When Plan A Fails, Plan B Is Going To Be A Shot Through The Heart…

January 23, 2024 ·

The signs were there. They were even told about them…about him, one Marko Sokovic. But it seems that they did not listen. Maybe they were part of the problem this whole time. But if Sokovic thinks he has everyone paid, and that his promises mean anything, then I don’t see this as much as a problem because I am the solution. Get ready Sokovic, because when it comes time, I will not hesitate to take that heart shot.

Features include:

  • Story driven VR
  • Chaotic gunplay meets retro-inspired cinematic environments
  • Manipulate your environments
  • Variety of weapons and attachments with an intuitive interaction system to let you customize your loadout on the fly
  • Throwing auto-aim system

What action will you be a part of? Will your aim be spot on? Do you have what it takes to make the shot count? Find out when HEARTSHOT comes to Steam VR Early Access on February 29, 2024.

Until then…please enjoy…

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