When The World Is Full Of Debt, It’s Time To Collect…

July 19, 2021 ·

When you owe money and don’t pay, sometimes, bad things can happen to good people. And sometimes the good people make bad choices resulting in owing more than one can afford. One side just wants what is due to them and rightfully so. The other side wanted more than the actual need and now it’s time to pay that debt. But sometimes when asking nicely, things may not go as planned. That’s where I fit in. I am the repo man, the debt collector. This may not be a profession that everyone can do. Some say it’s a tough gig to get into and some say it’s not respectable. For me, it’s what I do best.

Features include:

  • The debt collection industry is waiting for you! – We employ high-class specialists whose experience guarantees the high effectiveness of debts collection. We solve cases based on invoices, judgments, court orders as well as unsuccessful bailiff executions, and the actions of other debt collection companies. We achieve our high effectiveness through the direct visits of debt collectors throughout the country.
  • Work for unscrupulous people -Will you have the strength to vindicate a hospital? A factory? Start with individual houses and later you will become a real debt collector. Who knows, maybe in the future you will become the best in the city.
  • Big business is big debt! Remember, everyone has what you want, find a way to get it. The success of the mission depends on you.

Will the job be an easy one? Will you get your point across? Will you be able to collect the debt? Find out when Repo Man VR comes to Steam.

Until then…please enjoy…

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