come off intimidating in any way and I got the sense from the initial tutorial that it does welcome you, but at the same time, that it will challenge you, especially when you get into the one-hour sessions. Yes, ONE HOUR.

Once you have the training down, it’s time to start to get into your workout by jumping into classes and selecting your gym which is a day, night, or outside (which is my favorite). So before you try going in and saying you got this and then pull something, start with the beginner just to get used to the flow of everything. But what I like is how you can break down your workout by the time limit. If you want to do workouts that are under 10 minutes or an hour; it’s up to you. Regardless of what you choose, you are doing your body some good.

But as in boxing, it’s not just straight punches, as you will be doing hooks and uppercuts all while timing it right to the beats of the music. As the song starts, to your upper right, you see how long is left in the song as well as the calories you are burning. In the upper left, you will see your score increase depending on how well you hit the punch. Right above the score is how many consecutive hits of the targets you have hit. Miss one and that number you have been so proud of goes to zero. This didn’t frustrate me as it challenged me to make sure I followed through and made me want to do better than before, almost getting me in the mindset of becoming a better me. Well done with the psychology there…well done.

I like how at the very end of each of the sessions it will show you your stats from how well you dodged to how well your punches were done. But as I was playing, I started to have a lot of fun and then realized that the harder I worked at this and the more time I put in, I could see some real results and that is where BOXVR is here to help you. Not only are there fitness instructors that have helped produce workouts that help go after those calories, but they have done it in a way that makes you want to stick with this and continue to improve on you and I think that really says a lot.

But let’s talk about how BOXVR gives you more in its package of motivation. Yes, you have the boxing, you have the music to hit the targets to, you have the fitness instructors to help you along the way, but what if you needed that extra step of motivation? What if you wanted to prove who you are as the number one champion of the world? Would you step up? Well, the choice is yours because not only are there local and global leaderboards, but you can go online against another player where, unfortunately, you don’t get to see the other player, but both of your scores are updated and live as you are playing which is a really nice touch.

Let’s talk about music a little bit more here. Not only are there over 100 music tracks to select from, but you do have different genres to select from that include rock, hip hop, dance, and POP, and you can also create your own playlists from these songs to help customize your workouts, which do add variety and that is a very good thing to have when it comes to working out.

There are some things that I wish were included. When playing multiplayer, I would love to have the option to see the other person, as it might add some fun. This is not a necessity, but just something that would be kind of cool to have. The next one is with the custom playlist. Yes, the number of music tracks available is impressive, but I would love the ability to maybe add our own songs via thumb drive. Everyone has a favorite song and being able to box for an hour while listening to your own songs would be amazing. And lastly, I would love to be able to see more gyms added. Maybe being able to box outside in the snow or a thunderstorm and then have the lightning also go along with the music would be awesome. Who knows, this could be added in an update.

In life, we sometimes come across things that we may have done before, but just in a different view, and sometimes we come across things that are refreshing and just feel like something new, exciting, and motivating, and that is what BOXVR has easily done here. I mean some would be happy with over a 100 music tracks to box to and some might be happy with the ability to track your progress so you can set your own goals, but I think what we all want to do is to look at a picture to see where we started from and then look in the mirror to show your dedication and have people start asking you what you did to get into the shape that you are in and you can tell them it’s because of Virtual Reality and BOXVR.

BOXVR is out now on PlayStation VR and is also available on the Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift/S on the Oculus Store, Steam, and Viveport. A review code was provided.

To learn more about FitXR, please visit their site, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, follow them on Instagram, and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy. Until next time, I am going to continue on my journey to a better me.

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