When The Cries Of Athena Are Heard, How Will You Prepare For Pandora’s Box?

October 2, 2022 ·

We had the Gods that looked over us, protected us, and reminded us of who we are. But those who have chosen to forget and worship the gods soon learned the consequences. There was one that they should have never turned their back on and that is the god of war, Ares, who vowed to take the world by force. But there was something that shouldn’t have been opened, that had to be opened in order to bring balance, and that was Pandora’s Box.

Features include:

  • Create your own battles
  • Fight on the battlefield as a mortal, play as a god, or simply spectate the battle – the choice is yours
  • Destructible and interactive environments such as breakable buildings or trees that can be used as weapons
  • A variety of AI types to create your battles including the minotaur, siege weapons, and modern-day soldiers
  • Command your army down to the individual level to follow, charge, or let them act on their own accord
  • Choose from a large arsenal of weapons and combat mechanics – fight with sword or bow, guns or cannons, or as a massive all-mighty god
  • Mission mode where you can use strategy and tactics to fight the forces of Ares and overcome battle scenarios

What armies will you command? What weapons will you use? Are you ready to play or will you rule the battlefield? Find out when Cry of Athena comes to Steam VR.

Until then…please enjoy…

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