In what is some very exciting news, it looks like to be an awesome partnership between Charm Games and Perp Games has been made and are bringing two previously digital titles into physical form (no pun intended) to give those physical collectors and those wanting to extend their PlayStation VR library.
First we have FORM that has you entering a surreal adventure where puzzles are built from dreams and memories. Can you solve the mystery behind an ancient artifact and advance through a world that transforms around you?
Next, we have Twilight Path. Where you will discover that you have become trapped in a mystical spirit world between the real world and the afterlife. You will need to solve the puzzles and appreciate the beauty within this world.
So are you ready for not one, but two games that will allow you to escape? Can the puzzles be solved? Will dreams and a way home be in your path? Find out when the physical edition double pack of FORM and Twilight Path release in the EU and on the Perp Games Store on March 5, 2021.
Until then…please enjoy…