All Hail the Cook-O-Tron releases on Steam

August 6, 2021 ·

All Hail the Cook-O-Tron releases on Steam

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December 20, 2020

All Hail the Cook-O-Tron is a physics-based VR cooking game. You play as a contender in a cooking competition designed to hone your cooking and time management skills to ultimately please the robotic food critic known as the Cook-o-Tron.

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All Hail the Cook-O-Tron releases for the Oculus App Lab on the Oculus Store.

All Hail the Cook-O-Tron is a physics-based VR cooking game. You play as a contender in a cooking competition designed to hone your cooking and time management skills to ultimately please the robotic food critic known as the Cook-o-Tron.
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