Minecraft Could Be Escaping The Reality You Know On PlayStation…

June 11, 2020 ·

One thing that no one can really argue is the success that is Minecraft. Being able to build, craft, and make amazing things from randomly generated worlds either alone or with friends. But there is something that I always admired and that is when Minecraft received the VR treatment on Gear VR and then expanded to the PCVR aspect of things. But there has always been the questions of if and when Minecraft would be coming to PlayStation VR. In a recent list of completions, it looks like the support for PlayStation VR has been completed as it has been in works for a while with a recent patch note to support this completion.

This is a very good thing for PlayStation VR players and Minecraft players alike. Keep in mind, while the official announcement has not been made, it is something to be hopeful and wishful about.

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