Oculus Link Price Announced…

October 27, 2019 ·

When Oculus Quest released in May of 2019, some were wondering if they would ever get the opportunity to play and experience some of the PCVR games that were not out on the Oculus Quest. Then in September of 2019 at the Oculus Connect 6 Event, it was announced that the Oculus Link for the Oculus Quest would be coming to the Oculus Quest towards the end of 2019.

So what does the Oculus Link really mean for the Oculus Quest? Let’s check it out:

  • Seamlessly pair the Oculus Quest with your PC.
  • Access to your Rift library.
  • Access to Oculus Home/Dash.
  • No latency.
  • Thinner and longer fiber optical cable at 5 meters or just a little bit over 16 feet.

The free update is coming in November that will allow anyone with an Oculus Quest headset to access Oculus Rift content from their compatible VR gaming PCs. Third-party vendors will have access to make their own cables, but in this case, you will have a choice to make by selecting to get an off-brand cable or spend $80 for an official Oculus brand cable. So will you be getting the one? Don’t miss the opportunity to be notified when the Oculus Link cable releases.

Until then…please enjoy…

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