Firewall Zero Hour Welcomes You To DLC #4…

February 25, 2019 ·

You have played the game. You have armed your Aim controller. You have gone into battle with your friends and against your friends (You know the ones that are not supposed to shoot you when you are on the same team but yet still find a way to do so just so they can make a point as you are the innocent one…Yes, there is actually a BRAH who does this and it’s not me). It seems that we are about to get rewarded again. The amazing team at First Contact Entertainment is about to unleash the awesomeness. But what will we get? That is a very good question. Let’s find out…

First, there are two new contractors –

Meet Jag – If ambush is your game then Jag is the one for you. Jag allows you to bring three, yes three mines in that can defiantly help turn the tides, especially if you are on defense. But if the ambush skill is what you are after, you will need to be at least level 31 and it will cost you 25,000 Crypto.

Firewall Zero Hour

Meet Node – Did you happen to die trying to plant C4 as you were trying to be the one that protected your friend, but it was actually their fault that you died because they tried to shoot you and claim that it was meant for the other team? Well, if that happens to you and I am sure it will, then Node will come in handy as he can set off your C4 to help avenge your death caused by “the other team”. But Node’s fee is not cheap as you will need to be at least level 43 and it will cost you 35,000 Crypto.

Firewall Zero Hour

Get ready for new weapons –

But in order to acquire so said weapons, you first have to prove that you can handle them by reaching the following levels and paying that Crypto fee:

  • The 9MM Stinger (SMG) (Unlocked at Level 24 / Crypto 24,000)
  • The JA-300 (AR) (Unlocked at Level 42 / Crypto 42,000)
  • The H5 Hornet (AR) (Unlocked at Level 50 / Crypto 42,000)

If you are a PS+ member and by now you really should be, you have until March 14th to grab this beauty for free:

Firewall Zero Hour

And by this point, I am sure you have seen all the other players with cool face paint and camos. Fear not as new face paints, camos, and trinkets will be available:

Firewall Zero Hour

New Face Paints:

  • Kiwi
  • Eagle
  • Spider
  • Janus

Get your new clothing with all new camo patterns:

  • Geometric
  • Lava
  • Circuit
  • Splinter

Want new trinkets? Then get the pack…

Firewall Zero Hour
  • Lil’ Nala
  • Lil’ Okoro
  • Lil’ Skip
  • Lil’ Diaz

And that’s not all, you have spoken and First Contact Entertainment continues to listen with these updates…

  • The new set of laptop locations in the Shoothouse map
  • The improved knife hit detection
  • Fine-tuning of matchmaking

Get ready for that update when Firewall Zero Hour DLC #4 comes to PlayStation VR on February 26, 2019

Until then…please enjoy…

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