With the action swinging deep into Tarzan VR, it looks like a recent update has been unleashed to make for an even better experience on PlayStation VR. But you may be wondering what could possibly have been updated, fixed, or overall made for a better experience? Check out what’s new in the recent updates…
- Reduced necessary force to break padlock and box
- Reduced movement in water
- Added tutorial message with “Beat Chest” close to the door that opens using the Tarzan call
- Added highlight to lights spinning in “weak points” of tower in boss fight of Issue 02
- Fixed boss fight in Issue 02
- Fixed boss fight wall collider in Issue 02
- Fixed player respawn point
- Fixed flickering torches in final scene
- Fixed “Tarzan Takedown” collider check
- Remapping of Input Controllers (based on community feedback)
- Button to interact with Menu changed from X to O in Japanese
- Added tutorial message with “Break” at the rockslide of Issue 01
- Enemies have a “dissolve” animation after being beat (to avoid pop out)
- Weapons now work with GRAB instead of TAKEDOWN button
- Fixed fire arrows burning underwater
- Fixed hall of mirrors at End of Issue 03
- Fixed hall of mirror at the ending an issue animation(outro)
- Fixed some boxes breaking when loading scenes
- Fixed cases where the disc on the gramophone in Tarzan’s home was rotating incorrectly
- Fixed bug whereby players could interact with the world with Menu open
- Fixed Enemy being grabbable without being on Floor or Stunned (can only grab when knocked down or stunned)
These really are some impressive improvements and that’s a good thing.
Tarzan VR is out now on PlayStation VR.
In case you missed the trailer…please enjoy…