With the action swinging deep into Tarzan VR, it looks like a recent update has been unleashed to make for an even better experience on PlayStation VR. But you may be wondering what could possibly have been updated, fixed, or overall made for a better experience? Check out what's new in the recent updates... Reduced necessary force to break padlock and boxReduced movement in waterAdded tutorial message with “Beat Chest” close to the door that opens using the Tarzan callAdded… Read more.
Escape Into Your Reality
Tag: Steampunk Studios
Growing up in the jungle has got to be rough. There are fears of the unknown, dangers around every corner, and hoping that as you swing that you never fall. But sometimes it takes facing those fears in order to become who we were meant to be even if who we were meant to be was a great ape-man. Features include: Episodic single-player adventure.Swinging - Swing effortlessly from vine to vine across spectacular landscapes. Swing “Hand over Hand” to incrementally… Read more.