Tag: Pirates

The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend – The Review

May 19, 2024 ·

The life of a pirate is a very interesting one. Some perceive pirates of thievery, while some envy and wonder what life they truly live. Some people experience their encounters with pirates firsthand. But others only dream of what it would be like to live the life of a pirate. If you could live your life as a pirate, what would you do? Would you search for treasure or try to hide the treasure you have? Would you sail from… Read more.

Whenever The Rats Are Even Corrupted, Nothing Seems To Be Sacred…

January 7, 2024 ·

I never said my life as an Alchemist was easy, but it can be very profitable. It wasn't until I drifted to that abandoned Pirate ship that I realized how corrupt things can become. There seem to be rats upon this vessel of the sea who will go to great lengths to protect the secrets of the sports and this ship. It's time to end this corruption, even if it is the last thing that I do. Features include: WIELD… Read more.

The Cove Launches The Alpha Demo…

May 31, 2021 ·

The Cove. The game is shaping up to be the pirate adventure that features sailing, hunting for that treasure, facing the undead crew of Captain Blackbeard, a game that looks to add some fun in Virtual Reality. Well, good news for those that just want to get that feel of the game before the final game as MoonShine Games has just released an Alpha Demo. Now, this demo is a name your own price, but that's a good thing as… Read more.

If You Don’t Pay Your Tab, You Just May Be Part Of The Underworld Forever…

April 30, 2021 ·

There is one thing to say, that a pirate's life is never dull. Maybe it's the thrill of the adventure or maybe all the rum that is being drunk and no one is paying their tabs. Maybe that's why some fear that dreaded Debt Collector, but not me. But these pirates know where the best service is, they know no other place will allow these types of pirate scum to visit their establishments. But one thing is for sure if… Read more.

The Cove – The Interview

April 30, 2021 ·

When you hear the words sea, ships, treasure, and even islands, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Adventure, uncertainty, and even danger come to mind. But another word also comes to mind and that is pirates. Something about being out at sea on your own ship looking for treasure with the uncertainty of it all does kind of put that thought in your head and makes you think for a moment about what if you could be… Read more.

Battlewake’s Update Is…

October 22, 2019 ·

That’s right all you pirates of the sea, Battlewake has fired its weapon and that weapon is headed for all players on PlayStation VR as well on the Oculus Store and Steam. But what can ye expect from such a weapon? The PlayStation VR update v.102 includes: Any crash fixes.Weapon damage/accuracy repairs.Squashed bugs that may have infiltrated the Plunder PvP.Pro patch. The Oculus and Steam update v1.0.1 includes Various crash and stability improvements.Calibration: Fixed an issue where the player would be… Read more.

Battlewake – The Review

October 7, 2019 ·

When you think of Pirates, what comes to mind? Stories that you have read, movies that you have seen or even games that you have played. For me, the one thing that comes to mind it the ride at Disney World, Pirates of the Caribbean. There is just something as soon as you get close to that ride and finally step inside out of the sun, that you can just smell the adventure, hear that music and that voice and… Read more.

Pirate Flight (VR) – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

I want to tell you a tale of a boy that wanted to fly. One who had dreamed of flying in the open air. He wanted to fly through the clouds and explore the island in ways he normally could not? The boy thought about becoming a pirate and wanted to go on adventures to discover the island. He heard the stories of Captains, fairies, and magical dust and he knew deep down he wanted to be a part of… Read more.

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