Fall is a special time of year as the seasons are changing, the trees are turning those awesome Fall colors, and the weather is starting to get cooler. But it’s also time for the holidays to kick in and with that, so is the time to start thinking about others and how you can help. Well, Humble has an awesome VR deal for you and it’s all for a good cause. How would you like to own some amazing games in VR? What games you might ask? Let’s start by just paying $1.00…yes, just $1.00 which you could get the following:

- A-Tech Cybernetic
- Archangel: Hellfire Fully Loaded.
- Killing Floor Incursion
To buys separate would be over $45.00, but you get all three for donating $1.00. But wait, there’s more. If you pay $10.00 or more, you also can get:

- Raw Data
So for $11.00 or more for donating, you are getting 4 games that would cost more than $65.00 combined. I know, there couldn’t possibly be anything else…well, sorry to disappoint in this time for giving, but there is. If you pay just $15.30 or more, you also get the following:

- I Expect You To Die
- Creed: Rise to Glory
So let’s make sure we have that right. Donate $15.30 or more and get not 1, not 2, but 6 games that separately would cost you over a $120.00. I know…I get it. It’s a lot to take in. but why not go even a step further? If you pay $17.00 or more, you will also get:

- The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
- Zero Caliber
So for just paying $17.00 or more, you are getting essentially 8 games that would normally cost you over $185 to purchase for just $17.00 or more. And this is not just for nothing, this is for charity. Humble is having their Fall VR bundle where you can support charity. This month it’s for Child’s Play, but if you want to select another charity you can as there are thousands to choose from. So what are you waiting for? The way 2020 has gone, why not end it in a positive for not only you but for someone that could really use the help.
But don’t wait too long as this bundle will end on Monday, November 23rd which happens to be the week of Thanksgiving. So get ready…help out…and see you in Virtual Reality.